Home Cumming


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Coming back from dinner the second night, she backed out of the motel parking lot when she saw her father’s car. She parked several blocks away, walked back to her room, and left her lights out as she spied on his room between the curtains. The picture became painfully clear when he staggered out for ice. He was alone in that room, with enough booze for an army, and was drinking himself into a stupor.

She checked out the next afternoon and headed for home. She and Tad could have another week of love.

She parked behind Tad’s bucket of bolts. Mom’s car was nowhere to be seen. She held the creaky screed door with her foot as she dug out her key, and locked the door behind her when she went in.

“Oh, lover boy,” she called out as she pulled off her blouse and bra.

“He’s out on a date,” her mother’s voice came from the big easy chair.

Molly froze, bare breasted, at the foot of the stairs.

“Get over here,” her mother’s voice had iron in it.

Molly tried to put on her blouse, but her mother wouldn’t let her.

“Now I understand the big change in Tad,” her mother said, grabbing a handful of Molly’s hair and forcing her to her knees. “You slept with him, didn’t you? You slept with your own brother.”

“Please,” Molly whimpered, as her mother pulled her this way and that.

“I guess we’re off for tonight,” a woman’s voice said from somewhere. “Unless you want me to help you with her,” she added, hopefully.

“Yeah, I could use your help,” Mom said. “I’m going to show her our little customizing job on the easy chair, give me a hand.

She stepped out of the darkness, and helped her mother secure her to the big easy chair. Velcro straps she’d never suspected were there held her wrists to the inside bottom of the footrest. He arms were through the gap between footrest and seat. Although only her wrists were secured, she was so helpless, she could barely lift her face off the seat of the easy chair as she kneeled in front of it.

“That should hold her,” the woman said.

“You ought to know,” her mother her mother chuckled.

“I guess I should go now,” the woman said.

“Mom,” Molly said. The woman had reached up under her dress and was squeezing her butt, but Mom wasn’t looking.

“Yes, this is the kind of thing I should take care of,” Mom said, absently.

“You’re right, of course,” the woman sounded sad.

“Mom,” Molly said more urgently, “She’s feeling me up.”

“I’m so upset,” her mother said. “I’m going to fix a cup of instant, did you want one?”

“No, you go ahead. Take your time, I’ll keep an eye on her until you’re done.”

“You’re such a dear,” her mother said and headed for the kitchen.

Microwave beeps followed the sound of running water from the kitchen.

“Mom,” Molly called out, “she’s all over me. Mom!”

“Leave your mother alone,” the woman said as she pulled Molly’s skirt up her back.

“Ma, she’s pulling my panties down!”

The kitchen radio went on, and she could hear her mother singing along with the tune.

Molly had her legs clamped together as tight as she could. Her panties hung on her legs with only the crotch clamped near its original position. The woman’s hand rubbed over her ass, and her head rested on Molly’s back.

Whack! A stinging smack hit her bottom.

“That was a very bad thing you did.”

Whack! Whack!

Her hand rubbed the tender flesh she’d just spanked, and her other arm went around Molly’s waist, her hand gripping Molly’s lower belly.

“Very bad.”

Whack! Whack!

“Make her stop,” Molly said as her mother walked back in the room, coffee in hand.

“What a wonderful idea, a good spanking. Tell me when you get tired and I’ll take over.”

“I don’t tire easily,” the woman said, and smacked her three, quick, hard times. Her other hand kept kneading, and pulling, Molly’s lower belly.

“I might as well relax, then,” her mother said, and started to sit in the easy chair.

She had to pull her skirt up to get her rump between Molly’s head and the back of the easy chair, and her fingers wiggled under Molly’s chin to lift her face up as she sank into the cushion.

Her mother’s panties were wet, with an irregular line demarking dry from damp, and the smell filled Molly’s nose, less than an inch away. Her mother’s hips went up and down, and the gap almost disappeared.

“The punishment should fit the crime,” her mother said.

Molly could see the shadow of her mother’s bush under the panties, but outlines of her sex were hidden beneath Molly’s nose.

“No,” Molly said, weakly.

“Are you getting tired already?”

“No, not at all. I was just waiting for you to get comfortable.”


Molly’s mouth and nose bumped into her mother’s crotch.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

Each smack made her face kiss her mother’s crotch, and the hand squeezing her belly rhythmically had moved deeper between her legs. It still hadn’t touched her pussy, but it pulled the skin around it. Molly’s ass was starting to burn.

Her mother pulled one of her hands out from holding Molly’s chin, and took a last drink from her coffee cup. The lack of support made Molly’s face sink into her mother’s panties, and it made wet sounds as she tried to breathe. Finished with her coffee, she lifted Molly’s face again, but this time, Molly’s mouth was gently touching her mother’s crotch without the help of a bottom bashing.

