My Cousin, My Lover Ch. 04


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Amber's face saddened. "We do. I mean well…I guess I'm just confused about the whole situation. I'm mad."

"You shouldn't be mad. He's not a part of your life anymore. He's your past."

Amber sighed. "I know but he meant a lot to me."

"And I don't?"

Amber realized how much she'd hurt Gabriel. "Gabriel, I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to seem as if I don't care about you."

Gabriel looked away. He felt his heart breaking. He'd been in love with Amber ever since he first laid eyes on her and now when he thought he finally had his chance to love her, she didn't seem to love him back. "I'm going to go Amber. I think you need time to really think this through. I don't know for sure if you really still love David or not but I do know that I love you."

Amber's eyes widened. She hadn't heard those words in such a long time. "You do?"

Gabriel nodded and looked at her once again. "Yes. Very much. I'm going to give you time to think about this. Call me when you decided what to do."

He grabbed his car keys and began walking away. Amber grabbed his arm. "Don't go, please. I'm sorry."

He pulled his arm back and continued walking away. "You need time to think about this. I'm going to give you time." With that, he walked out leaving Amber thinking about who her true love really was.

* * *

Sonia eyed her husband. He seemed to be pretending to read the newspaper. His eyes stayed focused on the same page and paragraph.

"Call her," Sonia blurted out.

Ron snapped out of his thoughts. "W-what?"

"I said call her."

"Call who?"

Sonia rolled her eyes. "You know who."

"No! I'm not calling Rebecca."

"You miss her don't you?"

"I'd miss her if she was a decent daughter but the way she's acting-"

"She IS a decent daughter."

Ron took the last sip of his coffee and stood up adjusting his tie. "Sonia, are we going to keep taking about this?"

Sonia shrugged. "Well, we could forget about it and Rebecca could be out of our lives completely but I know deep down you don't want that. She's your little girl. You're princess. Just remember that."

With that, Sonia picked up the table dishes and headed to the kitchen leaving Ron thinking about his daughter.

* * *

David was in his office when Rebecca came in that afternoon. She was smiling and handed him a rose.

"What's this for? And besides I think I'M the one who is supposed to give YOU flowers."

Rebecca laughed. "I know, but you have to admit that it's sweet for a girl to bring YOU flowers huh?"

David put the rose down on his desk, went to close the door and put his arms around her. "Not just any girl. You."

Rebecca blushed.

David sighed and looked nervous.

"What's wrong?" Rebecca asked searching his face.

"I need to ask you something, but I know it probably isn't the right time, but I haven't done it right."

Rebecca's heart raced. "What?"

David got on one knee and stared up at her. "Rebecca Michelle Lambert, will you do me the honors of being my wife?"

Rebecca's tears streamed down her face like water. "Yes! Of course! You know that!"

David felt teary eyed. "I know but I just never asked you. I just assumed you wanted to marry me."

She pulled him back up. She kissed his lips and held him tight. "You are and will always be the only man for me. I love you. I want to spend my entire life with you."

David kissed her forehead and looked into her eyes. "I'm going to buy you a ring and I want you to start thinking of a wedding date."

Rebecca gasped. "Oh my god!"

David laughed. "What? You don't think I'm serious?"

Rebecca kissed him hard and squealed. "This is the happiest day of my life. I want to marry you as soon as I can!"

"Then set the date and I'll be ready for you."

* * *

It was past midnight and Eddie still hadn't gotten home. This had been going on for weeks now. Amy seemed to stare out the window every time she heard a car driving by. She had reasons to be suspicious about Eddie's long working hours. She'd called his office before and there was no answer and twice she'd call his cell phone and there was too much noise in the background that she would have guessed he was at a nightclub instead of working.

Amy got up and paced the room back and forth. She didn't want to seem like a jealous girlfriend but she felt that sometimes what goes around comes around. She recalled having cheated on Nathan, which was something she will always regret and now maybe things were turned and Eddie was cheating on her.

It wasn't until after one that morning when she finally heard Eddie's car pulling up. She quickly ran to bed and pretended to be asleep. She heard his footsteps as he came in. He headed to the bathroom as he did every night to shower. Amy tossed and turned until he was finally out of the shower.

Eddie crawled into bed with her and put his arms around her. Amy stretched her body pretending to have been asleep the entire time.

"Hi babe. What time is it?" Amy asked.

"It's past one, but go back to bed."

He kissed her cheek and turned the other way. Amy wanted to cry but she didn't have full proof yet that he was cheating. But what was he doing all this time?

