Bus Stop

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Hot black stud scores big with his white neighbors.
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No one really noticed when Henry and his family moved in. Oh, they were all nice enough, to be sure, with the usual 'Welcome Wagon' visit and several offers of baked goods for the new family, but none of the established neighbors really paid the new family much heed. It wasn't meanness on their part either, or even aloofness. The arrival of a new family simply didn't warrant any change to their preexisting lives. For a while, all it meant were new faces to wave 'hello' to in the morning, and a couple of new kids playing in their yard. As for the usual questions asked of a new neighbor, the most obvious one was answered by the highway patrol car that often sat in their driveway. So aside from greetings in passing, no one went out of their way to talk to the new people. To be fair, Henry and his family kept to themselves initially as well. Henry was stuck working a night shift, and his wife spent most of her time running the kids back and forth to places like the beach. After all the summer was waning and soon all the kids would be back in school. Then everyone's schedule would change, and perhaps the adults would have the opportunity to get to know each other better.

On the first day of school, things started to change. As they had before, three of the mothers who lived in the cul-de-sac met at the bus stop with their kids. It wasn't the first year they had done so, indeed they'd all known each other for years since moving into the subdivision. Therefore, they were pretty casual with one another. This morning, only Rosemarie came outside wearing a peach colored sun dress, Sheri and Nicki were in their bathrobes. The former hadn't even bothered with her makeup, but there was no separating Nicki from the bright red lipstick that contrasted her fair skin and dark hair so beautifully. They had all been out there for several minutes, chatting to each other and trying to control the kids when Henry made an unexpected appearance. All of the women gasped when the big man strode up to them with a friendly 'good morning'. Perfect white teeth shone in a hearty smile, contrasting sharply with his dark skin. Three pairs of eyes were on him as the tall, muscular black man strode purposely towards them. At least for the sake of appearances, Henry was dressed no better than they, wearing a well used tank top and running shorts. It wasn't what they were wearing that was of most concern to the women, however. None of them had ever really gotten a good look at the bulging muscles of the new neighbor's body, and here he was, in the flesh. With such an imposing masculine specimen before them, it was no wonder that all three women were self conscious about their own appearance in front of him.

Despite their initial shock and uneasiness, all three women recovered rather quickly, and they enjoyed the company of their new bus stop companion. Belatedly, they learned that more often than not Henry would be the one dropping off the kids in the morning. His presence wasn't unwelcome, of course, all three were suppressing outright attraction to the big man. Rather it was a change in their well established morning routine, and it was one that was going to take them time to get used to. The most obvious one became clear the next morning. While Henry made his way out to the corner unashamedly in his workout clothes, all three women were more or less suitably dressed to be seen by a member of the opposite sex. More importantly, all three had taken time to do their hair and make up. Henry found this quite amusing, and after they watched the bus leave he chuckled to himself as he started a morning jog. This was unexpected, but it gave all three a good look at his physique as he pounded pavement away from them. That afternoon, as they shared their usual lunch and gossip session, it was no surprise what the number one topic was.

They all agreed that he was quite an impressive figure, there was no doubt about that. They also couldn't believe that they had been blind sided by his appearance, and for that they jokingly blamed Nicki. She was a busybody, after all, and her yard backed right up to Henry's. In her own defense, she offered that she had been just as unkempt as the rest of them had been that morning at the bus stop. When Sheri tried to counter with the argument that Nicki had at least gotten her make up on, Nicki pointed out that she was always made up, no matter what she was doing. Sheri and Rosemarie didn't have a response for that, and the conversation returned to their discussion of Henry. On this, Sheri and Nicki dominated the conversation, which wasn't all that unusual, although Rosemarie did pipe in from time to time. They kept their talk tame, even though it wasn't hard to imagine what their new neighbor's physique must be like. Nicki was bold enough to wonder out loud how hard he could fuck, and that comment drew nervous titters from her friends. Neither Sheri nor Rosemarie professed any knowledge of what a well built stud like Henry could do, at least not as openly as Nicki. That left her somewhat embarrassed, but not overly so. Out of the three of them she was recognized as the wildest one when it came to past experiences so it wasn't really a surprise that she would make her feelings known. Henry was truly a male specimen to behold, and that was that as they continued to talk about him in a somewhat more subdued manner. What they really felt about him they all kept to themselves, even the closest of friends have their secrets.

