A Commanding Weakness Ch. 04


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This was it. It was an infamous moment in the anime, depicted in a thousand less-than-savory fanworks - especially ones by lesbian fans. Peggy had always steadfastly maintained that it was a simple illustration of Doctor Tomoe's lack of respect for others, but it was hard to deny that there was something titillating about it.

Peggy, turned on as she was, had mostly been hoping she wouldn't do something embarrassing like squirm or moan. She had been sure Dr. Hiraga would barely even touch her. It was just roleplay, right?

Instead, Dr. Hiraga started openly groping her.

At first, when Peggy first felt the doctor's fingers pressing roughly and insistently into the flesh of her pale, exposed, sensitive thighs, she couldn't believe what was happening. Surely it was just a mistake. Surely Dr. Hiraga was just about to break character and apologize. But no - she just kept going, and with each passing moment, her grin widened and her fingers reached further up Peggy's hips.

The look in the doctor's eyes was the most shocking part of it. They were shining with glee and malice, like she was drunk on the pleasure of violating Peggy's body. It was completely authentic and sincere, and completely unlike Dr. Hiraga.

But perfect for Doctor Tomoe.

Before Peggy could dwell on that, the sensations filling her body overtook her shock. Her back arched, and she was forced to gasp and pant for each breath. Her cheeks turned the deepest red as she was drowned in overwhelming embarrassment and shame over how she was reacting. But she couldn't help it. Being touched like this felt amazing, even though she wasn't sure why.

Maybe it was because she'd watched this scene in the anime hundreds of times, fascinated by how it looked, imagining how it might feel, wondering what it would be like to look up helplessly at Doctor Tomoe. And now she was living it. She was living her fantasy, and her whole body was electric with the thrill.

"You see?" Dr. Hiraga mocked. "Helpless."

Her hand reached further, pushing up her tiny latex skirt and beginning to touch at the hem of her panties. Peggy couldn't help but moan, but even as she did she was wracked with confusion. Had Doctor Tomoe gone quite this far in the anime? Wasn't this a little too much? She couldn't exactly remember. It was getting so hard to think clearly.

"G-g-get off me!" Peggy whined. She sounded unconvincing - but then again, so had Sentinel Green in a few moments. "Y-you'll pay for this!"

"We'll see about that," Dr. Hiraga purred. She brought her other hand to Peggy's chest and started groping her there, too. There was something magical about the sensation of latex on latex. "Soon enough, you'll accept me eagerly. You'll profess your undying devotion and obedience. You'll beg for me."

"N-n-never!" Peggy moaned as Dr. Hiraga squeezed her tits and stroked the lips of her cunt.

They were off-script now, she was sure of it. Doctor Tomoe had never touched Sentinel Green like this. So... she should put a stop to this, right? That thought nagged at her again. Wouldn't that be the right thing to do? Young though Peggy was, she was still an officer. Things like this weren't supposed to happen on a military vessel. But in the moment, she was struggling to think about that.

She was too busy thinking about how wet she was. Too busy struggling to figure out if she wanted Dr. Hiraga to notice or not.

The fantasy was too powerful. She couldn't sacrifice it. She wanted - she needed - to immerse herself deeper, no matter how twisted it was getting. Where was she ever going to find this feeling again?

All she needed to do was stop thinking and lose herself to the wet dream. She was being groped by Doctor Tomoe. By the hottest villainess in all of fiction. It was amazing.

It was so amazing, she whined in disappointment when Dr. Hiraga finally pulled away. The doctor noticed, and the look of scorn that flashed through her eyes made Peggy's cunt clench.

"I can't wait to brainwash you to our cause," Doctor Tomoe declared. "But the pleasure won't be all mine. My dark mistress wishes to see you fall."

Peggy's eyes flew wide. She'd almost forgotten. The big twist of this arc of Magical Maidens Star Sentinels was that Doctor Tomoe was, herself, brainwashed - by the true villain, Queen Betalia. What did that mean? What was going to happen? When Queen Betalia showed up, she was more of a looming, shadowy presence than a real character. A hologram, perhaps?

