The Trail West Ch. 05


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"Ain't right, a man works hard to provide for his family and some no good, low down, bastards steal him blind. Just ain't right," Red commented. Coming from a ranching family himself he had strong feelings about rustlers. "So what do you plan to do sir?"

"Just hang on and hope things get better. We grow a lot of our own food in our garden and we've some money put away from better times for other things. If things don't get any worse we can hold out for a long spell, but somewhere down the road things will have to change. We want to do more than just get by."

"In town you said you couldn't pay full wages for a hand. What's considered full wages around here and what are you able to offer?" Josh asked. They needed to know before they went to the S Bar S.

"A ranch like the S Bar S usually pays $40 a month and found. We can afford about half that I guess. Why?"

"Just an idea bouncing around in my head. Let me think on it some more before I say anything," Josh answered. "Guess we'll turn in. See you in the morning sir."

"Breakfast at 6 boys. Good night," Daniel replied and went into the house.

The three walked to the bunkhouse and Red asked, "What's your idea Josh? Care to share it with your partners?"

"Let's wait until we talk to Mr. Sanders first. Then I'll tell you what I'm thinkin, okay? Red and Jerry nodded and the men went to bed.

They were saddling up after breakfast and Daniel told them that if things didn't work out to come on back. He invited them to stay with his family for a while until they decided what to do. The boys thanked him and rode out toward the S Bar S.

It took them almost two hours to get to get to the S Bar S; they could have made it faster but there was no need to work the horses that hard; they wanted to get the lay of the land and weren't in a big hurry. They rode to the ranch house where two men were sitting on the front porch. One man was about 5' 6 with a stocky build and looked to be about 50; the other was almost as tall as Josh and had a mean look about him. Josh dismounted and walked toward the house; Red and Jerry stayed on their horses.

"Mr. Sanders?" The older man stood and nodded. "I'm Josh Kelly; I heard from Mr. Mitchell in town that you might be hiring some hands."

"What I looking for is a horse trainer. Full up otherwise."

"I'm a horse trainer sir but we'd like to work together if we could. We're sort of a matched set, don't you know," Josh said smiling.

"You boys don't look old enough to be weaned much less be good hands," the other man said standing up. His tone was insulting and he looked at the three young men with contempt.

Josh didn't like the looks of him. He had an arrogant manner about him; he reminded Josh of a bully back home. A bully that would remember the lesson that the young farm boy had taught him for a long time. Josh was about to make a little joke to lighten the mood when Red spoke up.

"I'd be happy to step down and show you what a boy can do Mister," Red gave the man an evil grin.

"Shut up Tom, this is none of your affair." Sanders said. Turning back to Josh he said, "That's my brother-in-law Tom Larson; he's got a spread on the north side of the Maggie M. Sometimes he forgets his manners," Sanders said the last part to Larson.

"We are young Mr. Sanders but that don't mean we're not good workers. Rode guard for a Mr. Hobart's wagon train from Fort Smith to Santa Fe. We can earn our keep."

"It's like I said, I'm full up for regular hands, but I do need a trainer. I've got some horses that no one here has been able to get a handle on. If you can do what you say I'll give a try. How's $40 a month plus room and board sound Josh?"

"Let me show you what I can do and then we'll talk wages. Where are these horses you're having trouble with?"

Motioning to Larson to stay put, Sanders led them to a corral on the far side of the barn. Red stayed behind for a couple of minutes and pulled back on his reins causing Jasper to back up. He kept looking at Larson until he was about fifty feet away and then turned to follow Josh and the others. It was a blatant challenge to Tom Larson but he either had the good sense or lack of backbone to accept it.

"That's a nice piece of horse flesh you're leading Josh. Don't know when I've ever seen a horse that big move so easy on his feet," Sanders said admiring Diablo.

Josh reached up and patted the big horse on the neck. "Yes sir, he's about as good a horse as I've ever owned. He was one of those problem horses that Mr. Hobart had. Nobody could even get a lead rope on him until I worked with him some. Mr. Hobart gave him to me as a bonus."

"What put a burr under Larson's saddle Mr. Sanders?" Red asked.

"He wants the job of training my problem horses but I don't like his methods. When he's done with an animal its spirit is broken. A lot of the horses he works with just give up and die." He paused for a second then said, "If he wasn't my sister's husband I'd run him off my place."

