The True Value Pt. 03

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Things take on a different twist when Lisa meets Clare.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 12/31/2022
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The emotional burden from the original trauma, months of nightmares, reliving every horrendous second of her ordeal, while keeping the truth about how she obtained her husband's freedom from him, had taken a greater toll on Lisa than she had realised. When 'the man' suddenly reappeared, it practically crushed Lisa, and her nightmares returned with vivid clarity. Then, 'the man' had been arrested and found dead on the roadside. The sense of relief and freedom that followed made Lisa realise how tremendous the load had been.

A sense of peace gradually returned, and Lisa's mind started to open. The nightmares were a thing of the past, but new dreams followed, and they were disbursing for a different reason. Lisa was reliving her time with Craig and Peter and began to enjoy the images that invaded her mind in the dead of night. This happened with increasing frequency, and Lisa was waking up at least a little aroused.

Justin never suspected what Lisa had done to obtain his freedom and was unaware of the nightmares she had suffered when she relived every horrendous second of her ordeal.

Justin wasn't complaining as Lisa demanded rough sex with him in the mornings following her dreams.

Lisa wasn't sexually repressed or frigid; despite her avowal of only wanting sex with her husband. In many ways, she was exactly the opposite. Her sex life was as full as she wanted it. She had made love with Justin in every room of their home. They had also fucked in every place and way she could imagine. In the kitchen, on the table, on the stairs, everywhere and in every position they could get into, and Lisa was very supple and agile, so nowhere was off limits.

There was just one thing about her; Lisa was one of a growing number of her generation who believed in sexual abstinence before marriage and extended that to mean she would only make love with the man she was married to. Lisa also passionately believed that marriage was forever. Justin was her partner, her husband, and the love of her life. So that was a bonus.

She'd dated throughout her mid to late teens with all that that entailed, but without taking the final step, well a couple of steps before that actually. She'd kiss and let a boy touch her breasts, but that was it, and she had made that fact clear from the start, even to Justin when they started dating as student colleagues at Uni. Justin had unconditionally accepted Lisa's conditions, and that increased her love and respect for him, and in the end, he had won her heart and hand in marriage.

As a child of British diplomats, Lisa had been educated at a private girls boarding school, so she was well aware of girl-to-girl relationships and had nothing against them per se. Although at the time she personally thought the idea of sex with another woman repulsive in the extreme. That didn't prevent her from being the flatmate and best friend of Jannice, an openly lesbian girl at Uni. They'd shared secrets, not that Lisa had many to share, and become soul mates who'd had some great times together of a non sexual nature. One thing that cemented their relationship was Lisa had never made any moral judgements about Janice's lifestyle choices unlike many of their peers, despite Janice knowing that Lisa strongly disapproved of it.

They had discussed Lisa's insistence of staying 'pure' until she was married and like Lisa did to her Janice didn't judge while saying that option wasn't for her.

Lisa had watched some porn at Uni with both Janice and Justin and she still did with Justin. She found that she enjoyed it and wasn't shocked by what they watched; but they restricted themselves to mainstream 'vanilla' stuff in the main. Lisa knew that like most men Justin got turned on by the inevitable girl-on-girl scenes they watched, but Lisa didn't.

Despite her vow of only having sex with Justin, Lisa found herself more and more intrigued by the scenes where the 'actress' had sex with more than one man.

Maybe that exposure had had an impact on Lisa's subconscious mind and psyche. And why Lisa was finding the dream of her time with Craig and Peter returning more and more frequently, leading to her waking up aroused and with a wet and needy pussy in the morning.

That added to Lisa's returning torment at a time when she was supposedly free from any threats.

Lisa and Claire were bumping into one another more and more, which wasn't surprising as they were both working, and the business district was small to say the least. Inevitably, they began to speak to each other more frequently, with Lisa discovering that Claire was a lot nicer than she had expected her to be. Claire never made any reference to what Lisa had done with Craig and Peter, the video, or her obvious interest in Lisa. There was no coffee shop for them to go to, that sort of thing wasn't available where they lived, but after a few chats in the street, they agreed to meet up at the only decent hotel in the area where they could at least sit and talk in comfort.

