Damian's Tale of Sexual Reawakening

A 10-part Story Series.

Series Info
Series "Damian" has 10 chapters (complete)

Started: 08/26/2023

Updated: 11/11/2023

The author has completed this series.

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Series Introduction

Damian's wife discovers he was having a fling and decided to get her revenge with a brutal and traumatic public humiliation, leaving him in tatters.

</p>As he rebuilds himself, he learns about domination, submission, impact play, communication, polyamory and mostly: he learns about himself.

</p>And he has some great fun, sensual times along the way...

</p>This is an alternate / parallel universe story arc which picks up from Oneagainst's Wonderland universe beginning right after the end of the the “When One Day We are Gone” story arc. Damian's Tale can be read without that background, but if you'd like more character development (and other perspectives on what led to this situation), you can read the “What We Say in the Dark” arc (10 chapters) starting here: https://www.literotica.com/s/what-we-say-in-the-dark-ch-01 and then the “When One Day We are Gone” arc (11 chapters) starting here: https://www.literotica.com/s/when-one-day-we-are-gone-ch-01.

</p>Note that this is a parallel universe -- it is not canon in Oneagainst's universe. He is picking up from that same point in his universe with his Only Consenting Adults arc (which is publishing around the same time as this.)

</p>Oneagainst has fully certified this alternate universe use of his brilliant characters. Of course, there will be serious differences in the two parallel stories (though Oneagainst hasn't yet shared with me what happens in OCA, I'm sure he had his fun with it). The butterfly effect runs rampant here.

</p>Personal thanks to Oneagainst for the cut-and-paste of his characters and for his gracious support in the making of this story.

</p>This arc is 10 chapters long and the last two chapters should publish on Oct 20, 2023.