A Boy Who Came In from the Cold Ch. 19


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He felt the thrusting between his legs quicken again and Rayne's eyes closed tightly this time. His lips peeled back in an animal snarl from his gritted teeth as he drove himself deeper. This time Ant did not miss the differential. He saw the dog-teeth extend, although afterwards he always tried to tell himself that it was his fevered imagination. Rayne's jaws parted around a little scream of pleasure, forced apart by the extension of his perfect canines. It was not extreme, Ant would later think, when his head was clearer. They did not grow to obscene points like something from a horror movie or a gothic joke shop, but he reckoned that they almost doubled in length before the extension stopped, curling inward gently so that the slender vampire was unable to bring his jaws together without pulling the lower mandible back slightly.

Ant screamed and Rayne ignored him because he was screaming too. He pressed himself deep inside his mate and held his cock there, pulsing and jumping furiously within Ant's colon for over a minute whilst short, panting breaths were torn out of his heaving torso. As he sank down into the older man's arms, collapsing onto Ant's bare, sweat soaked chest, his dick lost none of it's rigidity. Ant felt it begin to surge slowly inside him again as the boy's mouth sought out his neck once more. He wanted to piss but his cock was still too hard.

"Christ!" he exhaled in a quivering voice. "What 'are' you?"

"I'm whatever you want me to be," Rayne whispered in his ear, his voice little more than a breath of air. "You mustn't be scared, Ant. I promise not to harm you, sweetheart. I swear it. But I do have an addiction still, a terrible thing, and I'll never be rid of it. I need to taste your sweet blood and your hot cum, Ant. I need to bite you again, while I'm in you. Can I do that to you?"

He was shaking now, his voice tremulous and small, a desperate, pleading thing. Ant felt the sexy little vampire nuzzle his ear seductively. He could still feel the thick, pulsing pleasure of the creature's hard cock, easing rhythmically in and out of his arsehole. Ant wanted to cum harder than he ever had before. He knew that he ought to be in mortal dread for his life but all he could think of was the sensation of being joined physically to Rayne, at the throat and at the hips. The boy felt 'so' good inside him that he was ready to spill his hot load on his belly at any moment.

"You won't kill me?" he whispered breathlessly.

"I promise you," Rayne groaned in a soft voice. "Please feed me, Ant. I'm begging you!"

"I won't... it's not...?"

"...contagious?" Rayne finished for him sweetly. "No, Ant. I swear it's not. It doesn't happen like that. You don't become like this just because someone feeds from you. It's more... complicated."

"How? How is it complicated?" Ant was quivering with a combination of terror and need. He needed to cum but he also needed to see Rayne's face, to know that he was not about to die.

"Shhhhh..." his mate exhaled softly. "Let me bite you and I'll explain. Let me feed from you and I'll suck your balls dry all night, Ant. I promise. On my knees, with your dick in my mouth, sucking it until you can't cum any more..."

"Nnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ant groaned helplessly. He could not stop himself. The image Rayne had just sown in his mind now translated itself to his twitching nuts and he flooded his belly with hot semen.

Rayne Wylde knelt back between his thighs, smiling in a way that was almost boyish except for the curve of his fangs. He trailed his fingers through the lake of sticky ejaculate and lifted them to his mouth, sucking them delicately one by one. After teasing Ant this way for a little while, he slowly pulled out of the man's arse and bent over him, licking his salt wet belly and chest with feline elegance until he had devoured every last drop. Ant was throbbing with need again by the time he was done.

Slowly, Rayne licked his erect cock from the balls to the tip. He rubbed the tiny silver stud in his tongue back and forth in the weeping eye of Ant's bell-end, then lifted the hot, nine inch rod in one hand and drew it into his mouth. Ant moaned with terror and delight as he was gently sucked and teased. Rayne's hand caressed the base of his shaft and his pulsating nuts and his mouth worked on the head, nodding carefully so that Ant's pride and joy moved in and out of his mouth between his extended dog-teeth. The skilful little vamp did not even nip him. When about six inches were gliding wetly in and out of Rayne's mouth, Ant gave the boy his reward.

