My Exhibitionist Instructor

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Sexy, show off instructor with a thing for lacy lingerie.
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I was excited to hear the news that my manager was sending me to a weeklong training session. Currently I don't travel often for business, so I always enjoy the few trips that come my way. I've already realized that frequently, the city one visits on a business trip doesn't really matter too much - often there's not enough free time to get out of the hotel and explore the city. Still, I loved learning that not only was I go to a weeklong training session but that the training was in Coral Gables, just outside of Miami. What a great reprieve this would be from the dreary weather that had settled in over Washington DC for the last few weeks. I decided to take an early flight on the Sunday before the training session so that I could get a little sun and do some sightseeing.

Stepping out of the airport into the warm air and bright sunshine was completely rejuvenating. After getting my rental car and checking into the hotel I headed out to do some exploring. Everywhere I looked the were hot girls walking around in outfits that left little to the imagination. I wondered why I had settled on DC for my career - this part of Florida had an awful lot going for it as far my dick was concerned. I work in the technology field, and I've come to accept that it is not yet a field that has a real high concentrated number of women who look like they've stepped out of a Victoria's Secret catalog. Sadly, I've come to realize that short of being a photographer for the Victoria's Secret catalogs there probably aren't any other jobs with that side benefit. Consequently I was not prepared for the unexpected, stunning beauty who was at the head of the conference room in the hotel. Our instructor for the week was a young woman who had my rapt attention immediately.

She introduced herself as and I could tell she was attractive, but her formal business attire left a fair amount to the imagination. In fact, it seemed like she was sexy as hell but trying very hard to dress so that no one would notice. Her attempt to disguise her hot body was in vain as far as I was concerned. She was pretty young to be the lead instructor for the custom application that was the topic of the training, so I figured one reason she was dressed so professionally was to gain some instant respect. I'm sure she gets tired of having to prove herself week after week to people who think they're being instructed by a drop dead gorgeous brunette who is as young as some of the attendees'. Her professional attire, however, was just slightly off the mark. She had on stylish high heels, stockings, a skirt that wasn't too short, but not very long either, a white silk, somewhat sheer blouse, and an attractive suit coat. She also had on stylish glasses that accentuated her blue eyes. She was the epitome of the "sexy businesswoman" I'd never seen in real life. Suddenly this weeklong session of grueling training on systems modeling and differential equations was looking a lot more interesting.

As it turns out, Jenny knew her stuff inside and out. After the first day of lecture, I had a much better understanding of how the application worked and how much it would benefit my company. Jenny was completely professional the entire day. It was as though she didn't realize how attractive she was and assumed all the male's (and maybe some of the females?) focused attention was because of her articulate explanation of the underlying workings of the application. While that's a possibility it certainly was a secondary reason to me. All I could think about was if she was wearing a wonder bar or if those huge breasts of hers were real. That, and also if I my eyes deceived me when I thought I saw a glimpse of garter holding up one of her stockings through the slit in her skirt

In typical fashion, the hotel's conference room air conditioning was no match for the heat generated by all the computers in front of us, the projector, and all the people. All of the attendees were dressed pretty casually - after all, we were at a training session in Florida! Short sleeved shirts and the like. Poor Jenny was showing signs that the hot room was getting to her. I sensed she was reluctant to remove her jacket. But when she finally did, whoa! What a welcome event. Turns out, the nearly sheer blouse I'd been staring at all day long was sleeveless. Now I had the chance to sneak a peek, on more than one occasion, at her beautiful lacy white bra. And I was finally able to answer my pressing question "real or fake" as I could easily make out natural skin tones through the lace on the side of her bra. Now, with her high heels on, her ample chest, stuck out magically. (I'm not good at guessing this sort of thing, but based on my wife's bra sizes and the size of her breasts, Jenny must have been at least a 38D maybe more.) Silently I thanked the HVAC gods for not having updated the hotel's conference room AC. And so went the rest of the afternoon, me trying hard not to be too obvious that I was checking Jenny and her awesome rack out every chance I had.

