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"Doggie is my favorite," he laughed before slapping his right hand down hard onto her soft right buttock. "SMACK!"

"OUCH! THAT HURT!" She yelled as she tried to put her hand over her cheek to prevent the next slap. This time he did the left buttock. "SMACK!"

David liked to be rough with his new conquests. He now had the most popular girl in school on her knees. "Stay there I need to get some lube."

"Lube," she repeated. 'What for...?"

"Your ass," he chuckled as he smeared the lubricating jelly on his middle finger and rubbed it around her tiny rear hole.

"Oh God...David...I want you to fuck me...fuck pussy."

"Sure," he grinned as he covered his hard-on with the grease and guided his cock into her tight and ready pussy. "Is this what you want?"

"YES...oh God YES!!

"Say it. Say you want me to fuck your pussy."

"I do...she gasped feeling the pleasure. Fuck my pussy...don't stop!

"Yell it out!"



Ryan could hear the moaning and bodies smacking together in the other bedroom nearby. Matti was lying across his thighs with his hard cock in her lips.

"I can't believe she would do this to me," he said as Matti moved up onto his hips and lowered her sweet pussy to his pink tower.

"She got what she wanted," Matti grinned. "So did I."


The fucking felt really good. So good she forgot about Ryan and Matti doing the same somewhere in the house. "Just tonight," she whispered. "Just this once."

David heard her words and knew it was time to make her his. As he pulled out of her pussy from behind he grabbed his shaft and aimed it a few inches higher. The lubrication helped but his cock had a rough time entering her virgin anus. "LIKE IT BABY? LIKE ME IN YOUR ASS?"

"Ahhh! It hurts!," she cried out. She wanted him to stop but knew it was too late. The lube helped ease the pain. This was not the sex she had dreamed about with him. She wanted the long foreplay, the kissing and touching. She wanted his compliments. All he wanted was to fuck her and make her his trophy. Finally she felt him grunt and cum inside of her bowels.

David smiled and moved next to her. "Did you cum Sarah?"

She wanted to push him out of the second floor window.


Matti was fast asleep in his arms with her smooth butt up against his spent tool. His hand was around her waist. He had no idea what time it was as he started drifting off to sleep again. During the night he heard the soft creaking of the door and saw it opening. Seconds later Sarah pushed her face into the opening. The light from the hallway shone down on their naked bodies. His eyes locked onto hers.

"Ryan...please come here." She said softly.

He took his time moving back from Matti to prevent her from awakening. He didn't think about his nakedness as he walked to the doorway. Sarah moved back to let him out. As he moved closer he saw her bare body that was covered with numerous red marks. "Jesus it looks like you got mauled by a bear."

"I know. I...I really didn't want this...this to happen," she said moving closer.

"That's not the impression I got from all the fucking noises I heard coming from David's room."

"But left me with him in the pool to be with Matti. I'm..uh willing to forget none of this took place. We can start over." She reached down and held his limp penis. "I'll do whatever you want...anything."

"Is that what you did with David tonight? Everything? Sarah I could hear everything. I know he fucked you in your ass."

"'s over. I don't want him. I want you. You said that you loved me."

He peeled her fingers from his cock. "I know about you kissing and touching him before tonight. I don't think I could ever trust you again."

"Matti told you didn't she? Don't you see that she wanted me mess around with David so that she could be with you?"

"Matti has nothing to do with this. Things haven't felt right with us for some time now. I think it's time to go our separate ways."

"Ryan no...I love you too. I don't know why I did what I did with David. But I swear to you that I'll never do it again. You are the only one I want." Tears fell from her rosy cheeks.

"I'm sorry." He turned and moved back into the bedroom. After closing the door he moved back up against Matti's ass. She turned towards him and pulled his front into hers.

"I was worried that you weren't coming back," she whispered.

He smiled and pulled her flat tummy against his growing member. "I want to be with you."

Her hand moved between their bodies and found his now erect cock. "I want you inside of me." She pushed him onto his back and climbed on top. After guiding him into her sore moist hole she slowly started riding him. "I could do this forever."

"Me too."


David was in the kitchen the next morning eating a bagel when Matti walked in wearing a tee shirt she found in the bedroom closet. "Good morning," he grinned. "Have a fun night?"

