Helen's Fantasy

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Will Helen Fulfil her fantasy given the chance?
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/24/2024
Created 01/17/2024
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Helens Fantasy Comes True


NikkieJanes 2024

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked my husband, Simon, as I rang the doorbell on an unprepossessing building in South London.

"Yep, and the name is on the plaque."

"Oh, yeah," I said as I looked at the brass nameplate to the side of the door, 'Felix Fotography.' Just then, the door opened, and we made ourselves known to the casually dressed black man who greeted, and then politely ushered us inside.

The outside of the building may not have been much, but the interior was something else. Muted tones of brown, cream and white with a couple of deep, chrome and leather sofas against a wall, and a small reception desk that was currently unoccupied. The carpet was a deep pile and in a luxurious cream colour. Glossy magazines covered the top of the coffee tables that matched the sofas. The place screamed opulence and money, but wasn't over the top and blingy, in fact it oozed class.

"Hi, come in, you must be Helen, and you're for the afternoon session with Felix, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I said as I took in the place. Simon had, without my knowledge, entered me in a competition in a magazine; where the prize was a photo shoot with a top photographer. To both our surprises, I had won; so here we were down in London for the session.

The magazine wanted to run a spread where an ordinary woman has the chance to work with a photographer to see what the outcome is like. Now I'm not a ravishing beauty, but at the age of thirty-two I'm still pretty enough, standing tall at five-foot-nine inches without heels, with a slim and toned body. Medium-sized breasts, and long, shapely legs.

"Super, I'll just get you settled and Felix will tell you more in a few minutes, he's just finishing off on another set." Just then, a gorgeous girl who could have been a top model herself, came into the reception room.

"Hi, I'm Letitia, Felix's make-up artist, can I get you both a drink?" Simon's eyes were popping out of his head at the sight of Letitia. Even I had to admit she was beautiful, and I'm not into women. She would have made Iman look plain and dowdy if they were standing next to one another.

Letitia had just brought our coffees over, Jamaican Blue Mountain if I wasn't mistaken, when a door opened and out walked what must be Felix. He was massive: both Simon and me are tall, but he towered above both of us. He must have been about six-foot-three inches tall, and built to match.

Ebony black, shiny skin was stretched over rippling muscles, and he had a massive chest that stretched the seams of his tight fitting white T-shirt to the limits. Meaty thighs were poking out of his cargo shorts. His arms seemed bigger than most guys' thighs. His head was bald, or at least shaved.

He looked as if he could play second row for England and not break sweat. Maro Itoje, eat your heart out, I thought. Yet, when he shook my hand and then kissed me on the cheeks, he was surprisingly gentle. His grip on my hand was not as bone-crushing as you might have thought. He held my hand for what seemed a little longer than normal. His voice was a deep rumble, yet well-modulated and educated; this was no South London Gangsta despite the location.

Felix stood back after greeting us and looked me up and down as if I was a piece of meat. Why did I think I was being mentally undressed? And why did I not mind? Then again, hadn't I been doing the same to Felix.

"So Helen, the idea is that you will have four hours in the studio, from one until five this afternoon."

"Wow, so why are we here so early?" I asked.

"This is your first time and you'll be nervous, you need to have a look at the set up. I need you fully relaxed and comfortable if I'm going to get the most out of you. Letitia needs to get your makeup done, and then she's off with Carl to prepare an evening location session I'm doing. We need to get things set up. Of course my times' money; but between you and me, the model's a complete Diva, throws a strop if things aren't to her liking. Plus, we can decide what sort of pictures you want." Felix's gossipy tone and indiscretion seemed to be done to make me feel relaxed, and it was working.

"What do you mean, what sort? You're not talking 'glamour' are you?"

Felix's laugh was a deep rumble, "No, but I don't think you'd want all boring portraits. I could knock those out in about half-an-hour and they're no fun for anyone." Felix smiled at me as he spoke, "But if you want to do some full body shots then that's fine, in fact the magazine would like some of those but we need to work out what type. I think you'll enjoy things when we get started on those and you start posing for me."

"Err okay," I replied hesitantly.

