9 Steps to Sexier Stories

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A Porn Reader’s Manifesto.
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As a reader, I want better porn. As a writer, I've taken note of the most common weaknesses in stories here, and I offer the following as a reminder to all of us. Porn stories can be made sexier, stronger, and more effective by following the tips below:

1. Skip Irrelevant Details

If your story is about Betty Boob seducing pool boy Dick Hung, do not start with 5 paragraphs detailing how Betty divorced her husband and then went back to school and finally landed a job at Doofus Industries and quickly worked her way up to Executive Vice-President of Boring Readers to Death. Get to the sex!! When readers want back-story and human drama, they read Joyce Carol Oates, not LickMyRim69.

Many authors here pride themselves on not writing "stroke stories," filling their work instead with what they feel is literary quality, lots of non-erotic plot and character-development, before throwing in a little sex. But if you're a writer with a burning desire to do that, write novels, not porn stories.

A writer who fills the first Literotica page with non-erotic content is like a stripper who walks out on stage and spends a half-hour reading her own poetry before she takes anything off. Even if that stripper happens to be Emily Dickenson, her poetry won't get a good reception because that's not what the audience came for. And if she can't find a better venue to present her poetry, she probably is no Emily Dickenson.

Every paragraph of a porn story should be rich with sexual tension. That does not mean you start with intercourse. Tease and build to the sex act. Start with Betty Boob checking out the pool boy. Then let every paragraph describe either wrestling with desire, planning the seduction, or doing something that moves the story closer to the sex. This is literary foreplay.

Back-story can be fine, but only if you wed it to the sexual tension. For example:

"I'm sorry, Ms. Boob, but I can't sleep with a married woman. It's wrong."

"Oh, you silly boy. I divorced that loser years ago. I'm single now, and I need a man like you to satisfy my needs."

"That's great," he told her. And he meant it, judging from the bulge in his jeans. "But if I don't get the other pools cleaned today, I'll be fired. We can't do it now."

"How would you like to make more money sitting in an air-conditioned office at Doofus Industries?"

"Would they hire me?"

"I'm their Executive Vice-President. But I only hire assistants who know how to lick pussy. Do you qualify?"

2. Skip Irrelevant Sexual Details, Too

When I said, "get to the sex," I really meant "get to the plot of your sex story." Back-story used as a long introduction can be boring even when the details are sexual. In our hypothetical story about Betty and her pool boy, some authors will start by telling us that when Betty was married, she and her husband had lots of sex at first, but then it became sporadic; after her divorce, she had a boyfriend, and they did it in the missionary position on the first date and did only a few variations later; but lately she's been in a dry spell except for blah blah blah.

A summary of the character's sexual history can be as boring as a summary of her career moves. Get to the plot!

3. Don't Generalize

Here's something distracting:

Like any 18-year-old, Peter had the typical long hair and wore only black.

Readers are annoyed when you stereotype or make sweeping statements about an entire group. They think about people they know who don't fit your generalization, and then they are annoyed by your falsehood.

Such generalization, in fact, is presumptuous and condescending. Like most right-handed readers over 5'1", I don't need to be told which elements are "typical." Just tell me what is true of your characters, and I can decide for myself whether it's true of others.

Stereotyping on the basis of age, race, gender, etc. is not only condescending but can be offensive, even to elderly Latinas.

The above example reads much better when written as follows:

Peter, 18, had long hair and wore only black.

That tells us about the character without distracting us.

4. Stop Starting

Here's an annoyance plaguing many stories at Literotica:

He started unbuttoning her blouse and then started to smile as her naked tits began falling into his view, her nipples starting to harden. She started unzipping her jeans, beginning to feel eager to start showing him her pussy, which was starting to begin getting moist. No sooner had she finished beginning to unzip her jeans than she immediately began continuing.

Does anyone in a porn story ever COMPLETE anything?? Enough starting!

Compare how much better the same paragraph reads if we simply remove the starts:

He unbuttoned her blouse and then smiled as her naked tits fell into his view, her nipples hardening. She unzipped her jeans, eager to show him her moist pussy.


5. Remove Empty Phrases

The classic writer's rule is "omit unnecessary words." Two phrases often used without purpose at Literotica are "with that" and "for his/her part." As in:

"You're hot," he told her. With that, he unbuttoned her blouse and then smiled as her naked tits fell into his view. She, for her part, unzipped her jeans, eager to show him her moist pussy.