"No, I had a great night," she smiled back not caring that he could see the sharp points of her nipples pushing out the thin cotton material. "I need to go out and get my clothes."

As she walked by him he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down onto his lap. She quickly realized that he was naked and was very hard. "Let me up," she said sharply looking into his eyes.

He laughed and lifted her ass up so his cock was pushing up between her bare thighs. "You are my date remember?"

"Uh...I think that you slept with Sarah last night...remember?" She tried to get up but he held her down.

"I'm finished with her but I still have a lot for you."

"You're an asshole," she said digging her fingernails into his arm.



Sarah heard some noise downstairs and hoped that Ryan was still around so she could talk to him some more. She hurried down to the kitchen and heard Matti and David talking. When she heard David say he was finished with her she walked around the doorway when Matti dug her nails into him.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Sarah screamed as she ran into the room and pushed him hard into his chest. The chair he was sitting on crashed back against the kitchen sink and then onto the floor.


Sarah grabbed Matti's hand and pulled her towards the hallway doorway. David quickly jumped to his feet and was only a few steps behind them when he turned into the hallway. He didn't see the fist that flattened against his nose. His body crumbled down like a large sack of potatoes.

Sarah and Matti ran by Ryan and were heading towards the stairs when they heard the crash behind them. Both turned and saw Ryan standing over David's body.

"Oh God...Is he alright?" Sarah asked rushing up to him.

"I hope he's fucking dead," Matti gasped.

"David...David," Sarah said leaning forward.

Ryan could see David's chest rising and falling and knew he was out cold. He waited until the shit head moaned and opened his eyes.

"Wha...What happened?"

"Don't get up," Sarah said.

"I'm OK," David groaned. "What the fuck hit me?"

Although he was shorter than David he was stronger. "I did you ass. "We are getting out of here." He walked by Sarah and moved outside to get their clothes.

When Ryan returned David was sitting next to Sarah. "Here are you clothes if you want them," Ryan said smartly towards Sarah.

David started to stand but sat back down when Ryan stopped. "Hey man why are you so pissed? We heard you fucking Matti."

"David. What happened is over."

"Yes, and you better not say a word to anyone," Ryan glared at the guy with the swollen red nose.

"He won't," Sarah said looking at him. "Will you David?"

"No. Not a word," David frowned. "I'm still not sure why everyone is pissed. We all got what we wanted last night." He reached for Sarah's hand but she pulled it away.

"What happened is over." She said more firmly. "And as long as you are alright we are leaving."

"I'm ok," David said. "I promise I won't say anything to anyone."

"Make sure you don't," Ryan said. It was the first time he had ever slugged someone and in this case it felt pretty good.

Matti, Sarah and Ryan stood naked together before putting on their clothing. None said a word and none of them peeked at the nudeness around them. Since Sarah had driven Matti to the house she thought that she would also ride her home. But when they got to the street Matti went to Ryan's car.

"Uh...I can give you a ride home," Sarah said realizing that she was the odd person out now.

"I'm riding with Ryan," Matti smiled.

"Ryan, call me later," Sarah said still clinging to any hope that they could put this behind them.

But he didn't respond as they got into his car and drove away.


"Want to come in and say hello to my Mom?" Matti asked as she leaned over to kiss him.

"I'm too tired," he said moving back before their lips touched.

She sat back instead of leaving. "Are we...are we now going out?"

"Matti you know I like you a lot. Right now I need some time to get my head straight."

"I understand. Call me later." She turned and moved outside.


Ryan didn't call either girl but they both called him repeatedly. At school no one seemed to notice until a few days went by and he was not seen with Sarah. Suddenly the rumors started about them breaking up.

"What's up with Sarah?" Miles Norton asked him in their biology class.

"Nothing. We are taking a break from each other," Ryan answered.

"Man, I thought you guys were always going to be together. What happened?"

"I guess things got stale. We need a break."

Miles had heard rumors about the California kid and Sarah. "It was California wasn't it?"

"I'm not going to get into it," Ryan said.

"There is also a rumor that Matti broke you up because she wanted you."

Ryan looked hard into Mile's eyes. "Who said that?" He knew it had to be David or Sarah.


Matti sat on the bleachers as the girls in her gym class played basketball. The rumor that she broke up Ryan and Sarah started before they even arrived to school that first morning after David's party. It had to be David, Sarah or even David's cousin Amber.

