Filled with Joy


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"Oh fuck that's good," Terry groaned before Blaze put a hand on his shoulder.

"You should save it," she said.

"I'm a pro. I always got more."

"You're setting a bad example."

"Hey, does anyone care if I get off?" Terry asked the remaining group of Keith, Liam, and Mason, since Frank was getting his solo pictures taken.

"Is he any good?" Keith asked, pulling on his prick as he stepped closer for a better view.

"Actually, he's really good! Gay guy good," Terry said. "I mean, like, holy shit." Jacob looked up and saw Terry staring down at him with a look somewhere between surprise and thankful appreciation.

"Where's Jacob?" Joy asked. Keith and Liam stepped aside and showed her.

"Please let him finish," Terry gasped.

Joy froze as she stared at what was happening. "Really?" she asked in a hoarse voice.

"He's really good," Terry said, his voice still sounding ragged. On his knees in front of the small group, Jacob could feel how close Terry was to finishing. The porn star's big, fat cock had swollen and was sending out those first eager throbs of a pending release.

"Really?" Joy said, sounding surprised. "How close are you?"

"Tell me when you want it," Terry groaned.

"Go for it," Joy said with a smirk. Within moments after saying he was ready; Terry released a mighty groan and became pumping spurt after spurt of man-cum deep into Jacob's eager mouth.

"Take it," Terry groaned, up on his tip-toes and quivering. "Eat it all!"

The room erupted into a round of applause. As cum hungry as ever, more so because of how long it had been, Jacob greedily swallowed every drop Terry offered and licked around for more. Looking past Terry, he saw more hard cocks in need of an orgasm. The closest one belonged to Keith. Without asking, Jacob wrapped his lips around the muscle-bound man's good looking cock.

"Whoa!" Blaze sharply said.

"Jake, come on. We need you," Joy said, grabbing Jacob's hand, urging him to his feet, and leading him towards the garage. "Damn baby," she whispered, sounding surprised. "When did you start loving cock so much?"

"Since forever," he grumbled, excited and needy from sucking Terry. His swollen cock ached for relief and fueled his libido.

"It's about to turn into a Greek orgy out there," Joy reported to Amy. "I found this one sucking off Terry."

Amy shrugged while reviewing the last photo session on her camera. "We've already done him. Besides, he's a porn star. He can get off three or four times a day."

"I used to know a guy like that," Joy said, shooting Jacob a wink.

"Still can," he bragged, though it had been a long time since he last a reason to do that.

"Oh wow," Amy said when she finally looked up from her camera and saw Jacob's throbbing hard cock. "That's what I've been waiting to see. That's it exactly. It's beautiful!"

"Why? Because I'm hard enough to hammer nails with it?" Jacob asked. The mixture of horniness and Long Island Iced Tea placed in him a needy funk. He turned this way and that, showing off his aching hard-on.

"I want to draw it," Amy said. "Can you stay hard like that?"

"Do I have a choice?" he asked, showing off his hard-on to Joy. "Bet you didn't know sucking dick made me this hard, did you?"

"Guess there's a lot of things I never knew," Joy said, tilting her head as if that might help her see him more clearly.

Amy exchanged her camera for a sketchpad and pencils. She studied Jacob before deciding how she wanted him. "You should sit," she said, moving the straight legged stool out of the way and nodding at the floor. She sank to the ground with him, sharing the tarp. "That's good, really good, but could you bend your knee and lean back?" Jacob kept one leg stretched out; other one halfway bent and leaned back, supporting his torso with his arms. His fully engorged cock continued throbbing with need.

Amy studied his cock for a long moment before putting her pencil to her pad of paper. She worked with long, sweeping strokes that he couldn't see, except for the general movements of her arm. "So beautiful," she purred as she glanced back and forth. "Tell me why you're this hard."

"Just because," he said, feeling awkward without anything else happening. Posing for the camera was faster.

"That's not what you told Honey," Amy gently corrected, looking up from her pad again.

"Sucking," Jacob said, squirming.

"Hold still, please?" Amy said. "Sucking what?"

"Sucking Terry."

"Sucking Terry's what?"

Jacob sighed as he realized she was going to make him say it. "Sucking Terry's cock, his big, fat, porn star cock. And he came in my mouth, too. Is that what you want to hear?"

"I want to hear whatever keeps you hard," Amy smiled, flipping the page and starting a new drawing.

It was the next day before Rudy mentioned what had happened and he started with an apology, "I'm sorry I told Brian."

