A Big Shiny Blue Marble Ch. 48


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When they came back downstairs, Billy found Sully waiting for him with a concerned expression. "I'm wanting to have a talk with you, man to man," he said.

"I can't say as I understand how you and your mother were between you," he said, "but she and I have found quite a bit of common ground, you might say. I came looking for you because I wanted to know how it is that you're feeling about it, Billy, and if it's alright with you."

Billy smiled as he looked down for a moment, "I came here at the age of seven, Mister Sullivan. "I've only had her back in my life for a little while."

He looked up then, "I want to keep her in my life, though I'm feeling better now that she's feeling better because she's near you and not as tied up with the idea that our kind of demon has to keep going. I'm a lot happier as her son. I think that you might see that we have a lot of catching up to do.

I don't mind if she's with you. She needs somebody and I hope that you are as good for each other as what I see beginning.

But you ought to know one thing. My mother looks as though she's decided about you. I hope that you're up to that. She's not very big, but most of what's inside of her is her heart, so I want you to take care of that for me."


Narreth looked to the doorway, watching as Sully walked into the room and closed the door behind him. She was smiling as she rolled onto her side and held her head up with her hand and wanted to laugh because she couldn't stop her sigh as he took off his clothes. He looked over at her.

"Don't you be getting any grand ideas, woman," he smiled as he found that he couldn't keep up his stern look to her, "I can see what you're wanting, but you'll get none of that from me tonight. I'm only here because it was either this or sleep on the floor in the corner. Don't you go making me regret me choice. You need your rest, Narreth."

She waited for him to get in next to her before she put an arm and one leg over him. "I have a wish, Thomas, and it can wait a little while. Give me your hand."

When he reached over, she took his hand and held it against her mound before she moved her leg a little so that it was kept there. "I wish to learn about you, and you will learn about me. One of the first lessons is this.

I think that I belong to someone again. Now is not the time to do more than this, but I wish for you to know that I enjoy it when the one who I belong with lays his hand there -- even if nothing is done most times. There are places on me which have longed to be touched for so long, and this is one of the most important to me. I try to show you something like this. Do you understand?"

He nodded, "Yes Narreth, I do. Now what I want is for you to put your lovely face on me chest and then I want you to close your pretty eyes. We'll have time for everything later. Tonight, I want to sleep with my woman and I'm only hoping that I don't ruin what we've begun with my snoring."

"When you lived on the island with the demon," she whispered, "How did you sleep then? If the speech that you learned was as close as what I hear to mine, then I think that we are not much different. Demons make sounds when they sleep too.

Most of us snore and growl or grunt as we sleep. Ayt'han tells me that I grunt loudly."

"Ah, that'll be perfect then," Sully sighed with contentment, "I'm looking forward to the first good night's sleep in the arms of a grunting demon that I'll have had in over ten years, so you make all the noises that you want, Nerreth, and I'll be a happy man for it."

Narreth laughed a little softly and she moved his hand so that she could curl herself around him, sighing when he held her in his arms and pulled the covers up to her shoulders, though they were a long way from covering his.

"You will not be cold like this?" she asked him.

"No," he said as he ran his thumb over her pointed ear a little, "Unless you've changed, demon girls are hot things and the one I have against me here has a soft fur coat that smells so good to me. I plan to keep you well, Narreth, and I'll never know another cold night again.

Narreth chuckled a little in the darkness and they were silent after that for a time as each one thought of the other and felt more hope than they'd felt in ages. "Thomas?" Narreth whispered softly.


She thought of what she wanted to say for a moment, "From our talking, I begin to feel that I am fortunate to have been found by you -- because that it how it feels to me. You are so good to lie on a little and talk with. You know much about demons."

"No I don't, Narreth," he said quietly, "not really. I knew the one who I lived with well, but I haven't known any others."

"Still," she said, "I am against the body of a human male who wishes much with me. I think that I might be a little like a human female. I have the pieces which are required. But you know that demon girls ..."

She wanted to do so much more then lie with him right then, but she knew that after the loss of the fetus which she'd been carrying, it wasn't an option, and she knew that even if she was foolish enough to have the thought of beginning that night with him, she already knew that Thomas would never allow it -- not after the sadness in his own past.

She raised her head a little and looked at him, learning to love that rugged face.

He watched her in the very dim light which came through under the door from the hallway. He saw the way that her light eyes flicked over his face, taking in details and features as she looked with her mouth open a little unconsciously. He could see some of her long teeth and he knew that he was already under her spell, though he also knew that she wasn't doing anything other than looking at him.