"With that" and "for her part" are attempts to smooth transitions that, in 99% of cases, are smoother without.

And with that, I, for my part, shall pointlessly transition to the next tip.

6. You Must be at Least this Literate to Post Stories

Writers should check THEIR dictionaries for correct spelling, or else THEY'RE going to look bad when they put THEIR stories out THERE. And not just them. YOU'RE going to need YOUR spelling correct as well. IT'S important that a word have ITS spelling checked.

7. Advertise Effectively

Literotica lets you write the story summary, which tells readers whether this is a story they want to check out. Too many authors will write a summery like this:

Pat and Chris do more than hold hands!

This tells us almost nothing. It suggests only that two people (Two women? Two men? One of each?) do something sexual (In a porn story, I would hope so!).

Tell readers what makes your story interesting. The relationship between the characters. The context of their actions.

At least tell readers the genders of the major players. If your story is a voyeurism story, tell us the genders of the watcher and of the person being watched. A reader who's in the mood for a man peeking at a woman is probably not in the mood for a woman peeking at a man. Likewise, if your story is group sex, is it a man with multiple women, or a woman with multiple men?

Here are examples of specific summaries that let a reader know if these are stories she wants to read:

A high school jock spies his favorite cheerleader changing.

Julia says she's straight, but Barbara plans to test that.

Can Betty seduce her pool boy?

It is often tempting for an author to want to surprise his readers and therefore avoid spoilers in the summary. But with thousands of stories to choose from, readers are likely to skip those stories with vague summaries and keep searching for something they know matches their taste.

8. Say "Said"

In writing dialogue tags, some writers fear the simplicity of "said," and they use in its place fancy words that prove distracting. Ex.:

"Can I fuck you?" he queried.

"You may," she preached.

He observed, "Your pussy is pretty."

"Thank you," she bellowed.

"I hope we don't get caught," he iterated.

"We won't," she enthused.

He verbalized, "Are you sure?"

"I am," she whined.

"How sure?" he harped.

She declared, "Very."

"How do you know?" he tittered.

"Trust me," she howled.

Just shoot me, the reader proffers.

Usually, you don't want to use the same word more than once or twice, but "said" is an exception. In a dialogue tag, readers skim over the word "said," reducing it to white noise. And that's a good thing, because it's not the important concept in the sentence. When you use other words, you distract the reader's attention from the important elements of who is speaking and what is being said.

9. Don't Start with a Curtain Call

Some writers start by giving each character a paragraph describing the character's face, body, and personality. This is boring. Why use paragraphs to describe characters we do not yet have reason to care about?

Personality should be revealed through action.


Monica was shy.


Monica's face turned pink as Jim unbuttoned her jeans. "I can't believe we're doing this," she giggled.

Physical description can spice up a scene, but don't give it to us in one block. Ladle out the details as they become relevant.


Monica had shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. She had long, curvy legs.


Monica dipped her face down as she giggled, letting her brown hair veil her face for the moment. When her face resurfaced, Jim loved the spark in her blue eyes. He loved even more what he saw when he pulled off her jeans and drank in the sight of her long, curvy legs.

Better yet, perhaps, leave out physical details altogether. Let the reader imagine the characters as she pleases.

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IRonMan78IRonMan78about 1 year ago

Thank you for the tips!

In real life, I have an ex that does not know the difference between the words "as" and "has." I have received written notes from her that started with "Has you know..." This woman has a Master's in Social work...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Step number 10.

Plan and execute the ending. Most stories are just snap shots of certain events in a persons life and not a complete life long cradle to grave saga. There doesn't usually need to be a follow up chapter, but what is written does need to be completed.

So many stories are ruined for the lack of a logical ending. The stories just end with too many unanswered questions.

Some stories just meander along towards the end, but there is no finale.

Other stories just stop unexpectedly like a car running out of fuel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
said giggled

Right after telling writers to just write "said" you give an example that helps build character by using "giggled" instead of plainly using "said". Evidentally there are some times to skip using said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is an old post, but I think a lot of people are missing the point about backstories or characterization. We porn story wankers want to understand the *sexual* (or romantic) motivations of the characters.

We don’t care about the other stuff. We're not interested in reading a thousand words about Bob competently managing his bowling supply businesses, or Betty having to stay in Denver with her sick mother. That’s not relevant to us wankers. And 99% of the time, when you talk about a previous divorce or breakup, it sounds like the author is making excuses for themselves. The OP is correct that if you start with a biography, the story usually isn’t very good. People want to find something they’re into and self-insert.