The men came to a corral attached to the barn on one side. "Well there's four of my problems right there," Sanders said pointing to four horses in the corral.

Josh inspected the horses for a couple of minutes and then climbed the fence and dropped down into the corral.

"Be careful Josh, that sorrel is as mean as a snake," Sanders warned him.

The youngster smiled and walked to the middle of the corral and stood still. The horses moved away to the far side of the space and watched him. Josh stood still for about a minute and then turned his back on the horses. He slowly began to walk back to the fence; by the time he got there two of the horses had followed him part way across the corral.

Josh climbed up on the top rail and watched the horses for a minute. "Mr. Sanders, do you have some apples or carrots or something I can use as a treat?"

Sanders yelled at one of his hands over by the barn door, "Jones bring me a couple of those dried apples." The hand ducked into the barn and returned handing Josh three apples.

"Red put Diablo in the corral please."

Jerry opened the gate and Red led Josh's horse into the corral and walked back out. Josh cut the apples into several pieces and then jumped back down into the corral. He walked to the middle again and Diablo sort of crowded around him. The horse knew that Josh often had good tasting treats for him. He fed a piece of apple to Diablo and again turned his back on the others.

This time the two horses that had followed him before came toward Josh and after sniffing and looking at the offered pieces of apple took them from his hand. One of them allowed Josh to stroke his neck for a few seconds. Josh threw pieces of apple toward the other two horses and left the corral.

"That's as close as anyone's gotten to them without roping and hobbling them," Sanders said. "How'd you get them to come to you?"

"Horses are naturally curious and when they saw Diablo chewing on somethin they had to see what it was. The two that took apples from me I can probably be riding in 2 or 3 days. The other two will take a little longer," Josh told the older man.

"Well you boys come up to the house and we'll get some coffee and talk about your wages," Sanders suggested.

"I'll get my horse and join you shortly, sir," Josh said. He wanted to talk to Red and Jerry before any job offer was made.

"Boys if Mr. Sanders can't or won't hire all of us, I've got a couple of ideas. But we need to talk among ourselves and decide which way to go. Either way we'll go back to the Maguires for tonight; I'll need to get my gear and horses if I take the job."

Both Red and Jerry nodded and the three partners went back to the ranch house. They saw Larson riding off and Sanders invited all three men to join him on the porch. After getting coffee for them and getting settled in he made his offer.

"Josh, I'd like to hire you as a trainer; I'll pay you $50 a month and found. When you're not busy training horses you'll help with the cattle. How about it?"

"Thanks for the offer Mr. Sanders. Do you have room for my two partners too? We hadn't planned on separating," Josh replied.

"Sorry Josh, I don't have need of two more cow hands. Bout the best I could offer would be to let them work for room and board."

Josh thought about the offer for a minute and then said, "If it's alright I'd like to talk to my friends tonight and give you my answer in the morning. Can I do that sir?" Sanders nodded and Josh said, "Either way I'll let you know first thing in the morning."

When the boys got back to the Maguires they helped with some chores. Josh chopped fire wood and then helped Jerry muck out the stalls in the barn. Red did some repairs to the corral fence. Sarah and Danielle helped their mother around the house but came out to help with the other chores too. Contrary to the calico dresses they had worn in town they were now wearing men's slacks.

Josh had seldom seen a woman wearing slacks; at least not ones as young and attractive as the Maguire girls. Sarah stayed outside to help Red with the corral and Danielle came into the barn to help Josh and Jerry muck out the stalls. She distracted Josh so much that twice he almost stabbed his foot with the pitchfork he was using.

Sarah saw Josh looking at them and said, "Didn't mean to shock you Josh; you either Red. When we go to town Danielle and I will wear dresses or split riding skirts. But for working around the ranch wearing slacks is the best."

Josh blushed and answered, "Yes 'em.

Red laughed at the embarrassed Josh and said, "Y'all wear what you need too Sarah. We'll get over being shocked real quick."

Josh blushed again at the laughter directed at him by the girls and Red. After finishing the chores, the three young men went to the bunk house to clean up and wait for supper.

"Okay we've played good guests now what are your ideas Josh?" Red questioned.