“Do you think she’ll learn her lesson from one spanking?”

“Whack! Whack!”

“No. I’ll have to work with her brother and her for a while,” Molly’s mom said.


Molly’s face rubbed up and down her mother’s crotch as the fire of her backside was joined by another fire. The woman’s other hand was infuriatingly persistent, inching its way closer to her pussy with every sensual squeeze.

“I’m always ready to help,” the woman said.

“You’re such a dear,” her mother said, her voice was getting husky. “A dear, dear, dear friend.”

Her mother’s ass squeezed each time she said, “dear,” and she inched further down the chair with every squeeze. Molly’s face was firmly planted in the moist panties, and the hands that had been holding her chin were now stroking their fingers through her hair.

Molly was aware of her mother’s excitement as her face rode the undulating movement, but her focus was between her legs. A single finger had reached its goal, and Molly had opened her legs to give the rest of the hand access.

The spanking went on, but the thrill of the wiggling finger made the pain feel like part of the pleasure. She was moaning into her mother’s pussy as the woman brought her close, let her float a moment at heaven’s gate, without letting her pass through.

“She’s very close,” the woman said.

“Not yet,” her mother replied.

The spanking went on as her mother forced Molly’s neck further back.

“Very soon,” her mother said, lacing her fingers behind Molly’s head and pulling hard as her hip movements took on a jerky quality. “Almost, almost, oh yes,” she was moaning.

Her mother’s approaching orgasm, and the nearness of her own, was driving Molly crazy. She was trying frantically to find the taunting hand that had brought her so close, but only the stinging slaps of the other were finding their mark.

“Now,” Molly’s mother said, pulling Molly’s head up by the hair, and pulling the crotch of her panties aside with the other hand.

The delightful hand returned to its work, Molly sucked her mother’s clit into her mouth and did what she’d always wished another’s mouth would do to her, and the swats on her rump became shockingly hard.

Mother and daughter screamed out an endless orgasm in unison.

Molly shuddered at the memory as the heat of the Jacuzzi untied the muscles of her body. Her hand had strayed between her legs, her finger pressing on a little nub.

She tried the jets again. It was still hot, but it felt good.

Tad had gotten quite a shock when he got home from his date.

“We’re in Molly’s room,” her mother called. “Come up.”

Mom had Molly face down on her bed, with a bunch of pillows under her hips so her butt stuck up. She was gently rubbing a balm into Molly’s burning cheeks.

“Come in,” Mom said when Tad froze at the door.

“What…?” his eyes were as wide as saucers.

“Get another jar of this cream,” she said, holding the jar up. “This one’s almost empty.”

He was back in a flash, and was trying to hand it to his mother from as far away as possible.

“Do you know why your sister got such a bad spanking?” she asked.

He shook his head ‘no,’ slowly.

“I think you do,” mom said. “You have to have one too.”

Mom finished with Molly’s backside, and told them to stay until she got back.

“What’s going on?” Tad asked, clearly afraid.

Molly checked her cherry red behind in the mirror before glaring at him.

“Did you get any, tonight? Were you out fucking some slut while I was taking your punishment?”

He stood speechless. He was still speechless when mom came back with a large, black paddle.

“Take off your pants, Tad,” mother said.

He stared at her in disbelief, and turned to Molly. She gave him a mean smile.

“Hurry up. I’ve had a long day.”

“You can’t…” he fumbled with his belt. “I’m too old…” he couldn’t get anything undone.

“Help your brother, Molly,” mom said.

Molly smiled maliciously into his face as she undid his pants in three quick strokes. She pulled them down to his ankles and patted his leg to step out of them.

“Bend forward and hold Molly’s foot board,” mom said. “Spread your legs apart a little more. No more, more, that’s it.”

Molly had one hand between her legs and was pinching her nipple with the other hand as she waited for mom to beat the crap out of Tad.

“Honey, hold Tad’s cock and balls so I don’t accidentally hit them,” mom said.

Molly got down on her knees and smiled. Tad’s prick was fresh, clean, and showed no sign of having been used tonight. He was also getting an erection.

“Struck out, didn’t ‘cha,” Molly said as she grabbed his cock and balls.

“Whop!” the loud sound punctuated the end of the paddles whistling trip to his ass.

He yelped and jumped upright. Molly’s grip on his balls was the only thing that kept him from scrambling away.

“Don’t be such a sissy,” Molly said. “Mine was much worse than that.”

“Bend over!” mother snapped. “I don’t have all night for this, you know.”