"It's okay," Jacob said, shrugging it off without revealing how he couldn't stop thinking about it. The entire day had felt like blur to him as his mind kept going back to him sucking off Brian and then Rudy.

"Can I ask you a stupid question?"

"Are there any other kind when we're talking about Brian?" Jacob smirked.

"It's just that, I don't know, it seems as if you got more excited sucking Brian than usual."

"You mean, than I do with you," Jacob corrected. Rudy nodded and Jacob laughed. "Really? We're having that kind of conversation?"

"No, it's not that!" Rudy quickly amended. "It's just that, well, I want you to know that if you have a thing for Brian, I won't get in the way. He might be good for you."

"Wait, what?"

"Well, he's still mostly in the closet and all, so he probably doesn't care about holding hands in public or going to the movies together and all that romantic stuff I can't do with my boyfriend."

"What boyfriend?"

"You know what I mean, if I had just one boyfriend," Rudy said, grinning.

"Yeah, well for the record, I was sucking you when I came, remember?"

"I know, but you've sucked me off lots of times and usually you don't get off until after you're done."

"I know," Jacob said, closing the book he was trying to read. That clearly wasn't going to happen. He considered telling Rudy the truth and couldn't. Telling Rudy that thinking about an ex-girlfriend was why he came so hard felt like a potential insult.

"You came really hard."

Jacob needed to give him a better answer. "I think I liked being watched," he said, leaving out the important detail his imagination had supplied. "Is that crazy?"

"I don't know, you're the psychology major."

"Philosophy major," he corrected.

"If you want to test your theory, I can invite him back over."

"That's okay," Jacob said, sure that wasn't something he wanted. What if it happened again and he liked it? What would that mean about him? Was he gay and in denial?

Jacob remained still, except for his throbbing cock. He could glance around, since Amy wasn't interested in drawing the rest of his body. His eyes met Joy's pretty eyes and he offered her a smile. "Have I surprised you?"

"A little," she admitting, smiling back at him. "Then again, with how we used to play, I may have had an inkling."

He scoffed; harsher than he meant for it to sound, "No you didn't."

"Shit," Amy swore, flipping a page and starting over again. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Go for it," he said, wishing he could erase the harshness he had just shot at Joy. He gave her a smile and asked if she would sit with them. She sat off to the side and the three of them formed a triangle. Joy offered a tentative smile and Jacob searched for something to say. "Freshman year," he finally blurted out. "That was the first time I ever did anything with another guy."

"And ever since?" Joy asked without incrimination.

"Only freshman year," he corrected. "My roommate was gay and, I don't know, I guess Rudy was trying to turn me?"

"Did you suck his dick?" Amy asked, sketching away. Jacob's needful cock throbbed as he said he had. "And you liked it, didn't you?"

"Yes." His cock strained to grow bigger than it could as he revealed his most secret confession in front of these two women.

"That's hot," Amy said, staring at his cock. "Stay really excited, okay?"

"Sure," he said, wondering if he could give his prick a stroke or two, that would help. Or maybe Joy could do it? His cock throbbed again.

"Thinking about Rudy?" Joy asked. Jacob smiled but remained quiet instead of lying to her. "Ever do more than suck him?"

"No, my ass was still a virgin when we met," he grinned. His cock throbbed several more times. He caught the glance exchanged between the two artists and the tiny nod "go ahead" nod from Amy to Joy.

"So you had an extra reason to like what we used to do then," Joy suggested.

"I want to hear more about Rudy," Amy said, veering Joy away from a topic that could include old wounds. "Did you trade BJs with him?"

"No. I would do him and then jerk-off."

"Why?" Joy asked.

"I was afraid letting him suck me would be too gay. I mean, what if I liked it?" They laughed at his confession. Jacob didn't mind. He was laughing, too.

"Was it more than a one-time thing?"

"Oh yeah," Jacob said, feeling his cock throbbing again. "I did it lots of times and, um, never mind."

"What?" Joy asked, but Jacob held on to that secret for a bit longer.

Amy filled his silent gap by asking Joy, "Would you check on the rest of the guys and bring us back something to drink?"

Joy asked for drink orders and left for the kitchen.

"How many dicks have you sucked?"

Jacob watched her sketching for a moment before asking, "How did you guess?"

"Because you're here, doing this," she said, giving the obvious answer. "And you sucked off Terry."

"Five. Six if you count, Terry."

"All in your freshman year?" she asked. Jacob nodded. "You should have told her."

