Justin Knows Who You... Ch. 01

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Justin dominates Mrs. Graph and Stephani.
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Justin Knows Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 01

I yawned and rolled over as I looked at my alarm clock. It was still fairly early and I was surprised that I was not that tired. I just laid there staring up at the ceiling motionlessly as I was consumed with what happened last night. More emotions were running through my head than at any other time in my life.

I realized that I was growing aroused as my cock began pushing up the sheet that covered my naked body. Vivid images of Stephani getting gang banged flashed before my eyes. Her moans and screams, first of resistance and fear, echoed throughout my head.

Stephani's continued resistance caused me to punish her before she even became my slave. The gang rape that I initiated was such a thrill to watch especially when I had her raped into submission. I knew that she was now mine but she still had to go through the official Master Slave ceremony. She still had to pledge her life and soul to me for the rest of her life.

My cock throbbed against the sheet as I recalled how my slave Mrs. Graph remained totally clothed at my request while she comforted and assisted Stephani. When Stephani was on the verge of breaking I ordered my slave to comfort her using any means necessary. When I watched her beautifully delicate fingers slide over Stephani's naked shackled body I knew then that this was the life that I was meant to live.

Suddenly my thoughts wandered to Val and how she was seduced and submitted to Kate. Her naked breasts were finally revealed to me as she sat back against Kate while Kate fondled them. The kiss that Val and I shared however sent me to a new level of eroticism. Trista was my girl who I fell in love with but I suddenly found myself longing for her friend Val. When Val and I kissed it was electric. Her tongue shocked my tongue as our mouth's pressed together. I stopped there though because I knew that Val wanted it.

A smirk crept across my face as I began to formulate a plan concerning Val. I knew she wanted me and wanted me badly. I knew that I could fuck her at any time and at any place. I however, wanted to be the one in control. Val is very aggressive and assertive and I needed to be the one who calls the shots. I knew what I had to do and that was to begin to train her. Train her to become an obedient and loyal slave.

I rolled out of bed and walked over to my computer. I turned it on and walked naked to my door. Since it was Monday I knew that both of my parents were at work so I walked casually with a raging erection out into the hallway. I stepped into the bathroom and took a shower.

I returned to my room and sat back down at my computer. I quickly checked to see if I had e mail and surprisingly I did have a message from Mrs. Graph. I clicked on her message and began to read.

"Dear Master, hello. I hope that you were pleased last night with my obedient behavior. I only want to serve you and make you happy. I know you think that I don't like Stephani. It is true only when it comes to you Master. I will always be jealous when you make her your slave. As your first slave I promise to accept my new sister and make her feel as welcome as possible. Will Stephani go through a similar ceremony like the one we went through? Will you brand her as your slave by piercing her nipple like mine? Also Master, what do I have to do to be totally yours? What do I have to do for you to brand my other nipple? Just tell me Master and I will honor your request. I wait patiently for your reply." Signed, Slave Beth.

I felt heart touched while I read what she had written. Mrs. Graph was developing into a fine servant. She handled herself and Stephani with style and grace last night. I clicked on the reply icon and replied to her letter.

"Dear Slave Beth, hello. Yes, your obedience was dully noted. You will be rewarded immensely for your strict obedience. For your reward I will allow you to be present and participate in your sister's ceremony. I will allow you to brand your sister by pushing the hollow point piercing needle through her stiff hard nipple. You ask your Master what you need to do to have your other nipple pierced, to become totally owned. As your Master I am telling you to leave your husband and divorce him. Become free from the lame bonds of matrimony. Be free of the repressed societal views and standards. Once you are free of these weak lame bonds you will receive your second piercing and become one hundred percent owned by your Master. You have your instructions and orders now begin the process." Signed, Master.

I smiled as I proofed my letter. I knew I was giving her bold guidance and direction but if she really wanted to please me and worship me she would honor my request. I clicked on the send icon and immediately began to write to Brad' mother.

"Dear Stephani, hello. So how does it feel to finally admit your emotions and submit to me? I was quite impressed at how long you were able to resist your deepest darkest desire. You know deep down inside that you want to be owned by me. You know you want to worship and honor your Master. You will receive further instructions soon. You will follow these instructions or you will be severely punished." Signed, Master.

