Chains of My Love

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Submissive discovers the true meaning of the chains.
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Why did I say it? I know, I was frustrated, thinking only of myself for a moment. The words just slipped out. Your response shocked me.

This morning had followed our usual routine. You had gotten out of bed to take your shower; assuring that I didn't need to use the bathroom, you proceeded to lock the chain to the heavy cuff on my ankle. You do this every morning, chaining me firmly to the bed while you shower. Only this morning, I responded differently. Not thinking for a moment, I muttered, "I hate this chain."

I realized as soon as I said it that I was wrong, and fully expected a swift and painful punishment for my words. My eyes had gone quickly to yours, and I saw a flash of anger sweep over your face. Then, as quickly as it had come, the anger was gone; it was replaced by an expression I didn't fully comprehend. Your next action caught me entirely off guard; you bent down and unlocked the chain. Then you quietly removed the leather cuff, now also freed from the heavy lock. Silently, you stood and placed the key in the palm of my hand, then turned and walked into the bathroom.

I looked down at the key, slightly confused, it was still warm from your hand and I realized with a momentary surprise, that I had never felt it between my fingers. I stood there for a moment, thinking that I had somehow escaped punishment and wondering if perhaps you had just decided to give me a break. I laid the key on the small maple table next to the bed, and then followed you to the bathroom.

Normally, you choose my clothes for the day; a practice that you seem to relish. On days like today, when we are both here and have no need to leave the house, you usually choose what you call my ‘slave dress,’ a short black silk wrap dress. It ties at the waist and flows softly off my hips just to the top of my thigh. The dress only crosses loosely over my breasts, and you allow me no underwear, so my flesh is always readily available to your caress or grasp. Today when I walk in the bath, I notice your lean firm body pressed against the sink, you are silently shaving. I can't help but gasp a little at the muscles tensing in your arms, remembering the countless times your hands have wielded a whip carefully over my body. I have to shake my head a bit to remember why I am here.

"Master, what do you wish your slave to wear today?" I say softly. Convinced that I know the answer, I am surprised by your reply.

"Whatever you like dear," is all you say.

Suddenly I am confused. I have never been given such an answer. It was not said with anger, there didn't seem to be any animosity lacing your words. But, somehow, they stung and I didn't know why. I remained for a moment longer, wondering if perhaps I had misunderstood, but you only continued silently sliding the razor over your chin. I muttered softly "yes, Master," and left the bath.

I stood at the door to my closet for the longest time, feeling a little dazed. Finally, I slipped on a pair of jeans and a deep purple chenille sweater; a pair of socks, and I was done. I wandered down the stairs and made some coffee. As I was pouring myself a cup, I heard the soft pad of your feet walking over the warm oak floors to your den. I knew the routine, and automatically found myself standing at the door. Looking in, I saw you sitting at the desk, computer screen reflecting a project you had been working on.

Quietly, I approached, lowering myself to my knees beside your chair. My eyes went quickly to the floor and I asked softly, "Master, would you like some coffee or breakfast?"

Without raising your head, or even looking down at your slave, you replied softly, " No thank you dear, I am fine." Once again, the words were said kindly, but seemed so distant to me.

Finally, as if you sensed my confusion, you spoke again. "Why don't you go shopping, or to lunch and a movie with a friend? If you need money, help yourself, my wallet is on the dresser."

Feeling completely lost, I merely nodded silently and stood. I waited a moment, hoping you would end my confusion, then finally turned and left the room. I went down to the living room and sunk deep into one of the leather chairs, drinking my coffee. The chaos racing through my head was only getting worse when I heard your footsteps wander down and into the kitchen. I could hear as you opened the cupboard for your coffee cup, and a moment later I could smell the bread as it toasted.

Suddenly, without a clue as to why, I felt tears filling my eyes and flowing warm and salty over my cheeks. I could not stay here any longer, I needed to think. I went to the bedroom and quietly removed $50 from your wallet, and returned to the den. Wiping the tears from my face, I stood in the doorway. "Master, I am going for awhile, is that okay?"

"Have fun dear," was the only reply.

I had hoped you would stop me. I had hoped you would call me to your feet. I wanted desperately to hear you call me ‘sweet slave’, or ‘pet’, or any of the terms you usually used. When it didn't happen, I merely left.

