A Big Shiny Blue Marble Ch. 58


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I think that I could even have demon friends as long as they weren't nuts. When they act like that, it just does something to me and I want to kill them before they hurt somebody else.

Cor and I, well, ... we just gave up and we've been together for a long time now. Katje is twenty now and she lives with us. But she's the one who's really lonely. She doesn't want to mate with Cor, though she fools around with him a little sometimes just out of love or need. She can't take him anyway. She's too small there. Me, I love my family to bits and I'm the one who really watches over little Katje the most. I've seen her get real close to just wanting it over because she thinks that she can't ever find somebody for herself.

That's why I started watching you, Talon. I saw the same thing in you a few days ago.

I also saw you while you were playing with yourself and I saw your eyes glitter once. Then I really watched and I knew that you're the same as us – only you probably didn't know. That's what I tried to show you tonight."

She kissed him again and then sighed, "See, there is not one normal human who would ever eat demonflesh. I doubt that there are any who ever could for the taste. And demon blood, ... red demon blood while it's hot will just burn their mouths out from the heat of it and there's also something else in there, but I don't know what it is. You felt the heat, didn't you?"

Talon nodded, "It felt like it was burning me, but after a second, I just wanted more."

Sonja nodded, "Humans can't want more. It would kill them. The only reason that you really noticed the heat is that you're half-human like us. I just don't know how you got here, is all.

Either Mama made you and we didn't know, but your age doesn't fit because you're between me an Katje. How old are you?"

"Twenty-two," he said and she nodded, "See? So there must be another one of us here someplace."

He thought for a moment," Maybe not. I was told that I was a foundling at the gate one day. Somebody dropped me off here. Maybe it was after a murder, I don't know." He sighed as he went on fucking Sonja very slowly as she smiled at him as he said, "I don't know anything."

"Well I do," she smiled, "I know that I've found a male that I can bring into our family – that is, if you want to have a family, Talon. Cor would have to share me with you sometimes, but we've already talked about it. And I think that you'd like Katje and she needs somebody, Talon. You should maybe think about it. Cor and I want to have babies and we don't just want them all to be more of the same. That's not healthy in the long run. Katje might want them too."

"I'm uh, ... I'm not the biggest guy, you know?" he whispered to her.

Sonja laughed that laugh of hers again. "You're a fine fuck. Talon. For me, you're a great fuck. I think I'd always want to have you first, so I can get the full benefit, but there's not a thing wrong with what you've got. You'll have to see. You have to meet Katje, but if that all works out, I think you could make my little sister really happy."

"I'm having trouble with the blood, Sonja," he said very quietly, "Now that I've tasted it, am I going to need it, like, am I turning into a vampire now?"

She shook her head, "You can try, but I think that if you even could get enough blood out of a demon to really drink it down, you wouldn't like it. It's just the killing rush that makes us do it and we only get a little – what comes with the meat that we eat. Demons could probably be classed as predators themselves, as far as I know and that's what makes their meat taste so strong.

I can see that you're gonna have to learn a lot of things. Like demons, we can change our shapes and you almost did out there for a second. I think the only reason that you didn't is because you don't have more than maybe something of an idea from when you were a baby. Your teeth changed right off the bat. I think you'll need to kill on your own eventually, but we can help you with the first few, until you get enough to make the changes you'll need."

"Changes like, ..."

She kissed his nose and hugged him for a moment, "Not very observant, Talon? I've got wings you know. Want to learn how to fly? The bumps are already on your back. There are wings in there just waiting to be let out. You just need a little more. You just need to kill a few times, and by the way, I was trying to prove something to you with the bodies out at the dumpster.

You didn't need the killing rush to have tossed them in. You could have done that anyway. You just needed to believe and without the rush, I could have talked to you all night and you wouldn't have heard a thing.

Another thing, gorgeous, "she said as he began to go at her a little more. She knew that she only had a little more time before they were fucking like beasts again, so she said it, "Next time, think a little and don't just blow your whole magazine like it's the fourth of July. Carry more than one, and baby, try to find a demon and kill it. You do that one more time, and you won't even need a rifle to do it. Once your claws grow in, you can do them like they're oven-roasted chicken with your bare hands."