"It doesn't matter. What we had once is gone."

"You still want her to know, I can see it," Amy said, looking up from her sketchpad and flashing him that big smile. "You want her to know you were once a slut, too."

"Why is he a slut?" Joy asked, passing out drinks.

"Ask how many dicks he's sucked," Amy said, showing no concern about revealing his secrets. Jacob repeated the number.

"Damn, you were that much of a slut and never told me?" Joy asked, laughing.

"You never had a corner on slut-dom," Jacob blurted out before trying to rein it back in with a late, "Sorry."

"It's okay," Joy said, sitting back in her spot and staring at Jacob's hard cock. "When you knew me, I was a slut and liked it."

"Well, we weren't really boyfriend/girlfriend, either," he said, as much for Amy's benefit as anything else. "I was more a plaything."

"Does it count if you were my favorite plaything?" she offered, taking the hit.

"I think we need to talk more about the seven dicks he's sucked," Amy interjected.

"Only five, before Terry," he corrected. "Rudy and his friends."

"Together? All at the same time?" Joy asked.

"Yeah he did," Amy said, giggling as she pointed at his throbbing cock with her pencil. "He sucked all of Rudy's friends, every one of them, didn't you?"

Jacob nodded while, too excited to speak while fighting against the urge to grab his cock and find the relief he needed. Having his need on display for Joy excited and shamed him. What was she thinking? Then he noticed her stiff nipples straining against her top, saw her squirm, and he knew she was excited, too. A clear droplet of pre-cum leaked from his aching, swollen head and dripped like hot wax down the underside of his prick.

"Yes!" Amy squealed. "Perfect!" She quickly finished her drawing, refusing to show it to them as she flipped her sketchpad closed.

"Now what?" Jacob asked.

"Now we bring the rest of the guys in here for a few group shots," Amy said, nodding for Joy to get them.

Laughing and still sporting massive hard-ons, the other five guys filed back into the garage. "We were watching some of my movies," Terry explained.

"Da-amn," Liam said, giggling and pointing at Jacob's beet red cock. "What did we miss?"

"Story time," Amy said, directing the guys to line up on her canvas while Joy adjusted the lights. "Now these pictures will show your faces to my camera, but I promise to crop them before I show anyone else, is that okay?"

No one protested and Amy spent another half an hour filling her camera's memory card with shots of her six models caressing each other, crossing their dicks like swords, and pressing against each other. The group of laughing men were as easy to control as a roomful of cats. Amy kept her good humor and laughed so much, Blaze came into the garage to watch while Harold remained in the kitchen where he could keep an eye on his girls without suffering an overload of gayness.

"Okay guys," Amy said, waving her hand over her head to get everyone's attention. "I've got more than I could ever hope to have and I think we're done here."

A disappointed silence fell over the group as the men began looking around as if coming out a trance. "Do we have to go?" Frank asked, saying aloud what every other man was thinking.

"Yeah, what about the money shot?" Terry asked.

"You already had one," Keith grumbled. "But not the rest of us."

"Mason did, too," Liam pointed out.

"So? I'm still hard and I could use another," Mason said.

"You know something, you're right," Joy said, cutting short their protests. "Hold on a second."

She faced Amy and the two of them shared a quiet conversation. The only thing Jacob heard was Amy protesting by saying, "It's not that kind of shoot."

"Then let me take the pictures," Joy suggested.

"No faces and no sex," Amy insisted, handing over the camera.

Joy wore a big smile as she turned back to face the guys. "We need one more shot, one that probably won't make it in the show, but it's going to require a bit of timing." As she explained her idea, several of them men began masturbating, making themselves ready as Joy stepped up to Jacob and asked, "Will you do it?"

"What do you think?" he asked, glancing down at his prick still swollen and needful as ever.

"Good, then lay down on your back with your head facing this way," she said, pointing his feet towards the back of the makeshift canvas wall. Next, she positioned the other five men around him. She put Terry in the middle, kneeling between his legs, while having Mason and Liam straddling his legs with their knees. Lastly, the two bigger guys, Frank and Keith, knelt on either side.

"I've done this in the movies," Terry said, coaching the rest of the men. "You've got to get yourself right on the edge and stay there until everyone else is ready. Think you can do that?"

There were affirmative nods and replies all around as each man tugged and pulled on his cock. One-by-one, they announced being ready. Mason was the last one offering his confirmation.