He wanted to ask her for a kiss when she did something else with no conscious thought behind it on her part as he saw the tip of her tongue emerge to lick her lips for a very brief moment. He smiled then and she looked a little surprised before she smiled back very shyly, knowing that he'd seen her struggles. She also smiled at his other reaction to it as she felt him harden, the tip of him pressing against her side a moment later.

"Don't mind that," he said, "I'm not about to risk a thing by doing anything too soon."

"I know," she smiled," I only wished to say that demons like me have teeth," Thomas, "I see that you look at them and I see how it makes you happy because you like them. I do not know how your female was, but I am a Rohn girl, and I have always been. For us, it has only natural to use our mouths when we love and -- "

She stopped then, not knowing how to say it and a little desperate now not to put him off. She reached back and her hand closed around the hardness which instantly swelled a little more. "We love to taste and feel the flesh of the one that we love with. Sometimes, we bite a little, but it is not meant to hurt -- "

"No," he smiled, "Not much anyway. I know the sort of love bite that you mean, Narreth. When you're better, I promise that you can do that to me if you want to."

Her eyes opened wider then, "Why Thomas? No matter how careful I am, there will be sometimes when I may break the skin. I will feel badly for it after, but in the moment, I may not be able to hold back beyond a certain amount and -- "

"And I'll have a few bite marks, and maybe one of them might bleed a little bit, "he said, "It won't be anything much, but you'll feel bad over it. I know that, Narreth.

But I think that you're not seeing it the way that I would," he smiled, "For you to want to do that would tell me that I've driven a demon to her passion and that she loves me enough for it. It would make me proud to watch you lick away the little bit of blood in your lust. I also know that you'll heal the places right afterward. That's how a fine girl like you would do it.

I guess that I'm saying that I'm ready for that when it happens."

"I am a fine ... girl to you?" she asked and he nodded rather seriously. "Yes, "he smiled, "I don't know how it is now, because I've never been back. I come from a land with many legends which reach far back in time. I'm from a large and dirty coastal town, but my people came from the hills and the forests there, and they tell tales of beauties such as you. You're trying to compare yourself to human girls, Narreth. You're a fine beauty to me and I know my luck to lie here with you."

She gasped in some surprise then and stared at his face, seeing the soft smile there, so she pulled herself up on him because she suddenly needed to and she opened her mouth wide after the first touch of his lips against hers, so hungry to feel his skin under the tips of the razor-sharp teeth that she pressed there so softly. Thomas groaned and the shaft under her small hand throbbed.

She pulled back and looked at him, her pupils wide then as she shook her head slowly, "I surely do not deserve the male that I have found. I will never hurt you much, Thomas. It is not my way. I only say that it can happen. My teeth are too sharp."

Her tongue slid out of her mouth to lick his lips for a moment and he watched her eyes close as she moaned very softly.

"Oh, you taste so good to me," she hissed softly. "I am only a lost demon girl, and not a young one, either," she said, "no longer the Tarkroth queen that I once was far away." She let go of his shaft and she took his face into her hands as they gazed at each other.

"Say it to me, Thomas, "she whispered so softly that the hair at the back of his neck rose and the throbbing far down on him became almost painful. "You have had a female something like I am once, so you know where we are in it. We are no longer young and I need no courtship beyond this.

But I am still Narreth the Rohn witch and I wish to hear your words now -- if you can say them and have a want to."

She waited then as his eyes took in her face, seeing the tribal markings of her kind on her cheeks, and the horns. His eye went to the beautiful, almost white irises which regarded him so hopefully.

So Sully did what he was dying to do then; what he'd never thought that he'd ever have had the chance at again. He reached for that face, caressing her ear and the soft fur on her cheek with his thumb as he took one horn in his hand and watched as her eyes almost rolled back for how he made her feel inside.

"You have some powerful hope in you now, my girl," he smiled, "and it's for someone that no one of either of our kinds of people would say was the right one for you. The trouble is, sweet Narreth, that we know better. I've been here before, where we are now, so listen before I wake up from the dream that I must be having.

Thomas Sullivan chooses."

Her eyebrows raised and her jaw went in the other direction as she stared for a moment. With a tiny sob, she held that face for a moment and felt his ears under her fingers.

"Narreth chooses Thomas," she said before she threw herself a little higher and hugged him tightly.

"Everything is possible now," she crooned into his ear with a sob, "Narreth takes a mate once more and for the last time. I will love you until the last of me is gone and there are no more stars in the sky."

They rolled over onto their sides and Narreth pulled the blanket higher as she kissed him so that he gasped and rolled onto his back a long time after, smiling at the ceiling and wanting to laugh like the twenty-year old that he'd been once.

