A Christmas Tart ... with a Heart


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John held himself up on straight arms. He looked down to where Avril's body accommodated him, the tacky labia clinging to his greasy shaft on his outstroke as though she never wanted him to leave her. Suddenly he felt the surge of his climax. "Avril," he grunted. "I'm ..."

"Pour it into me. Fill me with your seed," Avril groaned. Her hips jerked and her fingernails raked the skin of John's back as the urgency overwhelmed her.

"I'm coming," John gasped.

"So am I!" wailed Avril.

John thrust deep and hard, one, two, and then a third jerk of his hips. He thrust deeper and harder, the head of his cock nudging the woman's cervix as his seed spat out of him to flood her body.

"That was incredible," gasped John as, eventually, once his climax had cooled and he slid from Avril's oozing body, he rolled onto his back, panting and with a forearm draped across his brow like an actress in an old-time melodrama.

"You have no idea," Avril panted, breathing as heavily as her lover while she lay there, legs wide, John's semen sliding down the crease of her arse. "Jesus ... Jenny," Avril gasped. "He made me come so hard." Avril then turned her face to John. "In all my years ..." she began, and then stopped, too shocked at the effect this virgin had had on her to find the words to express her feelings.

"I saw, Av," Jenny murmured, still not quite able to comprehend what she'd witnessed. There was more to this that met the eye. This was no simple coupling, a quenching of two thirsts, a satisfying of two hungers. There was something between these two. Jenny sensed it; she'd seen something, albeit fleeting, pass between the pair as they coupled on the big, comfortable bed.

For a second or two, or perhaps three or four, Jenny felt a prick of jealousy in her chest. It seemed to her that, potentially, for as long as it lasted, that Avril and John had connected, and connected on a more spiritual, deeper level that at their genitalia. Again, the spectre of her fortieth birthday loomed, and with no pension -- not in her game -- Jenny viewed the future with trepidation. She wished for something like this for herself. Avril and John had melded, bonded in a meeting of minds and sexuality that transcended the differences in age, experience and monetary wealth.

Avril's gasp pushed Jenny's concerns from her mind. "Jenny," Avril moaned. "Come here, darling. Hold my hand." Jenny moved away from the doorway, deeper into the room. "Kiss me, Jenny," Avril groaned. "Kiss me gently." Jenny lowered her face towards Avril until their lips met. The two women shared a deep, intimate kiss before Jenny broke away. "Kiss him now, Jenny," Avril said quietly, pointing to John as he watched from his side of the bed. "I ..." Avril hesitated. "I want to watch the two of you together," she murmured.

"Are you sure?" Jenny asked. "It just looked to me like ... something just went on between you two."

Avril rolled off the bed and gestured with a sweep of an arm. "That doesn't matter now. I want to watch the two of you together. Please. Let me watch the two of you fucking."

Jenny looked towards John. "What about you, John? Do you want to fuck me?"

John first regarded Avril, unsure. Something indefinable that had passed between him and Avril and he wanted to explore it further, to attempt to analyse what he felt at that moment. "I ... I'm not sure," he said. "I ..." He looked at Jenny. "You're beautiful, Jenny ... But—"

Avril interjected with an impatient gesture. "John," she murmured. "We'll talk later. I know you felt it, I felt it too. But now, right now, what I want, whatever happens between us in the future ..." and Avril felt there was a future with John. For how long, she had no idea. But she was going to go for it. "... I want to watch you with Jenny. I'll be here, with you while you do it. I'll be with you both; it'll be the three of us together."

"How?" John muttered.

"Get on your hands and knees, Jenny," Avril ordered. "Get behind her, John. Hold her hips. That's right, open yourself up, Jenny, darling. Spread your lips like that. Offer him your cunt."

Jenny knelt and rested on her elbows. She thrust her behind in the air and felt John's fingers clamp her hips. She reached back under her body with one hand and splayed her labia. Then, with a groan bubbling from her lips, Jenny felt the cock-head nudge her before it slid past the slightest resistance and filled her.

Avril climbed onto the bed and pressed her body against John's. "Fuck her. Make her groan."