Lisa had arrived first and found a table on the terrace where they wouldn't be overheard, not that the lounge was busy at this time of the day. Claire arrived soon afterwards. Lisa was amazed at how beautiful, and it had to be admitted, sexy Claire looked as she strode confidently into the room.

Coffees were brought, and the two women chatted for a while until Claire made a subtle but non the less obvious pass at Lisa. Lisa laughed as she politely brushed the advance off. "I'm sorry Claire, as flattered as I am, and I am. You're a very sexy looking woman but I'm not interested, and it's got nothing to do with your brothers and what both of us have done with them. I'm not into girls, simple as that."

"Lisa, you really are missing out on a lot of fun you know."

"Claire, I've no doubt that in some ways I am, but that's just not me. Also I believe in monogamy. I believe in my marriage vows. You're not married and are free to play the field but I view what I said in church and before God as being sacrosanct. I swore to be faithful to my husband and that's what I intend to be."

"I take your point, apart from one thing. You've already broken those vows. Twice."

There was a cold silence between the woman until Lisa eventually replied, "No, I was raped once, and the other time I was blackmailed and pimped out."

"I'll give you the rape thing," Claire said as if that was inconsequential, "but you still had sex with Craig and Peter."

"I had no choice."

"There's always a choice but let's leave it at that for now. I don't want to spoil things between us now that we're becoming closer, but please Lisa, think about what I've offered you. And you know, I bet Justin wouldn't consider it cheating if you went with me. Hell, if I know men it will turn him on; it does with Craig and Peter when they know I've been with a girl."

Lisa laughed at Claire's persistence as she walked back to her car and drove home. Over the next few weeks, the women's friendship developed until Lisa asked Claire around for lunch one day.

After they'd finished a light lunch and a bottle of chilled white wine, they sat talking. Once again, Claire jokingly propositioned Lisa, who laughed the approach off, saying, "Claire, you are incorrigible, and that's not why I invited you around. I like you, I really do. I don't know why but I feel I can relax in your company."

"Well, it's like business you've got to be persistent and not take no for an answer. And you do excite me. Ever since I watched those videos of you and knew that you'd..." for once Claire left the words unsaid.

"Come with me, I want to show you something," Lisa said in a voice that left Claire intrigued, even more so when she followed Lisa into her bedroom.

On the wall directly facing the bed was a 5' x 3' oil on canvas painting of Lisa in the provocative down-the-cleavage pose they all adored. It wasn't a true painting or photograph but an overpainting to give a surrealistic and impressionist look, using the photograph as a base image to work from. The effect was stunning, with just enough of the original photo left to ensure that it was clear that the model was Lisa.

"Wow, fuck me. That's something to have in your bedroom."

"Justin loves it as much as you appear to."

"My God it's fabulous. Isn't it a bit provocative though? And how did you explain it to Justin?"

"Provocative? Well, that's why it's in the bedroom, not the lounge. Only Justin, me and now you have ever seen it. I told him I wanted to do something different for him and that I was experimenting and this is the result. You see Claire, I have degrees in fine art restoration and history, with a second in photography and cinema. Justin knows I'm artistic and that I know my way around a camera and a pallet knife."

"That's unbelievable. I know you and Justin are dealing in historic artefacts and shit like that but I didn't realise that you painted yourself."

It was true. Lisa and Justin ran a business that involved "lost treasures," which was why they were in the country in the first place. Lisa did all the research, then the sales. Justin did the hard work on the ground, actually finding them and more importantly, getting his hands on them. That had been the cause of his false arrest a couple of years ago.

At first, Lisa had been annoyed that he had got himself into a position where he had been arrested but realised he had been set up and that she was part of the business as much as he was.

That realisation made Lisa forget her initial blaming of Justin for her having been raped. He'd been set up. Lisa even came to believe that the set-up had been intended to put her in the position where she would have to surrender to her rapist. She had been the target from the beginning although she couldn't understand how he knew of her.

Gazing at the picture in admiration, Claire asked suddenly, "When you screwed my brothers, what did they do to you?"

