A Blind Date for the Holidays


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"I really need to bring more than a couple of changes of clothes over." I knew Billie wouldn't mind. Frankly, she was already talking about the house as if it was both of ours. She'd even brought up me moving in, although we didn't talk about a timeline.

There'd be plenty of time to figure that out after I got back from my parents. I hated the idea of spending Christmas away from Billie despite how much I wanted to spend the holiday with my family. Well, assuming daddy didn't make it unbearably uncomfortably.

"I'm hungry." It wasn't until the words slipped free that I realized just how much a good meal sounded. I made my way to the kitchen and started cooking a big breakfast despite it still being early. I figured Billie would be up sooner or later.

As it turned out, she must have stirred when I left the bedroom because she joined me in the kitchen not long after the food was ready. Billie was newly showered and looked as incredible as always. It wasn't until she put the gift down on table in front of my plate that I realized she was carrying it.

"What's this?" I asked, briefly confused.

"Your birthday gift," she shrugged apologetically. "Sorry it's late. I was planning on giving it to you when we got home last night, but we were both too exhausted."

"Inviting my aunt and uncle, and picking them up was gift enough," I said, meaning it. Still, that didn't mean my eyes didn't light up at the sight of the box. I had no idea what it was, but it was a square box so clearly not clothes.

"I like them. They're good people." Billie's response made me smile. I really was happy they were back in my life. "But inviting family, even estranged family that you missed for nearly fifteen years is not a gift."

"Thank you for that. I ow you," I sighed happily as I reached for the present in front of me, forgetting about breakfast for the moment. "Reconnecting with them went a long way to getting me past my parents' reaction."

"Good," Billie said contently. Her smile turned somewhat sultry as she added, "Although, I'd say this morning was thanks enough for anything you feel you owe me."

"Glad you enjoyed it," I laughed. "Now get rid of that look in your eyes. I want to open my present and if you keep that up then we'll end up back in the bedroom."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Billie joked, but her smile softened into simple humor. She obviously wanted to see my reaction to her present.

I pulled the gift wrap off easily, the plain brown box gave me no hints as to what was inside. Worse, I had to get up and get a pair of scissors to take out the large staples holding it together. My eyes lit with joy once I finally pulled out the package from the carboard box. There was a generic picture on what was inside.

"A snow globe!" I cried excitedly. Billie was still watching me so I knew it was more to it than that.

I opened the package and pulled the snow globe out. This was no cheap knock off. It was clearly hand crafted and gorgeous. Samantha was right. Billie must have paid a fortune for something so nice, but it was what was inside that made it perfect.

"Is that..." I began, but couldn't finish as my eyes filling with tears.

"Is the first picture of us together," Billie said, watching my reaction intently. "It might have only been a simple selfie, but I really like it. Besides, it fit the whole Christmas theme you like for your snow globes."

"That is does," I finally got out with some difficulty as a tear slipped down my cheek.

The snow globe held the picture I'd taken while we were stringing popcorn and cranberries for the homemade garland we used on my tree. I was sitting on Billie's lap with one arm around her neck. She was holding my hip, smiling and looking at me in a way that made my pulse quicken.

"So, does the tears mean you like it?" Billie asked, obviously happy at my reaction. I was tempted to offer her a flippant answer, but it was beyond me.

"It's perfect," I admitted, giving her a heartfelt look before wiping the tears away. "But you should have given it to me for Christmas."

"I wanted you to have it before the holiday," Billie shrugged. "Besides, I told you, I'm going to buy you whatever tree topper you decide on as your Christmas present."

"Okay, but I'm not deciding this on my own. I want it to be something we both like." My words were said softly, but Billie understood the meaning behind them. Whatever we picked would be our tree topper, probably for years to come.

"Well then, I guess I'll need to come up with something else as a gift for just you."

"That's not necessary," I said, standing and moving to her. "This snow globe can be a combined gift. Thank you."

The kiss that followed wasn't remotely chaste, but it also wasn't as sexual as many of our kissed started out these days. It was a 'thank you' kiss. It was a 'I love you' kiss. It was a promise for the future.

