Should I make a comment on a Literotica story after reading it?

Every story, audio, or other work published on Literotica has its own public comment board. Located at the bottom of the last page of the work (below the voting element), the public comment board is where readers can share their feedback about the work with the author and other readers. All comments on the public comment board are public - viewable by anyone who reads the story.

If you enjoy a story, we highly recommend that you leave a public comment letting the author know. As a reader, comments (along with Votes and Favorites) are the primary way for you to thank the author for their hard work in creating the story - and to encourage them to create more works in the future. Some Lit authors watch the number of comments on a published work closely to try to judge whether or not that work connected with readers. By adding a comment, you are showing the author that you appreciate the work and their efforts in creating it.

Common types of comments that readers make on Literotica works include:

  • Thank the author for writing the work.
  • Let the author and other readers know that the story was a turn-on.
  • Let the author and readers know that you share their kink or fetish.
  • Let the author and readers know your favorite part of the story.
  • Let the author know if you think that their writing is improving over previous stories.
  • Let the author know some part of the story that you would like to see further explored.
  • Give constructive criticism on how you might have ended the story differently, etc.
  • Encourage the author to continue the story in a next chapter or series.
  • Let the author know that they story has earned them a new follower.
  • Tell the author you are looking forward to their next work.

Please always be respectful when leaving a public comment for an author. Literotica authors are real human beings, and are usually writing because it is their passion, not their business. Your words of encouragement mean a lot to them, and any rudeness has the potential to be hurtful. It is against community guidelines to intentionally insult or otherwise abuse any Literotica author. Most authors appreciate constructive criticism, but no author wants to be insulted or otherwise disrespected.

Authors have the ability to moderate all comments made on their stories, and the site admins also remove inappropriate comments. If you see a comment that you believe is in violation of our community or content guidelines, please use the “Report This Comment” feature to alert the moderators.

Comments that violate Lit rules may be removed by the site moderators. Authors also have the ability to remove any comment they want (for any reason at any time) from all of their published works.

Authors may turn public comments on or off for each of their published works. If you see a work that does not have a comment board, that means that the author has public comments turned off.

Any member who uses a comment board for spamming, posting off-topic messages, or violating community guidelines, may have their account suspended.

To see the latest comments on stories, audio, and other works published at Literotica, visit the Comments Hub.