
I am an avid reader of the stories on here as well as some erotic novels, and a short story writer. I am trying my hand at combining my 2 passions so I hope you will enjoy. I am into interracial stories because its the story of my life.


So the final chapter of From One Night is finally submitted. I apologize for the delay, but life got a bit busy. I hope you will enjoy it. I hope to have the new story posted before the end of the year.

Much Love,

I have finished writing all chapters of From One Night. I am currently waiting on my editor to finish reviewing it so I can post it. I have also gotten started on my next story which I hope you will enjoy :). Its not an interracial, but I figured that as my own life story evolves so should the characters I write about.

Much Love,


So I have gotten a couple comments and emails about my character development on Nadia and Ben in Chapter 4. I read back over the entirety of my story and I think it should be noted that while Nadia seems like she is too smart to be acting so dumb, she is still only in her early twenties and Ben is older than her. He is able to play on the dumb emotions that girls in my age range tend to build up. Also, for everyone that hates Ben currently don't worry you will see a non asshole side of him soon (it does exist). Ben is still quite clearly immature on the ways of love and how to make a woman more than just an object of sex. I hope this helps to somewhat explain my thinking for these 2 characters.

Much Love,

Wow so it has been much too long since I updated this story. I have just submitted chapter 4 so hopefully it will be up in a couple of days. I would like to thank everyone who has emailed me with their support for this story, and asked for the next chapter. It was because of people like you that I had to find some time to finish this story. I am hard at work on the other chapters, and I hope to have all of this story finished before the start of the new year.

Hope you love Chapter 4,


Chapter 3 of the story was submitted Tuesday so it ought to post later today or tomorrow. Looking forward to receiving your feedback :)



Thanks again to everyone for the great comments and emails. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know your thoughts on my work. I am working on the next chapter today and hope to have it submitted by Monday. I promise this chapter is MUCH juicier :).



I just wanted to thank everyone who has emailed me their feedback, and written comments. I really appreciate it. I'm starting to feel like a mildly okay writer :). I hope to have the next chapter on here by next week.

Chocolate Swirl


Midwest USA

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3My Comments
1Series Published

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