“Whop!” his whole body jerked from another whistling blow.

Molly smiled with pleasure, as Tad’s dick grew hard in her stroking hand, and his body jumped with each punishing swat.

Mom’s blows became less powerful when she started using just her left hand. Her right hand was busy between her legs and she was starting to sigh.

Water sloshed in the Jacuzzi as Molly reached a climax in the swirling water. She could still taste Tad’s cum as she’d hungrily caught his second squirt. Mom had come too, as she rode his leg and tried to force the handle of the paddle up his ass.

They had both hurried home from jobs or classes over the next four days for more of the punishment they so richly deserved.

Dad came home on the fifth day, and the end came less than a week later.

Tad had left first, that last day, something about a job interview. Dad left a little later for work.

Molly had a lab she could take to pad her grades, but her heart wasn’t in it; especially when she thought of her mother, all by herself in the house. She hadn’t spent any quality time with her mother in ages, and she wondered if mom would like to watch TV or something in that special reclining chair. The one that could keep Molly’s face helplessly pinned to her mother’s soiled panties, and the hungry flesh beneath.

She slipped quietly into the house, and tried to figure out how to imprison herself in the chair’s trap so she could call for help. Creaking sounds and moans from upstairs stopped her.

She wrote her good-bye note through the blur of tears. Tad and mother were still making love upstairs, and there was no pretence of punishment in their words or actions. They were proclaiming their love for each other, in no uncertain terms, and Molly realized she’d been excluded from many such trysts over the last week.

She had lost the tender love she could take from her brother; she had lost the demanding love her mother took from her. She was a third wheel, a female equivalent of her father. Someone to be pushed out of the way so love could be made. She couldn’t bear it; she had to go.

“Are you all right in there?” her father’s voice came from the other side of the door.

“How long have I been?” Molly answered.

“Almost two hours. We were afraid you’d drowned.”

“I can’t tell you how much I needed this. This thing is wonderful.”

She heard him chuckle.

“I’m coming,” she said.

“No rush,” he said, but it was time to face her family.

The evening passed in disjointed spurts, and Molly was almost asleep when there was a mechanical click from her locked bedroom door. She looked up in time to see it open, and her mother walk in.

“Please, mother, don’t,” Molly said. She knew she couldn’t resist her mother’s sexual demands, but she couldn’t stand the pain of its shallowness.

“Come with me, dear.”

“I can’t, mother, please don’t make me.”

“Come along,” she pulled Molly from her bed and guided her from the room.

“Don’t pretend to be asleep,” mom said to the shape under the covers.

“What do you want,” her father said.

“I have your daughter here,” mom said.

“Don’t talk crazy,” he said, rolling back to his side and punching his pillow.

“Listen, you dumb fuck,” she said, grabbing his face in her claw-like fingers. “For once in your life, you’re going to listen to me. Your daughter needs you.”

With that, she pushed Molly toward the bed and left.

“What was that all about?” Molly said.

“Your mother and I don’t make love very often,” dad said.

“I guess I pretty much knew that,” Molly said, embarrassed.

“She’s got a brain about the size of a pea,” he went on.

“Ah, I guess so,” Molly said.

“I don’t suppose she’s ever told you why she humps everything in the world except me,” he said. “For some stupid reason, she seems to think you can handle what she can’t.” He pulled back the covers.

The cock hanging out of his boxers was the spitting image of Tad’s, but in the giant, economy size.

“Oh, my God,” Molly said, reaching out to touch it.

“No, you can’t, nobody can,” he said, blocking her hand.

She brushed his hand aside and put both hands on it. It filled like a fire hose at Molly’s first touch.

“Oh, daddy,” she said, climbing up on the bed.

“Don’t be crazy, I’m too big for you.”

“Happy birthday, daddy,” she said, pressing the head of his great tool into her pussy.

The muscles on his arms bulged as his fingers dug into the mattress.

“Merry Christmas,” she added as she sank carefully down the shaft.

“Ahhhh,” he moaned, as his toes curled and his leg muscles turned to stone.

“Happy New Year,” she said through gritted teeth, completely impaled.

He was frozen, torn between the ecstasy of being completely enveloped, and the fear that his slightest move might hurt her.

“Now, do you know how to use this thing, or is it just for show,” she challenged as she started to rock on the mighty shaft.

Mom and Tad smiled at the sounds coming from Dad’s room.

“I think Molly will be staying after all,” Tad said, his fingers gently stroking between his mother’s legs.

“Hmm,” she said, dreamily. “It’s good to have the whole family together again.” She pulled Tad’s lips to her breast and sighed as he started to suck.

“What a wonderful home cumming.”

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