By Demon's Driven


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As he had when he first met her, he wondered what the cute little freckle faced reporter would be like in bed. She could be the quiet one you had to watch out for, but her demeanor was always defensive and right now she was standing as if she had a pole up her ass. JD smiled at the thought she could probably use a good long pole up her ass.

The cameraman nodded and adjusting the camera on his shoulder pointed it at him. She turned to face him and holding the microphone up began speaking

"This is Molly Malone coming to you live from..." she stopped when he put his hand over the microphone.

"This isn't live, it's not even eleven." If looks could kill he'd be six feet under, but when she spoke she sounded calm.

"You're a smart man JD, I'll give you that. But this will be on the news tonight." "Course it will." He was still holding the mic. "How did you get this gig? The real reporters sick? Or are you here chasing your own story?"

"You'll find out soon enough." She replied remaining every inch the professional despite being in such close proximity to a man whom she could almost smell sex emanating from.

"Okay." He removed his hand from the mic and glancing to his side took several steps along the wall of the building so he was standing in front of the sign painted there that could be seen from the highway.

"What's the matter, Mr. Walker, you don't want to speak to me?" she asked following him.

"Nice touch!" he laughed, "I like that one, good for you Molly." Turning to face her he smiled, "But no, I was just trying to get out of the sight of my fan club. You know I always have time for the press."

"Speaking of your fan club Mr. Walker, it must concern you that Reverend Knox has turned his attention to you."

"His attention doesn't concern me. Having his people vandalize my billboard does."

"That's an assumption, Mr. Walker."

"JD, please, I mean we go way back right?" he smirked, reminding her again of her past failure.

"I'd rather keep this about current events." She told him curtly, but with a slight toss of her head that made him want to laugh. "You can't prove it is the reverend's followers that are responsible."

"No, Molly, I mean Miss Malone. I cannot prove it, which is frustrating because I know it's them, know it here." He tapped his chest, "But I just can't prove it. You know how that feels, don't you?"

She stared at him for a moment, but maintained her composure and let it go.

"Back to my initial question, Knox managed to get Cheaters shut down by calling attention to the illegal and unsavory acts that went on there. So now that he is calling out The Devil's Playground, you must be worried."

Crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall he shrugged, "Look if using my name will get Knox in the paper and make him relevant then by all means I'm willing to help him out."

"The reverend is relevant enough to get people's attention Mr. Walker. He and his followers are adamant about cleaning up this city and he is starting with the sex industry, especially prostitution and..."

"Miss Malone if you use the word prostitution again it best have the word alleged in front of it. If it doesn't, not only will this interview end, but I will contact my attorney to discuss a libel suit to be filed against you and your network. Understood?"

"I..." she swallowed hard, "My apologies. But where there is smoke there is fire and..."

"Miss Malone The Devil's Playground is an adult entertainment club. A fully legal, fully licensed, club. I am a business owner and a member of the chamber of commerce like most other businesses. I pay a lot of taxes to this state as well as donate to charitable causes."

"Be that s it may..." What the hell was she doing she asked herself She no longer cared what happened in his club unless it concerned Knox. Yet his arrogance kept her here arguing points with him as if he was the sole purpose for her being there.

"There is a separation of church and state last I looked at the constitution, Miss Malone. The good Reverend has the right to his religious beliefs, but what his people are doing is harassing my clients and my employees based on religious beliefs and that's illegal. The state will not back the bible in court, it will back the law."

"So you feel you have nothing to hide?"

"Nothing and the state's been involved in this witch hunt before now haven't they?"

"Yes." She replied evenly. "And perhaps they did not dig far enough or are your contributions are more political then charitable." She couldn't help herself, the arrogance of this man was galling to her and she continued to bait him.

"That's a strong accusation and another possible law suit." He pointed at the cameraman, "Are you really filming this?"

"I am." He said, "And we're not afraid of your threats."

"A word of advice my friend," JD addressed him, "I would watch how far you let Miss Malone lead you by your dick. She knows what can happen when you talk about things you can't back up, don't you?"