As the days went on, and Henry was still the hot topic, it was fitting that Nicki showed the most outward interest in him. This was true not only at the bus stop, but whenever the three women got together as well. Nicki always found a way to bring Henry up in casual conversations, and sought to include him as the group talked while waiting for the bus as well. Like the others, she kept it friendly enough, but as Henry opened up more to them, Nicki started to tease a little more. Soon, her morning talks with Henry grew overtly flirtatious, and her dress more provocative. Naturally, after the first morning, not a day went by when the girls would go out in at least shorts and a top. While it wasn't necessarily something they'd go out shopping in, it was a lot less casual than the bathrobes that greeted Henry that first morning. Additionally, more make up could be seen that early in the day as well, but it was only a permanent fixture on Nicki. The least change was seen in Rosemarie, she tended to fix herself up a bit more each morning, but the sun dresses she was famous throughout the neighborhood for still remained. Nicki's closeness with Henry affected her clothing choices as well as their friendship grew. What had started with casual T-shirts and shorts progressed to skimpy tops and short shorts. Fortunately, the warm weather held, and she was able to get away dressing like that with little undue attention. Nicki knew that she had caught Henry's eye on more than one occasion, and that suited her just fine. After a few days of her brazenly waving her perky breasts and hot little rear at Henry, Sheri stepped in. She too was starting to wear more revealing outfits, although her petite frame couldn't hope to match Nicki's sexy curves. Instead, as an instigator, she challenged Nicki to go jogging with Henry one time, or at least suggest it if she was going to continue her flirty ways. It was a challenge Nicki could hardly walk away from.

Henry jogged or worked out each and every morning, that much was certain. It wasn't hard to figure out his every other day pattern either, the only trouble was that no one knew where he went for either activity. At first, they didn't want to ask and seem obvious about it, but there proved to be no other way. A few days after Sheri's challenge to Nicki, the subject of jogging was brought up, and Henry nonchalantly mentioned that he usually ran over to a local park and used a fairly popular jogging trail. Nicki noted that she often tried that, but it was usually too busy for her liking. Henry responded by saying that it was nearly deserted during the week, at least in the mornings when he went, and invited her along. This left the other two women speechless as they watched Nicki maneuver Henry right where she wanted him. Together, they agreed to go try the trail the next day when he went jogging. In all fairness to Nicki, Henry had extended the offer to all of them, but she was the only one who seemed interested. Nevertheless, the girls all knew what they'd be talking about until then. The speculation began that very afternoon, at lunch.

"What are you going to do?" demanded Sheri as Nicki sat herself down. She had been dying to know this ever since that morning, but Nicki had excused herself as soon as Henry disappeared back into his house.

Nicki gave her a demure little smile before responding, "Oh, I don't know, I guess I'll have to figure it out."

"And just how are you going to do that?" came Sheri's pointed response.

"I don't know yet," replied Nicki as she sat down. "Who knows, maybe I won't tell and you'll just have to keep guessing."

"Oh, come on. We all know you're not going to fuck him," started Sheri. That statement caused Rosemarie to raise her eyebrows. Under the table, she unconsciously started to rub her thighs together at the thought. It was unseen to Sheri, but Nicki shot Rosemarie a wink. "So it'll just be a big tease, what's the fuss over that?"

Nicki was coy with her answer. "We'll just have to see now, won't we?" With answers like that, Nicki was able to fend off all further speculation on what she had in mind. Only she knew for sure what was going to happen, and even that would depend on Henry as well. Still, she didn't mind letting the others mull their own ideas around, truthfully she reveled in knowing what they did not.