"You're incredible, Avril," John grunted.

Avril grinned and mauled her breasts before pressing the heavy mounds against the young man's torso. "I know. Now shut up and fuck her. I want to watch you come again. I want to hear her scream." Avril's palm slapped down against Jenny's trembling rump. "Come on," she shouted. "Move your arse, Jenny. Fuck that cock. Milk it, darling girl. Feel him deep inside you."

John curled an arm around Avril's waist. He felt the taut fabric and hard struts of the corset under his fingers as he pulled her tight, twisting his head to kiss her while thrusting into Jenny.

"Listen to you two slapping together," Avril gasped when she broke the kiss. She smacked a palm against Jenny's buttock again. "Push back onto it. Fuck him. Take him deep, Jenny."

Jenny levered herself up from her elbows to rest on her palms. Looking back over her shoulder she glared at Avril. "He's already in danger of knocking my teeth out, Av. He's huge in there. So stiff and ... fuck, that's deep," she groaned, her eyes rolling.

John's eyes flicked from the curve of Jenny waist to the trembling flesh of her hips and buttocks. He saw his cock sliding in and out of her body, slippery and smeared with their combined lust. He faced Avril again, glanced at her breasts squashed against him and, with a groan of sublime pleasure, locked his mouth to hers.

Meanwhile Jenny had lowered herself onto a single forearm and, with her rump still high in the air and her cunt at John's mercy, reached under herself and rubbed her clit.

An urgent grunt burst from John. "I'm going to come," he groaned.

"Take it out," Avril instructed as she pushed Jenny forcibly on the hip. John's smeared erection slid out of the woman's body when she collapsed forward still rubbing herself and gasping into her burgeoning climax. Avril then pushed at John so he too sprawled across the bed. Moving quickly she lay alongside John and took hold of his cock. "I'm going to taste her on your prick, John," Avril said, her fist moving quickly along the shaft. "Come into my mouth. Let me taste you two together; her on your dick while you squirt into my mouth."

The words sent John over the edge. He groaned and gasped and stared at Avril's concave cheeks as she sucked at the plum of his cock-head. Her fingers worked at the root of him, moving down to squeeze his testicles as though she could milk more semen from those balls. John could see Jenny's face, a twisted grimace inches from his own as she writhed and groaned, her orgasm squelching around her probing fingers.

John cursed as he felt himself go. "Oh shit ..." And then the feelings washed over him.

With the man's balls almost drained of fluid from his previous outpourings, Avril felt only a short squirt against her tongue. Not a bad effort, all things considered. The poor boy had maintained an erection for three orgasms in a row, which showed incredible stamina, even considering how hot and bothered he must have been in the first place. Avril slurped at the residual ooze of watery semen, rolling the goo around in her mouth until she parted her lips and let the ooze dribble over her chin.

"You filthy bitch, Avril," Jenny said.

"I am, aren't I," Avril replied with a grin before she scooped a finger under a long strand of spunk that shivered in a fragile thread off her chin. She slid the digit into her mouth and cleaned it with a moue of pleasure. Avril then reached for her wine glass and swigged from it.

"I'm going for a shower," Jenny said as she rolled from the bed. She unfastened the straps of her shoes and kicked them from her feet. Then, after unclipping the garter belt at her waist, unrolling the stockings and removing her collar, Jenny padded from the room.

"You'll stay with us tonight, won't you John?" Avril asked as she moved close to her new lover. "And will you come and see me tomorrow? After you've seen your mother?"

John caressed Avril's head, the platinum blonde hair smooth under his fingers. "I'd like that," he murmured, a little shy now that the heat had dissipated and his cock had shrunk to a shrivelled giblet. "I ... I'd like to see you a lot more, Avril. If that's OK," he added hurriedly.

"I'd like that a lot." Avril squirmed and twisted onto her side to look at John when she spoke. "It's crazy, we don't know each other at all, and of course there's my ... profession, but I'd like to see you again, John. Even with the difference in our ages ..." She sighed and rubbed a palm over John's chest. Her hand slid to his diminished penis. Cupping the man in her hand, Avril continued. "Did you have fun?" she asked, in a sudden change of tack.

