1:23 Ch. 06

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Black Widow, Monica, Rachel and Phoebe ... oh my.
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"Um ... Harriet?" Donny Stevens said. "Can you hear me? Some chick that looks like Storm from the X-men calling herself Kate is standing right in front of me. I think she killed Huxtable your peacock avatar. Did I say she was naked?"

Storm or Kate seemed to notice she was holding the dead peacock in her hand for the first time. She gave it a curious look then heedlessly chucked it aside then focused her gaze on Donny. It seemed like she was looking at him, it was hard to tell with her white on white glowing eyes.

"Hey ... ah ... Kate right?" Donny said. "Do you know where I can find my friend Kent Orlando? He's on the tall side, dark hair, light brown skin, plays basketball, likes Asian chicks?"

Kate stepped toward Donny. Normally he would be all for a naked chick coming his way, especially one that looked like Halle Berry, but there was something frightening about her that made him step back.

"Are you from the other world?" she asked. Her voice went from hollow to gravelly, the modulation totally wonky.

"Whoa ... yeah, sure, I guess," he said. She sounded like a storybook witch played back on a malfunctioning reel to reel.

"Witch?" Kate said looking hurt. "Do I look like a hag to you?" Her voice changed, it was softer now, feminine ... almost sweet. She ran her hands over her firm brown breasts then dropped one hand down low and traced the edges of her silvery pubic mound with an index finger.

"You're totally beautiful," Donny said. "You reading my mind like Neffie did, right?" He kept backing up.

"Yes, I can see your scattered thoughts. I will help you find your friend Kent," she said still advancing. "But first I need to destroy the corruption he has created in this world."

She's a total psycho hose bitch, Donny thought then cringed as sparks jump from her white glowing eyes. Clearly she didn't like being called a psycho hose bitch. He kept backing up.

"Don't you want to fuck me Donny?" she asked as her eyes crackled.

"I get this feeling that you want to FUCK ME UP not fuck me."

"You'll die happy," she said. She rushed him and grabbed him by the shoulders. He struggled to break free but her grip was like steel. "Just one kiss and it will all be over."

"Harriet!" Donny yelled. "This would be a good time to get me the fuck out of here!" Kate pulled him in for the kiss of death. "This is just a game! I'm gonna wake up in the la-z-boy in Harriet's lab!" Fantasy or not, the thought of dying freaked him out.

"Dying is easier than you think," Kate said. Her voice was back to the raspy witch.

Harriet!" he yelled.

Just when their lips were about to touched, Kate let him go, he stumbled back, lost his balance and fell on his back at her feet.

Whoa," he said as he watched the tip of something sharp and metallic grow from Kate's body just below her ribs under her heart. She twitched then dropped to her knees.

Donny screamed when he saw someone standing just behind Kate. It was a slim Asian girl dressed all in black with outrageous red hair. The metal thing extending from Kate's chest grew out ten more inched or so. Donny realized that the metal thing was the tip of a samurai sword in the hands of the Asian girl. Kate's eyes went from crackling white to dull gray then she flopped flat onto her face next to Donny.

Donny let out an unmanly yelp and scrambled to his feet. "You fucking killed her," he said, freaked out and fascinated all at once.

"She is legion," the girl said, as she put a boot on Kate's back and pulled her sword out. A fluid, thick and black like old motor oil coated the blade. "It will take more than one stroke of a sword to kill this monster."

"Whoa ... I know you. You're Rila Fukushima," Donny said with awe.

"Yukio," the girl said.

"Right, the ninja chick from the second Wolverine movie."

"No movie, I lived it," she said.

"Whatever," Donny said. "I'm just glad you showed up."

"Thank Neffie she sent me," Yukio said as she rubbed the black stuff off her sword on the side of her right boot.

"So this Neffie just conjured you up from nothing?" Donny asked.

"Not quite. She fished me out of Kent's fantasies."

"Why not mine?" he asked.

"You're not wearing the Brain Tube so she has no access to your subconscious," Yukio said.

"Thought everyone here can read my mind?" he asked.

"Just the surface thoughts. You are picturing me naked as we speak. I look great naked if you like slim girls."

"Sorry," Donny said. "Now what?"

"I keep you safe from Kate's legion until Neffie can find Kent and Alice."

"Who's Alice?"

"Local Goddess recently rendered homeless," Yukio said. She sheathed her sword and led him to a closed door marked exit. She pushed the door open and weirdly, they stepped out to an empty field in the middle of nowhere. No walls surrounded the door yet he could see into the dorm hallway they had just crossed from on the other side.

