#04: A Massage and Munchies

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Rachel snitches; Jennifer is punished.
865 words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 07/05/2024
Created 06/27/2024
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are consenting adults over the age of 18.

Jennifer's day wasn't much better. After the Headmaster escorted Liza from the class, she decided to take advantage of the disturbance. She took a bottle of glue from the supply cabinet and squirted a few thick strands leading from the tip of the banana across the table.

Most of the other young women giggled quietly as they sketched the still life. But when Sister Anne noticed the lewd display, she was not amused. She quickly cleaned up the mess and moved the bowl of fruit to her desk.

"That's enough sketching for today, class," she told the students. She intended to ignore the incident, but one of the girls decided to snitch.

"Sister Anne?" Rachel asked.

"Yes, Miss Elliot?" the nun replied.

"Jennifer did it. And she arranged the fruit too, not Liza."

"Oh? Is that true, Miss Martin?"

Jennifer scowled and shot a piercing glance at Rachel. "Yes, Sister," she admitted.

"I see. Well, I don't mind silly pranks once in a while, but this one went too far. And letting your roommate take the blame for your action? That's very inappropriate." She considered for a moment. "I don't think we need to involve the Headmaster, but you will need to be punished. Come here and bend over, please."

"Yes, ma'am," Jennifer answered as she bent over the chair in front of Sister Anne. The teacher lifted the girl's skirt and lowered her panties.

SMACK! "Oww!" Jennifer whimpered, surprised at how firm the slap was on her bare bottom.

"Don't forget to count, or I'll have to start over."

"Yes, Sister. One."

SMACK! "Two."

SMACK! "Three." Jennifer whimpered as her bottom began to sting. Rachel and Linda snickered.

SMACK! "Four."

Sister Anne gave her ten swats on each cheek. By the end, Jennifer was crying, and her bottom was hot and red. But mostly, she was furious with Rachel.

For the second day in a row, Liza returned to her room, exhausted and embarrassed. Jennifer was waiting for her. "Are you okay, Liza? What happened? I haven't seen you - or the Headmaster - all day. And... Why did you do that? Take the blame for me, I mean," she stumbled through her questions.

"I'm okay... just really tired," she said,

"What happened?" she asked again.

"He... made me model for him," she answered. "... all day long."

"Why did you take the blame, though?"

"I'm... not sure. I just didn't want you to get in trouble."

"Oh. Well... thanks for trying, roomie," Jen said, smiling, and hugged Liza. "though it didn't work out so well." Jen explained what had happened to her after Liza had left with the Headmaster.

Liza apologized, but Jen just smiled. "Oh, it's not your fault, it's Rachel's. I swear I'll get even with her."

"How about a leg massage? My muscles are killing me. Oh, and I wouldn't mind another snack - I missed lunch again," she chuckled.

"You got it! Keep an eye on the door." Jen grabbed her snack bag from its hiding spot and tossed it down to Liza. She had already changed into her sweats and looked very comfortable. Liza started to change too. But when she stripped off her skirt, Jen noticed she wasn't wearing panties again.

"Liza! I can't believe you did that again! If you had been caught..."

"Oh no, I was wearing panties when I went to class. I... guess I lost them somewhere," she explained. She got another pair out of her drawer, pulled them on, and then collapsed onto her bed, face down and stretched out.

Jen sat next to her and began to massage her calves.

"Oh... that feels so good... thanks Jen," Liza groaned.

"It does feel good..." she whispered, massaging Liza's thighs. "I mean, I'm glad it feels good," she corrected and moved her hands down lower again.

"Jen..." Liza paused, searching for the words. "He drew a picture of me... not wearing anything," she admitted.

Jen nodded, although mostly to herself; Liza had her eyes closed. "I've heard some similar things from other girls. I guess that's where you lost your panties?"

"Yeah. It's weird though... We were alone in his office. It felt strange, but I wasn't embarrassed," Liza mused.

"Did he... touch you?" Jen asked. Distracted by the conversation, her hands were at the very top of Liza's thighs, and her fingers brushed against her roommate's lips. She forced herself to stop. Liza hesitated, thinking of the taste of her pee, then shook her head.

"How's that feeling, roomie?" she asked, somewhat huskily.

"Much better now, thank you. By the way... I thought your prank with the fruit was really funny."

"Thanks," she smiled.

"Have you ever... seen one before?"

Jen knew what she meant. She shook her head. "Just pictures. You?"

"I have, yes. I'll tell you about it some day. I guess we better get ready for dinner... I'm starving. I hope we're having bananas," they both laughed.

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Master_MosbyMaster_Mosby2 minutes agoAuthor

Rachel and Linda get what's coming to them for sure (and then some heh). Lots more pee coming (probably more than most people would like...).

PappasleazePappasleazeabout 15 hours ago

Not sure which girl has thing for the other, it seems mutual. Can't wait to see how they get Their revenge on Rachel. Hope she tell Jen about the cup and pee. Wondering if she might want to try the pee again from someone else.

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