* * *

Later that week, Amber had been stuck closing the bookstore since her boss was out of town. She hated working so late, but at least they gave her the chance to go to her classes during work time.

She smiled at the customers but couldn't help but feel rotten for what she did to Gabriel. She had to admit she had very strong feeling for Gabriel. He was charming and so kind, but yet why did David still have such a hold on her?

She grabbed her purse and turned off all the lights. Once outside, she fumbled with the keys trying to find the right one to close the store. After locking the door she turned and almost jumped when she saw two figures standing in front of her. It was Neil and Jeff.

"Hello blondie," Neil said.

Amber was trembling with fear. "W-who are you?"

"Let's just say we are some of Gabriel's old friends," Jeff responded sarcastically.

"So what do you all want?" Amber asked nervously.

"Well, we'd like Gabriel to come back and work with us, but lately he's been trying to 'change' his life around. I think you have a lot to do with it blondie," Neil replied.

"Me? No I don't. He changed his life for the better," Amber said.

Jeff laughed. "I don't think so honey. Now looking at you close up, hell I'd change my life too. Maybe if you show us that sweet body of yours we might become saints like Gabriel."

Amber looked both ways and found a way to escape. She quickly took off running as fast as she could and searching for her mace spray in her bag as she ran. She could hear the men running behind her. Luckily Amber had been a track champion back in high school and was a good distance away from them. She felt slight relief when she found her mace spray. The night was so dark and she was too far from her car now. She had regretted leaving her cell phone in her car.

She kept running until she heard a screeching sound of a car. She paused and realized it was the two men. She ran again but this time they caught up to her. Neil, being the strongest grabbed her and threw her on the ground. Amber hit her head and yelped.

"You shouldn't have run away from us bitch! Now you're really going to get it," Jeff shouted as he began to undo his pants."

Amber tried to struggle underneath Neil's heavy body but it was no use. She was holding on to her mace spray but had no way of using it. She was going to get raped.

"Here move out of the way so I can fuck this whore," Jeff said to Neil.

Just as Neil moved slightly, Amber used all her strength and lifted her knee up whacking Neil right on his balls.

"Owwww fuckin' bitch!" Neil yelled.

Jeff's eyes showed rage and he got on the ground ready to hit her but Amber was faster and sprayed him right on his eyes. She grabbed her purse as quick as she could.

"Shit!" Jeff groaned.

Amber was getting up but Neil grabbed her foot taking her back down. She turned and sprayed him as was finally able to make a run for it.

"We'll get you, you fuckin' whore!" Neil cried out.

Amber ran for her car and called the police. Her heart raced and she couldn't stop from crying. It had been the scariest moments of her entire life.

* * *

"Amber! Amber!" Gabriel called out. His brown eyes searched for the girl of his dreams.

Amber sat at the police station crying. She looked up and ran to him. Ash she threw her arms around him, Gabriel had almost forgotten about their fight. He held her tight, his heart racing.

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?"

Amber said nothing. She could only sob on his shoulder.

Gabriel kissed the top of her head and continued to hold her. He could feel her body shaking from the awful scare the bastards must have given her. Amber slowly looked up at him. Gabriel wiped her tears and kissed her lips softly.

"I wasn't hurt, only hit my head."

"I'm going to kill those fuckin' assholes!" Gabriel said angrily. He rubbed the back of her head gently.

"Gabriel, I was so scared!"

"I know, baby I know."

He held her hand in his. "I love you Amber."

She sighed trying to stop crying. "I love you too. I'm sorry I hurt you."

"Don't apologize about that now. Let's forget it ever happened. I'm just glad you're ok. I'm the one who should be sorry for having gotten you involved in this shit."

"It's not your fault. There are just some mean people in this world."

He let go of her hands and touched her face. "I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you. You mean so much to me Amber."

Amber felt her heart fluttering. "I do?"

"Yes." He leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Excuse me ma'am, we got a few more questions," A tall police officer said interrupting their kiss.

Amber wiped her tears and nodded. "Yes, of course."

Gabriel held her hand and both went to give all the information they could to the police.

* * *

David was parked outside his parent's house. He wasn't too sure if this was the right thing to do, but he missed them. He knew his father would not be home, but his mother would. She was the one with most of the resentment towards him.

He walked to the door and before he could even ring the doorbell, Eva opened the door. She gave her son an icy stare. "David. What brings you here?"

"Hey mom, I just wanted to see how you were doing," David answered quietly.

Eva scoffed. "How am I doing? Hmm let's see…not good what do you think?"