The next morning, the stakes at the bus stop were raised, and everyone knew it. As soon as Nicki made her way out there, she took one look at Sheri and knew what her friend was up to. Sheri just casual waved 'hello' when she saw Nicki, and continued a rather animated conversation with Henry. He was nodding along politely, but as anyone could see, his eyes were clearly distracted. From as far away as her front porch, Nicki saw that Sheri was wearing the skimpiest pair of shorts she'd ever seen on her. They were so small and tight, Nicki was almost certain Sheri had taken them out of her daughter's wardrobe. As Sheri turned, Nicki could see the curve of her ass jutting out from below, and from her own experience she knew that the crotch had to be so tight that Henry could probably see the outline of Sheri's cunt as well. That is, if he was looking down there, for the top Sheri had chosen was an eye catcher as well. It was a T-shirt, or at least it had started life as one. The bottom half of the white cotton had been torn away, exposing Sheri's trim belly beneath its ragged edge. Much the same treatment had been applied to the sleeves, which served to accentuate Sheri's great muscle tone. Henry's eyes probably weren't drawn to that, however. The neckline of the T-shirt had been torn away as well, scooping down deep over Sheri's cleavage. While she wasn't as well endowed as either Rosemarie or Nicki, her perky breasts formed a nice deep valley, and her hard nipples poking through the thin cotton were evidence enough that Sheri had neglected to wear a bra. That seemed to be a catching trend, for as Nicki joined the group, she could see that Rosemarie's trademark sun dress showed more cleavage than any other had before and hard nipples were straining against its fabric as well.

Despite the fact that her friends were dressed as seductively as they could manage, Nicki knew she was going to have no trouble at all in attracting Henry's attention. Already he was looking over his new jogging partner, and a slight smile from him told Nicki all that she needed to know. For a change, she was the one with the least amount of cleavage showing as she was wearing a tight fitting jog bra. Nothing had gone on over it though, and her well defined upper body had always drawn its share of admiring glances. The brunette had always sported a larger bust than Sheri, and even when confined within her bra it drew attention. Nicki's choice of running shorts was another matter. Tight fitting black spandex bike shorts looked more like they'd been sprayed onto Nicki's body as they conformed to every curve she had to offer. While Henry eyed the new arrival up, he realized that no panty line marred her appearance. Gorgeous legs were bared beneath those shorts, and Henry couldn't wait until the bus came and he could watch those legs in action. It wasn't long before they saw their charges boarding the big yellow bus, although it wasn't soon enough for Nicki and Henry as they had to endure the gentle ribbing from their friends while they waited. Nothing too blatant was said, as it was all in good fun. Nicki had even managed to excuse herself from their normal lunch together, that drew its own comments, which she took in stride. Soon enough she was jogging towards the park alongside of Henry. Only Sheri calling out that she couldn't wait to work out with him the next day made Nicki look back, but only for a moment before she turned and raced to catch up with him.

From behind, Nicki could see the bulging muscles of Henry's well developed legs propelling him along. He was wearing a typical pair of loose fitting running shorts, leaving Nicki to wonder what was concealed within. From the rest of Henry's build, she had a good idea. He was rather tall, not unduly so, and every fiber of his being seemed to radiate strength. Nicki caught up with him as they turned into the park, and she occasionally took a sidelong glance at the figure beside her. Powerfully built arms pumped in rhythm as he ran, and his dark skin glistened as they made their way down the jogging path. All in all, Henry was a fine specimen of malehood, no matter the color of his skin, but Nicki had always harbored a secret longing for men like him. She had always been a sucker for a well built figure, there could be no mistake about that. On several occasions in her past, however, she had been afforded the opportunity to take a black lover, and those experiences were burned deep into her mind. She often wondered why none of those relationships had ever worked out, but eventually wrote it all off to fate. In the here and now she was running alongside one of the finest male bodies she'd ever laid eyes on, and she knew she had already earned the jealousy of her friends. Unbeknownst to Nicki, they'd all shared similar thoughts about Henry, but propriety dictated that they forever maintain their silence. That was something Nicki could do, but as the jog grew longer she began to tire out. Her pace slowed, and Henry followed suit, finally coming to a stop with her in a secluded clearing beneath a copse of trees. Here some additional work stations had been added to the jogging path, and it made a natural place for them to take a rest.