"You're welcome," Billie said once we broke apart. Her words were thick with emotion. "But there's no way I'm not buying you a Christmas present." I didn't feel like arguing so I changed the subject instead.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked, suddenly growing sad. "This is the last full day we're going to spend together before I leave to go to my parents."

"Yeah," Billie sighed, sounding momentarily as down as I felt at the thought, but then she smiled and suggested, "Why don't we celebrate Christmas today since we're not going to be together for the actual holiday?"

"I like the sound of that," I admitted. Two thoughts struck me at the same time. The first might be problematic, but so be it. The second was downright crazy as far as I was concerned. Still, it somehow felt right despite that.

"By the way, don't get used to spending the holiday apart," I added, voicing my first thought. "This is the first and last time that will ever happen. After this Christmas, my family will accept both of us or neither. I'm not spending another holiday away from you."

"I like the sound of that," Billie said, repeating my words as she began to eat breakfast. I went back to my chair and did the same. We ate in companionably silence as I mulled over my second thought, the crazy one.

"So, how do you want to celebrate Christmas together today?" Billie asked when we were both close to being finished. "It will just be the two of us. Samantha, Arlene and the kids are going to the block party in Samantha's and my old neighborhood. I think she is hoping her mother will see her grandchildren and be unable to resist."

"Here's hoping," I sighed, meaning it.

I have to admit that a part of me thought my father might learn to accept me if Samantha's mom accepted her despite the illogic of it. I told myself that I would be happy for Samantha if it worked out for her even if my father and my relationship never recovered. I knew I would, but I was desperately hoping that my father would come to accept the truth with time.

"And I think your brother and Janet were headed there as well," Billie continued. "I'm not sure they'll go to the block party, but like I said, the whole town is one big party this weekend."

"Those two seemed awfully close yesterday," I said, not quite frowning. I would be happy for them if it worked out, but I was still afraid it would blow up before their romance ran its course.

"Just as long as Sean stays away from my little sister!" Billie laughed. "That boy..."

"Your sister would be lucky to have someone like Sean in her life!" I interjected, coming to my brother defense automatically. My girlfriend blinked twice at my reaction before nodding in acceptance.

"You know, I think you might be right," Billie said slowly, still smiling as she clearly deciding to take a different tact. Smart girl. "But can you imagine my parents' reaction if Camila dated someone like Sean?" I understood what she meant, but I didn't find it nearly as amusing as she apparently did.

"You know," I said, shaking my head. "Sean is actually more liberal than me. I'd worry about that little fact. Your parents may end up hating me."

"That will never happen," Billie insisted, turning to me and finally losing her smile. "But even if it does, that won't change anything."

I nodded in understanding. I hoped it wouldn't come to that, but it was nice to know that Billie was willing to give up her family for me if push came to shove. I would do my best not to cause that, but it's not like I could hide my conservative views. They'd come out sooner or later.

"There's only one way to know," I said, coming to a decision about my earlier, second and somewhat crazy thought. "I want to go meet you family."

"Are you serious?" Billie asked in surprise. I smiled with some difficulty before I nodded.

"It's time," I shrugged. "Besides, I feel bad keeping you away from them this weekend. I know this is a family tradition and I'd hate if I ruined that for you."

"Well," Billie said slowly. "There really is no better place to celebrate Christmas today. You have to see how all out my town goes for the holidays on this weekend."

"I'd like that," I said nervously.

"We don't have to go," Billie offered, obviously feeling my trepidation despite my words. The concern in her expression was real, and I appreciated it, but I really did want to celebrate Christmas with Billie and this was my one chance before I left for my parents.

We could do it by ourselves, but Christmas was a family holiday and the truth was, I'd have to meet Billie's family eventually. So, why not today? At least Sean and Janet would be around if I needed them. Frankly, having them as part of the day would make it feel more familiar and real to me.

"Of course, we do," I grinned, deciding the best approach was to tease her out of her worry for me. "I may need to play interference with your family and friends if Sean and Camila hit it off." It worked. Billie snorted in laughter.

"Just as long as Janet and my sister don't end up fighting over your brother," she laughed. "Sean's ego is big enough already." I could have acted offended, but this time I let it go.

"You think?" I laughed. It not like Billie was wrong.