David sighed. "Mom, please-"

"No! I don't want to hear about you and Rebecca. Don't you understand how wrong that is? What do I have to do to make you realize that?"

"Nothing. There's nothing you can say or do. Mom, I love Rebecca and I am going to marry her. You can't stop me."

"I realize that. Just so you know, as long as you're married to her, I don't have a son."

David couldn't believe his ears! "You don't mean that."

Eva nodded. "I do. Now is there anything else you care to tell me?"

"Just that I love you and I'm sorry but I have to live my life."

"Very well then. Goodbye David." Eva slammed the door leaving her son outside. She leaned against the door and tears streamed down her face. "I love you David. You're just so wrong," she sobbed.

She waited until his car drove off. She knew she had broken his heart but how could she be happy for him?

* * *

Amber woke up with the sun hitting her face. She turned and no one was there. She quickly got up from the bed and her heart was racing. The events that happened the night before came back to her. Just as she was about to call him, she stepped out side and saw Gabriel fast asleep on her couch. She smiled and watched him sleep so peacefully.

He must have sensed her eyes piercing at him, because he slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning," Amber whispered.

He stretched his body and smiled. "Morning."

"What are you doing sleeping on my couch?"

Gabriel raised his head up and laughed. "I take it you don't remember do you?"

"Not really."

"You were so shaken up. I wasn't going to leave you alone. You took a sleeping pill so you could calm down a bit and get some rest."

Amber rubbed her eyes. "Oh no wonder I feel like shit."

Gabriel got up and walked to her. "I wasn't sure if you wanted me to sleep with you, I mean you know like just sleep by your side so I took the couch."

Amber blushed. "You could have slept with me. In fact you should have. I woke up feeling so scared."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think right."

She put her arms around his waist and pulled him close to her. "Well tonight you can. I want you to."

"I will. I promise."

* * *

Amy was busy making lunch that Saturday afternoon. She was whipping up a macraroni and cheese casserole along with a Caesar salad. She was listening to 80's pop music. "Simply Irresistible" from Robert Palmer was blaring on her radio. She swayed her hips and sang along to the lyrics.

"Ahh!" She yelped when she felt Eddie playfully grab her tush.

He laughed. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"Lunch is almost done."

"That's cool. Now why don't you keep dancing the way you were dancing? You looked damn sexy."

Amy giggled. "I was only being silly. This is such a cheesy song."

"It might be cheesy but I think the lyrics refer to you perfectly."

Amy blushed. "You're just trying to get me to dance."

"Yes, now pretend I'm not in the room and dance the way you did."

Amy turned and began swaying her hips again. She wore a short blue jean skirt the rode up slightly as she moved. She would turn every now and then and give a sexy smile. She'd wink and go back to dancing.

Soon enough Eddie was behind her with his hands on her hips. Amy turned her head and he planted a long sensual kiss on her lips. Her tongue found his instantly. His hands crept up and slid under her top finding her breasts and squeezing them.

"Mmm," Amy moaned into their kiss.

Eddie's other hand moved down between her legs. Amy opened up her legs slightly to let him in. He rubbed her pussy over her panties and moved them to the side. His finger slid inside of her easily.

"Ahhh god!" Amy gasped as he broke their kiss.

He took the liberty of slipping in a second finger making her squirm slightly. "You're so wet," he rasped placing kisses down the side of her neck.

"I am. I've missed you."

He moved his fingers in and out slowly. "I've missed you too. I promise all this working late will end soon. I promise."

"I hope so. Mmmgghh!"

He dug his fingers deeper and continued rubbing her breasts. "I want to fuck you right now but if I do I'm afraid I won't stop."

Amy giggled. "Then don't stop. Fuck me here in the kitchen."

Eddie nibbled on her ear. "I have to go to work later on. Just for a few hours."

Amy's smile disappeared. She stopped moaning and turned away.

Eddie stopped finger her. His fingers slid out leaving only her warm nectar on them. "What's wrong?"

Amy put her skirt down and walked away to the bedroom. Eddie followed her. "Amy. Amy!"

She stood in their bedroom crying. Eddie was confused. "What's wrong?"

"You're going to work today, that's what's wrong. You know Monday I start graveyard shift and I won't be able to see you anymore since you keep working so many damn hours."

Eddie sighed. "Amy, I'm sorry but-"

"But nothing. Go to work tonight, I don't care. I have some things to do anyway."

She grabbed her purse and headed out. Eddie chased after her. "What about lunch? Aren't you going to eat with me?" He asked.

She stood in front of the door and turned around. "No. I've lost my appetite."