They stopped talking then for a little while until Sonja came and Talon didn't. He said nothing about faking it and she apparently was satisfied that he'd come, thinking that he had. She couldn't really tell because he'd come into her more than a couple of times by then.

He was hearing things which bothered him a great deal, and even what he wasn't hearing, there was enough of a sense to this to get in the way of having sex.

Dicks don't like it when you have to think, he told himself.

Sonja apologized but she said that she had to go, so that she could tell Cor and do a little housework in the morning. Talon was apprehensive and asked about Cor and how he might feel about what they'd done.

She shook her head and beamed at him, "No, there is nothing wrong here. He knew that I would try to meet you and he knew that at some point, if we mated to see how we were together, well that was to be expected as well." She sat on the edge of the destroyed bed and looked at him.

"Talon, I have been looking for a female and I found none. Our plan was to have Cor mate with another female as well as me. I do not think that we could ever find one. I found you instead and we talked then of having me breed with two males instead. It gives the same advantage of young ones, and some with different blood. But Cor is my mate. Try to think of him as the first male. You would be the second male.

But," she raised her finger to make a point, "There is also Katje. If it goes well with her, you would be first male to her and no other. We can offer you a place to fit in, Talon. Something to be a part of where you can be a father and a mate to a beautiful girl and a sometime mate to me."

She got up and he watched her begin to change back to a more predatorial shape, stripes and all as she walked to the door.

She hugged him and they kissed for a long time before she finally took her leave and he watched her fly away into the night.


Talon closed the door then, making sure to lock it this time and then he walked to the table, stepping on a few of the spent casings lying there from before. Sitting down heavily, he reached over to a knapsack of his there on the back of another chair and reaching inside, he withdrew a pouch of tobacco and some papers. He pushed his discarded flightsuit from the center of the table off to one side to make a little room.

He was thinking.

It made him smirk sometimes that he seemed to think best when he had the time and the place for a cigarette. The humor to him was that if that were so, was he really thinking at all the rest of the time? He raised his eyebrows as he had a thought come to him as he began to roll a smoke.

As far as thinking to keep a spare loaded magazine handy for the rifle, apparently he didn't think at all.

He finished gluing the paper down and he reached into the stove with a long and thin stick. With it lit, he then lit the cigarette and closing the stove; he went back to the table and sat down.

He took a puff and exhaled. To no one other than perhaps himself he spoke his mind then.

"Well," he said to no one in particular, "For a kid who showed up here in a basket 'cause nobody loved him, I've had a few really weird and fucked-up days in my time."

He chuckled a little, "I can go over a year and see nobody, but today - in one day - I meet a Barrett Gunner who saves my skinny ass and kills me a deer - and who also shows me what I've been doing wrong in butchering all of this time.

I'd have thought that was pretty freaking significant, but no, ... Then I find that there's been a woman right in here watching me every night and she shows me that I'm NOT the idiot that I thought I was.

Hell no, I've been some OTHER idiot all this time and now I'm supposed to act like I just love to kill demons."

He took another drag and laughed a little, "Fuck, all I was ever after with them was to not get noticed and eaten.

But wait! It gets even better in this single day of wonders. Apparently, I now have a girlfriend who is awesome and married to her brother and I'm supposed to be fine with sharing her once in a while with him when I'm allowed.

He smirked, "Of course she didn't tell me about that little detail until AFTER we broke my bed." Letting out a heavy sigh, he said, "Oh, I'd just bet that it'll be peachy when he finds out that I've fucked his wife. Sure.

And he's the same kind of killing machine that she is, only bigger! What's to worry about Talon?

He groaned, "I am so dead."

He was silent for a minute and then he brightened in a phony and melodramatic way, "But don't let it get to you, Talon, old buddy.