He asked when she began to move, and he heard her soft giggle, "I must not do what I ache to do with you this night," she said, "for it is too soon after and my fine male Thomas would not allow it anyway, telling me the same thing. But he is my male and I wish to begin this with something."

He blinked then as the tip of her tail brushed over his nose once slowly. Then he felt the warmth of her lips on his stone-hard shaft for a moment and it was followed by the heat of her mouth as she took him in and began to make love to him, holding it in both of her small hands and making little noises that sounded as though she was whimpering to herself in happiness as he laid his work-hardened hand on her haunch and caressed her tail where it joined her body.

Narreth shivered in joyful surprise that he'd know of this gesture. She was tired and her body still ached a little, though she'd been careful not to overdue anything. But she was not alone anymore and she had a man who she felt was her equal. Best of all, she knew that he could love her in her way, so she was determined to love him in his as well and if only a little of the promise that she felt within her came to fruition, then Narreth planned to live up to her oath to love him until the sky held no stars anymore.

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ELLIMISTELLIMISTalmost 11 years ago

They gave up pretty fast on beyl'eth returning to her body. Billy not really caring his mate's body is with his mothers spirit and she's taken over completely and his kid died in the body. Lol still life aint perfect no point being hung up on what may not be...

AnomandarisAnomandarisover 11 years ago
'tis the season...


now all we need is a patridge in a pear tree.

Seriously love this story, it's been keeping me going through several long shifts. i love how you've grdually tied the threds together. Yyou do tend to put your characters through hell.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago

After so many excellent chapters, this one managed to touch me in surprising ways. Masterpiece.

LadySilverNovaLadySilverNovaover 11 years ago
Regarding comments

I don't comment after each chapter only because I think seeing "Fantastic, perfection, best chapter yet" would get boring especially 48chs later.

Btw this was a fantastic, near perfect & best ch yet ;) Looking forward to the next one. C'mon Lit. and approve it already.

TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor
I had to count carefully

I think you have everyone in the list. And I'm sorry now that I didn't throw in the roadrunner. lol.

But you're jumping to conclusions. The next chapter hints at more (and it's been a couple of days waiting for approval already). A few chapters further, friend, and the dung with impact the fans blades at an alarming rate, just saying. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
how is this supposed to work. or MORE EVIL

so on oneside weve got 3 alien super werewolves with advanced tech, a half demon Paladin(?), 2 dragons, a troll, a dwarf with a tank, an army of regular werewolves and demon, a massive uber protector demon, a demon warlock, 2 drow warmages, a least 2 types of powerful magic cat creatures, a demigod sorceress, and half dijnn prince, A HALF GOD HALF GENIE WARRIOR QUEEN with an army of ghost, some kind oflife drain psionic creature brought to earth as a counter to the demigod genie, and assorted demons and humans. and on the other 1elderly demon. even without selena, 7 horned destoryer of worlds it's a bit of a miss match.

ncpetencpeteover 11 years ago
Wonderfully Told Story

I have commented on several of your stories in the past, and it is always a joy to see your name on the new stories list here. I can only imagine the logistics involved in the story development on this one. The character development and interrelations by itself is a major task for a story of this magnatude, and I just wanted you to know that the work has been well worth the effort. I have read everything you have posted on this site and in each of the stories your storytelling and character development allows your characters to take on a life of themselves, to go from the written word to a believable, living entity, with all the life and drama that life throws their way. It makes reading not only a pleasure, but an adventure for the imagination.

Thanks for sharing,


TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

I don't get that many comments. I'm happy that my tale pleases the readers who look in. I can say that the thinking of all of this took a bit of time, and in answer to the one question, I work to a plan, since something this freaking large needs that. But now and then, I see something which needs a little change, and at this point, it happens a bit more often than I'd be happy with, normally. I originally had Narreth meeting Sully as she needed his help. He was just a bitter old drifter originally. But I kept seeing him in my head as a slightly older and rather gruff Irishman with some wisdom from his travels. I saw that it was a waste of a good character - if I was going to take advantage of his conversation. I'd also planned on Jonas Bull but in a different way. So Sully is a little younger that I'd originally written him, still strong, but feeling old and I made them friends and the cage fight scene came out of that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
love the series, though i have a question

i remember you posted the first 22 chapters all in one go, and now you're taking time. Does that mean you're writing each chapter within the gap? Because that would mean you're a hell of a fast writer. :P XD

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Don't you dear stop nov

This is almost to good to be true

Pleas keep going on

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 11 years ago
Don't Stop

Writing, nor expanding your story base. Epic read

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