Forty-five minutes later I was holding our helmets as Billie pulled her motorcycle out of the garage. We were both dressed in jeans for the ride, but our sweaters were festive. Billie was in green and I was in red.

I wasn't focused on any of that. No, I was looking at the leather coat I was wearing that fit Billie's personality so well, and yet was now mine. I'm sure I had a somewhat dumb smile on my face, but I could care less as I let myself relive the last month of my life in my mind.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Billie asked one last time, shaking me from my thoughts before we climbed onto her bike.

"Yes," I smiled, meaning it. "Besides, if we don't go then we'll probably just end up spending the entire day in bed."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," she teased back, taking her helmet from me.

"Who are we kidding? It would probably be my idea." I blushed as I said it, but that didn't make it any less true.

"There is that," Billie laughed as she climbed onto her motorcycle. "Oh well, we still have a couple of nights before I need to take you and your brother to the airport."

"Tease!" I snapped as I climbed on behind her, but by that point I was laughing along with her.

"I hope you know how much I love you." Billie words were offered in an almost offhand manner as she continued to smile, but I knew better.

"You'd better," I grumbled halfheartedly. "I can't believe that I've barely known you a month and I'm already meeting your parents."

"Oh, you'll be meeting a lot more than just them. Most of my family visits this weekend." Billie turned to watch me as she spoke. I guess she wanted to see if I was going to run. "Aunts, uncles, cousins...I told you it was a big holiday weekend in our town."

"Now you tell me!" I snapped, but I made no attempt to get off the motorcycle. I wouldn't run from her again for any reason. Not even to avoid a horde of her liberal relatives. "Let's go already. I want to be there before lunch."

"You must really love me," Billie laughed. Instead of joining her, I met her eyes and stared deeply into them.

"More than you'll ever know."

The kiss that followed was the most natural of my life. I would probably always question my mother's concept of a soulmate or the one, but I would never doubt that Billy was those things and so much more to me.

"We'd better get going." Billie's words were rough with emotion. I didn't even bother trying to respond.

We both put our helmets on. She started the bike a moment later. I wrapped my arms around Billie's waist and we were off. This would be our longest ride and I was looking forward to it despite our destination...or maybe because of it.

Our bodies moved through the turns leading toward the highway like they were meant to be together. I leaned into Billie, smiling contently because I knew that it was the truth. We were meant for each other.

It amazed me how much my life changed since Billie came into it. I don't mean my sexual preference, or even my relationship with my family. Those things were real and would need to be dealt with, but not really the point.

The truth was that much of me was exactly the way it used to be before my best friend set Billie and me up on a blind date that turned out to be many things other than ill-fated, despite the insanity of it all.

The biggest difference with me since that day was simple enough. I was no longer alone.

I saw so many things in a new light with Billie in my life. I didn't worry about the future any more. In fact, I found myself looking forward to seeing what it would bring. I was certain that there would be difficult times along the way, but as long as I had Billie in my life, I was equally sure it would all work out in the end.

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WhiteTailDarkTipWhiteTailDarkTip18 days ago

It’s a great story and I’m a sucker for romance with a bit of heat. Story always comes first for me. Sadly, my inner pedant tries to spoil my enjoyment by pointing out typos. Oddly enough I care less about them if it’s a quick and dirty 3k words than if it’s long form and written by a talented author. My gaze snags on them and interrupts the flow. I do my utmost to eliminate them in my own works and I know how hard it can be.

Still, cavil notwithstanding, it’s a great story!

Rissak722Rissak72221 days ago

Wow, amazing work. I always found this story and started to read it but every time I realized it was 70k words I got a little intimidated. I finally had a chance to sit down and read all of it as once and my only regret is that I didn't take the time to do it earlier.

I wish I could give it more than 5 stars, this story had everything in it and felt so real.

Candy_Kane54Candy_Kane54about 1 month ago

I'm glad I finally got around to reading this story. I loved it and the characters seemed so real. Five stars and deserves more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This is such a good story. It is almost as if the reader actually knows the characters. A perfect ending, especially that it is not being rushed to be an ending, but the way it leaves open the possibilities for future stories.

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