Why there's supposed to be a prize for just you. There's the legendary little sister Katje who's made to sound to me as though she's just pining for a man like me."

Talon began to laugh a little bitterly. When he had it in hand, he just shook his head. "Sure. She's never even seen me and I'm just that much of a man that I can draw her and make her want me just like that!" He snapped his fingers for emphasis before he puffed on the smoke again darkly, "I'm still the same stupid jerk. Did some planets line up magically? I doubt it.

AND I'm apparently superman once I eat a little meat off a demon – preferably torn off and ingested while he's alive."

He grew a disgusted expression.

"And all in one day. Twenty-two year-old Talon Caldwell - who isn't worth a thought from anybody in the whole fucking world, most especially his mother, and all of this in one day. Females of some sort want me - the guy who couldn't get it right to save his life and now she wants me?"

He pulled on the cigarette again in silence for a couple of minutes and then ground it out angrily.

"First, I'm gonna get me a new bed. And then, I'm gonna get me a shitload of ammunition and after that, I'm going back to clearing the runway so I can get the fuck out of this bullshit life."

He looked at the wreck of his bed and wondered if he ought to just sleep where he was.

He felt the hair on the back of his neck rise one more time when he heard a little voice there in the room with him.

"Sonja means well," the little voice said, sounding sort of like a sad and lost little girl, "She just wants everyone and everything in its place and she wants to have little ones who have the best chance to survive."

Talon's hand shot down along the outside of his flightsuit pantleg there on the table in front of him and ended right inside the pocket. Closing his fingers around the grip of his sidearm, he slapped his other hand down on the suit and drew the Glock out.

As he thumbed off the safety, he spun in the chair and raised it in both hands. This time, there was no wobble at all. "What the fuck? This shit just won't stop, will it?"

He saw a shadow there just under the ceiling on the opposite wall. The pistol swung a little to correct and then he said, "Who the hell are you?"

There was a dark gray shape there that he was already a little familiar with. He watched as it slowly climbed down the wall head-first before standing up and beginning to change before his eyes. By then, the gray was gone and the shape was a sandy tone which was itself fading to become flesh-colored.

She was smaller in stature than Sonja and her hair was coal black and it hung long enough behind her to end about half-way down her ass, he guessed. He couldn't tell for certain just how far down it went because she was facing him and her wings looked a little different to him.

Her skin was flawless and there seemed to be jewels of some sort stuck to her here and there, but other than that she was naked and she was not shy about it, either. Her breasts were, ...

He almost smirked, but he didn't. He was looking at her in his sight picture with the point of impact right there over her heart, right between the perfection of her breasts. He'd have wanted to look lower, but that would have meant moving the muzzle and it would have made him laugh to have to point it at her crotch. The notion was just too far into stupid even for him.

He had little experience with women and Talon would have been the first to admit it, growing up and living the way that he had left a lot of things to learn about the fascinating sex.

In the poor light of the darkened room he wasn't sure about some aspects of makeup so he couldn't tell if her lips were really black or not. He was sure about the dark makeup around her eyes and he tried not to get caught up in looking at her eyes themselves, because he knew that he would stare if he did.

It happened anyway and he found himself admiring eyes with irises of such a light gray that they seemed to not be there at all.

He sighed because they were there and they regarded him in much the same way that Sonja had regarded the pile of slain demons on his doorstep earlier. He'd expected nothing less by now.

"I'm the legendary little sister Katje," she said without much emotion, "The one who ISN'T pining for a man like you."

"Good to know," he grinned in his best 'aw shucks' manner, "I'm the fool Talon, the one who's moving into the bomb shelter with the blast door tomorrow. I don't suppose you've read any Charles Dickens, have you?"

She tilted her head and looked at him curiously, "I cannot read well. Why? Is it important?"

Talon shook his head, "Not at all. I can fill in a couple of blanks all by myself. Your brother Cor, does he use a working name and is it Slick?"

She nodded, "Yes."

"Fucking awesome," Talon laughed sarcastically, "I've met all three now.