"Queen Betalia!" Dr. Hiraga cried out theatrically. "We beseech you! Appear before us!"

There was a distinctive hum as holographic projectors concealed around medbay flickered into life. Peggy wasn't sure what she had been expecting to see, but the very last thing she'd anticipated was an ominous, familiar figure with dyed hair, wild eyes, and dozens of visible tattoos and piercings.

It was Wasp. The vandal-hacker the Inyx was hunting.

As science officer, Peggy wasn't as motivated as some of the other crew members by the thought of catching her. She was in it for the experience, and to study any anomalies they came across. But she'd still been in all the briefings. She knew exactly who this woman was, even if she couldn't begin to fathom what exactly her presence here meant.

Wasp, unlike the rest of them, wasn't wearing any kind of cosplay. She was dressed in what Peggy understood to be her typical attire: leggings, a big, punk battle jacket, and a sports bra. But if that wasn't enough to set her apart from the role-players, the way she leered at Peggy and cackled certainly was.

"You know, you're really a girl after my own heart," Wasp said to Peggy in an absurdly conversational voice. "I mean, I'm a hacker, right? Deep down I'm a huge nerd. Not that I've ever taken it as far as you. That's one hell of a hentai collection buried in your personal computer files."

Peggy craned her head to look at Chief Carter and Dr. Hiraga. Chillingly, neither one of them had reacted to Wasp's holographic presence in any way. Both of them were just standing there like statues. Like dolls who had been momentarily set aside.

This was really bad.

"Oh, don't worry about them," Wasp told her. "In fact..."

She snapped her fingers in Dr. Hiraga's face. An instant later, Dr. Hiraga's eyes turned into glowing, spinning spirals. The exact same spirals that Peggy could see in Chief Carter's.

This was really, really bad.

Peggy's mind, still sluggish from arousal and fantasy, was struggling to parse what this meant. Were they still roleplaying? It seemed unlikely. If Wasp was meant to be Queen Betalia, she wasn't in character, or even in cosplay. Why would it be her? And if she was just a hologram, why was she veering off script and breaking the fourth wall?

But what was the alternative? That Wasp, a hacker, had infiltrated the Inyx's systems and somehow brainwashed senior members of the crew? That was even more difficult to face up to.

"Hey, hey, relax," Wasp added when she noticed Peggy's growing distress. "Just think of me as part of your little roleplay. Just an unexpected little twist. That's how this is supposed to go, right? The big bad shows up, trances the doc, and then the magical girl gets brainwashed. Trust me, I'm not going to ruin your fun on that count. That's the very last thing I'd want."

Peggy just kept glancing nervously between Chief Carter and Dr. Hiraga for clarification. She wasn't sure what to believe. She tugged against her restraints again, hoping against hope that they might come loose.

"L-let me go," Peggy protested weakly. "You'll pay for this!"

They were just the words that popped into her head. They felt right. But they were also Sentinel Green's words.

Wasp seemed to pick up on that. "That's right," she urged. "Just lie back, magical girl. Enjoy the ride. Hell, enjoy the view."

"B-but..." Peggy spluttered uncertainly, once again half-consciously echoing her character, "But... but..."

"Just look at them." Wasp gestured towards Chief Carter and Dr. Hiraga, drawing Peggys' eye. "Aren't they perfect? Isn't this exactly what you wanted?"

Once Peggy looked, she couldn't look away. There was something spellbinding about seeing her fellow officers like this. The cosplay, of course, sent forbidden thrills of pleasure running down Peggy's spine, but so did the way they were just standing there, devoid of emotion or personality. They looked so empty. They were like toys, waiting to be played with. Like figurines, waiting to be posed.

"Or... maybe you'd prefer it like this."

Wasp made a show of snapping her fingers again. As she did, Chief Carter and Dr. Hiraga shuddered back to life, although their eyes didn't return to normal. Instead, their spirals shifted color to a deep, pink tint. They didn't react to Peggy or Wasp either. Without warning, the two women stared intently at each other and then rushed into one another's arms.