While we were talking, Felix had put his arm around my waist and led me into the back of the studio where the sets and changing areas were. Simon was still in reception chatting with Letitia; I don't think he'd even noticed I'd gone off with Felix. After I'd taken off my coat, Felix had me stand and pose for a few minutes.

"Nice figure, and I think your legs would be okay from the way they fill those jeans." Felix was turning on the charm, and I was responding. I'd completely forgotten about Simon. "34, and a largish B cup, pushing a C, if I'm not mistaken," he said as he looked directly at my breasts.

I gasped at Felix's audacity but also accurate assessment of the size of my tits.

"Okay let's see what clothes you've brought with you. The jeans are fine, we'll start off with you in those." Felix took hold of the case of clothes I'd been told to bring along and started to go through them, contemptuously casting most aside but keeping others, saying, 'Okay, not bad, yeah. Oh God no!' as he did.

Felix told me to change into a blouse that I had brought; I did as asked, and on my return, he once again looked me up and down, coming over to me, he undid two buttons and parted the front to expose more of my cleavage. Then, he put his hands on my breasts and pushed them up and closer together.

"What the fuck!" Simon shouted as he walked into the studio set.

"Oh Simon, don't overreact. Felix is a professional, he doesn't mean anything, just that he wants to see a bit more breast." I smiled at both Simon and Felix, though I thought Felix could have asked me to make the adjustments myself. His hands stayed on my tits longer than they should have, and he definitely gave them a squeeze.

"Sorry man," Felix said to Simon, "It's just quicker and easier if I do it. Even professional models don't get it right, but they know what I'm doing. I forgot that Helen is an amateur. I should have asked or told her what to do."

Yeah right, I thought to myself, but you knew exactly what you were doing didn't you? Shrugging it off, I moved along with Felix to one of the sets, where he quickly got me to pose for a couple of shots so that he could check the lighting and exposure.

"Why do you need to do that?" I asked.

"To get the lighting right. Look, I wouldn't light Adele the same way I'd light Beyoncé or Rihanna. Skin tones reflect light differently."

"So maybe you need a bit more skin to check everything's okay," I said as I opened another button on my blouse, letting it gape wider.

"Nice, but not needed really, but I have an idea, I think you're quite fun, and you've got a look that I like. How far do you want to go with this shoot, apart from what we've already talked about?" Felix said this in a low, conspiratorial voice so that Simon couldn't hear what he was saying.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you fancy a few lingerie poses, I think you've got the figure for that. And, I'd really like to see more of it."

"Would you now? I told you no glamour. Anyway, I've not brought any sexy things like that with me."

"Don't worry, Letitia can sort you out with some stuff before she leaves, we've got loads of things like that. I'd love to see you in bra and panties, I think you'd look stunning." Felix broke the eye contact he'd been keeping with me and ran his eyes up and down my body, eventually stopping on my cleavage. Yeah, and how long would it be before you wanted to see me out of them, I thought.

"Possibly, let's see how I feel with things."

"Don't think about it too much. This might be your only chance to get some sexy photos for you and Simon done professionally, and for free."

"I said I'd have to think about it." God, he was turning on the charm, I thought. He really wanted to see me in my bra and panties.

The smile on Felix's face meant he knew I would say yes. And, yes, they would come off as well. Was I that easy to read, and manipulate?

Simon and I had a quiet lunch at a local cafe before returning to the studio. Letitia did my make-up before she and Carl left to go to the location site, leaving just the three of us alone in the building. I was excited and wanted to get started as soon as possible.

In the studio, we did some close-up portrait stuff, then moved on to full-length body shots. Every new pose or outfit was greeted with gushing encouragement from Felix, telling me how great I looked. He was stroking my ego, I knew he was flattering me, maybe seducing me, and I was falling into the trap.

Classical music was playing in the background, it was calming, and not the blaring rap or rock I'd expected in a photo studio during a session.

I was becoming more relaxed as the session went on. At Felix's command I was constantly changing outfits, but nothing was too revealing, just normal everyday street clothes, jeans, leather pants or a black knee-length pencil skirt, combined with an assortment of tops. When Felix suggested I try on a short skirt, of course, I was eager as I love the look of my shapely, toned but slim legs, so agreed at once.

