A CFNM Swim Team

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A male must be naked on the swim team.
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This story was inspired by a reader' request. It's a little out of my usual CFNM plot lines. But if you don't try something different, you can get stuck in a rut. My thoughts are in ().


In high school, I was on the swim team. I specialized in the backstroke and swam that leg in the medley relay. I wasn't a particularly good student. I thought when I turned 18, I'd be going to college. Instead, I had to enroll in a college-prep school for people in my situation. I didn't notice when I was applying, but it was an all-girls school.

I arrive on the first day of school. It seems weird that there are so many females on campus. They sort of look at me strangely. It turns out the school was going co-ed, and I was the first male to attend.

After classes the first day, I get a call from the swimming coach. She wants to see me. I head over.

She greets me, "Hello, John, I Coach Jane. I'm glad you could make It. I heard you have a great backstroke. Our backstroke specialist has an injury, and we need a replacement in the individual and the medley relay."

"Glad I could be here. But I'm curious. Isn't this a girl's swim team? I don't think I belong," I state.

"Well, you'd think so. But I checked the rules for our conference, which consists of all-girl post-high school prep schools like ours. Members of a sports team just have to be attending the school. Gender is not specified," Coach Jane concludes.

"OK. Then I'd be happy to compete," I reply.

"Great," she replies. "We have a match tomorrow afternoon. Please be at the pool at 3 p.m."

"Alright, see you then," I answer.

I arrive at the pool for the competition. It seems strange to be the only male at the pool. Even all the spectators are female. The announcer introduces each team. When my name is called, I get up and wave. The spectators wave back.

Then the opponent's coach walks over with one of the officials. She goes to Coach Jane and says, "I think there is a problem. One of the members of your team is wearing an unapproved outfit."

"You mean the male? We couldn't find an approved outfit that would fit him," Coach Jane replies.

"Then he can't compete," the other coach states.

"Let me check the rules," the official says. She pulls out a book, opens it, and thumbs through to a page. "It says that the only outfit that a competitor can wear is an approved outfit."

Coach Jame thinks for a moment. Then she asks, "does that mean a competitor has to wear an outfit?"

The official looks slightly perplexed. A few seconds later, she responds, "They do not have to wear an outfit."

"Then that's settled. John, we need you to compete in this meet. Please remove your swimsuit," she requests.

I pause for a moment to think. (I've never been naked in front of more than one female. But I can't let my team down, even if it means a little humiliation.) I take off my suit.

"I guess that concludes this issue," the official announces. She walks away with the opposing coach.

My teammates glance over with smiles on their faces. One of them yells, "Thanks for taking it for the team, John." They all applaud.

The meet moves along. The backstroke event is called. I go up and stand at the start of my lane. I hide my cock with my hands. All the opponents are staring at me.

The official comes up and says there will be a brief delay as there is some issue with the timing equipment. I'm feeling a little tight and lay down to do some stretches, trying to keep my cock out of sight. Finally, they announce that the event will start. I lower myself into the water and prepare for the start. I realize that the backstroke will have my front exposed during the entire event. Maybe I should have specialized in something else.

When the start sounds, I use full exertion to try to get the event over as quickly as possible. I come in first, step out and head over to where my team is sitting. I sit down and cross my legs to hide my cock.

The meet finally ends with our school being victorious. The two teams line up to shake hands. I line up and keep one hand hiding my cock. As I shake hands with each opponent, they give me a smile or maybe a smirk.

I get to put my bathing suit back on before we head back home.

The next day, I head to swimming practice. After I put on my swimsuit, Coach Jane calls me into her office. "It looked like you were a little uncomfortable being naked at the meet," she observes.

"Yes, I was," I answer.

"Well, since you won't be wearing anything at the meets, you need to get used to it. For all the practices, you will be naked. Can you handle that?"

"I guess so," I reply.

"Good. And you'll need to shave the hair that is exposed without your swimsuit to keep down the drag, The trainer Linda can help with that. See her before you start practice."

"OK," I answer. (I might be able to manage being naked, but being completely shaved is something else.)

I head out to find Linda. She is in the training room.

"Coach Jane says I need to be completely shaved and you could do that for me," I state.

"I certainly can. Remove your swimsuit and lie down on this table. I'll be right back with my tools," Linda requests.

I comply. Linda returns in a few minutes. She starts shaving all my hair. Some of my teammates wander in and approach the table. They exchange a few whispers as they see Linda removing all the hair around my cock and balls. (Couldn't this be done in private?)

"It looks like I've got it all," Linda says. "Go get ready for practice."

I get up and head to the pool trailed by my teammates.

"Good afternoon, team," Coach Jane begins. "As you know yesterday, we had a little hiccup with the rules. In order for John to compete with the team, he must be naked. To get him accustomed to being naked, he will be so for all the practices. Any questions?"