"Oh, Sentinel Blue!" Dr. Hiraga cried, in a voice uncharacteristically thick with unrestrained emotion. "I can't pretend anymore! It was always you."

"I know!" Sentinel Blue wailed. "The truth is, I never cared about Sentinel Yellow. I never cared about justice or vanquishing evil. I don't think I ever cared about anything but you. I love you!"

The two of them started mashing their faces together in a deep, clumsy, passionate kiss. The little scene playing out between them was so strange and melodramatic it was almost comical, but Peggy wasn't laughing. She was enthralled. She recognized this - their words, their kissing.

It was from a work of fanfiction. A work of fanfiction she'd written, years ago.

As the two brainwashed officers kept kissing and grabbing at each other in their overenthusiastic display of affection, Peggy couldn't dream of looking away. She couldn't even bring herself to feel guilty about staring. After all, this was yet another of her fantasies come to life. They were literally following her script. Wasn't she meant to look? Weren't these two supposed to be looked at?

That's what cosplay was all about.

The sheer, blatant, fetishistic nature of their latex outfits only accentuated that further. Ogling them for Peggy's enjoyment just seemed right. They were dolls. Dolls were meant to be played with. That was obvious.

Her anguish over her situation was starting to abate, and her cunt was starting to drip down onto the examination chair beneath her.

"Or," Wasp added, "it could be like this."

The hacker snapped her fingers yet again, and Dr. Hiraga and Chief Carter's eyes changed color once more. Without any hesitation, they broke off from kissing. All of the overflowing, ardent longing they had been expressing drained away into nothing. Moving in eerie synchronization, they knelt next to the examination chair Peggy was restrained in, one on each side of her.

"Sentinel Green," Chief Carter whispered, in a low, breathy, seductive voice that made Peggy's whole body tingle. "We're all yours. We're here to service you."

Peggy whimpered as raw need washed over her.

"We'll do anything," came Dr. Hiraga's voice from her other side. Hearing Doctor Tomoe talk like this was driving Peggy crazy. She sounded like an actress from a cheap porno. "We just want to make you feel good."

As one, they lowered their mouths to her body and started kissing, licking, sucking across her bare skin, all along her legs and arms. Peggy couldn't keep herself from squirming wildly, but with the restraints keeping her limbs trapped, there was no escape. She couldn't believe how sensitive her body had become.

It was the cosplay and the roleplay. Layers upon layers of fantasy and fiction, each one heightening the fetishistic appeal even more. The way Chief Carter and Dr. Hiraga were behaving now was unmistakably pornographic, and that was the hottest thing of all for Peggy. She was watching them debase her favorite characters, all for her titillation and her pleasure.

"Do you know the best part?" Wasp commented, grinning wickedly. "They're not acting. Not pretending. Oh no. I made them believe. To them, you're really Sentinel Green."

Peggy flushed and shivered. God, that was so hot.

"And in a way, they're not wrong," Wasp mused. "Just look at yourself. You're just like them. You fit in perfectly. The costumes really are perfect. It suits you."

Peggy wasn't sure why being complimented by a villain and a criminal made her body throb with fresh pleasure - but it did. This was all she wanted. To be Sentinel Green. To submerge into the character. To look good and hot in her cosplay. Nothing could be more arousing.

"You know," Wasp added leadingly, "if anyone walked in here right now, they wouldn't be able to see the difference between you and them. I'm not sure I can."

That comment lit a fire in Peggy's mind. No difference. It made sense, when she looked down at herself. She was dressed just as provocatively. She was acting just as pornographically.

Just like them, she was a doll.

Something to be posed. Something to be played with.

As Peggy continued to moan and squirm, Wasp bent down and put her lips to Peggy's ear.

"And," she whispered, "in just a moment, I'm going to make you exactly like them. I'm going to make you mine."

Peggy froze. She'd been getting lost in the fantasy. But as much as she wanted to be Sentinel Green, she was Peggy Morgan too. She was the Inyx's science officer. She had a responsibility to the crew.