"What do you mean? They fucked me? I'm not sure I understand what you want to know?" Lisa replied, thinking, they fucked me; what more to it is there?

"What positions did they fuck you in."

"Oh, normal, if you call switching off on me normal. I sucked them both off. All the normal positions."

"Anything kinky?"

"Everything was kinky, but if you mean did they spit roast me? Yes. Did they DP me? Yes."

"Anything else like that?"

"No. Why?"

"No reason, just interested if they did the same with you as we do together."

Lisa looked at Claire and felt the time was right to press things and ask the question that had been intriguing her for a while now.

"Claire, you've asked me about what I did with Craig and Peter, but what about you? Didn't it upset you being fucked by them. I mean they are your brothers. Did they rape you? Is that why you're so blasé about it?"

Claire took her time before answering. "No, not really. I was me that started things anyway, and I suppose I fucked them more than they fucked me at first. I'd been teasing them for a while, you know, giving them a sly flash of my panties or boobs."

"No I don't know. I've got no brothers or sisters."

"Well never mind that. No, I thought the idea was sexy, I mean fucking my brothers, how hotter could it get." Lisa couldn't imagine anything less hot apart from girl-on-girl sex.

"Anyway, I decided to do something about it, so a couple of weeks earlier, I gave Peter a quick hand job, not to the finish, but I wanked him off for a bit, and let him play with my tits. Peter's the leader of the two boys and I knew that he would tell Craig what had happened and that Craig would want the same or something more. And I was right.

"On my birthday mum and dad were out and the boys cornered me. Craig said he knew what I'd done for Peter and he wanted the same. I told him he wasn't going to get that but that he could fuck me instead. He thought I was joking until I stripped off. Then it was game on. I think they've told you what happened."

"So it was true, you fucked and sucked both of them on your birthday."

"Yep and took them up the bum."

"But they are your brothers, didn't that worry you?"

"Narr. But Craig's not just my brother he's my twin. I'm the oldest of all three of us."

"What? So how old is Peter to you then?"

"Eleven months younger."

Once again Lisa was left speechless by the antics of this family, and the trust Claire seemed to place in her by opening up about her past and present from the sound of things.

"And didn't your parents know?"

"I think mum suspected things but didn't do anything. Dad would have killed all of us if he'd found out. I think mum was of the opinion that it would stop any of us going native, and that was something she just didn't want. I think she turned a blind eye."

"Your mother turned a blind eye to incest between you and your brothers, incredible!"

The two women moved back into the living room to continue their conversation.

"So Lisa, what about you?"

"I've told you all about myself, I kept myself pure until my wedding night, that was it. Claire don't get me wrong I love sex, but sex with Justin. Okay the thing with Craig and Peter was different and would have been fun if I'd been that sort of girl. But I'm not."

"Oh I have a feeling that you could be, given the right inducement that is."

"Claire, if you think you are going to black..."

"No, Lisa, no never. I would never do anything like that, please believe me." The anguish in Claire's voice convinced Lisa of her denial. "No, I mean maybe I could tempt you. You know Lisa, you are a very sexy woman, add that to your looks and I think I could fall for you. You know you really should consider us getting together."

Lisa laughed at Claire's persistence. "Sorry Claire, not gonna happen. But if I ever decide to try going gay then you are the girl I'd try it with."

"Two more questions then I have to go. The picture in your bedroom is clearly an overpainting of a video still or photo. Is it from the original video?"

"God no! Do you think I'd have anything that reminds me of that!"

"Then why? And why did you even make that video you sent to me?"

"I don't know. I was just so grateful that at last I was free of that man. I guessed that you had something to do with it, so I wanted to thank you all."

"Strange way to thank us. Not only that you had left yourself open to being blackmailed again. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I'd say that you get turned on by knowing we'd be watching it."

"NO, definitely not. I simply wanted to say thank you and that is why I made the video for you three. I don't know why but I know you will never use it against me."

Not long afterwards Claire left, leaving Lisa alone with her thoughts. Thoughts that were leading her along an increasingly worrying path. Had Claire been correct in her interpretation of Lisa's motives of making her video?

