A Boiled Frog Pt. 04


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I walked up and his eyes were glued to my legs. I smiled as sexily as I could and said, "Baño?"

He pointed with a jerk of his head down to the right and I slipped in the back door and headed to where I could hopefully see the girls talking. I felt his eyes on me until I moved out of view.

Luck was with me as I poked out. They were in the booth right next to the bathroom corridor. I couldn't see them, but I could hear them. That was honestly better, cause this way I didn't have to worry about being seen.

It must have taken me ten minutes to get into position so they had been talking for a while. I tried to tune out the noise of the kitchen behind me and focus on their conversation.

"Did he tell you his cock got hard just at the thought of Mick sliding his pole up his butt?" I heard Deidre say. "Did he say he wanted to choke on Mick's dick while you choked on his? No. Did you even ask him if he wanted to sleep with Mick?"

"Geez," I thought, "Pornographic enough. Deidre knows how to lay it on thick."

"Well, no," Julie drawled out. "But the stories all say ..."

"Shit, Julie," Deidre interrupted. "That's pornography. That's people's fantasies and crap. That's not real life. Instead of using people's twisted desires, why don't you talk to the man you married and COMMUNICATE with him to find out what he wants?"

My wife reads porn?

"Yeah, but ..." Julie started but Deidre was on a rant and talked over her.

"He's not gay, Julie, although I bet he would've slept with Mick just to make you happy, and he would have hated himself for it. And from what he told me, if Mick had so much as touched you, that would've driven him crazy with jealousy. Is that what you want? To drive him to a mental hospital?"

"No, absolutely not," Julie said firmly. "I like Chris just the way he is."

"Then quit trying to push him further down the rabbit hole and let him make some decisions for once."

"Okay, okay, I see your point," Julie acknowledged. "When can I see him?"

"Call him, and he will come in."

At that point, I turned and headed back to the car since I didn't want them to hear me picking up the phone. It rang just as I got outside.

I picked up on the first ring.


Upon hearing my voice, Julie started sobbing into the phone.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Julie managed to get out. "I was sitting here so worried about you and all these terrible things kept going through my head. Come inside so I can see you."

My heart broke. I hated to see my baby in pain. I headed straight for the front door.

As I entered the front door of the diner, I turned to head to the booth where I knew they were. Julie came running up crying and threw her arms around me. Lightning fast pecks were covering my cheeks and lips as her arms squeezed me tight. My lips found hers and I kissed her hard.

A nasty comment cut through our joy, "Get a room, you lesbos. There are kids here."

Deidre walked up behind us and said, "I paid the bill. You two kids get out of here."

I looked over Julie's shoulder and mouthed, "Thank you" to Deidre.

She winked at me. "Don't worry about it. I got my payment coming."

I climbed into Julie's car and once she got on the road I turned off the radio and said to her, "I'm sorry, Julie. I wasn't strong enough to tell you how I felt. Most of this is my fault."

"No, it's mine," she replied. "Lisa and I have had these big powwow sessions where we plan everything out and we didn't even talk to you about it. I hash it out so much with her that it just seems redundant to bring it up with you, especially when I know you normally would just say whatever. We should have considered you more."

"You mean she knew about Mick and the special day?"

"She helped me plan it."

Now I was mad at Lisa. She wasn't the innocent bystander I thought she was. And I had told her I didn't like guys. What the hell?

"So, what else don't I know about?"

She blanched. There was obviously more.

"Actually," I interrupted, "You know what? I don't want to know, at least not right now. All it will do is make me madder than I am right now. And I don't want to be mad at you right now."

"What do you want, baby?"

"I am not completely sure. One thing I don't want is to have to share you. I don't think I can handle that."

"Um, dear," Julie said. "I just promised Deidre four 'dates' in order to get you back."

That put me into a hysterical laughing fit. For some reason, I found that funny as hell.

Julie looked at me in puzzlement.

Chapter 4

The next morning, I was woken by the insistent ringing of my cell phone. I had stayed up late, despite Julie trying to drag me to bed. Every time Julie tried to talk to me, I told her not now, that I needed time to collect my thoughts. I asked for her to give me a night in peace. I said over and over that I loved her but I needed some space. She still looked in anguish to talk to me but I refused to budge. I was feeling a little emboldened and a little childish but I wanted her to stew a little.