"Whoa, Donny said. "This is like stepping into a Rene Magritte painting."

"Most people would say Dali," Yukio said.

"Magritte was always my favorite surrealist."

The moment Yukio shut the door it winked out of existence. "Kate and her minions are that way. We go opposite," she said and started in a direction that seemed random to Donny.

The landscape stretched off to the an empty horizon in all directions. He looked up at the sky, it was gray and defused much like an Ohio February day just before snow fall. Donny shrugged and fell in step behind Yukio. She was tall for an Asian girl, five six or seven. The complex flow and flexing of her ass muscles as she walked intrigued him.

"Glad you're enjoying the view," she said keeping her pace, not looking back.

"I'm in real trouble with this mind reading thing 'cause I'm a total sexist pig," Donny admitted.

"That's okay. I have two sharp swords," she said.

Donny laughed.

She didn't.

After a few minutes of him failing not thinking about Yukio naked or checking out her ass, he thought that conversation might keep him on the straight and narrow. "So ... you're a manifestation of Kent's sexual longings?"

"I don't like the word manifestation. Makes me sound insubstantial," she said without looking at him.

"You are pretty slim," Donny said.

Yukio stopped in her tracks and drew her sword.

"Whoa! Hey! Just joking!"

"Look," she said pointing off in the distance with the sword.

"Holy shit," Donny said. An enormous structure about a half mile ahead filled the horizon. "Where the fuck did THAT come from?"

"Don't know," Yukio said.

"Is it a Kate legion thing?"

"No, Kate is behind us. This is something else."

"Looks like that wall from the Game of Thrones," he said. "Hey, weren't you in that show?"

"There's a dark feature over that way," she said, ignoring his comment. "May as well make for it."

It took them a half hour to get to the feature. It turned out to be an opening about ten feet wide with impossibly high sides forming a ravine that went on forever into the distance.

"Looks kind of scary. We go around?" Donny asked.

"In every movie you've seen do the people EVER go around the long way?" Yukio asked him.

"Gandalf from Lord of the Rings should have gone around," Donny said. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" he bellowed doing his best Gandalf the Gray.

"You just summoned a balrog," Yukio said gravely.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean—"

"Just joking," she said with an impish smile.

"Mean girl," Donny said annoyed but totally relived that there was no balrog on the path.

Yukio threw herself at him and kissed him hot and heavy. It was so unexpected that he barely kissed back. Just when he was getting over the shock of a beautiful awesome chick crawling all over him, she ended the kiss and stepped away from him.

"Wow ... what was THAT all about?" he asked

"Just an impulsive reaction from a sexual manifestation," she said with a sly smile. "You are a far more interesting person then you let on, Donny Stevens," she added in a serious tone.

"Man ... I wish more chicks thought that way in the real world," he said.

"This IS the real world," she said as she stepped through the opening in the wall.

"No Balrogs right?" he asked wanting more reassurance as he followed her through the opening.


Harriet Kono sat on a cold metal stool looking at her laptop and monitoring equipment. Donny had been under with the auxiliary helmet for three minutes and all hope of staying in contact with him was dashed to pieces in the first thirty seconds. The time distortion made it impossible for her to talk to him. She made out the occasional word but had no idea what Donny was trying to communicate. A list of words and phrases uttered by him sat in her lap.

*Harriet (he said her name four times)

*Kate (three times)


*Storm (twice)

*Yukio (three times)

*You shall not pass (Expressed loudly)


She considered pulling the plug and getting Donny out but she had no idea if he was making progress or not. She remembered how hard it was to navigate in Kent's fantasy world. Best give him more time and besides he could easily bring himself out if he so chose.

"Whoa ... Scarlet Johansson ..." Donny mumbled.

It was the name of the actress from the Avenger movies. Harriet wrote it down. "Hope you're not screwing around like Kent," she said.

Donny lay on the reclined La-z-boy. Kent lay near by on the hospital bed. Wires connected Donny's less fancy head gear to the master Brain Tube on Kent's head. With a stitch of dirty guilt, She pulled aside the sheet covering Kent's lower half. This was so unfair. Over the years, she had successfully kept men from getting in the way of her career path yet here she was having to deal with a raging hardon (maybe two now) that threatened to sour her big break with Imperial Corporation.