Once in the car, I drove to the mall. Tears were covering my face and I had little idea as to why. In the parking lot, I knew that I had no wish to shop, so I just kept driving. I drove aimlessly for about an hour, trying desperately to understand what was happening, but it was to no avail. Finally, without really knowing how I had gotten there, I once again found myself at home. Knowing that I could stand the confusion no longer, I went to the den. You still sat in the chair at the desk. I walked to you, and kneeled down at your side. My eyes looked up, pleading silently. When you finally met my gaze, you knew the confusion I was experiencing, and your face softened. Suddenly, I simply broke into sobs, laying my head in your lap.

Your arms wrapped strong around me as you whispered, "it will be okay my sweet slave." You held me there for a few moments then you stood. "Follow me," was all you said as you took me softly by the hand and led me to the bedroom.

Once there, you led me quietly to the cage in the corner. You rarely actually put me in this cage, and I never quite understood the use. Without saying a word, you signaled for me to undress. I simply nodded and obeyed your order, not really knowing what to expect. Regardless, you now pointed me into the cage, reaching in, you locked the wrist shackles on to my arms, and bent down to attach the ankle shackles. Walking to the bureau, you pulled a black hood from the drawer.

Coming back, you whisper quietly, "pet, you need to think, I will check on you in a few minutes." Then adding earplugs to my ears you slip the hood over my head.

I am left there, alone with myself. Tugging lightly at the shackles I sighed softly. It was then, right then, that I realized that it was a sigh of relief.

I remained there for a while; time is hard to judge with your senses gone. My mind was still racing and I was starting to think about how secure I was, waiting here, always knowing that you would return. Suddenly, I felt your hands. I jumped at the gentle caress up the sides of my body. I felt you reach under the hood, and remove one of the earplugs.

"Are you okay my pet?" I simply nodded. "Pet, you need to be prepared for something, don't be frightened. While I am preparing you, I want you to think about your words this morning. Do you understand?"

I murmured quietly, "Yes Master, your slave understands."

"Good." Then I felt the earplug put back in its place and once again I was standing in total silence.

Suddenly, I felt a clamp biting lightly into my right nipple. It was not tight enough to cut off circulation, but tight enough to increase my sensitivity and send a warm flash through my breast and down my body. Then I felt a similar bite on the left nipple; a soft gasp escaped my lips. I stood there for a moment, thinking that you had left, when I felt a hand slide up between my thighs. Your hand was warm and gentle and I allowed my legs to move farther apart. I nearly cried out, as I felt a large thick dildo being pushed deep into my flesh. I felt you strap it up around my waist, giving the leather a hard tug to tighten it, driving the invasive object still deeper. Losing composure, I let out a deep moan. Then I was alone.

I remained there, not really knowing how much time had passed. Once in awhile, I could sense your presence, and knew you were checking to see that I was okay, that the clamps were not cutting circulation. I knew, because this is what you always do. You are always so careful with me, like a prized possession. Suddenly it occurred to me that this was not easy for you. I thought about the time you take each day, chaining and releasing me, making sure I am well, choosing my dress, showing me how to please you. I tugged again at the shackles, and felt a sense of serenity and contentment wash through me. I felt the light throbbing at my nipples. I felt the dildo stretching me wide. Then my mind wandered back to the shackles again. They reminded me of the chain attaching me to the bed.

Suddenly, I understood. The chains, the shackles, they are not for you to bind me; you have already done that with my heart. They are for me. They hold me when you cannot, remind me of where I belong, who I belong to. They are my security, from my own vulnerability. I felt tears falling over my cheeks again, not from confusion this time, but from shame. I knew how my words this morning must have hurt you, how much they must have felt like a rejection of what you are to me.

I didn't feel you come in this time, but suddenly I felt the hood slip off my head. My eyes blinked at the lights until they adjusted, still filled with tears, I looked up at you. Immediately, I muttered, "Master, I am so sorry, please forgive me, I feel so ungrateful." You gently placed your fingers to my lips, effectively hushing my words. You quietly removed the shackles, and then led me to the chair. You sat, and I kneeled down at your feet, lowering my eyes to the floor.

"Now my pet, tell me what you have learned."