"Avril ... I ... it ..." John shook his head. 'It was just incredible, Avril. You and Jenny ... Wow. I'm going to remember this forever."

They kissed, a slow exploration, lingering and so filled with tastes and textures and new sensations for John. That Avril had recently virtually gargled with his spunk and then rinsed it down with Merlot didn't put John off kissing her one iota. He loved the way her tongue slid across his and the way she sighed and moaned. He touched her breasts again, savouring the weight of them and the way the nipples stiffened at his touch. When he reached a hand down between Avril's thighs, John was thrilled by the way she opened her legs and just offered herself.

"You're so wet," John sighed.

"And you're getting hard again."

"You make me hard, Avril."

"Do you want to put it in, or shall we save it for later? You've got me for the rest of the day and all night, darling. In fact, you've got as long as you like with me."


"Fuck." The pain throbbed, dull yet deep at some point behind her forehead, a Cyclopean ache that even pulsed with every lub-lub of her heartbeat. Jenny licked her cracked lips and rolled over with a groan, reaching for her watch on the nightstand next to the bed.

Fragments came back to her from the night before -- Christmas Eve, so today was Christmas itself. Snapshot images of her and Avril and John in a series of pubs. Jenny dimly recalled the taxi ride back to the big house, vaguely remembered watching Avril and John, so obviously enthralled with one another, stagger upstairs to Avril's boudoir.

Jenny groaned again when she saw the time, the hands on the watch face indicating ten in the morning. Thirst and nicotine craving forced her out of bed, and after an unsteady, somewhat bilious decent to the ground floor, Jenny first gulped a pint of water and then set the kettle to boil. She flicked on the television and watched, through bleary eyes, only half paying attention to the sight of saccharin celebrities enthusiastically doling out gifts in some children's hospital.

She smoked and sipped coffee and hoped the fucking hangover wasn't going to be too dire.

"Morning," Avril trilled as she appeared in the kitchen. "Merry Christmas!"

"Oh yeah, a very merry fucking Christmas," Jenny croaked hoarsely. "You look way more bright than you deserve," she added as she turned to face her friend.

"And you look awful, dear," Avril replied. 'It's a good job you're not working today. You'd scare the poor chaps away."

Jenny grimaced and sucked at a fresh cigarette. "Well thanks a lot." She narrowed her eyes and regarded a chipper Avril as the woman bustled around the kitchen. "How come you're so full of the joys?" Even as she asked the question, Jenny held up a hand. "Don't tell me ... a hard-on put that smug smirk on your face."

Reaching for the burning cigarette between Jenny's fingers, Avril sucked on it and then coughed out a cloud of smoke. "Bloody hell," she spluttered. "I'm glad I've gave those disgusting things up." Then, when she'd recovered from the coughing spasm sufficiently, Avril scolded, "And don't be so uncouth, Jenny." She laughed. "It's Christmas, I'm full of seasonal cheer and goodwill ... But yes, I've been up half the night ..." Avril's face twisted into a grin. "... Or should I say, John's been up half the night. The boy's insatiable, darling! I almost had to call for your assistance." Avril levelled a look at the dishevelled and decidedly bleary-eyed Jenny. "Not that you'd have been much help. Rat-arsed last night, weren't you."

"I'll say," Jenny replied, her mouth turned up at the corners in a wry grin. "But what about you and John? You were all over each other. In public too. It was embarrassing to watch. At your age ..." she teased.

"I... I like him, Jenny. I can't explain it. I'm as surprised as anyone. But we had a talk, last night, in between some very, very energetic sex." In an aside to the main topic, as Avril was prone to do, she added, "He's a quick learner, and very keen, and he's absolutely filthy, darling. He had his tongue squirming in my anus while he used two fingers and a thumb on my cunny and clitty." Avril rolled her eyes at the delicious memory of her lover's wriggling tongue probing her sphincter. "But we'll just see how it goes. No expectations, no promises ... Other than I'm going to stop working and just run the house from now on. No more fucking the guests." Avril's expression turned sly and she smirked. "But we might have some fun with other people as a couple. I've tried monogamy and it just doesn't suit me. I'm too much of a randy slut, but as long as John and I are clear on boundaries, I think we could have a little fun together."