"I can fix this," she mumbled and went back to her laptop to check the progress of her Killer Hive Tracker program or KHT for short. The best people at Imperial had designed it just for her. They promised that KHT would purge her system of unwanted programs and viruses when launched. Yet according to her data one percent still remained from her failed Alice test. Apparently, the KHT was mere hype.

Her eyes flickered to Donny. Over the last two years she had hardly thought of him. Now here he was in her life again. Back in Ohio when she was still dating Donny, she had asked him who his favorite porn star was. He had told her it was Sasha Grey. It perplexed him that someone as naturally beautiful as Sasha would CHOSE to be a porn star. Donny confessed that part of his attraction to Harriet was that she looked a lot like Sasha Grey particularly her figure. Right in front of him she had Googled Sasha Grey and down loaded one of her movies. It was a total gangbang with double penetration. Donny was embarrassed and told her they could stop watching but Harriet insisted on watching it all the way to the bukkake facial at the end. Then they watched a couple more of Sasha's movies in a row. Sasha did it all, apparently she held no boundaries. Harriet's fixation with Sasha Grey started on that night.

In a rush not unlike an LSD flashback, images of her ravaging in Kent's Brain Tube fantasy filled her mind. She sat down heavily on the arm of the la-z-boy to steady herself. It disturbed her how the brain tube had found and used her sexual secrets against her.

"Not against me ... for me," the scientist in her corrected. "It's a machine with no emotional intent. It used my fantasies because that's what it's programed to do."

But it had all felt so ... personal like the brain tube was enjoying her discomfort. Case and point, the degrading things that the wicked witch of the west and her minions had put her through.

"Nonsense," she said with a shake of her head. "The brain tube doesn't think. I do."

She pulled her head back to the moment and focused on solving the communication problem with Donny. Huxtable was her best bet and she tapped her laptop screen to check on his progress. Normally, his activity bar was a bright turquoise but now it was all white.

"I don't remember switching you off," she said as she touched the computer screen to bring Huxtible's program back up.

'Unable to access deleted program,' flashed on the screen.

"What the hell?" Harriet said and tried to bring Huxtable up again. She got the same message.

"Weird," she said as she started in on making a new avatar. She had picked the peacock at random from the stock images provided by the computer. Just as she was about to pick a rabbit for the new avatar, she paused. The new icon had to get Donny's attention so what use was a stupid rabbit? After perusing the list of uninspiring images, an idea popped in her head. She went to her store of saved JPEG images and imported one to the avatar creation program.


"They were clinging to the outside of the ship from when we rescued you two," Zoe Washburne said to Kent Orlando and Alice Mihara. They stood in the cargo hold of the legendary spaceship Serenity along with Kaylee Frye, River Tam and Inara Serra.

At their feet lay a misshapen figure that appeared vaguely human. It didn't have much of a head and no neck, it's mouth obscenely wide and full of needle like teeth, its lidless bug like eyes a blackish green, sickly skinny arms and feet ended in sharp claws designed for shredding. The thing had a second mouth slit across its belly just as toothy as one in its head. The whole body was jet black even the teeth.

Kent recalled a painting he studied in art history class by a guy named Hieronymus Bosch. The painting was titled 'The last Judgment' depicting a fifteenth century vision of hell. The dead thing at their feet looked a lot like the nightmarish creatures that abound in that hellish painting.

"They came in via Inara's hitched up ship," Zoe said. "They ripped through one of the escape pods. By the time the emergency seals kicked in three got in."

"I have a hole in my ship?" Inara asked.

"Nothing duct tape won't fix," Kaylee said.

"You said three of these freaks got in?" Kent asked.

"River killed one in the engine room and I killed this one," Zoe said. "Everybody grab a sharp stick. Its hunting time."

Assault rifles were handed out to everyone except Kent. He was given a crowbar.

"Why don't I get a bad ass rifle?" he complained.

"You're a second string college basketball player," Zoe said. "Nothing personal. Make sure you're loaded with energy bursts. Last thing we need is a hull breach."

"None of you would exist if not for me," Kent said with bruised manly pride.

Ignoring Kent, Zoe said, "Alice, you go with Inara and search her ship and the upper decks. Kaylee and I got the drive room and storage. River, take Kent and search the ducts and maintenance shoots. After we kill the thing we can get back to rescuing Alice's friend."

River shouldered her assault rifle and led Kent to a ladder on the far wall in the storage bay. They climbed down into a narrow crawl space.