Once she was in bed I slipped into the room and grabbed some clothes, a pair of old boxers I had found a while back, one of my old work polos and a pair of my jeans. I slipped them on as a reminder of me before this all began. I was surprised how uncomfortable I felt in them. I decided I did like the lace, the silk and the satin. I slipped off the clothes, threw them in a trash can, and put back on the corset, a pair of panties and a nightgown and went to bed.

Groggily, I rolled over in bed reaching for the phone. I noticed Julie's side of the bed was empty. I answered it with a hoarse "Hello?"

"About time you wake up, sleepy head!" a voice pronounced cheerily. "I have been calling for almost an hour now."

"Who is this?"

"It's Ash. Lisa went to work and I'm here all alone and I got some errands I need to run. Come over and drive me around in your new car. Lisa told me you finished it."

I wanted to wallow in my circumstances, but maybe a distraction was just what I needed so I told her to give me 45 minutes and I would be over.

I took off the corset I wore to bed and headed for the shower. After showering, I tried to leave in a hurry but couldn't seem to pull myself away from the mirror. I marveled at my breasts. They had receded a little during the night but not much at all. I hefted them and admired them and if I stretched my neck I was even able to get one of my nipples into my mouth. It was naughty and made me feel so feminine and horny. I actually stroked one off while suckling on my own tit. How crazy is that? I also realized that it was the first time I had masturbated in weeks.

After I came, I was a little embarrassed by what I had done, looked at the time, and realized I was already late. I threw on clothes, put on a dash of makeup, and pony-tailed my hair in a hurry. As I got dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans and threw on tennis shoes, I marveled at what it felt like to breathe again. I had been laced up much tighter than I was used to and it was a relief, yet somehow, I felt empty inside, like something was missing. I almost took the clothes off again to put back on the corset, but then I realized that would make me even later so I left the house without it.

Ash was waiting at the curb when I pulled up. She looked amazing in a skimpy red dress, red high heels, and a white fur coat. She got in and immediately gushed about the car. "It looks so good. You are so talented." Then she leaned over and kissed me. I thought she was going for my lips so I turned at the last moment so she got cheek.

"Where are we off to?" I asked.

"The university!" she said excitedly. "I got in. I will be here after Christmas with you."

With me. It dawned on me that maybe Ash did have a crush on me after all. I hadn't thought it was serious but this was a little nuts. How to let her down gently?

"Ash," I said, hesitantly. "You know I am involved with Lisa. Nothing is going to happen between me and you. I'm taken. You should probably find someone your own age."

"I tried, right after you left, but the spark wasn't there. It wasn't the same. It wasn't magical like when you kissed me."

"It will," I coaxed. "You just need to find the right guy and the magic will come. He will make you forget about me completely."

"I'm done with guys," Ash said. "They're so lame. They expect you to go down on them but they complain when you request the same. I want someone like you. I let Gina go down on me and she was amazing. She made me cum and cum and cum."

"Not all guys are like that, Ash, I promise you that. Don't give up on all guys."

"You did."

"That's different."

"No, it's not."

Crap. I was potentially ruining this girl's love life, all on misconceived notions. I was going to have to tell her my secret, the problem was, I didn't know if I had the courage to do it. As we drove, I opened my mouth once or twice to tell her but no words came out. I kept waiting for the opportune time but it never came.

As we pulled into the college parking lot, I chickened out completely and told myself I would have Lisa tell her. I turned off the car and followed her in for her orientation tour.

Being with Ash was painful. She was gorgeous and clingy and flirtatious, and, in my rush to get out the door, I had thrown on my t-shirt without putting on a bra. My nipples, hard from the chill of the day, were dragging across the material with every turn and sway of my body and it was making me incredibly horny. My dick ached from trying to grow while bent in half and tucked in. It was very uncomfortable.

And Ash kept making it worse. She held my hand as we walked around the campus, occasionally grabbing my arm and holding it tight, pushing my bicep into her breasts. I felt a tingling sensation on my skin every time her bare flesh caressed mine, and it left a residue of warmth, like a sunburn. She would lean her head on my shoulder when the tour guide had us stop and pause as he lectured on some details of a certain building. Stray strands would tickle my nose and force me to breathe in her beautiful scent, which felt like pheromones on crack. Any time a boy would look like he wanted to talk to her, she would cuddle into me as if I was her girlfriend. Her perfume was intoxicating and I found myself daydreaming of fucking her as the tour guide droned on. I was going insane. This was Lisa's little sister. I had to stay away.