Katje, I know you won't understand this but I'm not saying this at your expense. The only thing that I'm a little hopeful for is that I can somehow fix that angry look there on your face and then I'd just pray that you might be the ghost of Christmas future.

I doubt it very much all the same. My life just doesn't run like that, so if you're hungry, I've got a little deer meat that I can warm up for you.

If you're not hungry and you're just here to kill me for something, then please do it and be quick – otherwise I'm going to try to get a little sleep."

She looked at him as though she was trying to decide about the last choice for a moment and then her expression softened and her shoulders slumped a little as though she found that she just couldn't stay annoyed with him.

"Sorry. I should have thought about what you said before you knew that I was in here. If you never knew your mother, it makes me sad for you. Mine was killed when I was little, but at least I can remember her and I know that she loved me.

From what you say, it has to have been a strange day for you and I know most of the reasons now. I am a little hungry and if you meant what you said about something to eat, I think I'd like that and I also think that I'd like to start over if we could."

Talon looked more than a little surprised and he refocused on the pistol in his hands. He swung it away instantly and he ejected the magazine and caught it to set it down on the table top before he worked the action once so that the round in the chamber would be ejected.

He caught it as it flipped out and then he set the weapon down on his flightsuit while he inserted the round back into the top of the magazine. That done, he inserted the mag and set the thing down.

He got up then, no longer caring about a lot of the things that he'd have given thought to that morning when he'd gotten out of bed. He was naked, but then so was she – and in his book, she was the most lovely girl that he'd ever seen in his life to that point. Until a few minutes ago, that honor had belonged to her sister.

He was about to step over to the stove, wanting to set the pot in the middle of it again to reheat the rest of the meal there. He was a little hungry himself, he decided.

But he heard her quiet gasp and he looked over, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and he could see something there in her face which was already beginning to twist his mind a little.

"It is as I was told," she almost whispered, "You're very beautiful."

He didn't know where to look then. It wasn't something that he'd ever heard said about him in his life, really. Hearing it from the small goddess in the room, ....

Well he didn't really know just how to process that.

He looked down for a moment and then back at her, "Um, ... look, Katje, I'm not going to lie to you.

You're the sweetest-looking girl that I've ever seen in my life. Just you being in here with me is something that I don't even have the brains to imagine ever happening to me. I doubt that I could even think of it as a daydream, to tell you the truth."

He smiled at her then and gave a helpless little shrug, "So let's call it a draw. Thank you for saying what you just did and I guess I can say that it made my day a little better. You want to start over? That's fine with me. Maybe I won't sound like quite such a fool this time."

She stepped a little closer, "But you don't sound like a fool. Not to me. The more that I think about it, what you said before you knew I was here, ... I think I understand it now."

He opened the door to the stove and found that there was life there still, so he tossed in a little wood that was of a size where he'd get some heat to warm her meal with in little time. He looked up at her, trying not to look at her bare pubes. He'd have given half an arm to do that right then, but he was having enough trouble with the sensations which were coming to him from his own genitals.

Stupid dick, he thought to himself, I can walk around all freaking day like this and it's fine. But put somebody like her in the room and it fucking imagines the slightest breeze and feels like it's ready to, ...

He forced his mind away from the whole subject and stood up carefully.

"Could you explain any of this to me so that it doesn't sound like I'm supposed to be something that I don't feel like I am?"

She nodded, smiling hopefully and Talon felt better immediately. He indicated a chair and she turned it a little so that she could see him as he worked a little to stir things in the pot.

"Are you thirsty?" he asked, "I've got good water here and, ... hey, I don't know much of anything about you, but I think I'd really like to. Forgive me if I sound like an idiot, bec- ... "

He sighed to himself, "Because it just comes naturally to me.

Do you know what wine is? Like, have you ever had any? I'm not asking to try to get you drunk, but I've got a little here that I swiped from the priest's quarters. They're all dead, so I didn't think they'd mind. I could use some just to get my head around the things that I've learned tonight – as well as to wash the taste of that blood out of my mouth."