Mary, the team captain asks, "I think that is a great idea. As you know, we have a few ceremonies to welcome new teammates. Should he be naked for those as well?"

"That would seem appropriate," Coach Jane responds. "In fact, why do we do one of those ceremonies now?"

"Great idea, Coach. Let's do the introduction ceremony. Everyone, gather in a circle around John. John, you go around the circle and each of your teammates will introduce themselves. Be sure to remember their names."

I stand naked in the center as they circle around me. I step up to the only redhead. I figure that way I'll know where to stop.

"I'm Amanda," she says. "Amanda, nice to meet you," I answer. (I try to not think of my being completely naked, as I try to remember her name.)

I step to the next, a blonde. "I'm Nancy," she says. "Nancy, nice to me you."

This continues for twenty-four more females, until I reach Amanda again.

"OK, everyone, switch up places," Mary calls out.

She continues, "Now John, step around the circle and say hello to each of us. If you get a name wrong, you will have to pay a forfeit."

I step up to the redhead. "Amanda, nice to meet you," I say confidently.

I move to the right. She's a blonde. But there were six blondes. I didn't have time to remember anymore distinguishing characteristics.

"Nancy, nice to meet you," I say hesitatingly.

"Wrong. Give John two spanks for getting your name wrong," Mary commands.

The blonde turns me and proceeds to gently spank me twice.

I move to the next female. She has black hair.

"Bianca, nice to meet you," I say.

"Wrong again. Two spanks," Mary states.

The black-haired woman spanks me twice, a little harder than the first.

My mistakes continue and the spanks pile up. I get Nancy right only by guessing her name for every blonde. And I get Mary correct. Each time the spanks are a little harder. My rear is pretty sore. But the spanking has turned me on, and I am sporting an erection.

"Well, this isn't something we usually see from the ceremony," Mary states. "Some new teammates do get a little turned-on, but John is the first one who is erect. John, would you show us what you do with an erection?"

"Uh," I say as I contemplate what to do. "What do you mean?"

"We'd like to see you play with yourself until the erection goes away," Mary answers.

"Uh, OK, I guess," I reply.

"Great. Everyone, step around, so you can see John's front," Mary states. When all the females have moved, she says, "OK, John, we're ready. Please start."

(I can't believe I'm doing this. I've never played with myself in front of anyone.) I reach my hand down and encircle my cock. I look up and see all the females smiling at me. I start pumping up and down.

"Go, John, go," Mary yells out. I move faster. I try to imagine that I am inside one of them. The thought is stimulating. I keep pumping until my cum spurts out.

"Keep going, John," Mary exclaims. I keep rubbing as still more ejects.

"That's good, John," Mary states. I stop.

"Well, John, we'll do the welcoming ceremony again tomorrow and again until you get everyone's name right," Mary announces.

(Will I have to play with myself every time? It was a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment.)

"Let's start practice," Coach Jane says. Everyone heads for the pool.

Over the next few days, the ceremony, including my playing, repeats. On Wednesday, we head to another meet.

As we enter the pool, the opponents are waiting to greet us. I think they have heard of how I must be naked. They shake each of our hands, spending a little more time shaking with me.

Their team captain says, "We'd like you to meet our cheerleaders, as well."

The cheerleaders are dressed in monokinis with very thin straps going between their legs. They do a few routines which include a few splits that almost expose them.

(The scene is very stimulating. I start to get a hard-on. What do I do? I can't play with myself in front of all of them.)

Coach Jane observes, "It looks like John needs some attention on things that would slow him down. Linda, could you check out John for tightness that might affect his performance?"

Linda sits beside me and starts checking my legs and thighs for stiffness. That only exacerbates my situation. Then she examines my cock. She starts massaging it as if it were a limb. I look up and see the opponents gazing at me. Linda continues her massage until I have a release. My cock starts becoming flaccid.

The meet starts. I sit patiently until my turn. The cheerleaders do one of their routines after each event. I try to ignore them, but the sight is a turn-on. My erection returns. Linda notices and starts massaging again. I have another orgasm. At least this time, everyone seems to be more concerned with the swimming, rather than me.

When my event is called, I get up on the stands and let my hands hang down by my side. Everyone has seen me stroked to completion, so there is nothing to hide. When I finish, I stride back to my teammates.

At the end, we line up to shake hands with the opponents. As they shake hands with me, each female gives a little smile. A few say, "really great swimming."

We head back to our school. On the way back, Coach Jane says, "The next meet is the conference championships. John will be seen by a lot of people. So, I thought he should go naked for the entire school to get prepared for that. What do you think?"

"Excellent idea," pops up Mary. The others murmur assent.

"Uh, OK," I say. (What will it be like to be in front of everyone?)

"Great. John, tomorrow morning, stop by my office before you go to class," Coach Jane requests.