"Hope we don't run into that nightmare in here. This is creepy," Kent said.

"I like the crawl spaces and 'tween decks," River said. "From here I can watch the other crew members unnoticed."

"Like watching your brother make out with Kaylee?" Kent asked.

"Yes. I use to watch Zoe and Hoban do it all the time when Hoban was still alive. Malcolm kissed Zoe once. Inara and Malcolm have done it twice. I don't know why they don't do it more often. The are SO into each other. Sometimes Jayne brings his dates on board when we dock. He has a thing for hookers with blond hair and big boobs. I make it with Jayne every now and then but the poor man really is scared of me."

"Are you upset that you're stuck with me on this snipe hunt?" Kent asked as he ducked to get pass a bundle of cables.

"Zoe put us together because she knows you'd be safe with me."

"I have an idea," Kent said. "Why don't I do that time stop thing. It would make it easier to track down the monster."

"I already tried that," River said. "The devourers are unaffected by your power." You want to make out?"

"Um ... aren't we suppose to be looking for the um ... the devourer?"

"You're afraid of me too?"

"Um ..."

"That's okay everyone is."

A sound came from above. He and River looked up just as a dark shape fell on them. Kent screamed and swung with his crowbar. Panic and luck was on his side and he smacked the thing square in the chops. Black teeth went flying every which way. "Mother fucker! He yelled as he went at the thing hitting it over and over again with the curly end of the crowbar. With every blow, black stuff thick as chocolate syrup splashed him and walls of the narrow space. A long time later, Kent stopped swinging his crowbar.

"It's devouring is at an end," River said. Black monster blood had splashed across her pale beautiful face.

"Not bad for a bench warmer!" he yelled at the dead thing then gave it a couple of hard kicks.

"Do you want to make out now?" River asked him cocking her head to the side.

Kent grabbed her and pulled her slim body against him. Covered in devourer blood, they kissed. A voice came at them from the ladder entrance above. It was Kaylee.

"I heard yelling. You guys okay?"

They broke the kiss.

"Kent killed it," River said still in his arms looking at him with her big eyes.

"With the crowbar? Really?" Kaylee asked.

"What's up?" Came a distant voice from above. It was Zoe

"Kent killed the ugly," Kaylee said.

"With just the crowbar? Really?" Zoe asked sounding closer.

"According to River," Kaylee said.

"Get up here, River," Zoe said. "Drive us to Alice's friend. Kaylee, help Kent drag the thing to the the cargo hold with the other dead ones. I don't want it stinking up 'tween decks."

Still looking in River's beautiful eyes, Kent said, "I got it, Kaylee. It don't weight much."

"I understand. It's your kill," River said. She tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "Sometimes it's fun to kill." She smiled and pulled away from him.


Yukio and Donny marched down a cobblestone path about ten feet wide, sheer gray granite walls rose up on either side way above their heads. They had lost sight of the entrance a long time ago.

"I know that this is gonna sound crazy," Donny said, "but this place is weirdly familiar." He touched one wall and looked up. "Not far from Lake Oliver is this rocky canyon. This wall looks just like that canyon wall. Kent and I used to go rock climbing there. I even took Harriet there a couple of times before we broke up."

"Maybe you formed a fold," Yukio said.

"What's a fold?"

"Your own personal world based on your psyche like Kent or Alice," Yukio said.

"I can make stuff up then?"

"Give it a try."

"Ah ... Black Widow in a bikini!" Donny looked around but Scarlet Johansson didn't appear on the path.

"Poor gaijin," Yukio said with a fake sad face. "This is clearly not your fold."

"I'm not gaijin," Donny said. "This is the USA. You the outsider here."

Yukio gave him a sidewards glance as they walked. "Why do you play the baka?"

"The what?"

"The fool," she said. "I can see inside your head. Your IQ is high. You read a lot, your retention rate is high yet you act like a brainless stoner. You could go to university like Kent yet you chose to work at a Trader Joe's in Byle, Ohio."

"I'm just a lazy good for nothin'" he said.

"Bull shit," she said.

He laughed, her accent made bull shit sound exotic. "I guess I can't hide anything from you."

"You're still picturing me naked," she said.

"I'm soooo glad real chicks can't read minds."

"I know it's hard for you to understand this but this IS the real world, Donny."

"When I take off the brain tube, it's game over. I go back to Trader Joe's."

"When you visit a friend in another town and then leave do they cease to exist?"