And yet...

"Don't get me wrong," Wasp added, straightening. "You don't have any choice about it. I'm sure you're already plenty wound up. There's no way you can resist. I'm just saying, it's up to you how you want to feel about it."

"W... what...?" Peggy managed, desperately confused.

"I'm just saying." Wasp shrugged. "Who needs boring old reality, when you can live a fantasy like this. Am I right?"

Peggy's back suddenly arched as Dr. Hiraga planted a kiss dangerously close to her needy, throbbing cunt. Clear thought was a distant memory. What Wasp was suggesting should have horrified her - but it didn't. Instead, one single, powerful observation was at the forefront of her mind.

In all the time she'd spent on the Inyx, this was the best she'd ever felt.

Something inside the nerdy science officer snapped. She made her voice.

"Y-you can't!" she cried out desperately. "I'll never betray my comrades! You c-can't make me!"

It should have been a cry of defiance, but the words weren't hers.

They were Sentinel Green's.

"Atta girl." Wasp laughed. "I won't sugarcoat it, though. You're totally gonna betray everyone. I'm gonna use your smarts to perfect this little implant-brainwashing procedure the doc and I have been working on. No more breaking down resistance. One little zap is all it'll take. Soon enough, everyone on this fucking ship is gonna be under my spell."

Peggy just moaned. It felt so right. Sentinel Green, brainwashed to betray her allies. That was how the story was supposed to go.

"But you'll have fun," Wasp told her. "I can promise you that. I can have endless fun with you. And with the chief, and the doctor. And, who knows? Maybe once I've got the whole ship, we can put the rest of the Star Sentinels together."

For just one single word, Peggy let herself break from the script and say something Sentinel Green never would have said.


Wasp laughed again, and snapped her fingers. Chief Carter and Dr. Hiraga rose to their feet and backed away. Wasp drew herself up theatrically.

"Y'know, I'm glad you asked so nicely. I may have gone a little overboard when I was planning this out. It took a little time to get the hardlight holograms to look and work just right. But I don't regret the effort. I figure you'll appreciate the fanservice."

She extended a hand down towards Peggy, and there was a loud hum as the medbay's holographic projectors kicked into overdrive. An instant later, two tendrils made of something shiny and black erupted from Wasp's hand. They were fake, of course - they had to be - but they were as real as Wasp, and she'd already proven how dangerous she could be.

And more importantly, within the fantasy Peggy had surrendered to, they were all-powerful. Shadowy conduits of Queen Betalia's will.

The tendrils looked like they were made of the same kind of latex as the cosplays, shiny and alluring, but they moved like living creatures, snaking towards Peggy before pouncing on her, one on each side of her head, and burrowing deep into her ears.

Peggy shuddered for a moment as she felt something cold and malevolent touch something deep inside her, implanting something there, behind her eyes.

And then, as the holo-stimulant implant came to life, her eyes were drowned in glowing spirals, and she thought about nothing at all.


As she peeked through a tiny crack in the door to medbay and beheld the debauchery unfolding within, Crewman Lori Delaney tried her hardest to keep perfectly still and quiet. She'd come down here after, as usual, feigning sickness to get off her duty shift. Dr. Hiraga was a soft touch; it was usually easy to convince her to provide a doctor's note and let Delaney rest for a few hours instead of working. Other officers would usually catch on and chew her out, though, so she'd developed the habit of opening the door a crack so she could peek through and make sure nobody annoying was around.

Starship doors weren't supposed to open like that. Especially not when they were locked. But with a little hotwiring, anything was possible.

Today, she'd found far more than she'd been expecting. Something truly weird was happening in medbay - and clearly, it involved Wasp. Delaney didn't care about the Inyx's duty to catch her even a little bit. In fact, she was tired of their uptight bitch of a captain's constant lectures about it. But that didn't mean she had any sympathy for a preening, attention-grabbing asshole like Wasp. And given that she clearly already had several members of the crew under her control, there was really only one thing Lori Delaney could do.

She rose silently to her feet and ran off to find Captain Vasser.

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