"Reverend Knox came here to clean up this state Mr. Walker and according to many, you're club is one of the biggest blemishes in it."

"It is?" he smiled, "I see. Well I'll tell you what Miss Malone you and the good reverend are not doing your cause any justice."

"It's not my cause, I am just stating the facts according to Knox's latest press release, which did not come from me by the way." She couldn't help the sound of derision that crept into her voice as she spoke about Knox. "How do you see another lawsuit?"

"I see the people of god defacing my property and see them harassing paying customers trying to enter a legitimate business, but most of all what I see is publicity. The more the good people call out what a sinner I am and all the sleazy things that go on here the more men are going to look at their wives and say, "That's disgusting" then come down here to see what the fuss is about."

"No they are..." He had cut her off again making her even more determined not to let him win this war of words.

"And your little interview which may or may not be being done with the stations approval? If it airs then all you did was give me five minutes of prime time exposure standing in front of my sign."

She frowned and began to speak, but once again covering the microphone JD leaned in close to her and spoke softly.

"Do yourself a favor Molly and let this go. You didn't get me the first time, you won't get me this time and no pious fraud will get me either. Just forget the past, learn your lesson and move on."

"You know nothing of my past," she mumbled under her breath, but he was standing close enough to hear her and cocked an eyebrow at her. Quickly recovering she went back to the argument at hand.

"You're too arrogant to keep dodging the truth JD." She pointed out towards the parking lot. I don't believe in Knox as a minister, or even that he is a man with any redeeming qualities, but he is powerful and has a lot of connections. I won't be the one to bring you down, truthfully, I don't care enough. My job is simply to report the facts, and I will be reporting the facts on both sides of this little war you and Knox have declared on each other."

"Hell hath no fury." JD sighed dramatically. "I just hope you're ready to bury Knox when he gets caught with the skeletons that are hanging in his closet. Probably has a guy waiting for him at home right now, dressed in latex with a ball gag in his mouth. Guys like me? We are what we are? Knox? They're all liars."

"Oh so Saint JD now is it? You never lie? You're lying every time you say nothing goes on in that club besides lap dances. You know it, I know it, shit half the city knows it!" She paused and looked at him. "I would be just as satisfied to see Knox go down, but at this moment my bet would be on you."

"I always satisfy when I go down," the smirk returned, "Do you?"

"I won't dignify that with a comment." But a sparkle entered her eyes that she could not hide from the man scrutinizing her and a warm sensation flowed through her at the visual of her kneeling before him.

"Bet you've heard that one plenty. But seeing I don't hold grudges, let me give you some advice."

"What's that?"

He reached out and before she could pull away ran his fingers along her hair. "Do yourself a favor and let your hair down."

"That your preference in women?" Why did she ask that, why the fuck would she care? Her mind raged at her silently.

"No, but your ears stick out a little, not a lot, but a little and you have a long neck, wearing your hair down will cover that." He shrugged, "Or tape your ears back."

She glared at him and looked like she was going to retort, but spinning on her heel began to walk away.

"Hey, Molly!" he called.

She stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"That was a great piece you did on the pot holes on Main Street! I found it riveting!"

His derisive laugh followed her as she walked towards the protestors. She had wasted too much time talking to that arrogant prick instead of focusing on the man she planned to see brought to justice. Molly barged into the throng towards the good Reverend shadowed by the huge form of Joe.

Curious as to what the reporer was doing, Jimmy, who was standing in a protective stance blocking the entry as JD entered, nodded to him and left his position to see what she was doing in there with the Jesus freaks.

"So Reverend Knox, don't you think being here today is a little hypocritical?" She deliberately spoke in the accent she had worked so hard to lose the last few years. She saw Joe give her a strange look, but didn't care. She had avoided meeting Knox head on before she had the protection of the mic in her hand and the cameraman behind her. She smiled sweetly at the nervous expression on his face.