I slipped into the changing room and put on the shortest skirt I had with me, just above mid-thigh but very tight. When I walked out onto the set, I could feel the material sliding up my thighs, making the dress even shorter and my legs seem even longer as I'd put on my heels again.

Felix encouraged me to strut around and pose some more. The music had changed to something more upbeat and rock influenced. The vibe was ramping up. I pouted at the camera and bent over from the waist as I slid my hands up my thighs. Felix was making encouraging noises again. Saying how good I was now that I'd relaxed. He came over to me and ran his hands over my thighs, grazing them softly with his nails. He pushed my skirt even higher and got down on the floor, pointing the camera up at me, getting a perfect up-the-skirt shot.

I loved the way I felt. I was discovering a latent exhibitionism which was allowed free reign in the safety of the studio. Plus, of course, there were Felix's flattering words to contend with. Now, after every session, I was joining Felix to look at the pictures to check if the exposure was right, and he'd got the image he wanted. He was using a handheld camera at times, as well as a static tripod-mounted one. Sometimes they were linked so that one pose resulted in pictures from different angles. This was bringing us closer and closer together, and his arm was constantly going around my waist as we looked at them. Occasionally, it drifted to my bum. Never once did I tell him to take it away.

"Okay, I think I've got more than enough shots for the magazine to work with, but there's still time felt. Do you fancy doing something a bit more personal, more daring. I promise you these will be for your eyes only."

Yeah right, but your eyes are going all over my body now; what will they be like when I'm in my bra and panties, I thought. Still the way Felix was looking at me was in appreciation. "I'm not sure," I said, hesitating still, thinking about what he'd said earlier, wanting to see me like that and the inference that lingerie was only the next stop on the way to nude.

"Helen, what's the problem? You wear a bikini on holiday don't you, what's the difference?" Damn, he was good! The difference was, on holiday, I wouldn't be posing in some skimpy, sexy undies. I knew now he was trying to seduce me, right in front of my husband.

I looked over at Simon, unsure if this was going too far. "Yeah, why not," he said nonchalantly.

I put on the undies that Letitia had left for me, and I have to say, when I looked at myself in the mirror, they fitted perfectly and made me look sexy. A matching scarlet set, the bra more of a platform, pushing my tits up and together, the cups were low enough that my nipples were only just covered. The panties were sheer and high waisted. I knew that under the glare of the lighting they wouldn't hide anything. The French cut of them, high on my hips only showed off my legs even better. I instinctively paired them with a pair of 6" black patent leather killer heels that Letitia had also left

Felix was snapping picture after picture now. Mainly using the hand-held camera, constantly getting closer and closer to me. He was encouraging me to take up more and more daring poses, saying how hot and sexy I looked. I was responding to his encouragement, becoming lost in the moment. I half turned away from him, bent over and stuck my arse out. "Fuck yeah, that's it Helen. Now turn to me and give me some more boob."

Felix had me pose as if I was undoing my bra or pushing my panties down. After a mad twenty minutes of posing I joined Felix as he reviewed the latest images. We were very close; his hand was on my arse, caressing the cheeks. There was so little of the panties that his hand was on the bare skin of my bum. I should have pulled away, but didn't.

"Put this on and lose the bra," Felix whispered in my ear as he handed me a powder blue silk robe that would just about cover my arse. As I turned away, Felix put his hand on my breast and squeezed it. Simon was blind-sided, so he didn't see what had happened; but I could sense he was becoming uneasy with the way things were going, the more clothes I was losing and my willingness to go along, and the occasional touching of me by Felix.

I knew I was being seduced in front of my husband but didn't mind, happily going along with what was happening. It excited me. I wasn't sure how far I would let things go, where I would find my limit. If I had a limit!

The problem was I had a long-held fantasy to be fucked by a large black man. Not a large black cock, although that would be a bonus, no just a big black guy. The idea took me way outside of my staid, civil servant, comfort zone and would have horrified all our friends and my colleagues in HMRC*. And what did I have in front of me? A large black guy, who was clearly interested in me.

