Inside Source


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“You want a drink?” he says, there’s a bottle of chilled white on the small table by the curtained window, two glasses.

“Sure,” she says, a hit of alcohol would steady her nerves.

He pours the wine, passes her a glass.

“You’re still nervous,” he asks, noticing the slight shake of her hand.

“A little,” she admits, swallowing a small sip of the nice dry Soave. “It is cold in here, though.”

Not adding that it’s the anticipation more than anything that’s making her tremble. Perhaps worried he’s going to think she’s needy, scaring him off.

“It is, isn’t it?” he tilts her head up to his, kissing her mouth to taste the wine on her lips. “Strange for a London hotel. I’ll have to warm you up somehow.”

She smiles, and already she’s feeling warmer, the arousal burgeoning inside her.

But then her smile drops.

“Why do you want me?” she asks, serious. The questions have been bugging her all day, and she can’t take it any more. She wants certainty for the days, weeks, months ahead. She wants to know she’s not just a trivial plaything he’ll drop after –

“Because,” he says before taking a gulp of wine, setting his glass down on the table and stepping as close to her as he could. “You fascinate me. You thrill me, you amaze me, you arouse me.”

He kisses her, and it’s so right it’s frightening. Like if she loses him no man she’ll have afterwards will ever compare. His hands slipping under her jacket to hold her so tight it’s as if they’re both wearing that jacket, his tender kiss setting a benchmark for kisses – and an impossible benchmark for any other man to ever surpass.

“You’re beautiful,” he says, looking into her eyes with complete honesty glowing in his. “You’re so beautiful you make my heart miss a beat whenever I catch sight of you.” Kissing her again, his reassuring words reaching her as powerfully as his exquisite touch. “You’re the most intelligent person I’ve ever met who doesn’t know it and flaunt it. You’re so good you’re now a senior official in a government Department and you’re not even thirty. You’re so principled, you risk everything you’ve ever achieved to make sure the public finds out what the Government it elected is doing with its tax money.”

“But now I’ve given you what you need,” she says, bringing up her main concern: her part in his coverage is complete, he has no reason to stay with her. Her heart drumming until she knows his answer.

“You’ve given me what I need,” he nods, understanding her fears, not chiding her for being a sad, paranoid little girl. “But you haven’t given me what I want.”

“What do you want?”

“You,” he smiles, kisses her again, removes her jacket and drops it on the chair by the table. “I want you, as much of you as I can get for as long as I’m allowed.”

Her reaction to his request is like a depth charge has blown in her tummy – he wants her! A thousand choirs are singing sweet Hallelujah inside her as she runs her hands all over him, still kissing his mouth, her breathing uncontrolled, her blood filled with adrenaline.

He holds her head in his hands, pulling away from her to make her understand, “I’m not going to drop you now the copy’s in. It’s not exactly journalist ethics that I’m involved with a source like this, but you’re still my source. And a very valued source at that. But the fact I want you so much is almost pure coincidence. I’m not here because I’m grateful to you. I’m not here because I’m hoping you’ll let something else slip. I’m not trying to seduce you into revealing more Government secrets. I’m here because you’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met and I am completely and utterly obsessed with you.”

She’s speechless. Her mouth is open, her eyes wide, but she doesn’t know what to say. It’s like a dream. It’s like the culmination of all her wishes she’s ever had. It makes all those romance novels she’s read over the years seem like real-life accounts preparing her for this moment. Or, it’s like candid camera and she’s being set up, filmed, primed for a fall. But strangely for her, it’s more likely to be real, he’s here, he’s hers and she’s his.

“Okay,” she says with a mischievous grin all of a sudden, “you pass.”

He smiles too, and the serious moment is passed, they both know where they stand.

“What do I get for passing?” he asks.

“How about a nice wet pussy?” she replies audaciously, loving how she can be with him.

“Mmm…” he purrs. “Then it’s high time I claimed my prize.”

He unfastens the buttons on her blouse slowly and then simply allows the garment fall. She’s wearing a teddy underneath, black, lace, expensive, new. He doesn’t react, leaving her to wonder what he’s thinking, but kneels in front of her like a faithful worshipper, then reaches round to unzip her skirt and release it from her hips.