We get back to the school and head to home. The next morning, I appear in the coach's office.

"Good morning, John," she greets me. "Please undress. You can leave your clothes with me."

I strip and hand her my clothes.

"Let's get to the auditorium," she says. I follow her to the stage door. We enter. I see the entire student body in front of me. I start to cover my cock, but Coach Jane tells me to put my arms by my side.

"Thank you all for coming," Coach Jane announces. "As you may know, John is on the swim team. The conference rules are that he must either wear an approved uniform or he must be naked. We cannot find a uniform that fits him, so he is naked."

"Some of our opponents have tried some interesting strategies to interfere with his performance. The last one had cheerleaders in sexy outfits that gave him an erection. Luckily, our trainer Linda, was able to release that erection before it impeded his swimming."

"Our conference championships are coming up. He will be exposed to many more people. So, we'd like your help in getting him used to that experience. Wear your sexiest clothing and act as sexy as possible to excite him. When he gets an erection, a teammate will give him a release."

(What? I thought I was only to be naked. This is going to be awkward to say the least. How many times are they going to do this to me?)

"Are you ready to help the team to victory?" she asks.

"Yes," yells the crowd.

As I step off the stage, five females approach. They must have heard about this in advance. They are wearing monokinis similar to the ones the cheerleaders were wearing.

(I can't believe I'm getting a hard-on just looking at them. I really would like to be inside one of them.)

"Well, John, let me take care of that for you," Mary says as she wraps her fingers around my cock.

She strokes up and down a few times and sees a bit of pre-cum. "You really are rather excited. Let's finish you off."

She puts her other hand around the tip. She massages that while rubbing with the other. I give a moan as my cum is released.

(That felt great and not too uncomfortable. I guess Coach Jane wants me to not be embarrassed by someone giving me a hand job in front of a lot of females.)

Mary says, "Time to get to class." She has me follow her into English class. All the seats in the back are taken. So, she motions me up front. My classmates are smiling and glancing at my crotch as I walk past.

After class, Mary ushers me out. Three females dressed in Hooter's outfits appear. ( I can't help but look at their cleavage and imagine licking their boobs. Bad idea. I'm feeling the stiffness return to my cock.)

Mary says to a teammate, "Sandy, can you help John this time. I have to be early for the next class."

Sandy replies, "Sure, Mary," as she steps next to me and grabs my erection. Sandy gently caresses my cock with her fingers. A few more strokes until my release. (I can't believe how quick I am coming.)

The day passes with interludes between classes that parallels the first two. The following days are more of the same. (I feel pleasure, and a little less embarrassment each time.)

The conference championship starts at 3:00 pm today. When we walk in, we shake hands with every other opponent. They each have a cheering squad dressed to bring out a reaction in me. Monokinis, tight dresses, string bikinis, and more. My erection starts with the first set of cheerleaders and gets harder each one.

I sit down by Linda. She starts massaging my legs and thighs. Then she turns her attention to my cock. I'm so primed, I cum almost immediately. (OK, that should do it.)

The meet proceeds slowly. The cheering squads perform right in front of me, showing off their bodies. I can't help but react. Linda is there, helping to give a release to my stiff cock.

I am completely flaccid as I move up to the starting box for my event. (Good, I don't have to worry about a slowdown.) I lower myself into the water and prepare for the start. When the gun goes off, I turn it on. I try my best but come in second by a touch.

The medal ceremonies are not until the end of the meet. When the backstroke is called, I get up on ceremonial block. All the cheerleaders are in front of me, and some are doing a few stunts. (Uh, oh, my erection is returning. Linda, where are you?)

They want to take a picture, but without my erection. Linda comes up and starts stroking me in front of the entire crowd gathered for the awards. (No, not in front of everybody.) It takes a little while longer, but eventually I have a release and my cock goes down. The picture is taken.

The award ceremony is practically over. One last announcement comes over the speakers.

"The conference steering committee met during the championships. They determined that there needs to be a small change in the rules. Swimmers must wear approved outfits. Since there are no approved outfits that fit males, they have added an additional approved outfit. The exact shape will be determined before next season. If no decision is made, males will continue to be nude."

(Well, if they had made this announcement at the beginning of the season, that would have been entirely different. At this point, I don't want them to make a decision. Or do I?)

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Should have older relatives in audience. Moms etc, who then ask him to clean their pools!

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

The story line could involve more embarrassment. I would like more detail as to size , hair on chest , no shaving, guys look masculine with hair. I'd like to see you do a story along those lines also a long uncut which he has to show off. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

This whole category has evolved into mostly CFNM. So sad.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Rather than erotic, it comes across as unrealistic and ridiculous. For example: For what reason does John have to be naked after the first match, especially at practice? There's lots more. I thought the story was very weak.

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