I quickly went behind a screen and, after I'd taken off my bra, put the robe on, tightly cinching the belt at my waist. Once again, I walked onto the set and, without waiting, struck up a pose. As I walked around my figure was accentuated by the robe and there was lots of leg on show. Felix tutted and frowned at me. What was wrong, I thought? What was wrong?

Felix walked over, reached out and parted the robe so that my breasts were partly exposed, as he did this, his hand slipped inside the robe and cupped my naked breast, rolling the nipple between his fingers. This time, he kept his hand on my tit for longer, making sure I knew this was intended and not a simple mistaken graze. I pushed my chest forward, accepting his caresses. A low moan left my lips as he whispered in my ear, "I want you. I want to fuck you."

"I'm not stopping you," I replied, looking over at Simon, who had gone deathly pale. He knew of my fantasy over a black man, but never thought that I would try and achieve it, not so blatantly, and in front of him. I wasn't sure if he'd heard what Felix had said, nor my reply.

"Do you like sucking cock?" Felix said as he continued to play with my tits.

"No. I love it. If it's the right cock."

To my surprise, Felix pulled away from me, and took some more photos, concentrating on ones that would give just a glimpse of my tits as the robe parted every time he placed me in a different pose. These were sort of candid shots, as if my breasts had been exposed by chance.

Once again, Felix approached me, "Do you feel like something more explicit?" he said, reaching out, as I stood waiting for what would happen next. His hands slipped inside the robe again before he pulled the belt open and eased it off my shoulders. "Going topless."

I stood proud as his eyes roamed over my body and noticed the surprised look as he saw that I was completely nude underneath it. I'd guessed that he wanted me that way eventually, so when he'd told me to put on the robe and lose my bra, I lost the panties as well.

"I didn't expect this. Not yet."

"Felix we both knew a long time ago that you wanted me naked, and that I was willing to pose that way for you."

"Yeah, but subtlety is the name of the game, tease things out, girl. Don't give it all up at once."

Mentally, a long time ago, I'd come to the conclusion that although this magazine prize wasn't meant that way, I was going to be posing naked.

Not hiding what he was doing, Felix ran his hands all over me. I sensed Simon start to move but shook my head. No. Felix caressed my small breasts for a few moments, then stood back and returned to his camera. My nipples were hard and sticking out as Felix proceeded to take shot after shot of them, and me. Without instruction, I played with them and pouted for the camera.

Lost in the excitement of the moment, not sure where it would lead given Felix's avowed intention to fuck me, and my tacit acceptance. I stood still, legs parted slightly, and pushed a finger into my pussy. Okay, I'd not said yes directly, but I hadn't said no either, and I'd more than indicated that I was willing for him to fuck me.

Felix couldn't resist my temptation any longer and walked over to me, primal lust blazing in his eyes. Standing in front of me, he pressed down on my shoulders. I sank to my knees into the classic blow job position, my face inches from the impressive bulge in Felix's shorts.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Simon asked angrily.

"Simon, stay out of this," I ordered. He was taken aback by the vehemence of my reply and the fact that I had become dominant. Normally, I comply with Simon's requests. In our better-than-average sex life, Simon leads, well more guides me, and I go along with what he dreams up for us.

With shaky hands, I undid Felix's shorts and freed his throbbing black cock. Yummy, I thought, pretty big but not massive, about the same size as Simons, 8 inches, and thick too. A nice ebony shaft for a girl to play with. Ebony in colour, and hard as the wood. Felix stood immobile as I bent my head and licked the end of his knob; pulling back the foreskin, I exposed the purple head, then ran my tongue along the length of his shaft. Back and forth I went, as I licked it for a couple of minutes.

Holding the cock between the palms of my hands, I first kissed the tip before sliding it past my lips so that just the head was inside my mouth. I sealed my lips behind the head as I rolled and flicked his glans with my tongue. Parting my lips, I eased the head out brushing it with my lips as I did, then licked the tip again. Time and time again, I repeated this action, concentrating on just the head of his cock.

Everything I did was slow and sensuous. I was teasing him, but also giving him a great deal of pleasure. Felix held perfectly still while all this was going on, allowing me to show off my expertise at sucking cock. He never tried to force it inside my mouth more than I wanted to go, but he was constantly moaning and groaning with every flick and lick of my tongue, every suck of my lips.