Android of My Dreams

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Dragan creates his perfect mate.
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"I'll see you next week, Greg. Great game, man! Hey, can you believe we actually survived the attack on that goblin camp? Thirty against 5! Lucky for us, the GM was having a bad dice night." The excitement in Dragan's voice was palpable.

"Oh, I know, I know. It was so wicked! I'm really glad you found Jeff online. We really needed a good GM after that last one we had. What was his name, Rob or something like that?"

"Ron, his name was Ron and he wasn't that bad," Dragan defended, "I only invited him because Stevens kept pestering me."

"What does your personal shopper have to do with this? Wait, don't tell me, his son?" Greg questioned.

"Nephew, actually. Hey, he said Ron loved to play and had run his own game for like five years. Who knew it was a game he ran by himself for himself," Dragan laughed as he continued, "Oh well, live and learn."

"Definitely. Anyway, I have to jet. I've got to be at work by 10 tomorrow, which will give me about 6 hours of sleep if I hurry," he said heading for the door.

"Alright. See you next week. Hey, call me when you get the specs on that new processor you guys are working on and I'll make my decision on backing you."

"Hey thanks! Aah, the benefits of having the independently wealthy in your gaming group," Greg laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get out of here before I get blamed for keeping you. Give Shirley my love and let her know how much I loved her brownies." Dragan rubbed his stomach contently.

"Will do, man. Hey, what are you up to tomorrow? Maybe I can drop by for lunch. I might have the specs by then," Greg inquired.

"Probably sleeping until about 1 or 2 and then who knows. I saw some things online I wanted to check out but other than that, dunno. I'll be here though. Drop by and I'll have Chef make you something."

"Cool. David's cooking is delicious. Thanks!" he paused, "Oh by the way, if I haven't told you recently, you really need to get out. Have you called that psychotherapist I told you about?"

"Yeah. She thinks she can help get me outside, which would be great. She's coming by on Tuesday."

"Awesome! It won't be long before you can start doing normal things, like going to grocery store and the mall."

"I doubt it will be that soon, but I'm hopeful," Dragan said shrugging.

"Alright man. I'll let myself out. See you tomorrow about 2ish," Greg said, leaving.

"Right. Bye."

Turning back to the game table, he grabbed his laptop, shut off the music and headed for the door as well. Dragan's gaming room, or dungeon as he liked to call it, was on the lower level of the mansion. He had it designed to look like exactly like a medieval dungeon, complete with wall torches and shackles. The table was made of solid stone and the chairs looked like stone but were extremely comfortable. They had built in heat and massage. His friends loved them. It was one of his favorite rooms in the mansion.

Carrying his laptop under his arm, he headed to his room, which was on the third floor. Once there he stripped down to his boxers and flopped onto the large comfy couch.

"Let's see what's on the menu tonight? Prego? BBW? Oh wait, I think tonight's specialty is girl on girl, yummy," he said aloud, amused.

He had been surfing for about an hour without finding one single site that thrilled him. It was always the same pictures and movies. He should really think about starting his own production company or maybe just hiring one of the big names like Seymour to supply him with fresh content.Not a bad idea actually. I think his company is housed in Cali as well. I'll put that on my list of things to do tomorrow,he thought to himself as he continued to mindlessly surf.

He paused as one of the links caught his eye, then said aloud, "Well hello, what do we have here?" He hit the link and it took him to a site called Create A Mate.

The site claimed to sell realistic cybernetic female companions that would act and respond just like a human. It claimed that the robot would be the perfect mate and that she would never judge, always loving even the most repulsive man.

At 26, Dragan was far from repulsive, in fact, he had often been told by woman and a few men that he strongly resembled Val Kilmer, except that he had blondish red hair and dark green eyes. If it weren't for the phobias he developed after his parents were killed, he was certain he would have a very active social life, not to mention sex life.

Interesting, he thought as he scanned it.

The sight was well built and looked legitimate. The more he read the more intrigued he became. The robot was powered by a renewable power source, the sun, and she only needed to be exposed for less than an hour a day. Her skin absorbed the rays of the sun, converting it into energy. They explained the process in detail, but as interesting as he found it, a lot of it was beyond even him.