I quickly scanned the letter before sending it. I logged off and began to dress because it was getting later and I wanted to go see Trista. I quickly ran down to the kitchen to see if my parents left me any notes to do anything for them. I found nothing so I ran out of the house and out to my van.

I drove to the coffee shop and parked right in front of the door. I jumped out and immediately felt my heart begin to beat faster from the anticipation of seeing Trista and possibly Val. I pulled the door open and stepped inside. Instantly I saw Trista as she walked up to me.

"Hi baby," Trista said as she walked up to me and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Hi honey, you look busy," I said as I looked for an empty table.

"Sit over here," Trista said as she reached down with her free hand and led me to a small two seat table.

"It's not too bad today," Trista said as she sat her coffee pot down on the table top before sitting down across from me.

"Oh, before I forget, my parents want you to come over for dinner tonight," I said as I reached out and squeezed her hand.

"Really," Trista said as she smiled from ear to ear.

"Yeah, at six thirty," I said as I flipped my coffee cup over.

Trista began to pour my cup of coffee. I reached across and picked up the cream and poured some into my coffee until it turned a light brown color. I quickly picked up the spoon and began to stir my Java.

"So what do you want to do today?" Trista asked while I sipped my coffee.

"Wanna come spend the day at my house until my parents come home for dinner?" I asked with hopes of maybe making out with her for a while.

A smile flashed across Trista's face. I could see that she was excited as she leaned forward and placed both of her hands on top of mine.

"I would love that, I'll just go home and take a shower and then I'll come over," Trista said as she squeezed my hands.

"It will be so nice to finally have a place to hang out at," Trista said as she looked around at her customers.

"Yeah, it will," I said as I pulled my hand from hers and took another sip of coffee.

Suddenly there was a burning smell. Trista and I both looked around as we tried to figure out where the smell was coming from. We could see the smoke coming from behind the counter and we realized the that cook burned something in the oven.

"The boss is gonna be pissed if he burned a whole pan of muffins," Trista said before turning back to face me.

"So what are your parents like?" Trista asked inquisitively.

"They are hard to describe," I said softly.

"You'll just have to meet them," I said just as her boss yelled for her.

"Trista, break is over," Steve yelled from behind the counter.

"Shit," Trista said as she jumped up out of the chair.

"I'll call you on your cell phone when I get out of here," Trista said as she leaned down and kissed me softly on my lips.

Since there wasn't a large crowd I grew bold and reached out and squeezed her ass lightly while she kissed me. She showed no sign of resistance as she slowly stood up after our kiss ended. What I did notice though, was the look in her eyes. I could see that she was turned on. There was something about those beautiful green eyes that gave away her arousal.

"I better get going, I'll call you," Trista said as she turned and walked back to the counter.

I watched her ass wiggle as she walked away from me. The jiggle in her jeans told me that her ass was incredibly tight. As I continued to gaze I never saw her turn around and look into my eyes.

Finally I caught her glance. I smiled as I winked at her before reaching down for my cup of coffee. I just sat there sipping on my coffee and watching Trista. I knew that she was getting off of work in a while and I still needed to go across the street to see Kate to pick up my money. I finished my cup of coffee and got up and left.

I walked out the front door and walked across the street. I walked into the Sea Side Diner and then directly over to Kate's office. I knocked softly on the door and then waited. Finally after a few moments I saw the door knob turn.

"Hello Justin," Kate said softly as she pulled the door open for me to walk in past her.

"Hi," I said as I walked in and turned around to watch her close the door.

I walked over to the chair across from her desk and sat down. I watched Kate walk past wearing a white sun dress and heels. Her legs were bare and her toes were visible through the open toe shoes. She walked over to her chair and sat down.

The front of her dress was cut very low and her breast's nearly spilled out onto the mahogany desk top. She reached for a cigarette and a lighter and lit a smoke. She took a puff and set the smoke down in the ashtray. Kate just looked at me with a smile on her face as she blew smoke from the corner of her mouth.

Just then there was another knock at the door. I watched Kate as she stood up and walked to the door and slowly opened it.

"Come in," Kate said softly as she allowed a young Italian looking guy to step into her office.