For a moment, which seems like an age, she’s standing there feeling suddenly exposed, and Jack is silent. She has goose bumps, she shivers a little. She’s suddenly more than a little self-conscious. What if he thinks she’s a slut in that outfit? It is only their second time together. Her damp underwear feels cold against her crotch now, the air getting to it. His face is just inches from her pussy. Does he like it any more? Does he like her any more, now she’s fully revealed? What if he’s reconsidering? She’s not exactly a Playboy Playmate – her breasts are too small, her legs are too short, her –

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes reverently, his eyes running up and down her body before latching onto hers as she looks down upon him, smiling but with a hint of sadness in her eye.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, kissing her skin with his gentle mouth, just beside her soaking crotch.

“I’m afraid,” she says, not wanting to spoil things but feeling such strong emotions she cannot contain herself. . “Afraid?” he is a little confused, he scratches his head. “Afraid of me?”

“Afraid of losing you.” She says. She’s worried he’s going to think she’s some kind of desperate needy type now, what’s to marry him already, wants his kids, a signature in blood on a marriage register. Maybe he’ll get scared, run away.

Why do good things in life have to come alongside bad things? A person feels good, there are bad feelings to go with it. A person has what they want, they have a lot to lose. Someone who goes without doesn’t suffer the bad times, though they don’t get the good.

She feels she has everything in this man, Jack, but now she has everything to lose. Love, she can feel that whether she believes in it at first sight or not, but now she has pain too. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? Perhaps she should shut up. She’s spoiling things. He’ll leave.

He kisses her again delicately in the same place, and her pussy stirs in response as though it is telling her to shut her mouth and quit ruining things. Her pussy wants his attention, it doesn’t want her scaring him off with her whining desperation.

But he’s not scared off. Slowly, he rises to his feet and brushes her hair away from her face and then sweeps the tears from her cheek before gently taking her head in his hands.

“You’re not going to lose me,” he says softly, those warm, calm eyes on hers. He kisses her and adds, “If I believed in love at first sight, I’d tell you right now that I love you.”

“So you don’t believe love at first sight could ever happen?”

“No, I do,” he kisses her and smiles. “But I didn’t want to scare you off.”

His smile is infectious, but it’s not just his smile that ignites fireworks inside her, that fills her heart with warmth and energy. She feels drunk all of a sudden, intoxicated by what is happening to her.

“You can’t scare me off that easily,” she whispers.

“Then I’ll tell you,” he says, and she catches her breath. “Sarah, I love you. With everything that I am, I love you, with everything I could be, I love you. I’d do anything for you, anything.”

For moment, she doesn’t know what to say. Her every hope has come to fruition, her every desire is now real. Then she gives him a mischievous grin and kisses his lips before saying, “Well you can start by making love to me until I can’t walk any more.”


Rolling around on the bed with him, laughing, giggling, touching, caressing. He was like the best Christmas present a girl could ever have, and now he was completely unwrapped. His strong arms, manly body, his soft skin, firm muscular frame, all over her. And his hardness, brushing against her, promising so much to her while revealing his own thrill to be lying there with her.

Kissing, touching, his hands holding her lace-covered waist, then her bare behind, then her lace-covered breasts, teasing her hard nipples, then sliding down over her nylon-clad legs.

“You feel so good,” he says quietly, breathing in deeply, inhaling her perfume.

“That’s because you’re making me feel so good,” she replies, wrapping her fingers around the long shaft of his erect cock, squeezing him until he lets out a low moan of pleasure.

“I know how to make you feel better,” he says with a flash of his eyes.

“Oh yeah?” she grins, “does it have anything to do with this?” and she moves his hand from her breast, pushing it down her flat belly to the hot wetness between her legs.

“It might do,” he nods, the slithers down tantalisingly slowly so that his chin is resting gently on the very centre of that hot wetness. Exactly where it’s been throughout her waking thoughts for almost the entire day.

“Oh Jack…” she whispers, running her fingers through his hair.

He runs his mouth and nose over her soaking mound and she can feel his touch through her underwear, tracing circles across her throbbing pussy. She feels faintly dirty, but in a good way, knowing that he’s breathing in the scent of her arousal and loving every minute of it, he’s focussing such exquisite attention on her and it’s only going to get better.