"Amazing," he said aloud.

In the center of the page there was pair of jiggling boobs with the text "For more information CLICK HERE". The "Click Here" was centered directly over the tits. He decided that getting some more information wouldn't betoopathetic.

As much as the possibility of having a companion after all these years thrilled him, he didn't get his hopes too high.

It's not like this technology is even possible yet, but what the hell,he thought to himself shrugging.

The contact form was fairly mundane, so he filled it out. It only took a few seconds and he hit submit without even giving it a second thought. He looked at his watch and was shocked when it read 5:25am.

Fuck! How could it be this late?he thought.

Unfortunately, he was wide awake and frustrated as hell. He did the only thing he could at this hour. He pulled out one of his favorite anal videos and stuck it into the DVD player. He turned on his TV and the action came to life on his 72 inch plasma screen.Nothing like moaning in surround sound,he thought, laughing. It wasn't long before he found just the right scene and showed himself some self love.


"Master Dragan, wake up, sir. You have a phone call," Dragan stirred not wanting to wake, "Please, sir, wake up."

"What is it Alistair?" He asked his manservant. "What time is it?" he asked certain he had only slept for an hour or so.

"It is half past three, sir."

Dragan was surprised by that. He must have slept poorly. It was unlike him to sleep so long.

"Did Greg stop by? Did Chef feed him?" He asked not truly caring.

"Yes sir, he left you something in the study and of course we fed him," Alistair said as if it should have been expected. "Chef whipped up something that smelled wonderful."

"Good, good. Now who's on the phone?" he asked stretching.

"Megan, from Silicon Valley Cybernetics. Do you want to take the call in here? I have the cordless."

"Please. I may be up but far from ready to get out of bed," he said amused that they called so quickly.

"Here you are sir. Just hit the hold button," he said pausing, "I will leave you too your call, sir and will be back with your breakfast shortly."

"Thanks, Alistair."

He depressed the hold button and answered, "This is Dragan."

"Mr Petrović, this is Megan Reynolds from Silicone Valley Cybernetics. I received your email requesting more information on our girls. Do you know much about our company?"

She had a pleasant enough phone voice but she butchered his name, but then again everyone did. He couldn't have a simple name like his mothers maiden name, Smitts.Oh no, father had to be from Serbia and bring with him Petrović. I should really consider changing that name. Maybe I should just take my first name and drop the last all together, like Madonna or Prince. Dragan,he thought, amused as hell.

"Mr Petrović? Are you there sir?" She asked.

"Oh yes, sorry. I'm here and please call me Dragan," he insisted.

"Well, ok, Dragan. Do you know much about our company?"

"Just what I read on your site, which if I must say, sounds totally unbelievable."

"I can understand that. Well why don't I give you some information and background on our company and then I can answer any questions you may have."

"Sounds good," he paused a moment thinking, "Actually, I'm kinda busy today, so why don't I just ask you what I really wanted to know and then if I am still interested, I can set up a time for you to give me your full spiel?"

"Fair enough, sir."

Dragan jumped right in without any hesitation, "Was the site for real? Do you really have the ability to make a fully functional, believable companion? What is the cost and how long is the production time?"

"Well, let me start first with the costs since it would be a waste of your time should it not be acceptable. The base cost for one of our 'girls' is 10.2 million dollars; however that price varies depending on the options and level of programming you require. The..."

"10.2 million dollars?" he interrupted rudely, "And you placed this add on a porn site? Who runs your marketing? What a waste! Most schmucks surfing porn sites wouldn't have that kind of money. Do you really call every single one of them?"

"Actually,sir, we only call back a select few. Most get an automated email response including the price, some general info, and graphic photos, which is what they mostly wanted anyway. Our systems are set up to flag only those names which have monetary notoriety. We only make initial phone contact only with those candidates. Now may I continue, sir," she sounded annoyed.

"That makes more sense. Please continue, Megan."

"Where was I? Oh yes. The companion is fully functional both sexually and socially. She sleeps, eats, laughs, and cries. She has great capacity for learning and comes standard knowing seven languages of your choice. If we were to start production within the next week, she could be shipped to you by New Years Eve. Does this sound like something you would be interested in, sir?"