"I don't think we have ever met my child," Knox's voice wavered and his brain worked feverishly. This was the third time she had shown up at his protests. Could she possibly be from Alabama? Her accent was mild, but still present and he hadn't realized she was with the media. His expression turned to a thoughtful frown of non-recognition.

"How disappointing that you don't remember me, perhaps I should remind you of what happened when we last saw each other...?" The sweet smile was still plastered on her face.

"Miss Malone I think you may have me mistaken for someone else?" he leaned close to her ear to snarl the words in a whisper. "You will only hurt yourself if you continue to stalk me in this manner"

Molly didn't bother to lower her voice at all, "Whatever do you mean, reverend Knox?" she painted a picture of pure innocence across her face making him lick his lips and fidget with his tie. Spying Jimmy hovering at the edge of the crowd Knox shifted the focus away from himself.

"There's the whore master!" he yelled to his followers who all started yelling slogans and jeers in the direction of the club searching for JD Walker and only seeing Jimmy walking towards the entrance. As soon as attention was focused elsewhere Knox moved away from the camera and Molly, toward the waiting vehicles. He spoke briefly to his assistant who nodded and walked back toward her.

"If you keep harrassing Reverend Knox in this way he will file a restraining order against you and have you arrested the next time you try this," the assistant said sternly.

"I'd like to see that," Molly sneered, but satisfied that she had put the fear of God into the reverend she surrendered and turned back towards her van.

Jimmy was unable to hear any of the exchange, but had seen the look on Knox's face. She knew something and Jimmy walked back inside to find JD and tell him what he saw.

* * * * *

Molly felt she had just scored a win against Knox. Whether he had recognized her or not, she'd definitely made an impression on him. She had been there when he came to the hospital to see her father after he had tried to take his life. She hadn't truly understood why Knox would show up to see a cop who had been disgraced and discharged from the force so recently. It wasn't until she had investigated it herself that it made it any sense at all. Armed with the small scraps of information she could glean from the last case he had worked she had confronted her father and breaking down again he had told her the whole story.

It had enraged her that he blamed himself, that he should have known better than to stand up to such a powerful public organization as Knox's ministry, he kept apologizing to her for not looking after her as a father should. He was her only family, her mother having died when she was very young, and she realized at that moment she had all but lost her father as he looked for solace in the bottom of a bottle of whisky. His second attempt on his life hadn't failed and she shook herself out of her reverie and brought herself back to the present.

Molly looked over at Joe as she climbed into the van beside him. "That felt great! Did you see him run away from me? Let's go edit the hell out of this piece!"

"Sure," he agreed eagerly, kicking the engine over and driving like a bat out of hell to the station.

They had been sitting in the dim editing room for some time before Molly was finished with the final product. She knew she was onto something here and was willing to put her own career on the line once again to expose Knox. She admitted the editing was creative, but hell, what news wasn't these days?

"Wish me luck!" She said to Joe excitedly and impulsively hugged him.

"Good luck, gorgeous," Joe grinned widely and wrapped his arms around the small sexy woman he wished could be his. He stayed behind to clean up the room and recheck his equipment as she all but bounded out of the door to see the producer of her show who would hopefully take it to the nightly news team.

Molly slowed to a walk remembering all the things that were wrong with this scenario. The past debacle when she had been in that team who had gone up against JD in the past and her now lowly and as yet largely over-looked position within the news room of the station. She took a deep breath and as each issue entered her mind she checked off the answer she had for it.

"I have that piece for you Mr. Lane," Molly said softly to the producer of the early morning news. Lane was an unfortunate name to have in the news room and he was subjected to a variety of Superman jokes the biggest of which was the nickname Lois, though most people said it behind the big man's back.

"Would you mind watching it with me now? I am sure you could help me polish it up further," she said appealing to his ego.

"Sure kid," he turned his large monitor toward her and typing in the location on the server where it was saved, she pressed play and sat back watching it with him in silence until the four minute piece was done.