Also, if you have the big build-up type of story, make sure you deliver at the end. There’s a lot of stories with 3+ pages of innuendo and seduction, and then it turns out the guy can’t last two paragraphs.

(I’ve gotten into the habit of paging forward to determine if a “sex story” on this site has any real sex content in it. A surprising number really don’t.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
The anonymous reader said, "I love you, electric1."

I would like to suggest a follow up list suggesting the writer should know the location for the parts of anatomy the include in their story. It is distracting to read about a man plunging in several inches before reaching the hymen which is actually the external ring of excess skin making the opening much smaller, prior to it being torn.

There are several really good diagrams showing the correct location and types of hymen which are all located in the same place on the female anatomy, prior to any sex or activity which ruptures or rips it.

Why do stories make it seem as though the many of the people writing them have never had intercourse, at least not any with a virgin? As a woman I can state, without a doubt, it would not have been pleasurable to lose my virginity to a cock with the width of soda can. A monster 9 or 10 inch cock would not have been able to penetrate me without all of the people in my neighborhood being alerted by my pained screaming. It hurts to have the skin around a tiny opening ripped to allow for access, so I'd like the loss of virginity to be approached as if the writer has had some experience with sex. I know many fantasies are written without having experienced what is being written in the story, but they hopefully are informed enough to do it justice.

Thank you for mentioning the need for correct forms of the words being used. I read "they're" as "they are" out of habit, so it does throw me off course when it is used for "there" or "their" in a story. I read "you're" as "you are," so I read it as the words not contracted as opposed the how they intended it. It is amusing to read sentences such as this one: "He stared at you're pussy as you pulled you're panties down." They don't realize they've just stated, " He stared at you are pussy as you pulled you are panties down." I tend to avoid stories written as if I'm in them, but they tendd to be the best ones for a good laugh.

LadyVerLadyVerover 10 years ago

I enjoyed this HT advice, as well as the comments. I've been working on a first story and wrestling with the issue of whether I write the sex scene the way I want to, or write what is more or less expected for a porn/erotica site. Someone told me no one likes erotica stories where the sex got put off until later in the story, that too many writers think they have to write a novel before they get to the sex scene. I can understand that point of view. However, the wanker stories are a dime a dozen on a porn site and after a while they all sound alike: suck and fuck, or fuck and suck. I know I'm not the only one who enjoys plot and character development, as well as the buildup of sexual tension before a sex scene. What's good about this Lit entry is that it offered some good advice, especially about dialogue tags, and got people talking about the other elements in an erotica story besides the sex.

NekoParksNekoParksover 11 years ago
Even if Strunk and White were to write a how to article on porn. . .

it would not have been as funny as your advice for using "said" in a porn story. You have included truly helpful advice for new and experienced writers. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Its a cliche.

EuphonyEuphonyalmost 12 years ago
Enjoy stimulating debate

At first I hesitated to give this 5 stars as I disagree with some key points. But as a whole it is of merit for at least starting the discussion on what Lit readers think. It does come across as holier than thou at points which I loathed but it made me consider my choices in lit if only to further cement them. This is something few things here have done.

Ill agree that many here expect sex within the first page or so. I counter with those that do often find authors interchangeable. If that doesnt bother the author then its a perfect exchange, a stroke story for someone that will always see it as such.

I will still give higher marks to an author who gives a great story over a stroke fest (usually via comment or even a thank you PM) The best stroke I ever read still is a little hollow over all.

brujaybrujayabout 12 years ago
Interesting Read

As a non-writer, I found the essay interesting and agreed with many of your points. I also can see that most of these tips are directly attached to your hot button about other authors. Please keep writing and sharing your stories and without worrying about the other authors on this site.

One question needs to be directed to those commentators above that question this author's credentials to write this particular essay: Does a basketball coach need to be a successful player in order to be a successful coach? I would humbly suggest it is not necessarily the case.

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 12 years ago
Rather underwhelming

Some of us believe that for it to be really good, erotica needs excellent writing and some literary quality.

Chacun a son gout.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I enjoyed your tips and agree!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Not so much

I think you need to look at the category. Erotic couplings, for example is mostly about two willing participants. The story generally focuses on the sex part as the rest is sort of also ran.

Some of the other categories, such as loving wives. or non consent, usually involve complicated emotions. For these stories, you need some character development and a plot line.