Holy shit, very! Where do I sign?he said to himself.

"You have my attention, Megan. But I have another question? Your site stated that she would be guaranteed to love me no matter what. How can you make this guarantee and what happens if shelearnsto dislike me?"

He tried hard not to show the vulnerability he was feeling. He was such a reclusive geek that he hadn't had a girlfriend in nearly 6 years and not for lack of trying. He was subscribed to all the matchmaking sites and services he could find, but every time he met the next woman of his dreams, she turned out to be a money grubbing, stuck up, bitch. They all feigned interest in the beginning but he could always tell it was the money they wanted and not him.

"That is relatively simple, Dragan," she said bringing him back from his internal rant, "We send a psychiatrist to your home to administer in depth psychological tests. In addition, we also send an AV crew. The AV crew places several surveillance cameras in every room of your house filming your every move, day and night for two weeks. They document your habits and quirks, good and bad. The data we collect is then analyzed. Using the results of the data, we program your companion to be accepting of all of aspects of your personality. She will also have a team of technicians assigned to her, available to adjust any aspects you find intolerable."

"So then, if I understand you correctly, she can just be reprogrammed if we have interaction problems?"

"That is correct, sir."

"Sounds great! Can I send my jet to pick you up tomorrow? I would like to get this started as soon as possible," he said sounding way too eager.

"Well we typically like to have you come to the office to see one of our companion demonstrations and to sit down with our designers to create one of your own."

"That is not an option, Ms Reynolds. I have agoraphobia and have not left my home in nearly 6 years, so I must insist that you bring everything and everyone you need for this to my home tomorrow."

"As you wish sir," she said without skipping a beat, "I will bring our team, including Amber, our companion, to your home in the morning. Could you please have your jet land at our airstrip? We can be ready at, let's see," she said pausing. Dragan could hear her flipping through papers. "Would 8am tomorrow be acceptable?"

"Absolutely! Thank you for being so understanding of my limitations. Will you need anything specific from me tomorrow?"

"No, sir. We will bring everything needed to make this process enjoyable. Just relax and we will take care of everything."

"Great. I will have you speak to Alistair to get the address of the airstrip as well as all your contact information. Just one moment."

Without waiting for a response he put her on hold and pulled the cord next to the bed, calling Alistair in.

"Did you need something, Sir?" Alistair asked formally.

"Alistair, could you please take down Ms Reynolds' information and then make arrangements for the jet to pick her and her crew up at their facility tomorrow morning at 8am? They will probably need ground transportation so make sure they have whatever they need."

"Of course, sir. Should I bring in your breakfast now?"

"Yes, thank you. I am starving."


The crew from Silicon Valley arrived at 10 am. It took 3 vans and a box truck to bring all the equipment and staff from his private airfield to the mansion. Megan's staff consisted of 15 in total, including her.

He introduced himself as soon she and another woman came through the door. She was a very good looking woman with long blonde hair and a tight curvy figure.

"Megan, so good of you to come on such short notice. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Dragan Petrović." He extended his hand in greeting, smiling. Her grip was delicate and warm, her hands soft and well manicured.

"Good morning, Mr. Petrović. I'm Amber and it is a pleasure to meet you sir," she said with a slight giggle. "I'll be your companion for the day, sir. This is Megan."

He acknowledged Megan with a dismissive nod of his head. He was much more interested in Amber. He was absolutely awestruck by her beauty.

"Wow! You are amazing, Amber."

There is no way this woman's a robot,he thought to himself.

"Thank you, sir." He couldn't take his eyes from her.

"Is she really a robot?" He asked Megan without looking at her.

"I assure you, Dragan. She is indeed a cybernetic life form. Amber, please show Dragan your access panel." Her voice held a slightly commanding tone but was very friendly.

"Of course, Megan," she said cheerfully as she lifted her skirt exposing her upper thigh.

He watched as she gently caressed the area just beneath her bikini line and was surprised to see a seam appear. She touched the corner lightly and the panel popped open. Inside there was a riot of blinking lights and circuits.Oh my god! She's a robot! Unbelievable!he thought.

"You can close it now, Amber. Thank you."