He cried out hoarsely as the spunk spurted from his throbbing penis and the slender singer lifted his head slightly so that only the squirting plum was left in his mouth. Once Ant had filled his mouth until it was overflowing, he let the fat, purple bulb of his lover's cock head slip from between his lips and slap wetly onto the man's bare belly. Rayne kissed Ant's twitching glans, then crawled astride him and pressed his lips to Ant's mouth, sharing the bounty of his payload. Ant cast his trepidation aside as the little creature slowly and deeply French kissed him, thrusting his tongue up into the spunk filled mouth of his sexy little mate. For a long time the only sounds in the room were the occasional blissful 'mmmhhh' noises and the little wet slurps of two sets of lips locked together in the throes of passion.

"Do you trust me now?" Rayne murmured at last, when their lips finally parted enough for breath and speech.

He was lying, naked on his left side on the rug and Ant lay facing him on his right, caressing his pale visage and the softness of his slim, bare body. He was still reeling from the pleasure of that long, slow, cream-filled kiss.

"I... I 'want' to," Ant declared ardently.

"Good," the little creature smiled up at him. "I want to make you happy before I go, Ant."

"You're going?" The older man looked puzzled and a little hurt.

"Of course. I told you, I'm in the studio tomorrow. I need to rest. But first..." He shrugged his shoulders slightly as if the words embarrassed him.

"You want to suck my blood," Ant finished for him, shaking his head in bewilderment.

"That would be... good," Rayne ended with a wan smile. "To bite and fuck you."

Ant was still running his hands over the boy's beautiful body. He felt as if he had fallen asleep and was dreaming all of this. In a while he would wake and everything would be normal again. Rayne leaned towards him and kissed him tenderly again. It was a gentle, careful contact. His fangs were still half-extended and as Ant knew from their previous kiss, they were sharp. His lips were bleeding when they pulled away although the blood seemed to have stopped flowing now.

"How long have you been this way?" he wanted to know.

Rayne shrugged again.

"Not long... a few months. The press have been having a field day, saying I was in drug rehab and all sorts of crap, but it was all down to him. The one who bit me. I was sick as a dog at first. I couldn't even stomach the idea of drinking blood. But it's an addiction, like heroin, only worse because I need it now to survive. I could come off Junk but if I don't feed..."

He bit his lip, then winced as one of his long canines pierced it, drawing a small bead of carmine fluid that lingered briefly until he licked it away. There was no more blood.

"How did you get like this?" Ant asked sorrowfully.

"It's a long story," Rayne murmured, with an evasive smile that told Ant he was not about to hear the truth of the matter. "I'm still not really sure. Maybe I'll tell you about it some day, when I've figured it all out. I guess that addicts attract other addicts. I just fell into the path of one who was addicted to other people's blood. He saw that need in me and he gave me something else to depend on."

"What happens if you don't feed. Will you die?" Ant realised that he felt anxious on Rayne's behalf, even now.

"I don't know," the singer exhaled, sitting up and running a hand over Ant's upper arm and shoulder. "There's people who are experts on this kind of thing. I always used to think they were nutters, but now I'm not so sure. I've been told that if I don't get blood, I'll eventually get too weak to move and that anything might happen to me then, but whether I'd die or not... I just don't know."

He moved to his knees and pulled Ant up into his arms, kissing him on the cheek and on the neck. They held one another in silence for a little while, just rubbing against each other in the faint, warm light from the fire and the lamps. Then Rayne whispered; "Turn around."

Ant moved for him automatically, kneeling before the younger man in silent co-operation. He felt the softness of Rayne's skin against his back and then the moist, warm thickness of his erect penis between his buttocks. Rayne leaned against his back, easing his body up and down against Ant. His lips touched the back of the other man's neck wetly as he guided the head of his cock back to his mate's still-twitching ring. It penetrated him easily this time and Ant grunted urgently as he felt Rayne's long, delicious hard-on begin to fill his snug passage once more. The singer rocked against Ant steadily until it was buried all the way inside him, his long, white hands resting on Ant's hips. Now Rayne pulled him back and began to thrust in earnest.

He exhaled a little gasp of pleasure, then another. Ant was groaning eagerly as he felt the younger man begin to bugger him harder. His strong fingers gripped Ant's hips more tightly as he rammed his sex in deep and fast. When the friction of their horny bodies began to produce a natural wetness in his chute, Rayne let go of Ant's hips and let his hands slide up the other man's bare belly and over his broad chest.