The big umbrella lights began strobing while the camera shutter ratcheted open and close with the same beat. With remarkable timing, each of the men surrounding Jacob found their orgasm. Jacob was required to keep his head down so all the cocks remained inside the camera's eye. Liam and Frank were first to blast off, followed immediately by Terry, then Mason, and finally Keith. In the middle of that five gun salute, Jacob came, too, shooting his spray of semen up in the air among the rest of it until every splash, splatter, and droplet came raining down on his cock, balls, stomach, and legs.

"Perfect!" Joy crowed as the men in the room broke out in gasps of satisfied laughter.

"Dude, you're covered," Liam giggled.

"I want to lick you clean," Keith offered.

"That was crazy, I think you came hardest of all!" Terry noted, standing up and backing away.

Blaze passed out paper towels as each man had drifted back into the house. She handed the rest of the roll to Joy before she followed after them.

"Cumslut," Joy giggled, pulling off a wad of paper towels and laying them across Jacob's soiled body.

"I should probably take a shower," he said, looking down at the mess on his body.

"I think you just had one, a cum shower," Joy smiled, still chuckling. "Did you like it?"

"I came, didn't I?"

"Hardest of all," she said, bundling up the used paper towels in a clean one and throwing them away.

Jacob got to his feet and stared at Joy for a long moment. He brushed a lock of her amber wheat hair out of her face and tucked it between her ear. "You know, I always thought you were my one."

"I never was," Joy said before giving him a kiss on the lips. Jacob nodded. It was the best answer she could give. As he moved towards the kitchen, she slapped him on the bare ass. "For the record, I still miss fucking that ass." He shot her a quick grin over his shoulder before stepping into the kitchen to applause from both Blaze and Harold. Blaze, he got. She was at least half a freak. But from Harold, too? That surprised him. Amy showed him the bathroom while the rest of the guys laughed, dressed, and traded phone numbers.

Jacob took as short of a shower as he could, eager to rejoin the guys, but by the time he had dried off, he found the living room empty. "Where did everyone go?" he asked Joy, who was busy picking up empty glasses.

"Home, I guess," she shrugged before handing him a piece of paper. In her neat handwriting was each man's name and phone number. Jacob handed it back to her.

"You left off a number."

"No, I didn't," she said, pressing the paper back into his hand and closing his fingers around it. "Have fun with life, okay?"

"Sure thing," he said as she gathered up glasses and turned towards the kitchen. Jacob dressed alone and saw himself out.

Running and hiding from the light of an inconvenient truth works about as well as avoiding the sun by sticking your head in the sand. Sooner or later, you end up with sunburned ass. After his three-way with Rudy and Brian, Jacob made a personal commitment to remain heterosexual for the rest of the school year. He made due with Amber-Lynn, the girlfriend who only gave incomplete blowjobs until insisting they fuck. When he was home for Spring Break he hooked up with Brianna. It wasn't any better. As much as he loved women and pussy, he felt as if he was living a lie.

Back at school, he made it three more days until he was again on his knees in front of Rudy, licking, sucking, and drinking from Rudy's fat pipe of manliness. Sucking cock felt raw and carnal to Jacob. While he knew he could never love another man the way he wanted to love a woman, he couldn't deny the heat of feeling a big, veiny cock against his tongue, the salty taste of a drop of pre-cum, and the pulsating thrill of a man's throbbing cock as he released his load.

"If you want, next time I can invite Brian over, too," Rudy said as he watched Jacob jerking-off. "And the rest of my gay friends, too. Then you can show everyone how good of a cocksucker you are."

"Bastard," Jacob growled the moment before he coated his left hand with a huge pasting of pent-up need, vaguely aware that he was holding a palm full of truth leaking and dripping between his fingers. He slurped up his mess rather than waste it.

"I can get you more," Rudy teased. "Brian, Gary, Kevin, and the rest of my friends are only a text message away."

"I don't think I'm ready for that," Jacob said.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be gay," he said, wincing as another layer of truth was peeled away like a Band-Aid being ripped from tender flesh. "I can't be. I love women too much."

"Sucks to be you," Rudy sighed without a better answer.

With only three weeks left to the second semester, Jacob spent less time with Amber-Lynn and more time with his lips wrapped around Rudy's big, fat, hard cock. He knew Amber-Lynn was only a "for now" girlfriend. As nice as she was, he couldn't commit to her, never would, and felt guilty for leading her on. Knowing Jacob was confused about his sexuality didn't prevent Rudy for enjoying the thrill of regular blowjobs from his "straight" roommate.