He was dressed nicely, wearing a suit and jacket. He carried a briefcase as he walked over toward Kate's desk. Who was this guy I wondered?

"Please, have a seat," Kate said to the gentleman as she swayed her arm out toward the chair next to me.

Mr. Chenzo, meet our star Justin," Kate said as she looked down at me.

I watched as Chenzo reached out his hand with a huge grin on his face. If he didn't look like Mafia then I didn't know what would.

"Hello," I said as I reached out to shake his hand.

"Justin, this is Mr. Chenzo, the producer I told you about," Kate said as she walked back around to her side of the desk and sat down.

"Shall we take care of business here or would you rather go somewhere else?" Mr. Chenzo asked as he looked at both me and Kate.

"Lets go down to the club," Kate said as she stood up with her cigarette in her mouth.

Mr. Chenzo and I both stood up and followed Kate over to the door that leads to the spiral staircase to the basement. Kate led the way as we walked silently. We made it to the base of the stairs and Kate pushed open the double doors and we stepped into the cool dark club.

It seemed weird as there was no music and only a couple of dim lights. We walked silently over to the bar and Kate motioned for us to sit down. Kate walked around to the back side of the bar and reached down and flipped up three glasses. Mr. Chenzo looked around the club while I watched Kate mix up three martini's

Kate set the glasses down in front of us and leaned over the bar right in front of the producer. Her breast's nearly popped right out of her dress as they rested on the old wooden counter top.

"Your video was awesome," Mr. Chenzo said as his eyes stared into Kate's chest.

"We should be able to make a lot of money," he said as he loosened his tie a bit.

"I think you're right," Kate said as she lifted her glass for all three of us to share a toast.

"CLANK, CLANK, CLANK," was the sound heard as we all clanked our glasses together.

There was a moment of silence as we all took a sip of our drink.

Mr. Chenzo reached down and picked up his briefcase, swinging it until it landed on top of the bar.

"We were very impressed with your production," Mr. Chenzo said as he began to spin the combination locks on the briefcase.

"We enjoyed every minute of making them," Kate said as she watched Mr. Chenzo spinning the combination locks.

"I bet you did," he said as he pulled on the small gold bars causing the locks to pop open.

My eyes scanned over to the open briefcase as there were two brown envelopes inside. Each envelope was bulging as he picked them up.

"This one is for our new star and this one is for the ever so sexy and lovely Kate," Mr. Chenzo said as he handed each of us our packages.

"Count it if you like," he said as he looked over at me and then back to Kate.

I didn't know what to do. I decided to do whatever Kate did so I just sat there.

"We trust you," Kate said softly as she finished her martini.

"So what are you going to do with all that money Justin?" Mr. Chenzo asked me directly.

I was startled for a moment because I never thought I would get put on the spot like this. I felt my heart beating faster and faster as I searched my brain for an answer.

"Oh, I don't know, I was hoping to buy a house one day," I said hoping that I didn't sound too cheesy.

"Very good decision," Mr. Chenzo said as he looked back over at Kate.

"With a couple more tapes like this one, you will be able to pay cash for a very nice home," Mr. Chenzo said as his glance shot back and forth from Kate to me.

"I'll even help you with the process if you like. I have many connections and business partners who are willing to help out those that make them a lot of money," Mr. Chenzo said as he looked back and forth between me and Kate.

While he was talking, Kate made another round of martini's. We each lifted our glasses and clanked them together before taking the customary sip.

We just sat there for a moment while Kate lit up a cigarette and continued to lean over the bar. I reached out and picked up my envelope and set it back down. Kate took a puff and then blew the smoke out of the corner of her mouth.

"I have a proposition," Mr. Chenzo said as he took another sip of his martini.

"What's that?" Kate asked as she took yet another puff before sitting her cigarette down in the ashtray.

Kate and I watched Mr. Chenzo reach into his pocket. He pulled out a huge wad of money and threw it up on the bar. Kate's eyes immediately flashed wide open when she saw the pile of hundred dollar bills.

"What's that for?" Kate asked inquisitively.

"Well, I want to help our star here with his down payment on his house. If you come around to this side of the bar and do as I say while I watch, then you two can split the money," Mr. Chenzo said as he finished off his second drink.