She saw David walking from the parking lot sporting a dark black eye. "Well I'm surprised that you are even talking to me," he said walking up to her.

"Did you tell anyone that I broke up Sarah and Ryan?"

"No...I said I wasn't going to say anything and I didn't. You guys in this small ass town take everything too seriously."

It came down to Sarah and Amber. Sarah normally waited for her at their gym lockers but when she got there Sarah wasn't. After entering the large gym she saw the cheerleaders surrounding her ex-BFF. One of them saw her walk in and they all turned to look her way. They all made eye contact but Sarah who wouldn't look at her. It was obvious who had started the rumor.

Matti was a pretty good basketball player and normally got picked first for a team but as the girls picked their teams they left her out. Finally Sarah looked at her and if looks could kill she would be dead. One of the girls hurt her ankle and a gym teacher called for Matti to get into the game. It was fitting that she was opposing Sarah.

It was Sarah who fouled her hard when she went up for a layup. Matti quickly stood up to confront her but she had turned and ran back down the floor. The next time down Matti was ready for the foul and turned into Sarah knocking her on her ass. As she looked over her a few other cheerleaders ran over to start fighting.

"No," Sarah said standing up. "Boyfriend stealers are not worth the trouble." Sarah smiled until she turned and saw Ryan standing about ten feet away. She saw the anger in his eyes and walked towards him. "Ryan...she...she started it."

He moved closer so he would whisper. "Do you want me to tell the whole school how you cheated on me first and all the things you let the asshole do to you?"

"Ryan...we..need to talk."

But he walked by her and moved over to the group of girls. "She didn't steal me. It was my choice." He took her hand and walked her to the locker room door. Another girl on the basketball team walked over to them.

"Need any help?" The girl was over 6 foot and well built.

"Yes...would you make sure Matti doesn't have any problems in the locker room?"

"I can take care of myself."

"I know but I want to make sure it is fair."


Ryan hung out with his friends the next few weeks. Sarah's phone calls and text messages got less and less until they finally stopped. The rumors stopped about what happened and Ryan and Sarah returned to their posts as the most popular seniors. Neither was surprised when they were nominated to be King and Queen of the school. It was at the football game at half time when they discovered that they won.

"Congratulations," he said smiling as he put on her crown as the whole school and most parents watched. "You look beautiful."

"You too," she smiled back. "I mean handsome not beautiful." All the many years together flashed back in their minds. There were so many good times and so much fun. As they stood holding hands she squeezed his fingers. "I'm so sorry Ryan. If I could take it back I'd do anything. I've always loved you too. I still do." Tears fell from her eyes from the sadness.

"I still love you too Sarah. I understand now how he seduced you and seduced everyone. I don't want to live my life without you."

"Really?" She asked with her broken heart beating rapidly. "Does that mean?"

"Yes, I want to start again but I'll have to trust you again. Part of what happened was my fault. I shouldn't have waited so long and I shouldn't have hooked up with Matti. I'm sorry."

"Oh God Ryan, I'm so happy. Will you kiss me?"

Most of the kids knew about the long time lovers breaking up and most of them were sad. When Ryan turned her to him and they kissed the whole football stadium applauded, stood up and called their names. As they walked from the field arm in arm Matti walked up to them.

"I'm happy for you two."

Sarah smiled and pulled her aside. "If he can forgive me then I can forgive you. But if you are ever alone with him again I'm going to kick your ass."

"What did you say?" Ryan asked when she walked back to him.

"I just told her that I forgave her. Say there is someone here who asked me to bring you to her."

Ryan followed her to the lower bleachers and saw her smiling and waving. "Grandma! I'm so happy to see you."

"Ryan where have you been? I've had to play solitaire because you haven't come around much."

"I know...I'm sorry and I promise to stop by and give you a good poker game as much as I can. After all you are the only girl I can trust."

"What was that?" Sarah asked.

"I said my poker game has a lot of rust," he lied.




Note from Slick- I know a lot of you won't like the ending but these are 18 year-old kids. I never said they would be getting married. Besides we all like happy endings right? Thanks for your votes and feedback. I have a bunch of stories that need endings so you will be seeing more coming out. Enjoy...Love ya..Slick

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