"You feel good," he panted, just about the only thing he had said during any of their acts of intercourse tonight.

"You feel amazing!" Ant assured him breathlessly as he was pounded from behind.

Rayne's left hand stroked gently up his neck and cupped his chin, tilting Ant's head back onto his shoulder as they coupled urgently, on their knees. The other hand reached for his penis and began to pump it vigorously for him. Soft lips kissed his neck, just below his ear.

"Are you ready?" Rayne whispered almost inaudibly.

Ant nodded just a little, his heart almost pounding its way out of his chest.

"Do it!" he panted.

The vampire needed no more encouragement. His mouth pressed harder on Ant's exposed neck, just above the collarbone. The other man moaned in pain as he felt Rayne bite down hard there, sinking deeper than he had done before and pushing his cock up hard into Ant's colon at the same time. There was an instant of stillness, then he began to pulse vigorously again. Either his fangs had withdrawn completely or they were so deep that Ant could not feel them any more. Rayne was sucking steadily on his neck as if he was trying to leave the mother and father of all lovebites there. Ant pushed back against him, taking him deeper and deeper as the beautiful young man pressed up against his back showing him pleasures he had only recently dreamed of.

"Mmmmnnnhhh... that's fuckin' amazing!" Rayne mumbled at last, nuzzling his cheek roughly.

They were slamming against one another savagely now. Rayne's hand was a blur on his cock. The fingers of the other hand pinched and pulled on his erect nipples and his lips returned to Ant's neck, sucking hard on the soft flesh. Ant felt the singer force his hot, hard cock into the depths of his arse one final time before he heard Rayne make a long, low, whining noise like broken machinery or a kicked dog.

"Omigod!Omigod!" he growled into the curve of Ant's neck, then his mate felt the violent leap of his stiff cock and the hot flush of Rayne's massive climax deep in his bowels.

He groaned in response, for Rayne's hand had stilled on his aching penis and he still sought relief. He was not to be disappointed long though.

Rayne was as good as his word and as soon as he was sufficiently recovered from the explosion within his balls, he pulled out of Ant's arse and lay down on the soft white rug before him, taking his lover's throbbing prick between his soft, wet lips. There was a little blood still in the corner of his mouth, which was disconcerting, but Ant was soon distracted from this by the feel of that skilful tongue working his leaking cock to yet another cascading, creamy climax. Ant was in heaven.

They spent the next couple of hours naked on the rug together, mainly engaged in slow, seductive oral sex, after Rayne explained that since his mysterious conversion, he also found male ejaculate irresistibly tasty and almost as energising as blood. Ant was only too happy to oblige him on that score, and they whiled away some more of the night slowly frigging, licking, sucking, stroking and snowballing one another to climax after delicious climax.


Ant woke up alone with stiff hips and a sore jaw. The bed was rumpled and sweat-damp beneath him but apart from this and the stickiness of his aching body there was no trace in the room to show that he had company the night before. The clock suggested it was a little after six thirty in the morning.

The lounge was fairly tidy. Two coffee mugs still sat on the low table in front of the sofa. There were a few splatters of dried spunk on the rug in front of the fire but no other traces of his mate. He had a sudden flashback where he was excitedly thrusting into Rayne's tight young bum on the bed. He had just taken a good mouthful of spunk from the horny singer, which the boy was now greedily eating from his mouth as Ant fucked him hard. Ant's morning hard-on stiffened a little more at the delicious memory.

He stumbled to the bathroom and checked his face in the mirror. After last night he probably looked like the bride of Frankenstein. To his surprise his reflection's lips were full and unmarked and there was not even a bruise on his neck where Rayne had almost sucked the skin off him. No puncture marks, no blood, not even a tiny lovebite!

He took a shower, which was also a good opportunity to wank himself off. As the water beat down on his head he daydreamed idly about Rayne's soft mouth on his long, hard, sticky prick, sucking it greedily until he squirted in the boy's mouth. Ant enjoyed this fantasy so much that he carried it on for a while after he had cum, jerking his lovely hard, nine-inch cock until he had spilled his seed twice more. He rinsed himself of and towelled dry, then pulled on his dressing gown and shuffled through to the kitchen to make more coffee. A small, white note was propped against the percolator. In painfully familiar, rapid, slanting handwriting, he picked out his name on the front and unfolded it with a sigh.