But Jenny was no longer paying any attention to Avril's heartfelt outpouring. Instead she was distracted by the television. She blinked and stared at the screen as a talking head of a newscaster, the news having briefly replaced the hospital programme, blathered on.

"Fucking hell!" Jenny cried suddenly. Turning to Avril, cigarette smouldering in the ashtray, her coffee forgotten. With the hangover relegated to a distant point in her consciousness, Jenny blurted, "A pen, Av ... Quick, I need a fucking pen. Oh my fucking God!" she cried, her fingers in her mouth. "I don't believe it."

"What? What is it?" Avril demanded, her face creased with shock at Jenny's outburst.

"Just give me a fucking pen, Av. Quick."

Avril, not understanding the reason for Jenny's urgent demand, but responding all the same, scurried to a drawer in the kitchen counter. She rummaged for a few moments before, with an exclamation of triumph, raised a pen into the air. "I've found one!"

"Give it to me, for fucks sake," Jenny said as she grabbed wildly at the pen.

She scribbled a series of numbers onto her forearm as they slid across the screen under the newscaster's jaw.

"What the hell's wrong, Jenny?" Avril asked when, after following her friend upstairs, she found Jenny in the bedroom she'd occupied the night before.

"Oh my, God ..." Jenny gasped after scrabbling in her purse.

"What? Will you tell me ... What on Earth's the matter?"

"I've won!" Jenny cried out, holding a piece of paper in the air. "The lottery, Avril. The big draw last night. I bought a ticket yesterday on the way here. Oh, Avril. I've won the fucking lottery!"

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BassNutt51BassNutt51about 2 years ago

I thoughly enjoyed this story, a couple of working girls fall for a virgin john have great sex, partying and then hitting the lottery, you can't write a better story. It's funny, romantic, a little dire, and also full of hope. Great job, thanks for writing, it's much appreciated 💗👍

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Personally would have preferred John and Jenny because Avril is so much older....well virgin boy got a sugar mummy cougar.....great that Jenny wins the lottery

Crusader235Crusader235about 3 years ago

Yes, such a wonderful Xmas Eve story. Five Stars. This absolutely needs another chapter or more. Hope you do it one day.

boatbummboatbummover 7 years ago
Another Fun Read!

This is my second trip through this story, and I've enjoyed it even more than the first time.

With what he's learned from Avril and Jenny, he can give his Mum a real Happy Christmas surprise now -- if he's got the energy for it! ;-)

Thanks for another sweet, loving story!

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 7 years ago

Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!! Eat shit annony!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good for s laugh


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I am in a lot of ways similar to John. I really enjoyed the story and was hoping for John and Jenny to fall in love, but at least they both won in the end. You should write a second chapter to this telling how their lives changed for better or worse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

These things just dont happen, but having said that, its the most enjoyable literotica story i've read in a long time. I felt for all the characters, definately 5 out of 5.

papabear555papabear555over 11 years ago

Now this story I really liked. I could sympathize with John. I was 19 before I lost my virginity in a whore house in Tijawana (don't know how to spell it) and really shy about the whole thing. Some of the comments seemed to think the lottery win was poor or smaltzy or something. Up until the lottery win I was feeling real bad for Jenny. She hadn't seemed to get as much as she deserved. The lottery sort of leveled it out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Now this is a real Christmas story

I kind of feel sorry for Jenny, I thought John would end up with her. Oh well, all's well that ends well right? Loved this :)

Bibliophile614Bibliophile614over 11 years ago
Too Cute

Loved the lottery win at the end. Would love to see more of this trio. Maybe Avril could teach John to become a Dom? hmmm. Time for bed ~ wInks~

fregenfregenover 11 years ago
It was great

Just loved it. Realistically written and I got to like the characters.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Chapter 2 please, 1 was great

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 11 years ago
You've done it again geronimo...

Real story, real folk, real lives, real sex.

The lotttery win at the end tasted a bit schmalzy, but I'll let you off for xmas. Five, and my best wishes.

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