What Lisa told Claire about her sexuality was true, she had no desire or intention to ever be with another girl. Not that it wasn't flattering to have such a beautiful and sexy woman lusting over her. Maybe that was another influence on Lisa's subconscious mind? And her evolving dreams.

The first time it happened, Lisa was ripped from her dream in a panic. She had been on her back with her legs up and spread wide, and a powerful orgasm was approaching. She'd reached down, grabbed Justin's head and held his face where she needed it. Her husband had never eaten her out so well. But the hair twisted around her fingers was too long, and silky soft. The orgasm broke and Lisa's eyes flew open. Claire was looking up from between her legs, grinning.

Dreams like that became as persistent as Claire's advances, and Lisa gradually became less disturbed by them. She started to look forward to them, and would wake up dripping with lust.

Her dreams of being fulfilled by Claire brought on another dream. That of her stripping for Peter and Craig. She knew they admired and lusted after her body but she came to realise in a non predatory way unlike she had first thought about them. Was that why she'd made the video for them? And Lisa now admitted that she had made it for them. Was she being fair to any of them? She'd even said she had wished she had the courage to do it in real life. The idea of watching their faces as she revealed herself to them was becoming more intruding in her dreams.

Justin was away on another trip. Lisa had made a discovery that if they managed to pull off the acquisition of the artefacts and got a sale would set them up for life. This meant Lisa was alone once again. Of course her sleep was interrupted by dreams of Claire and she woke covered in sweat and a desire that seemed unquenchable no matter how many times she played with her pussy.

Lisa had to act otherwise she would go insane so she made two phone calls, one long and long distance, what she talked about in that call led her to make the second call, this was much shorter in time and local.

As Lisa drove down the road she felt a strange sensation in her stomach that she couldn't explain at first. Then she understood what it was, excitement, plus a good amount of trepidation. That excitement intensified when she recognised the dirt track that Peter had turned down when she gave him that final blowjob. Lisa had to admit, she was more willing and took more of an active part in that than any other thing she'd done on the evening she'd spent as the brother's fuck toy. She could just have sucked him and let him blow off in her mouth but she hadn't, she'd tried to make things as good for him as she could.

Lisa knew that she was taking a massive gamble with her own sense of morality, but had thought long and hard about what she intended to do. Claire's words had been revolving in her mind leaving her confused about her own choices over her morality. Why did she need to be faithful? Would one night make any difference to her marriage or herself?

Arriving at her destination Lisa rang the doorbell and was warmly greeted by Claire who followed her down the hall to the living room. As she walked into the room Lisa saw the look of surprise on both Craig's and Peter's faces.

"Lisa, I never expected to see you here again, but it's a lovely surprise," Peter said.

"I've been talking to Claire over the last couple of weeks and she's helped me come to terms with our last encounter."

"Okay, I'm happy about that, but why are you here now?"

"It's simple, when I sent you that video I made for you, I told you I wished I'd had the courage to do it in person. So after talking with Claire I've found the courage, and as much as it embarrasses me, that's what I intend to do."

Craig and Peter couldn't believe what they were hearing and looked over at Claire for confirmation. Claire shrugged her shoulders as if to say why not.

"But there's one condition. No touching. I'm going to strip and pose and let you look at me naked, for as long as you all want. But that is it. I can trust you can't I?"

"You have got to be bloody joking, that's not fair." Craig exploded in frustration as he jumped to his feet.

"CRAIG!" The single word rang out from Claire like a shot. Craig took one look at his sister and sat down silently. Peter was watching on, eager for Lisa to get her clothes off. He would be happy just to see her naked in the flesh once more and had the idea that once she was naked things might change and her resolve not to be touched end.

Moving with more confidence than she felt, Lisa walked over to the sound system in the corner and synced her phone to it. As the slow grinding beat issued forth from the massive speakers, Lisa began to sway.

Even Lisa would admit that she isn't the best dancer in the world and this was the case here, but there was an underlying sensuous grace to her movements allied to her inherent sexiness. Made more so by the fact that everyone in the room knew she didn't have to do what she was doing.