“Oh please…” she moans as she feels his mouth open and his heat press against her receptive pussy, his tongue tracing along her juicy groove.

His strong arms clamp around her thighs as he nudges aside the saturated black lace and kisses her bare labia, his nose pressing into her pubic hair.

“My God, that’s nice…” she murmurs, but that’s the last thing she says for a while because the moment completely envelopes her consciousness as he French-kisses her pussy, his sensational tongue slipping inside her smouldering vagina, his lips gliding over her clit.

He gets her going, then moves away, kissing around her outer labia and rubbing his face in the triangle of fur on her mound, then drifting back to stoke her fires again and lap up her profusion of juices. He’s like a great conductor guiding an orchestra of sensations between her thighs, building up the passion then allowing it to subside before drawing it to an even greater height.

She’s rocking and writhing and his head is still there, locked between her thighs and he’s lapping away at her pussy like a man possessed. Before long, she feels like a small ship in the middle of a typhoon, with no control over where she is taken. Rolling and pitching, the waves of ecstasy swirling and boiling around her, soaking her decks. Then the mightiest wave of all approaches, and she’s climbing, climbing, climbing. The force when it hits her is like nothing she’s ever known.

She’s holding his head in her hands, pulling him to her as his tongue delves between her pussy lips and she’s coming ferociously, bathing his face in her juices, groaning, whimpering, hyperventilating as the orgasm claims her.

And at last, the storm fades, and she’s left to limp into port, a virtual wreck now.

“Are you okay?” he asks her as he slides up by her side and cuddles her, spooning her as she recovers, holding her close, making her feel wonderfully protected and safe.

“Fine,” she says breathlessly. “Fine.”

“When you said make love to you until you can’t walk…” he reminds her, teasing her.

“I can walk! I can walk!” she insists, still unable to get her breath back.

“Oh good,” he says, and she presses her behind against him, his hard cock burning against her cheeks.

She feels him lean over and reach for something on the bedside table, then he’s rustling something.

“No, wait,” she says, ”I want to feel you inside me. I want to feel you. Without one of those.”

“Well, I suppose…”

“Just don’t finish inside me.”

So he leaves the condom where it is for now, and she’s positioning his cock at the entrance of her vagina, then pushing back to force him inside her. His length glides inside her tight pussy and he’s filling her. His cock so hard but so velvety against her responsive vaginal walls.

There’s not too much movement between them for a little bit, they’re just comfortable like that, connected, joined as one. His hand reaches around to stroke her breasts, pinch her stiff little nipples. His penis stirs within her as he nuzzles into her neck. She can’t help but groan again, it’s all so much. Then his hand touches her clit, and yet more electricity floods through her network.

Their writhing grows more forceful, but as another climax approaches, she’s desperate to look into those beautiful eyes of his when it hits. She almost jumps up, forcing him onto his back so she can straddle him, slipping down on his cock so that it fills her tightness once again.

And she’s fucking the most wonderful man in the world, his cock squeezed inside her vagina, looking into his eyes as both of them build towards the most powerful orgasm yet. His powerful hands clasp her waist and help to perfect her rhythm. Then he slips the straps on her teddy over her shoulder and takes one of her hard nipples into his hot mouth. He grips her behind as she grinds her clit against his crotch, and the intense sensations build towards another stupendous explosion.

“I’m coming,” he says, warning her, and it would have been nice to come with him, but she can’t.

“Wait,” she says breathlessly, “Wait for me to – “

She rolls over with him still inside her, so he is on top, between her legs.

“Fuck me!” she pleads, and doesn’t care any more if he comes inside her or not, just so long as he fucks her good and hard. She’s not disappointed. His mouth enveloping her other nipple now, he pumps into her, his cock stretching her, filling her even as her pussy tightens further still around that irresistible shaft as she hits her peak again.

And her second orgasm of the night rocks her world.

She’s lying back catching her breath again, and she realises he hasn’t come, his cock is still hard and he’s not released his seed inside her.

“Did you…?” she asks. He shakes his head. “Good boy!”

She pulls him down to kiss his lips. If she’d been a man, she feels almost certain she wouldn’t have been able to contain herself in such a situation. But now it’s clear to her that her Jack needs release.