Mentally I was completely drained by the end of the first day. Unfortunately this wasn't a trade show event where I could escape to the vendor exhibits for a break. I would be responsible for putting the knowledge I gained from this week's training immediately to use upon returning to work, so I had to be totally focused. Of course staying focused was more difficult than normal with Jenny and her hot body proving to be such a beautiful distraction. At the end of the first day's training session I decided to hit the gym, thinking a little exercise would help clear my mind. After several minutes on the treadmill I was able to forget about all the equations and application instruction of the day. Not surprisingly, my brain quickly filled with thoughts about Jenny...Was she aware of how beautiful she was? Did she know how sheer her blouse was today? Did she purposefully stand just so that the slit in her skirt separated enough to get a good show? Or did she really let her skirt hike up high enough to flash a little garter belt when she was sitting next to me "showing me something?" Did she intend to push her breasts into my arm when she leaned over to show me how to do something during one of the exercises? And finally, where was she now?!? So many questions. Such an easy time on the treadmill as the minutes flew by pondering these delicious questions.

I hit the pool and hot tub after my workout that was just outside of the gym. I was surprised to find several people still out by the pool soaking up the last rays of the day. I was even more surprised to find a few attractive women among the crowd. What were all these people doing here on a Monday evening? I didn't know why they were here, but I can tell you I loved the view. Three young women, maybe spring breakers, were wearing sexy bikinis that left little to the imagination. As I was admiring the view of their hard nipples and hard asses I started wondering how this week would differ if I wasn't married. But I am, and happily so. All this eye candy would just need to become fodder for my active imagination - and I would leave it at that. On the way from the pool back to the locker room I looked through the fitness room windows and saw Jenny. Wow! I think my jaw hit the ground. She had on the hottest work out clothes I've ever seen, a tight light blue lycra leotard over short black spandex shorts. Her glasses were off, her hair was down and her sizeable breasts looked even better squeezed into all that lycra. I suddenly realized I needed to hurry back into the locker room to avoid embarrassing myself - both with my obvious gawking and growing hard-on. As I was about to make a mad dash, Jenny looked out the window and waved to me cheerfully, I was amazed I had the wherewithal to wave back. Hmm, perhaps I would have to change my schedule tomorrow to see if I could still be in the gym if she arrived again.

After dinner I talked to my wife back in my hotel room. Lisa, my wife, is great - she's one of those girls with a natural beauty that attracts double takes from everyone who sees her. Her body is fit and curvy in all the right places. Her legs and ass are probably her best looking features, but her firm tits, and always-pouty lips and long blonde hair make her irresistible to me. She was a cheerleader in high school and hasn't her youthful athletic body at all. She still does aerobics religiously - she says it's a stress reliever. I met Lisa in college and we quickly became inseparable. To think when I first met her I wondered if she would be any good in bed is laughable now. We've been married for a little over four years and I have no complaints. Her demeanor in the bedroom belies her good girl looks. Women who aren't afraid to talk a little dirty during sex have always turned me on, but Lisa has the sluttiest talk imaginable. As you can imagine, with her slutty talk, we also have a long history of enjoying phone sex. To be honest, I'd never done it before I met Lisa. But I was out of town once and she introduced me quickly with fantastic results. When I returned she told me that she had heard the other girls on the cheerleader squad talking about getting their guys off over the phone in high school when they couldn't get together, and she quickly began trying it out. I'm sure that development delighted whoever was on the other end of the phone.

I called my wife once I got back to my room. I was looking forward to another hot exchange before hitting the sack, but instead she asked how things were going. She wanted to know how I liked Coral Gables, if the hotel was nice, how the training was going. Of course I said everything was going great though the first day was pretty grueling. She asked if the instructor knew his stuff. I love having the opportunity to catch my wife with a sexist stereotype, so I said, "Actually she is very knowledgeable. She's definitely an impressive instructor for someone who appears so young."

"Impressive, eh? And what do you mean by that?"

"Well sweetie, you were just asking me if the instructor knew their stuff, so obviously I meant she had an impressive knowledge of the application and excellent skills as an instructor."