"Well, I was just thinkin. I don't know about you two but I'm not up here trying to make my fortune or get rich; I'm just biding my time until I can go back home. When that time comes both of you are welcome to come with me. You can hire on at our farm or one of my uncle's." Josh looked at his two friends and when they nodded he went on.

"I think you two ought to stay here and help the Maguires. Daniel won't accept charity so let him pay you the $20 and found. I'll make a deal with Mr. Sanders to work four days a week and spend the other three over here." Josh waited to see if either of the men wanted to say anything and then continued.

"If that don't suit you we can go on and try to find something else. There's sure to be other ranches west or north of Colorado City."

"I sorta like the scenery around these parts," Red replied with a grin. "Rather not get too far away. Besides I'd like to find out who or what is happening to their cattle. Might be they could use our help, don't you know."

"What about you Jerry? Do you want to hang around or should we go looking some more?" Josh wanted to include the youngster in the discussion.

"I like it here. Mrs. Maguire has been real nice to me; she sorta reminds me of my ma. Ifin its okay, I just as soon stay here."

"Figure with our bankrolls we can last for two or three years as long as we're getting room and board. And I like the scenery bout these parts too," Josh said looking at Red.

Danielle was on Josh's mind when he talked about the scenery. She was as tall as her sister with the same slender but strong build. Danielle had her father's coloring with a mane of strawberry blonde hair and startling blue eyes. Her eyes could stare a hole right through you, Josh thought. But I wouldn't mind the attention.

The boys heard the clanging of the dinner bell and walked toward the ranch house. "After supper we'll brace Daniel and see what we can work out," Josh said.

The conversation at supper flowed easier than the previous night; none of them felt like strangers this evening. Sarah and Danielle were more involved and teased the boys a lot. Red and Sarah kept stealing glances at each other. My old partner's got himself roped and hog tied Josh thought. It was obvious to everyone except Daniel that Red and Sarah were smitten with each other.

After supper while the girls were helping Maggie with cleaning up, the men went to sit on the porch. Red stayed inside and Danielle came out to join them shortly. "I'm not needed inside, Red took my place helping with the dishes," she told Josh.

Josh and Jerry looked inside and saw Red standing next to Sarah, drying the dishes as she washed them. Yep, roped and hogtied Josh thought.

"You boys get a job today?" Daniel asked as he lit a cigar.

"Yes and no sir. Mr. Sanders couldn't take all three of us on but he did offer me a job training horses. We've got an offer for you Mr. Magu.....I mean Daniel." Josh waited for Daniel's nodded and then went on.

"I'm gonna take the job with the S Bar S but I only want to work over there four days a week. If you'd hire Jerry and Red at the $20 and found you mentioned, we could all stay in the same area. I can come over for three days and help out, if you'll feed me and let me throw my bedroll down in the bunk house." Josh finished and looked at Daniel.

"We can't afford the $20 dollars per man, when I said $20 I meant for one hand."

"No sir, I meant $20 for the two of them and all you'll have to do is feed me a little. You're getting 2 full time and one part time hand for the $20."

"That's not fair to you boys; you can earn more at another ranch," Daniel protested.

"We can't be sure we can all get hired on at the same place and besides I don't think I can get him away from here with a team of mules," Josh said motioning to Red drying dishes in the kitchen.

Daniel thought for a minute puffing on his cigar. He leaned forward in his chair, "Looks like you boys got a home."

Josh was on his way to the S Bar S by daylight to start his new job. Red and Jerry saw him off and had plans to finish repairing the corral. Later in the morning Daniel and Red took a ride around the ranch. Red found out that the Maggie M was a full section of land at 640 hundred acres and had a very large spring right in the middle of the property and several year round streams running through it. The well at the ranch house tied into the spring branch.

The next month was a busy time for Josh. He worked and stayed at Sanders from Monday through Thursday. On Friday at day break he would ride to the Maggie M, work over the weekend and spend some time with Danielle. On Monday morning he'd return to the S Bar S and start all over again.

Josh was able to gentle two horses that first week at the big ranch. He had them broke to saddle and working stock by the middle of the week. The other two took a little longer; it was going on two weeks before he could get them saddle broke.