Nicki didn't really have all that much experience with workout stations like these, nevertheless she did read the instructions that were posted on a sign nearby and gave them a try. This was to Henry's great delight, for her bending and stretching left her in some rather alluring positions. When she bent completely over one of the stations, he could hardly contain himself as the gorgeous curve of her bottom lay tantalizingly out of reach. All of these moves were calculated on Nicki's part, as was the friendly banter as he complimented her fine figure. She let him run with that for a bit, returning her admiration of his physique as well. Along with that, Nicki overtly ogled Henry as he did a few stretching exercises to stay limber, stroking his ego even more. Her lustful gaze was unmistakable, and Henry played right into her hands when he doffed his muscle shirt before flexing. Nicki bit down on a finger as she watched him, and her legs rubbed together as he approached. Her tongue briefly graced her lips as she returned his smile, then lamented how unfair it was that he be allowed to continue bare chested while she was concealed in her jog bra.

"Oh, but I've seen plenty of you, make no mistake about it," replied Henry as he took a seat near Nicki.

"I hope you enjoyed it," said Nicki as she squirmed around where she was sitting. Her legs were splayed apart now, giving Henry an unobstructed view of her thighs and more, after all, the spandex didn't hide what lay beneath. His eyes were drawn to the movement, but nothing could prepare him for what Nicki would do next. "You know," she said, looking around to ensure that they were alone. "It's not fair that you can keep your shirt off and I can't even adjust this damn thing," continued Nicki as she tugged at her bra. "You don't mind if I adjust, do you?"

The question was rhetorical. Before Henry could even say 'Go ahead', Nicki pulled the constricting garment up over her head and tossed it aside. Clearly she didn't have adjusting it in mind. A look in Henry's direction was rewarded with a flash of a smile, and Nicki slid down off her perch to approach him. His eyes were locked on her gorgeous breasts as they jiggled free of any confinement while she made her way to him. Rosy pink nipples protruded from her aureole, and the soft mounds had a certain bounce to them with each step Nicki took. Henry swiveled in his seat to face her, but a hand placed gently on his muscular chest stopped him from getting up. Up out of his seat anyway, for as Nicki closed in on him, his own hands reached out to caress the beautiful form of her half naked body. She shivered slightly as strong fingers caressed and teased her breasts, and she paused for a moment to savor the big man's touch. He was surprisingly gently, no doubt from a wealth of experience as he fondled the white woman's breasts, and Nicki's own experience showed as well. Sure his touch felt wonderful as he continued to tease her, but ever since she had laid eyes on him Nicki had one goal in mind. With that thought, she pushed herself forward until she was between Henry's spread knees, and then got down on her own. With a little guidance from Nicki, Henry's hands moved free from her breasts and back down to support his own weight. Despite his strength, Henry would need the leverage, for Nicki's hands were in the waistline of his shorts, tugging them down and freeing his cock. Even though he was partially aroused from watching her impromptu striptease, Henry still had a little way to go before he was fully erect. That was something Nicki set out to accomplish as she lowered her head towards him, finally darting out a tongue to lick the tip of his massive black shaft.

As soon as Nicki's warm, soft tongue caressed it, Henry's cock started to harden even faster. She was using expert strokes with just the tip of her tongue to caress the head of his dick. Nicki ran her tongue in tight little circles around the very tip of Henry's cock, waiting for him to stiffen up even more. It didn't take too long. He ran his hand through her dark brown hair while he watched her slipping more and more of his cock into her mouth. Finally, Nicki pursed her lips together around his shaft and slowly started to suck. Her movements were gradual and slow as she took as much of Henry's thick, long cock into her mouth. Nicki's eyes stayed locked on his as her cheeks hollowed from her sucking, before they bulged out as she took his dick all the way inside. Nicki had sucked quite a few cocks in her day, and her reputation as a wild woman was quite valid. Still, she knew that Henry's cock was one of the biggest she'd ever had, and she was determined to make the most of it. Her hands started stroking him as soon as she realized that there was no way she'd be able to deep throat that monster, but neither one of them seemed to mind. Instead, Nicki rhythmically pumped her mouth and hand up and down on Henry's cock, savoring every moment of it. He was certainly enjoying her blow job as well, there was nothing like watching a hard black cock gliding so easily into a white woman's mouth. Just as Henry was about to close his eyes in utter delight, Nicki threw him another curve.