"Master, I have learned that you chain me out of love, because I need the security and the reminder that you value me. I was so confused today when you took the chains off, I felt so lost."

"Good my pet. So tell me, do you still hate your chains?"

"No my Master, I do not. I love them as I love you, because they represent what I am to you Master." I glanced up, and saw a gentleness sweep over your face, and a trace of a smile break across your lips.

"Now my pet, I need you to do something. I need you to prove to yourself, and to me, that you love your chains."

I just looked at you in confusion. ""

I watched as you stood and walked to the bed. You lifted the heavy chain that is normally attached there. It is about 3 feet long, thick and heavy. As you picked it up, it shined as though it had been freshly polished. I still did not know where this was going and waited silently for you to explain.

You brought the chain to me, and I heard the links clank heavily as you lowered it to the floor in front of me.

"Stand, my slave."

I stood silently, you reached over and removed the nipple clamps. I let out a soft moan as the tension was released. Then you undid the narrow leather strap holding the dildo in place, reaching under me, you quickly pulled it out, leaving my pussy gaping and wet. I groaned deeply as it was removed, feeling as if I were being emptied. Then you ordered me back to my knees. Legs quivering, I obeyed.

"My slave, now, I want you to make love to your chain as you would me. You will take it in you, all of it. Your chain is 3 feet long, there are 36 links, you will make love to every link." Then you reached down, and handed me one end of the chain.

I noticed a long cotton string tied firmly to the first link. I looked up at you, eyes wide in fear. The pile of chain looked huge, and heavy. "But, M-m-master, I can't."

"Yes my slave, you can, and you will. Because my pet, if you don't get it in, I will, and I think you would far prefer your method. I will give you thirty seconds for each link. That is eighteen minutes total. For every minute you go over, there will be ten strokes. Is that clear?" I merely nodded my understanding.

I watched as you sat in the chair, your eyes focusing on me, waiting. I felt the weight of the chain in my hands and slowly lowered it down, watching your eyes, I slipped the first link of the chain carefully between my slightly swollen lips. A soft moan escaped from my mouth as I felt the cold steel slide into me. My eyes met yours, and you nodded your approval; your slave pressed in the second and third links. I noticed as you glanced at your watch, and I remembered the time. I knew that so far, I was fine. I was still kneeling at your feet, my face flushing deep red as I pressed in the next couple links. My eyes dropped to the pile of chain still lying on the floor, and I trembled nervously. I was pressing them in, and had nearly a third of the pile of cold hard steel sunk into my pussy. I knew that I was going to have to adjust the links buried inside me in order to keep going. I blushed deeply as I knelt before you, fingers sliding deep between my wet creamy hole, trying to move the links. I felt them twisting inside of me, and groaned deeply, back arching, pressing the steel ever deeper. I pressed in a few more links, and I was up to twenty. I could feel the weight filling my belly, pressing hard into the walls of my pussy. I looked at you nervously, you merely watched me, trembling at your feet.

As I was pressing in the next two, I felt it getting harder to accommodate them. I looked up at you, frightened. "Master, may your slave change positions?" You nodded quietly.

Shame washed through me as I laid down on the floor, feeling the chain dragging from between my legs. The sound of the links reminding me how much was left. I felt it twisting around inside of me as I moved. I laid on my back bending my legs, knees up. I found from this position, I could easily press in a few more links....27...28....29 and finally 30.

I saw you look at your watch, and smile, "four more minutes my pet."

I struggled with the next link, finally managing to press it in along the wall of my pussy. I let out a small yelp as I felt the hard metal links briefly pinch the inner lips. I found myself squirming rather wantonly against my fingers, trying to make more room. My face was flushed a deep red in embarrassment when I saw you smile. I managed to push in two more rings of steel.

You glanced down at your watch, and I knew I was running out of time. My actions became more fervent, I was writhing on the floor, legs spread in the air, fingers pressing hard on the links, moving them deep inside my belly. I was up to 34 when I saw you look at your watch and nod. Fear was spreading through me, how on earth would I fit the other two? I looked up at you, eyes pleading, belly heavily laden with the cold steel rings.

"M-m-master, your slave can't." I whimpered softly.

Your face grew stern, " my slave, you wish me to force them in?" Your voice was not unkind, but very strong, and I knew that the links had to go in.