'Morning Ant!' it said. 'Hope you're feeling okay and I didn't leave you light last night. It's your fault for tasting so nice. You know that I can't see you again, don't you? Probably for the best if you're getting married though, isn't it? I had fun last night, hope you did too. You were such a good fuck. Thanks for everything! xx.R'

Underneath in smaller letters, but firmly underlined, it added; 'By the way, you DO understand, don't you, that if you tell ANYONE about what I am, I WILL come back and suck you dry while you sleep. And I DON'T mean your balls!'

For a moment Mr Right just stared at this bizarre little missive. He was surprised to discover that he felt no pain, or grief, or even incredulity, just a burgeoning sense of hysteria. He began to laugh uncontrollably, then folded the note and put it in his pocket whilst he made himself some coffee. In spite of the tone of his message, Ant still had the strangest feeling that this would not be the last time Rayne's path would cross his own. But even if it was to be so, surprisingly he was content with that too.



© Josh Rose & Sadie Rose Bermingham 2005/6

"AFTERWORD -- This story touches on the sometimes inescapable trap that prostitution and drug addiction can lead into. It's sometimes easy to forget that the boys and girls on the street are real people just like you or I. At the moment in England we're all too conscious of the dangers inherent in their lives, thanks to one maniac who murdered five girls in Ipswich just before Xmas. This story is also dedicated to Gemma Adams, Anneli Alderton, Annette Nicholls, Paula Clennell and Tania Nicol, and to the family members who love and miss them." Sadie

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is a really wonderful series of stories. Rayne is really brought to life by the powerful writing and scenes - great !!

jackjohnnyjackjohnnyover 2 years ago


Thank you for your wonderful 5-start story.

Please keep writing if you can.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Such a skillful writer you are 5 stars. Glad to see that Ant is comfortable with the idea of not being with Rayne. Glad he moved on. Rayne was such a hottie and a badass in this chapter.... Sexy!!!! Loved it

poshposhyposhposhyover 10 years ago

The sluty character of Rayne is brought out perfectly!!!!!

BryanABryanAabout 11 years ago

Sadie you have to make more books or else!!!

SadieRoseSadieRoseover 11 years agoAuthor
How did Rayne become a vampire?

The answer to that question can be found in the Habit of a Lifetime chapters posted here... and in time, hopefully, the Habit novel. :)

xxx. Sadie

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66almost 12 years ago
Loved it

I so like the twist at the end but now curiosity is how did Rayne become a vampire???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Roaringly Fantastic

I've spent the last few days reading Ant and Rayne's story from beginning to end. I must say, you are an exceptional writer and so thorough with all the minute details. As a straight gal who loves reading M/M erotica, this incredible saga certainly got me going. Can't wait to read the rest of your writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
So good

Reyne is a sweetheart, and you write so well. He is so REAL!! I can't get enough. :D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
terrific , just terrific !

straigh female here on my endless search for good m2m-stuff so

not long ago i stumbled over this site and this story was one of the first ones i've read on here! what can i say, you've set a very high standard! i was very touched from raynes fate and it's very good to have a whole plot around him and i'm pleased to see it building up with each new story about him! please do never stop writing about rayne! he's more than erotic and has so many different facets!!

love your style!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

It's 1 am and I just finished reading the last words. This is all I've read today... and I can't think of a better day I've spent! Wonderful, touching, addicting!

SadieRoseSadieRoseover 17 years agoAuthor
Cumming Clean

In answer to the previous question, I would have thought it rather obvious, what with the fangs and everything! *grin* If you want to know more about how he became a Vampire, it's all explained in the the first five chapters of Habit of a Lifetime.

In the meantime, thanks again to everyone who's read "A Boy Who..." and taken time to comment. You're more than kind.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
it's gettin' hotter!

more! is rayne a vampire? just asking! but it's more intense!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I love the Rayne series. I'm going to miss reading up on him. Pleas, tell us what happened to PJ, Clay, Mikka and Aldo.

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