Can I post pictures on the forum?

Members in good standing may post images in the Literotica Forum. However, anyone considering posting a photograph should understand all of our image rules, the legal concerns, and privacy issues before posting any attachment.

The Literotica forum offers three different ways that members can display images they own the rights to. Because of the massive size and high activity of the Literotica forum, none of the image posting methods are pre-moderated. However, we remove any images which are brought to our attention that violate our Community Guidelines, forum rules, copyright statute, or any U.S. laws.

The three methods of posting an image on the Lit forum are as follows:

  1. Attachments. These are user-owned images which are uploaded to our server by users. All attachments must be posted by a legal adult who owns the rights to the image as well as meeting our community guidelines and forum rules or they will be removed if brought to our attention. Accounts will be suspended for repeated violations.

  2. Remote linking. These are images which are hosted on your server and displayed in your posts. As with attachments, they must always meet our guidelines and forum rules.

  3. Avatars/Profile Pics. These are your images which you can upload to display on your profile page and next to each forum post or comment you make. As with the others, they are required to follow our guidelines and rules.

The Literotica Forum Photo Guidelines have been created to conform to United States law in regards to content and copyright laws. If you disagree with the policy, please refrain from posting any images on Literotica.

Here are the basic Forum Photo Guidelines:

  • Legally, we can allow soft nudity, but under current United States law, photographs (does not apply to non-photographic images) posted on this site may not contain “sexually explicit conduct”, which the government defines as:
  • Actual or simulated:
  1. sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
  2. bestiality;
  3. masturbation;
  4. sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
  5. lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person.
  • Per the above, we do not allow the posting of hardcore, dick pics, vagina closeups, sex toys being used, etc.
  • All persons in all adult-themed photographs must be at least 18 years of age.
  • The photographer of any posted photograph must be at least 18 years old.
  • All persons in photographs must have consented to being photographed and having the images posted publicly. We do not allow voyeur content or other photos where the persons in the photographs did not allow their image to be used.
  • Image must not contain URLs or other advertisements.
  • You must have a legal right from the copyright owner to post any images - i.e. photographs/drawings that you yourself created and/or have a legal license or other legal permission to post. You retain all legal rights to your images when posting them on Literotica. You are only granting us a non-exclusive license to display them for as long as you leave them up on your account.

Anyone caught repeatedly violating these guidelines may have their image posting privileges revoked or have their account banned without notice. You can also be held legally responsible for posting copyright protected content by the copyright holder, so please do not post anything that you do not own.

If you see any images which violate these guidelines, please report the post using the “Report” button at the bottom of each post.

All images posted on the Literotica Forum should be considered public. When you post images anywhere online, people that you do not expect to see them may see them. Please do not post images on Literotica (or any other website or app) that you would like to remain private.

Literotica may remove any image for any reason without notice, and may periodically purge all old images from the forum without notice. Please backup your photos as they could disappear from Literotica at any time.

If you are a copyright holder who believes a user is posting your images without permission, we are happy to remove the images and warn or ban the user for violating our rules. Please see our DMCA page for information on contacting us, or simply report the posts you believe are violating your copyrights directly in the forum.