I shook my head no, and pressed my fingers deep inside my hole, I felt the steel pushing against the walls, pinching the flesh. Tears were forming in my eyes, as I forced in the 35th link.

You looked at your watch, "you are now one minute over my slave."

I was sobbing now, my body feeling as if it were being stretched apart. I arched my back up, feeling the weight of the chain heavy and solid deep in my womb. Then I felt a movement, just a slight shift. It was not much, but enough to allow room for the final link.

Tears flowing warm down my cheeks, I pressed it in. I knew at that moment, that I could not have taken even one more. My pussy felt stretched and open like never before, and my body was trembling with fear, and passion. I looked up to your face, and you smiled softly.

"Very good my pet, but you are 2 minutes over, please kneel." I bit my lip at your words, knowing full well what they meant.

Slowly I struggled back up to my knees, my body feeling the incredible invasion of the chain. The steel was warming, but was still hard and protruding deep inside of me. When I moved my body up to kneel, the large wad of links would shift, moving against the walls and occasionally pinching the tender flesh, causing my body to tense. The tensing actually made my pussy contract around the steel, making my head spin and my body tense still again. It was a never-ending circle of sensations, driving me deeper and deeper into my desire and pain.

When I finally caught my breath, and managed to look up at you, I saw the worn leather crop dangling from your fingers. By now the sensations were running so rampant through my body, I merely lowered my eyes in complete submission. I surrendered myself, body and mind, to what I knew was coming.

"Present your breasts, pet," was all you said.

I nodded silently, and arched my back, pressing my breasts forward. I felt my nipples growing hard, and waited, bracing myself, for the crop to strike. My eyes closed, and my pussy throbbed hard around the chains, when I finally heard the whistling of the crop. It landed hard, across the top of my breasts, my lips opening and releasing a controlled yelp. I squirmed as I felt the chain shift slightly with the movement of my body. Three more strokes landed, leaving crimson stripes across my breasts, each one bringing a groan from deep in my throat. The fifth one landed directly across my nipples, I fell forward a bit as my hands shot up to the fire raging in my nipples. I couldn't stifle the scream that followed. You slowed for a moment, allowing me to regain composure.

"Pet, we are not finished." I nodded, and lowered my hands, fingers clenching tightly at my sides.

The next five strokes came hard and fast, not allowing me time to recover between them. Now my face was revealing the pain that was flashing hot through my body. Tears were streaming from under wet curled lashes, hiding the pain, the agony reflected in soft green eyes.

Then you stopped. I was gasping for breath, as you leaned down and gently kissed me on the top of my head. Carefully you helped me up, nearly lifting me, as you led me to the heavy oak dresser. You nodded to me to bend down over the end, and I obeyed without question. I laid my arms over the top, stretching them down the length and grasping the other end. I barely had time for a breath, when I heard the familiar whistle of your favorite crop. I winced as it laid a hot red stripe across the curve of my ass. My body clenched tight around the chain and I let out a deep groan. Two more strokes, and I felt my head spinning. I was beginning to lose control, the pain was turning to pure sensation, the throbbing deep inside growing more intense. You were careful to lay your strokes so they did not cross, alternating from the top to the bottom of my ass, with a couple landing high on the tender flesh of my thighs. By the eighth stroke, I was screaming, but completely unsure of whether it was still pain. When you finally brought the crop down for the tenth time on my ass, and the twentieth time overall, my breathing was hard and ragged between a mingle of deep groans and loud screams. I was left trembling uncontrollably over the smooth wood of the dresser.

You gently helped me up, and stood me before you in a daze. You could tell in my eyes that I could not take much more, my body was flushed and my breathing ragged. You quietly slipped clamps on my swollen nipples, forcing a deep moan from my lips. Every touch was now like fire raging through my body. I felt you lighten the tension, and opened my eyes briefly to see what you were doing. I was confused when I felt your hand slip between my thighs, coming back up with the cotton string that had been attached to the first link I had pressed in. I had long forgotten about the string, and watched as you carefully tied it to the chain that dangled between the clamps on my nipples. My body was floating on the edge of explosion, and my brain could no longer comprehend your actions. I felt you moving around my body, still holding me to ensure I didn't fall. Then I felt the familiar sensation of a cool lubricant being applied to my ass.