Her keen sense wouldn't leave it alone. "Uh huh, and what does this young, impressive instructor look like?"

"More sexist comments, huh?"

"Oh come on, I know you, I'm sure you checked her out, I was just wondering how she stacked up?"

I was in a tricky spot, how honest should I be? While my wife and I are still pretty big flirts when we go out with friends, admitting that when I saw my instructor in her tight workout clothes I thought I was going to cum seemed like it a bit much.

"Actually she does seem pretty attractive, now that you ask."

"Really, now we're getting somewhere. Well, come on, what does she look like?"

"Well, I'd say she's close to our age, so she's got a great youthful look about her, just like you." I thought I knew where Lisa was going with this, but I wanted to make her ask to hear more to make sure I was right.

"Youthful looks, what the fuck does that mean? Now I know this girl is hot. She must have given you quite the hard-on, because you know I want to hear about her, but you're holding back, you almost sound afraid. This girl really does it for you, doesn't she? You're afraid you're going to sound too excited, aren't you baby?"


"Well, let me help you, tell me what she was wearing today, and I now I want all the details."

I stopped holding back, "Lisa, you wouldn't believe this girl, I thought she was pretty hot when I first saw her. Like I said, she's pretty young to be a lead instructor, so I could tell she was trying pretty hard to look professional. And she looked great, but she didn't quite pull off the mature businesswoman look."

"Jesus, enough already with the prelude."

"Okay, okay, she had on very nice high heels, not clubby, but definitely higher than normal business shoes. Stockings that made her legs look hot as hell. A skirt that wasn't as long as you might expect to see at the office. But then, the best part, she had on a white blouse that was more sheer than I imagine she realized, and a suit jacket."

"Mmm, sounds nice, but there must be more."

"Well, she's really quite attractive, she's got a great face, dark hair that she was wearing up, and sexy little glasses."

"Uh huh."

"Okay, her tits, Lisa are amazing. Big and firm, the kind I've always loved and know you've admired too. And with her heels on her ass and tits were looking so fine."

"Oh baby, she sounds really sexy, did she get you hard?"

Now, I should say, that Lisa has always been very amused by my fascination of girl girl sex. What can I say, I'm just a guy, and the idea of two hot chicks getting it on gets me off. I know I'm not the only one. Lisa knows this and invariably uses it to really get me going. "Well, I was in a training session, so it's not like I could really whip it out and start stroking, like I am now."

"Baby, I've got my skirt pulled up just hearing about this girl, so I know she had to have had some effect on you."

"Oh yeah. Well, the training room got pretty hot - it happens all the time. Too many computers and people in a space that wasn't ever designed to handle it. Anyway, I could tell Jenny was a bit hesitant, but she decided her outfit was just too warm, so she took off her jacket. Lisa, her sheer blouse was sleeveless! So now, in addition to the sheerness, I had a great look at the prettiest lace bra holding some mighty special tits."

"Oh yeah, you must have been dying. Your such a tit man, your dick must have been hard all day."

"Sweetie, you haven't heard the half of it. I'm surprised you haven't asked how I knew she had stockings on, you know, instead of panythose..."

"I didn't think you knew the difference." She chuckled.

"Well, I do, and I'll tell you, during one of the exercises she came over to see how I was doing. As she was sitting next to me her skirt hiked up high enough and the slit separated so that I could see her garters. How fucking sexy is that? Who goes to work like that? Then, another time, she was leaning over and I felt her big tits pushing into me - I don't know if she was doing it on purpose or if she just couldn't help it."

"She sounds like a little slut who knew exactly what she was doing. She must have loved getting you hard. I just can't believe how much you fell for her little innocent routine."

"I don't know, if she was doing it on purpose she wasn't very obvious it. Lisa, I saw her in the gym later. Holy shit, if you've drawn a sexy picture of this hottie in your head now, you should have seen her in her workout clothes. Her body is smokin' hot. Her long legs, tight ass, awesome tits - she waved to me as I walked by the windows and I thought I might cum in my bathing suit."

"Oh my god, that sounds so fucking hot. Baby I'm so wet listening to you talk about this little slut."