“I want you to come in my mouth,” she whispers into his ear, smiling when she sees his look of pleasant surprise.

He withdraws from her, collapsing down onto his back beside her, although she’s not there beside him for long. Exhilarated beyond measure, she slides down between his thighs. His big, beautiful cock is glistening with her juices, but nevertheless she wants it inside her mouth. She wants to be close to it, she wants to worship it with her lips, swirl her tongue around its sensitive hood.

She kisses her way up his shaft before enveloping it in her hot mouth, and it’s a little strange tasting herself on his cock. But that’s not important now. The only thing that matters is giving him satisfaction, giving him the reward he so richly deserves.

She grips the base of his shaft with one hand as she fondles his balls with the other, then slowly, she begins to bob up and down on his cock, her lips sliding over his hard flesh, her tongue and cheeks squeezing him.

And he wasn’t lying when he said he was nearly there: it’s not long before he’s groaning himself, making the kind of noises that fill her heart with warmth – she’s making him feel good, and it’s something she just wants to do for the rest of her days. And he’s holding her head – firmly, but not forcing her, guiding her, his breathing deepening, his groans becoming strained sighs as his climax draws near.

Then he’s coming – her own Jack – pumping his hot seed into her willing mouth, and she’s swallowing his cream, already addicted to it.


“We’ve got to be careful, though,” he says. It’s morning, though this close to Christmas it’s still dark outside, and they have to face up to reality again. “You’re still my source, remember. You can’t let anyone even suspect that.”

She nods her head, pledging secrecy.

“As a journalist, it’s my duty now to protect you, keep your identity a secret. But we can’t afford to let anything slip about this yet until we figure it out.”

“I won’t,” she says, a little worried about how their relationship might have to progress.

“We’ll give it some time,” he says, seeing in her eyes what she’s worried about. “We’ll continue like this, just enjoy what time we can get together. Then we’ll make some decisions.”

“Right,” she nods, happy he knows what she’s thinking, happy he’s thinking about it, too. But she doesn’t like that word, ‘decisions’. Despite his declaration of love last night, it hints at the possibility that he might decide his career is more important than her.

“We’re going to have to decide how to make this work,” he says. “I mean, if I have to I’ll quit my job for you, Sarah.”

She grins like the Cheshire Cat and they kiss again, so soft, so sweet. He’s already decided she is more important than his career. What did she ever do to deserve him? She’s never known happiness like this. Risks or not, she’s found the one, the only, the most perfect man in the world. There is a God, and He’s shining His light on her.

Jack says, “Hey, maybe I’ll go write for a travel magazine so we can get some free trips to places.”

They’re both throwing their clothes on so they can get back to their own places to change before work. It feels a little strange putting that fancy underwear on again – it’s served its purpose, but it’s cold and damp, saturated with sex gone by.

“My God, you’re gorgeous,” he scoops her up and kisses her again, touching her breasts, running a hand back down to her pussy. “I can’t resist.”


At work, she’s exhausted and very, very happy. But she can’t show it to anyone. They might suspect.

And right now, the stakes are higher than they’ve ever been. Jack’s story made it to the front page of his paper, and all the others picked it up for the front pages of their second editions. The 24-hour news channels are providing saturation coverage and Barry is hunting for a leak in the Department.

But all Sarah can think about is that it’s Friday, and when the clock strikes six she will be out of here and she’ll have the whole weekend with Jack. She feels all warm inside at the thought, while beneath her demure exterior, that low throb of arousal in her pussy just will not stop.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
juan2forkjuan2forkalmost 11 years ago
One of the few times

Usually the male is the protagonist in your story. This was different and good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Steamy and satisfying

Thanks for's juicy, smoothly written and the dramatic tension based on higher moral grounds is tasty.

gene55mgene55mover 20 years ago
Excellent work

This is an excellent blend of eroticism, a real plot line and romance. It has the makings of a good series: genuine characters in love and lust, in the middle of a political crisis.

Great potential for the woman character to grow out of her emotional shell through the intrigue and romance. And for the reporter to show courage of convictions and compassion for his new lover.

Please continue ... I'll keep looking for the next chapter. Thanks.

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