Maybe we need to have a category Stroke Story!

Personally I dislike the phony physical descriptions of the characters, just about all stories written in the first person, and the words "naughty', 'gals', and 'seem'.

But that's just me

mikothebabymikothebabyover 12 years ago
to be fair

I went and read the few stories that you have on the site. I was not overly impressed actually. I find you a mediocre author at best. I think you are very misguided about Lit readers as a whole. Most of us want some type of plot. Myself, if I start reading a story and realize it is just a stroke story, I stop and move on. Lit readers have more intelligence than you give them credit for. Until you can put out stories like the more well known authors on the site, I think you should leave the teaching of what to write alone. Or at least wait until you have more than 4 meager stories that are less than appealing to show us. Again, just my humble opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Learn before you teach!

Electric 1 - Get yourself a little series of red 'H's attached to your stories before you begin to tell others how to write.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I don't agree totally, because, bang bang, he fucked my cunt. I gasped in pleasure, we both came, end of the story type of erotica doesn't even give me time or bother to make me hard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Valid points in a lot of cases

There are a lot of stories out there that read like laundry lists, and I think a lot of them would benefit from following these tips... I know I've stopped reading quite a few stories for various combinations of 1, 2 and 9.

While I'm a strong proponent of plot in these stories, I do think it should be integrated and read as a part of the story and not as a meandering preface.

Obviously, if a writer has an audience and regularly gets good ratings, perhaps these tips don't apply so much... but if you look at the stories with ratings below 3, these points nail it pretty well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
A little bit of bullshit

This is clearly one person's opinion and really a pretty shallow opinion.

Great erotica does involve plot, description, lead-up, back story, side story and everything that good literature possesses. The author of this opinion apparently likes 'glory hole' sex on the skewer. Fine..that's his taste but he does not speak for more literary and psychologically oriented readers.

Phantom1945Phantom1945over 12 years ago
All the previous comments are valid...

but why do you assume that the readers are female? I'd venture to guess that this website's readership is more likely 50/50 M/F. Some good points, but please get your facts right before you publish. Thanks for the tips. I gave your article a 2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Check your spelling. There is a big difference between summery and summary.

NakedinNC_NakedinNC_over 12 years ago
You Lost Me

I was with you in the beginning, not totally, but a little. I thought perhaps you were a real writer, but was aghast to see you misspell the last name of Emily Dickinson. Then you added insult to injury, when just after we are told to check our spelling, you use the word: summery. Were you referring to a particular time of year? or maybe a genre of stories that are set in ancient Sumer?

Good attempt, but you need to follow your own advice.

electric1electric1over 12 years agoAuthor
Disagreement May be Smaller than Some Think

I’m not sure if I did a poor job of explaining #1, or if people only skimmed it. Several think they disagree with it, but I’m not sure they do.

Sleeplessgurl argues, “The beauty of an erotic story is the lead up, the building sexual tension.” That sounds like my advice, “Tease and build to the sex act.” That’s not irrelevant detail. Your Earth Day story may have taken several pages to get to a kiss, SG, but it blisters with sexual tension in the first paragraph. My own Earth Day story this year (“How Naked Are You Willing to Get for a Case?”) never even reaches a kiss, but I hope it has sexual tension from the first sentence to the last.

This is all quite different from a story in which there is no sexual tension (and often no plot or tension of any sort) for the first half of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I agree

Good general points everybody should be aware of, and follow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Yes, writers should check their spelling.

The writer is mostly full of himself, but does make a few good points. For instance spelling. The poet is Emily Dickinson, not dickenson.

Geez, even my spell checker caught that one!

Writers should also watch out for words that sound similar to other words, but are totally different in meaning and spelling.

For instance, I have seen over a dozen stories, where the word barley is used instead of barely. Barley is a grain folks!

Also, when people are cold or scared, they shudder. Shuttering is probably not even a verb, but if it were it would be closing the shutters on your windows.

estragonestragonover 12 years ago
Interesting and Literate

electric, as with others among the commentators here, I agree in part and dissent in part with your conclusions. "Said" is better than playing Tom Swift with adverbs. "Wanted poster" descriptions of characters turn me off. Poor spelling and grammar give me an acute case of quibbleritis, but only if I finish reading the story; if poor enough, they cause me to abandon reading. Back-story, though, is important. If I don't care about the characters, I'll stop reading. But every aspiring Literotica writer should read what you've posted here, whether or not they agree with it entirely.

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