In the mean time Sanders had brought in two more animals for Josh to work with. It was the second week of August and he told Josh he figured they had another month and a half before winter. They discussed the situation and both agreed that Josh would stay at the S Bar S until the winter set in. He would bunk at the Maggie M through the winter unless Sanders had horses that needed training. If he did he would pay Josh for each animal he trained instead of a monthly wage.

Even though it might mean less money Josh was happy with the new situation. He had almost $500 in his bankroll which he felt would more than hold him over until spring and beyond if necessary.

When he was away, Josh found himself missing the people at the Maggie M. He missed Red and Jerry but had to admit most of his thoughts were of Danielle. It wouldn't be long before she and Sarah moved back to Fountain. He would see her on the weekends when the girls returned to the ranch but when the winter closed in there wouldn't be many trips back to the Maggie M until spring.

Before Sarah and Danielle moved to town, Red got permission from Daniel to teach the girls how to handle a gun. "This isn't real wild country anymore sir, but it ain't St. Louis either. The ladies need to know how to protect themselves."

"Okay Red," Daniel agreed with a laugh. "Just don't teach them how to fast draw or anything," he teased.

Danielle took over the task of caring for Josh's horses while he was at the S Bar S. Almost every day she would brush them and always had a few pieces of apple for them. When Josh rode back to the Maggie M for the weekend, she took special care of Diablo too. It made little difference if Josh returned Thursday evening or Friday morning, Danielle made sure the big horse got combed, curried, and brushed. She also made sure that Diablo got his share of apples.

"I wish someone would pay that much attention to me," Josh said one morning. He was chuckling and teasing Danielle.

"Maybe they will one day," she replied seriously. Her statement put a big smile on Josh's face.

Danielle took special care of all of Josh's horses but her favorite was Sunny. She always had an apple, carrot, or turnip for the big buckskin. The horse would have followed her around like a heel hound if he could have. Every time she walked by the corral, Sunny would come to the fence, hang his head over the top rail, and watch her.

Danielle usually found the time to stroke his neck or scratch his ears and talk to him. When Maggie asked her about her special attachment to Sunny, Danielle said he reminded her of the chargers that the Knights of the Round Table rode.

"Wouldn't have anything to do with the knight that owns him, would it?" Maggie asked grinning at her daughter.

Danielle blushed, giggled and answered, "It just might mama."

Josh noticed and appreciated the care Danielle gave his horses. He knew it was because they were his horses that she paid special attention to them. Red made Josh blush more than once teasing him about the pretty girl taking care of his mounts.

Neither Josh nor Red was looking forward to the girls having to moving to Fountain soon. Josh was watching Danielle with Sunny one morning and had an idea. Sarah had her own horse Johnny, a big gelding that she'd bought when she began teaching school; Danielle just rode whatever ranch horse was available. The ranch horses were good animals but not of the same quality as Johnny.

One evening a few days before the girls were scheduled to leave for Fountain, Josh and Danielle were at the corral as Josh was checking the shoes on Diablo. Danielle was as usual scratching Sunny's ears and talking to him. I think I've lost my horse, Josh said to himself. Watching them for a couple of minutes, Josh made up his mind.

"Miss Danni, I think....." Josh began but Danielle interrupted him.

"Miss Danni?" She asked with a smile.

Josh blushed but smiled back and replied, "Yes 'em, Miss Danni. Is that okay?"

She reached out to touch his hand and nodded. Josh continued, "I'd like to loan Sunny to you. You need a strong animal to ride back and forth between here and town. What with the weather and the cattle rustling and such, I'd feel better if you was riding him. Like Red told your Pa, this ain't St. Louis. Sunny is just the one to take get you home safely. He's not as fast as some for a mile, but he'll still be running at the same speed ten miles later."

"Josh I can't take your horse."

"You wouldn't be takin him, he'd be on loan. Besides you'd be doing me a favor. I ride Diablo most of the time and Sunny is gettin fat and lazy. He needs to be ridden and you'd be helping both of us if you worked him some. What'da you say Miss Danni?"

Danni had to smile at Josh's rationalization on why she should ride Sunny. She knew he was worried about her trips back and forth to Fountain. "Okay, but on one condition Josh."

"What's that Miss Danni?"

"You drop the Miss and just call me Danni. No one's ever called me that and I like it."