"My pleasure, Megan," she said pausing, "Mr. Petrović, may I use your restroom."

"Of course. It is down the hall to your right, second door on your left and please, call me Dragan."

"Thank you, Dragan." He watched in awe as Amber walked from the room.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Megan asked pulling his attention from Amber as she disappeared down the hall.

"Very. She's so real. She uses the bathroom?"

"Yes, she is real in all ways that anyone would notice. You will have a chance later to see a demo." The way she said that made him think that he might just get a chance to truly get to know Amber in the biblical sense, which had his cock throbbing to life.

"Shall we get started on the paperwork and then the designing of your dream girl?"

"Yes. I am definitely sold. You can have your men set up in the lower level. I've had the staff clear the dungeon for your uses. Alistair will show them down and Chef Willis has laid out some sandwiches and refreshments for us in the study. Do you think Amber would want to join us?"

"Of course. I am sure she would love to. She will only be a moment. Did you say dungeon?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yes. It's where I play D&D. I had it designed to look like a medieval dungeon. There is a large stone table down there that would be perfect for your equipment."

"I see." That was all Megan said.

Yet another one who thought he was a dork. He could hear it in her voice. What she thought really didn't bother him so much, but it was disappointing. Hopefully his new companion wouldn't find it repulsive.

He turned when he heard the sound of Amber coming back from the bathroom. Her heals clicked rhythmically against the marble tile. As she came into view, he watched the gentle sway of her hips and the slight bounce of her breasts as she walked toward him. She smiled at him, tossing her hair back over her shoulder as she approached.

"Amber would you like to join us in the study for some refreshments?" Dragan asked as she neared him.

"I would love to," she said holding her hand out to him. He took it gently and headed toward the study.

"You have a beautiful home, Dragan. Such a large house for just you and your servants. It will be so nice for you to have someone to enjoy it with, won't it?" Amber's attempt at small talk bought him back from the daze he was in. Her proximity to him had him distracted.

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it. My parents bought it shortly after they married thirty years ago. My father comes from very old money in Serbia and my mother was the only daughter of a Texas oilman. After their death, their fortune passed down to me, as did this house," he paused taking a breath, "It is way too large for me, so yeah, I agree that it'll be nice to share it with someone."

"You know...I probably should let Megan tell you this but since the subject of your companion came up I doubt she would mind." She was speaking softly, her head angled toward him. She continued, "You seem like a trustworthy man, Dragan, and as such I feel it would only be right to offer you the opportunity to have a legal companion. By legal, I mean that she will have a birth certificate, citizenship and most importantly a social security number. It will make it possible for the two of you to marry and eventually adopt children if you want. Now you have to understand that this isn't at all legal but through our connections we can make it possible. There is however an additional cost of 250k, if you are interested."

"Really? I could marry her? That would be wonderful! Cost is of no concern and who cares how legal it is. I'm definitely interested, Amber!"

She seemed pleased by this.I wonder if she's legal,he thought to himself.

"That's great news. I'm so excited! I will let Megan know."

"Let me know what, Amber?" Megan came up quickly behind them resting her hands Amber's shoulders.

"I let Dragan know of the special services we offer and he agreed that," she paused looking around before continuing in a slightly lower voice, "his companion should be a legal entity. Isn't that wonderful, Megan?" Dragan could tell just how much this pleased Amber.

"Yes, dear it is." Megan said as she kissed Amber on the cheek.

"Dragan, did Amber tell you of the additional cost involved?" Megan inquired.

"Yes, yes, of course she did, but as I said earlier, cost is no object. I want her to be perfect even if she winds up costing 50M." He couldn't believe this was really going to happen. It was like a dream come true.

"Now Dragan, I just want to go over the contract with you and then I can leave Amber to her demonstration. Shall we begin?" She said removing a large stack of papers out of her briefcase.

"Absolutely. Please sit in my chair. It'll give you more room, and I'll sit on the couch with Amber."

He sat down, patting the seat next to him. Amber sat down next to him, leaning into him. He put his arm around her, relishing the feel of her soft warm breasts pressing against him. It had been so long since he had a woman pay this much attention to him. It made no difference to him that she wasn't human.