By the time the tour was done, my stomach was rumbling and I was ravenous as I hadn't eaten all day. Once we were in the car, I pulled into the first restaurant I saw for food, a Red Robin.

We were seated and eating and discussing the college when Ash announced, "I love it. This is our first date."

"Ash, you need to stop," I said firmly. "We can't go there. You are driving me crazy. I can't cheat on Ju-Lisa. You need to find a guy ..."

She interrupted with, "or a girl"

"... your own age. I'm taken. Please don't push this anymore."

"But what if I get Lisa's permission?"

"No, let's not go there, I can't keep having impure thoughts about my future sister-in-law ..."

I trailed off. What the hell was I thinking? She would never be my sister-in-law. I can't marry Lisa, I'm married to Julie and I love her. My head was a bundle of emotions and I couldn't separate them apart from each other. How much of my life was real and how much was fiction? I was so confused. Heck, I couldn't even answer the question of what sex I was. How fucked up is that?

Ash interrupted my thoughts with, "So you do have impure thoughts about me."

At that point, I was saved by my phone ringing. I looked at who was calling and it was Deidre. I grabbed the phone, stood up, and said "I need to take this. Be right back," before walking away.

At my greeting, Deidre drawled out, "Hello lover boy, you ready for our first date? I want to go out with you tonight."

"Dee, I can't. I haven't talked to Julie yet. I was planning on taking her out tonight. Can I get a pass?"

"Unh-uh. You agreed. Don't break our deal already!"

"Please," I begged. "Can't I take a penalty or something? I really need to be with Julie tonight."

She paused for a second. "Okay, I'm not heartless, I will find someone else for my event. But instead of seven dates, the total is now eight. Deal?"

"Deal," I said, looking over my shoulder at Ash.

She was fixated on eating her food but at the angle I was standing I had a perfect look right down her dress. Her full breasts dangled enticingly like coconuts, looking just as firm as the fruit itself. The blessings of youth. I was so, so tempted to be bad. I knew that all I had to do was say yes and Ash could be mine. That power was a rush of adrenaline, something I had never experienced before. I needed to get out of here before I lost control.

I picked up the phone and called Julie and got voicemail. I then called Julie's office. Tiffany told me she was out of the office and not scheduled to be back today. I called home and got the machine. I walked back to Ash, dropped a $50 bill on the table, and said, "Sorry, we need to cut this short. I have to go."

I let Ash babble about the day and her college plans on the way home, barely making the appropriates nods and uh-huhs to keep her talking. Visions of her naked, Julie naked, Lisa naked and even Deidre naked flew through my head. I imagined myself fucking each and every one of them.

I pulled up to the curb at Lisa's to drop Ash off. She leaned in to kiss me goodbye and I surprised her by kissing back hard. I made out with her with reckless abandon, trying to quench the fire inside of me, but only stoking it further. I felt her reach under my t-shirt and squeeze one of my breasts and the fire and desire morphed into molten lava.

My hands flowed into her body, searching out her crevices and curves. I reached down and squeezed her tight ass. It was heavenly, as hard and tight as Julie's...

The thought of Julie's ass was like dumping an avalanche of snow on my molten body. I had brain freeze for a second before I withdrew like steam from Ash was scalding me, forcing me to pull away and break off our merging. Ash was panting hard like she had ran a 5k and her eyes beamed. radiating joy. I had to get away.

"Sorry, I really do need to go," I said. "I will call you later."

She climbed out of the car and watched as I drove off. I looked in the rear-view mirror as I turned the corner. She was still standing there on the curb smiling after me.

Chapter 5

I needed to fuck someone. Julie hadn't returned any of my messages so I headed to Lisa's office. I was pissed at her but hoped I could talk her into letting me take out my anger in her, if you know what I mean.

I got to Lisa's office just as Carrie of the golf clap was coming out the door. She let me in with a smile, saying, "The last patient of the day just left. She should be free. I think she is back in her office doing paperwork."

