3 Is a Magic Number Ch. 17


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"Pack a few things, Jack. We have to leave right now." Katie said this even as she turned her back on her father's crumpled form and headed upstairs. I pulled so clothes onto my naked body. I grabbed a gym bag, and shoved a few outfits in it, and grabbed a couple pairs of shoes. I almost collided with Katie as she rushed down the stairs. She was carrying a backpack stuffed full of her belongings. I saw my mom helping my dad to his feet. He was still leaning heavily against the wall.

"Are you OK, Katie?" She nodded, and pulled me out the front door into the night. I was pointedly looking at the drying blood on her face.

"I'm fine, Jack. Head wounds always bleed a lot." I took her at her word. "You take your car, and I will take mine, and we will meet at Julia's." I nodded to her, and headed out to the street where the Porsche was parked.

Sometimes life gives you lemons, and you make lemonade. Sometimes you just suck the lemons. Everything changes. It would take me a long time to accept this change. Family is important to me; Katie, Julia, and our unborn baby were my only family now.


So... This is the last chapter that I am just editing from my previous version. Now comes the hard part of writing an ending that does this story justice. I am pretty sure that I know what happens. I never really know until I write it. Please be a little patient with me, but expect me to submit it within a couple of weeks.

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vanyevanyeover 1 year ago

Step dad? That's a change, innit?


Dad...just HAD to be curious he had it coming, knocking Katie down like that...and now, we have the "step-dad" thing that has reared it's head...makes for more interest in your plot!!

I am going on to the next (last?) chapter...

**5**Stars...NOT 4 as some others have...details/issues be fanned!

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 3 years ago

I dropped your score down to a 4 due to continuity errors. If there's been a gap during your writing process...and/or you're working on multiple stories simultaneously, you should reread your own stuff to refresh your memory about what already exists.

Your problems with this one started at Aunt Barbara's funeral and have been growing exponentially from there. I'm not the only person finding huge mistakes in the current series of chapters.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 4 years ago

It's Important to keep your story straight.

This is the first time you've mentioned the dad was Jack's step dad. There are other mistakes as well, Katie is supposed to be 10 months younger than Jack but in a previous chapter when you talked about cars... he got a Porsche when he turned 16 and Katie got a Malibu 2 weeks later when she turned 16. There is also Tracy (Julia's mom) she is supposed to be Jack's Mom's sister but no one calls her Aunt. I like this story but inconsistencies like this make it confusing. Familial relations are important to be clear even if those relations are NOT sexual, especially in incest erotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Any update?

Been several months now... just wondering whether there was an update?

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