Literotica responds to valid requests from legitimate copyright and trademark rights holders.
It is strictly against our terms of service for any Literotica member to publish any work which they do not own the copyright, or have other legitimate rights to publish. If you believe that someone has published one of your works without your permission, please contact us with details so that work can be removed from the site, and the user can be warned or banned.
If you have a concern about your intellectual property, please contact us through our online contact form.
We respond to all legitimate questions/complaints about intellectual property issues related to user submitted content. When we reply, we may give you information on how you can contact us via other methods if warranted.
You can also check our DMCA Notice. We are generally happy work with legitimate copyright holders, going above and beyond the requirements of the DMCA to make sure that no unauthorized work is being published anywhere on Literotica.