I said thanks and headed back without announcing myself. It looked like Carrie had been the last of the staff to leave so I would have to Lisa to myself. Perfect. I eased myself down the hallway to where her office was and opened the door without knocking, trying to surprise her.

I was the one to be surprised. Lisa was there all right, but she wasn't alone. Wrapped in her arms in a tight embrace was my wife, and Lisa was kissing my wife on the face.

Jealousy ripped through me. As horny as I was, I didn't think I could feel another emotion, let alone have another take control, but rage seemed to move to the forefront anyway.

"I should have known," I yelled at the top of my lungs. "I can't trust either one of you. Son of a bitch." I didn't say it out loud, but thought it to myself, "I should have fucked Ash."

I turned to leave to hear Lisa yell at me. "Tina, don't go. It's not what you think at all. I'm just comforting her, that's all. She is an emotional wreck."

Confusion crept into my emotional state. An emotional wreck, why? I was still horny and pissed off and I didn't need this too. I needed things simple. I drew closer to them and I saw that Julie had indeed been crying. Was it possible that all Lisa had been doing was kissing away her tears?

The rage fizzled upon seeing the tears. I sighed and said, "What's going on?"

Julie turned and looked at me accusingly, her face red from crying. "You won't talk to me! I'm losing you. You haven't slept with me since I fucked you up the butt SIX days ago. And Deidre told me you didn't like it, although you told me you did. And I said I wouldn't tell your secret to anyone else, but I have to talk to someone. Lisa is all I've got. I told you I wouldn't do anything sexual with her, don't you trust me?"

I had really stepped in a pile of shit with this one. I wanted to rewind the last few minutes and start over.

"Baby, I didn't say I didn't like that at all. I just told Deidre I wasn't gay and didn't want to be with just any random dude. I'm not looking to hook up. I'm in love with my wife. I love being with you in every sexual way."

Julie rushed into my arms and started kissing me with abandon. As she finally pulled back to breathe, I looked over at Lisa and she was staring at us with puppy dog eyes. She was biting her lip and I could tell she was feeling unloved. I was still pissed off at her that she was part of the whole Mick situation, but I couldn't hold that against her right now. I would deal with that later. She was melting my anger with her needy gaze.

I motioned her over and she came with quick steps. Still holding Julie close against me with my left arm, I reached out around Lisa and pulled her into my grasp as well, kissed her first on her neck and then on her lips. Her mouth opened and her tongue emerged, fighting its way into my mouth hungrily. Julie started nuzzling on my neck as I made out with Lisa.

I was still necking with Lisa when Julie's hand grazed across my breast. She paused for a second, and then grabbed a handful.

"Oh my gosh, they're huge," she said. "Can I see them please?" She was already tugging my t-shirt out of my jeans.

I broke off my Lisa and backed up towards the couch in the room and said, "Here, let me do it." I reached down, grabbed the hem of the t-shirt and ripped it off over my head, sending my boobs swaying with the motions. Both girls gasped and their eyes turned predatory. They moved in tandem, mouths opening, eyes focused on my nipples. Julie reached with her hands, grabbing my left boob with both hands and squeezing it, before dipping down and suckling it in her mouth. Lisa, on the other hand, led with her mouth, grabbing my right nipple between her teeth and biting it softly. Her hands focused on unbuckling my jeans. The pleasure from both nipples was so intense and I wrapped a hand around each of their necks to brace myself from collapsing.

Once Lisa had my pants to my knees, she grabbed for the hem of the panties only to find Julie's hands already within tugging my cock out of the gaff. On its release she shoved me backwards, sprawling me onto the couch. Julie followed my cock, dropping to her knees and kissing it before taking it into her mouth.

Lisa stood back and started disrobing. She pulled her scrubs up over her head, undid her bra, then shimmied her pants and panties down at the same time while kicking her tennies off with her toes. Once she was down to just ankle socks, she climbed onto the couch next to me and went back to sucking on my breasts, alternating back and forth between the two, occasionally coming up for a quick kiss.

I was in heaven. The stimulation from two mouths exploring my body was so intense, especially after aching for so much of the day in perpetual horniness. I grunted and groaned with pleasure, trying to hold back. After a couple of minutes, I felt Julie sink down onto my cock. She must have removed her panties and pulled down her skirt while I was busy with Lisa.