Kate shot me a glance. I didn't have to be asked twice as my cock was already stiffening in my pants.

"I want to see the star in action," Mr. Chenzo said as he motioned for Kate to come to the other side of the bar.

Kate looked again into my eyes. Slowly she leaned back, lifting her breasts off of the top of the bar before standing up strait. Slowly, she walked to the end of the bar before turning to walk toward me.

"Just sit right here Justin," Mr. Chenzo said as Kate walked stood before me.

"First take off that nice white dress before you start," he said as he scanned up and down every inch of Kate's magnificent body.

Reaching up ever so slowly, Kate eased the thin straps off of her shoulders. When the second strap slid down the length of her arm, her breasts became completely exposed to us. When she lifted her other arm away from her body the dress fell to her feet.

Kate bent down to pick up her dress. The white thong she was wearing looked wonderful against her well tanned flesh. She picked up her dress and tossed it on the bar, but instead of staying on the bar it slid off and fell onto the floor. Kate looked into Mr. Chenzo's eyes as she slowly began to drop to her knees. Before she sank completely to the ground, her eyes again gazed over at the pile of money on the bar.

I looked down as Kate looked up into my eyes. I watched as her fingers skillfully began to unbutton my pants. Kate smiled as my button popped. Again she glanced down at my bulge as she reached for my zipper.

"No Kate, use your teeth," Mr. Chenzo said as he reached down and squeezed his member through his suit pants.

Slowly Kate lowered her face to my lap. I felt her mouth opening against my bulge as she sought out the flap of my zipper. As I sat on the bar stool I just looked down at the top of Kate's head.

Slowly Kate tilted her head back. She had the flap of my zipper between her teeth. I could see the slight grin on her face as she slowly began to pull my zipper down using only her teeth.

Her breasts were hanging down between my spread open legs. The gold studs she had through each nipple caused them to stand erect. Kate released my zipper and leaned forward, glancing over at Mr. Chenzo in the process.

I watched Kate drag her lips over my underwear covered erection. Her heavy breathing felt hot against my flesh as she began to slide her lips up and down the length of my underwear clad cock.

"Oh yeah, that's it," Mr. Chenzo said as he sat there watching us.

Kate placed her hands on my knees and slowly began to slide her hands up my thigh's. I felt her warm fingers curl around the top of my pants. I eased myself up allowing her the necessary room to pull my pants and underwear from under me. After a few tugs I felt my ass touch the soft leather bar stool.

Carefully, Kate eased my pants and underwear over my erection. My cock sprang free and bounced against the bottom of her chin as she continued to push my pants down to my ankles. Kate glanced over at Mr. Chenzo before looking back into my eyes. Slowly her face began to move closer to my groin. I could feel her warm breath as it blew across my towering cock.

"Go ahead, I want to watch you suck him off," Mr. Chenzo said as he reached over and took the rest of my martini.

Suddenly I felt Kate slide her tongue down the underside of my shaft. She reached up and held my member with one hand while she began to lick up and down. Her eyes looked up into mine and I could see the excitement in her soul as she began to lap at me with a feverish pace.

I watched as a drop of pre cum oozed out of the tip of my cock. Kate moaned as she began to rapidly flick her tongue against the small slit where my cum was dripping from. Her intense tongue action caused a chill to run up and down my spine. I closed my eyes for a moment and moaned as I wanted to cum so badly in her mouth. I heard some rustling so I opened my eyes.

Mr. Chenzo reached up and picked up some money and tossed it to me. The pile landed on the bar within reach. I was amazed at how many hundred dollar bills there were.

"Go ahead and tip her if she is pleasing you," Mr. Chenzo said as he nodded toward the pile of cash.

I felt strange like I would degrade her but Mr. Chenzo kept insisting. I looked down at Kate as her eyes were still fixed on mine. I wanted to tip her but I didn't know where I would put the money.

"Here, like this," Mr. Chenzo said as he slipped off of the stool with a hundred dollar bill in his hand.

I watched as Mr. Chenzo reached down and slipped the hundred dollar bill under the thin white waistband of Kate's thong. Kate immediately lifted her head up farther and engulfed my entire cock into her mouth.