"She's so damn hot."

"She's not there with you now, is she?"

"Come on, sweetie, you know I'd never cheat on you."

"Yeah...everything but, right? Tell me, what would you do with her if we weren't married and she was right there with you."

"Oh god, that makes my cock pulse just thinking about it. I'll tell you, I would eat her pussy until she came and then I'd eat her some more. She has the kind of beauty you just can't help but worship, and I'd start my worship service at her hot, wet pussy. Oh baby, my dick is so hard."

"My pussy is so wet, god, I'm playing with my clit listening to you. Keep going baby, you've got me so damn close to cumming."

"Well, then, once she couldn't take cumming any more, I'd move up and suck on those heavenly tits. I wouldn't be able to wait long before sticking my cock in her hot pussy. Oh yeah, I know that would be so sweet. I'd want to take my time, but I know I wouldn't be able to resist exploding in her before too long."

"Oh baby I'm cumming..."

"Ugh, me too."

"Wow, I can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes, goodnight."

"You're the best sweetheart, bye."

The next day Jenny treated us all to another hotter-than-hot business girl outfit. Actually, it was pretty similar to the previous day's outfit, seems Jenny clearly has a thing for the heels, stockings, skirt, tight blouse look. Again she started the day's session with a suit jacket on, and I was hoping the hotel hadn't been able to get anybody to solve the AC problem from the day before. There was a bit less lecture time this day, more hands on time to become familiar with the application. Of course this also meant more chances for Jenny to come by each of us and see how things were going. The first few times she came by she didn't sit down, so I didn't get the garter belt flash I did the day before, but every time I did have those wonderful breasts pressed against my arm or back - much more than the day before. Plus, I noticed for the first time that she was wearing perfume of a heavenly scent. I imagine she had the same perfume on yesterday but I just never noticed. The environment was not too good to be flirty, and besides, I really needed to learn this application. But my dick was aroused all day long. Whenever I could, I would check her out to see if I caught more sexy poses. In the afternoon when the room was again stifling hot, the jacket came off. And I'll be goddamned if she wasn't wearing another sleeveless blouse. Is it just me, or are these one of the sexier things women can get away with wearing in an office environment. As she came by in the afternoon, I couldn't help but think she was purposefully positioning herself so that I I had easy access to out today's lacy bra selection - red -- through the buttons of her blouse, or the side of her shirt. But if that was the case, she never let on. She was professional to a tee. And though we had developed a good repartee, I figured the flirty poses were more wishful thinking on my part.

Again, I was totally spent at the end of the day. Today however, I decided to check my voice mail from work and respond to emails I was hopeful that getting to the gym a little bit later might put me there the same time Jenny showed up. I was halfway through my workout, and beginning to chuckle at how silly my little plan was. After all, I had no idea what other obligations she had this week. But then, the door opened and I can honestly say my heart rate surged - honest, so said the exercise machine. She had on the same outfit as the day before, and seeing her in it up close and personal made me think I'd died and gone to heaven. We exchanged hellos. She asked if I thought the training was going well. If only she knew. I tried to be subtle, but I'm telling you, she just had a body that didn't lend itself well to subtlety. I finished my workout and she was still going strong. Instead of staying and making a gawking fool out of myself, I decided to hit the pool again. I mentioned that the view from the pool deck - the gym and pool facilities were on an upper floor - was fantastic and she should check it out, but apparently she had other plans. It was disappointing, but seeing her hot body up close in her lycra outfit had me pretty worked up. And when I was telling her about the view from the pool, the only view I was noticing was of her deep cleavage and hard nipples that were on display. Once again, I called my wife that night from my room.

"So, did you fuck her?"

"Hello to you too."

"Come on, I want to hear the details, I assume the training is going fine."

"Yeah, it's actually going well. Lisa, she had on basically the same kind of outfit again today. This girl is undeniably hot."

"Did she flash her panties at you today, or was she still just good enough to get you to see her garters?"

"Oh god, how I wish I saw her panties, but no, can't say I got that lucky. But there was a lot of breast mashing against my arm and back while she helped me."