"It was short sharp and to the point," Lane began, but the way his fingers drummed the desk let her know he wasn't finished thinking. Clicking on the mouse he watched it again before addressing her any further. "Well, it's certainly a new angle making the good Reverend Knox and his flock appear to be the villains of the piece," the fingers still tapping the desk and he twisted his mouth in consideration. "Tell me exactly what you're thinking," he invited her into the conversation he had been having with himself.

"Well sir," She swallowed nervously, "JD is an ass, but just another pimp in the seedier side of the cities night life. He doesn't seem to be doing anything illegal that anyone can prove. Then we have Knox..." she paused trying to reign in her personal feelings about the man. "Knox may not be doing the graffiti and vandalism himself or even whipping up the crowd into a mini riot, but he is behind it. You know those girls are being harassed every day as they try to go to work and feed their families and you know they are too scared to go to the police about it themselves."

"I see," Lane said, non-committal way "Seems you're exaggerating. The harassment so far is religious literature and trying to get them to got ot Church.

"So far is the key. Look," Molly tried again this time with an edge to her voice. "Each of those men are as bad as the other. They use people to make themselves richer and better than everyone else. Truthfully, neither of them are redeemable in my eyes, but you asked me to cover the story for the five o'clock with something a bit different and this is what I got." Molly felt she was losing the battle, but she was trying hard anyway to get her point across.

"No need to get defensive," Lane held his hands up in mock surrender. "I like it, I am just trying to see your angle fully because both of them have very long arms and if we are going to put ourselves up for a libel suit I want to be damn sure we have a reporter that has done all the leg work on it."

Molly's mouth dropped open. Surprised didn't even half cover how she felt. She stammered several times before finally speaking clearly. "Holy shit, you like it!" she regained her wits. "I did the leg work I'll do more if you let me have this one. I'll go interview the girls, I'll even go interview JD again if it will make you happy! Get more film of the graffiti. They seem to put up a new slogan every other day when Walker gets his sign cleaned up." She bit at her lip; she knew she was babbling excessively but she couldn't help it.

"Fine, fine, but I have to run it past the station manager. How creative was the editing? Tell me now, is this in anyway misleading?" Lane fixed her with a steely stare.

"I never once said that Knox did anything. I pointed at the actual physical evidence, the graffiti, the extra security and the obvious ex-cons in the flock that could be used to intimidate people. I haven't said that anyone has actually done anything, just shown what is happening down there. The club is under siege and Knox and his flock are the aggressors."

"Alright, I'll take it to the general manager," he looked at his watch, "Go home, but keep your phone close by."

"Yes Sir," her smile lit up the room and Lane shook his head and walked her out of his office.

Running into the equipment room Molly through her arms around Joe, "We did it!"

"He liked it?" Joe asked. He had been worried about doing the piece she wanted to present rather than just a quick fluff piece about the protest that barely thirty seconds of would actually make the news.

"Hell yes! Let's go celebrate and I'll tell you all about it!" She finally let go of him.

It was early, too early, Joe thought, but heck this was as close as he had ever got to a date with Molly, and he wasn't about to turn it down.

"Sure let's go, O'Riley's?" He suggested.

"Great!" She agreed.

* * * * *

JD looked up from the lap top at a knock. Before he could answer, the door opened and Miranda came in came in followed by Jimmy.

JD raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "I'm not really sure what happened", Jimmy began, but that reporter, the one you spoke to outside," he waited for the nod of acknowledgement JD gave him.

"She just scared the hell out of Knox and he took off," Jimmy said with a wicked smile.

"I doubt it," JD shook his head, "Molly Malone couldn't scare a two year old with a Halloween mask."

"Well something happened to make him leave pretty damn fast," Jimmy shrugged, "Just thought you should know."

"Thanks, but I doubt its anything more than coincidence, Knox rarely shows up at these things himself he probably just didn't want to be recognized," JD waved his hand dismissively.

"Fair enough," Jimmy said unconvinced then went back out of the office toward the entrance.

* * * * *

"There's more of them today." Miranda's voice spoke through the speakers. "You might want to come through the back today, JD."