With that, she left leaving Eddie heartbroken and filled with regret.

* * *

"Nathan, I have to talk to you!" Amy sobbed on the phone. She had parked outside by a park and called Nathan on her cell phone.

Nathan was at the grocery store when his cell phone had rang. He cared deeply about Amy as well as Eddie. "Amy? What's wrong?"

"I think Eddie's cheating on me!" Amy blurted.

Nathan's heart sank. "How do you know?"

"Because he's suddenly working 'late' hours. I mean I know you used to work late every now and then but this is going on every single day! It's been weeks with the same thing going on!"

Nathan sighed. "Well, maybe he does have a big project to do."

"Nathan, don't try to make me feel good. I know I must be paying for what I did to you."

Nathan remembered the way Amy had cheated on him. He never hated her for it, he had been hurt but he loved her no matter what. "Don't say that."

"It's true!" Amy sobbed. "I hurt you and now it's coming back to me. I'm sorry Nathan. I'm so sorry I hurt you."

"Amy, that's the past. It was a long time ago. You're a different person now. I believe that."

Amy continued to cry. "I love Eddie so much. I don't want to lose him."

"You won't lose him and he loves you too. If you want I'll have a talk with him. I will assure you that there is nothing going on."

Amy smiled. "You always make things better Nathan. That's why I love you."

"I love you too Amy. You have nothing to worry about."

* * *

"I went to visit my mom today," David blurted out.

He and Rebecca were in bed late at night. Neither could sleep.

"You did what?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. I guess I didn't want to share the bad news."

Rebecca cuddled close to him. "I'm sorry, what happened?"

David sighed. "Well, she said if I marry you or as long as I'm with you, that I am no longer her son."

Rebecca's heart broke. "I'm really sorry. I know how you feel though, remember my father told me he no longer had a daughter."

David held her. "You know we are losing our family over this but I don't regret being with you."

Rebecca looked up at him. "Neither do I. I wouldn't take back any moment that I've shared with you."

David grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "By the way, did you decide on a wedding date?"

Rebecca smiled sheepishly. "Yes."

* * *

Gabriel was rushing back to Amber's apartment as quick as he could. He had gone to pick up some Chinese take out for them as well as rented a movie. He had high hopes to spend the night with the woman he loved.

As he drove through a narrow street, he was nearly blinded by bright beaming lights behind him. He drove faster trying to avoid the truck behind him, but it seemed the faster he moved, the truck did the same.

Gabriel continued to drive but once he took a quick look through the rearview mirror, he realized who was behind him. It was Neil and Jeff. Gabriel pressed the gas. He was going at over 80 miles an hour on a 50 mile per hour zone. Neil's truck followed him until it was right behind him and pushed his car.

Gabriel held on to the wheel and felt another push.These sons of bitches want me dead! Gabriel said silently. He pressed the gas again and they did the same bumping him again this time making him swerve to the other lane.

Gabriel didn't stop and made a quick turn to a low traffic road in order to avoid any great car wreck. He knew there was a river up ahead but if he died at least he wouldn't take other innocent people with him.

Neil's truck continued to follow him and sped up more driving right next to Gabriel.

"Hey asshole! You're dead. Say your last goodbyes and don't worry, we'll take care of blondie for you."

"Fuck you!" Gabriel yelled back pushed their truck slightly with his car.

Gabriel saw a tree up again and as he tried to turn to avoid it, it was too late. His car crashed hard. His head hit the steering wheel and he could hardly breathe. He had lost consciousness.

to be continued...

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PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 4 years ago
2nd read

Nice, love this series.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 6 years ago
hmm interesting

id like to see which way this goes, does he recover and end up with amber or does he die and those guys end up raping amber. cant wait to find out.

EffectEffectalmost 19 years ago

Great story. I'm glad you decided to do a sequel but I hope you haven't forgotten about this story. I need to go back and read the first three chapters of this but wanted to see where things were so far.

Any chance of doing a follow up on Nathan and Callie? Any children for them yet since I know in their story they wanted them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
A Wicked Story!

I loved the series about the Adams siblings and am really glad you decided to do a follow up with the rest of the characters. I hope the next chapter comes out soon cause I'm dying to know about what happens next, especially to Gabriel as well as Amy and Eddie. One tiny complaint, it would be a smoother read if you did a grammer check. Nevertheless, it was a brilliant read.

-*Velvet Black*-

juanjsojrjuanjsojralmost 19 years ago
great story

good going don't listen to the others who cares about grammar you doing a good job like always

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