A Conservative Teacher Ch. 01

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A conversation about abstinence yields an unexpected result.
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Wyatt Green was an 18 years old student at Saint Remy College. While he had top grades in science, his teachers found his writing skills more than lackluster. He didn't really try to improve, because he believed he could never catch up with his schoolmates, and would have to rely on his other skills to succeed in life. But someone wasn't ready to give up on him...

The school year had just finished, and Wyatt still had one more to go after that. Shortly after his last school day, he received an unexpected phone call. He didn't recognize the voice until he heard the name: it was Joan Cooper, or Mrs Cooper as he knew her. She was his english teacher. One thing that has to be said about Saint Remy College is its very conservative stance regarding sex before marriage: all of the school's staff were strong advocates of abstinence, and Mrs Cooper was no exception. While the quality of the school's teachings was of the highest tier, the students had to be reminded very often how bad it would be if they had sex before they got married.

Mrs Cooper quickly explained the reason behind her phone call: she wanted to give Wyatt an opportunity to improve his english, and proposed that he come to her house twice a week for an hour during the summer. The young man was skeptical at first, but his teacher promised him his grades would improve significantly if put in just a little effort. He decided to give it a try, at least a few times, and see where it would lead. Luckily, his teacher lived only a short walk away.

On the next monday, Wyatt showed up at Mrs Cooper's doorstep. The first lesson didn't go as badly as he had imagined. Mrs Cooper was actually a lot nicer than she seemed in class, and he decided to continue coming to her place. As promised, he quickly felt he was making some progress. Mrs Cooper was a very competent teacher, but having to manage an entire class didn't leave a lot of time for students like Wyatt who were too far behind ; private lessons such as these were perfectly suited for the young man, who after a few weeks was already feeling that he was starting to catch up on the rest of his class.

Through these lessons, he also began to get used to seeing his teacher in casual clothes, which made her much more friendly and approachable than the strict attire she wore at school. Besides, Wyatt had always found her pretty attractive. Every young student has at least one teacher that he fantasizes about ; Mrs Cooper was his. In her early forties, she was pretty fit, a fair bit shorter than him, and had beautiful long blonde hair. Her casual attire allowed Wyatt to notice what seemed to be pretty firm and generous breasts.

After a few lessons, they had begun to get on with each other somewhat. One day at the end of a lesson, Mrs Cooper invited Wyatt to share a coffee with her in the living room. They sat on the couch and began to chat casually. The teacher was curious about the young man's hobbies ; getting more personal during the private lessons had shown her that he was more than just a student with low scores in her class. Wyatt would never have imagined this, but their little chats quickly became a habit, and soon he would stay two hours at her house every time, half of that spent talking on the couch.

At first, Mrs Cooper never talked about the importance of abstinence. Wyatt was thankful that she wouldn't bother him with it during his holidays. It was already hard enough for him not being able to get girls without having people trying to convince him that it was morally wrong to try. Wyatt wasn't unattractive by any means, but he wasn't really the popular type. Being pretty good looking and in good physical shape kept him from being classified as one of the "nerds" that got picked up on all the time, but at his core he was still a rather a shy and indoorsy person, more comfortable interacting with his computers than with other people.

But one day, after a lesson, Mrs Cooper finally brought up the inevitable subject. As they sat on the couch and began sipping on their drinks, she asked him:

"There's something I wanted to ask you. You're actually... still a virgin, aren't you, Wyatt?"

"Um, yes..." he replied, embarrassed.

"That's great to hear", she said with a smile. "I have to say, you're a pretty attractive young man, so I was afraid you had already... taken advantage of it."

He laughed.

"Um, thanks, I guess..."

"But I'm sure a young man your age must have some... urges."

Wyatt blushed and looked away from his teacher. She moved closed to him on the sofa, taking a more relaxed position.

"I know this topic must be embarrassing for you, but you can talk about it with me. I hope you trust that all we say remains between us."

"I-I know, Mrs Cooper."

"Then you can tell me. Do you have such urges? Do you sometimes feel them building up inside you to the point that you have difficulty focusing on anything else?"

Wyatt looked down, and muttered:

"I... guess so."

"That's perfectly normal, Wyatt, don't be ashamed of it," she said, nodding approvingly. "Tell me, then, is there... anything you do to relieve that tension?"

Surprised, Wyatt looked at Mrs Cooper in the eyes but remained silent. His teacher leaned slightly closer to him. The distance between them was becoming more intimate.

"Wyatt, you don't have to be embarrassed about anything with me. You can tell me. How do you get rid of those urges?"

Wyatt's cheeks became scarlet. He hesitated before speaking:

"I..." he looked down. "You know."

Mrs Cooper smiled. She asked:

"Do you masturbate?"

The young man twitched as he heard the word. Embarrassed beyond saving, he nodded, looking at the floor. Somehow, he felt locked into this exchange, compelled to answer his teacher's inquisitive questions. In all their previous exchanges, he had never needed to find a way out of a conversation, and the option to just politely put an end to her line of questioning didn't even occur to him. The only way was forward.

Mrs Cooper hadn't really thought this exchange through herself. She originally only wanted to ask the young man if he remained abstinent, out of genuine concern, but as she had felt his vulnerability, her own curiosity had taken over her, influenced by her own growing arousal she was trying to repress. She nodded in response to Wyatt's unspoken admission that he touched himself, then said:

"This is good, Wyatt. You know, I may be rather conservative, but my views aren't as extreme as some of my colleagues'. I think there's nothing wrong with a young man touching himself. Actually, I believe that doing so will help him fight the urge to seek women."

She smiled at Wyatt, but wasn't even sure he could tell, as he was still looking down. He didn't say anything, and Mrs Cooper didn't want to let the conversation die out. She asked the first question that popped into her mind:

"Can I ask you... how often you masturbate, Wyatt?"

The young man's heart skipped a beat as the question caught him off guard. After the brief moment of awkward silence, he had thought his teacher would let go of this topic and lighten the mood with another subject, yet it seemed she was doubling down. But somehow, at that precise moment, a switch flipped inside his mind, though he did not yet understand why. His sheer embarrassment began to relinquish some space to a feeling of growing arousal.

Buried deep under his shyness and unease, part of him wanted to tell Mrs Cooper everything. To expose his most intimate thoughts and acts to this attractive woman who was actively invading his privacy. Despite his embarrassment, he wanted to open the door wide and let her in.

While he wasn't so bold, he still gathered the courage to answer her question, albeit in a stutter that completely betrayed his shame:

"I-I don't know, I guess, like... um... 4 or... 5 times a week."

The floodgates were open. The young man noticed the arousal he was starting to feel. Instead of wishing his teacher would drop the subject, he was now hoping she would question him further. Not confident enough to drive the exchange, he could only submit to it and hope his teacher would ask him more personal questions. The feeling of exposing his intimacy fed his growing arousal.

Mrs Cooper felt she had acquired enough momentum to carry on with her questions. Seeing her young student oppose no resistance fed on her own growing excitement. She wanted to know more, maybe even to... see more. This was no longer the teacher speaking, but the woman. While the boundaries of her pro-abstinence stance were firm and unmovable, they also seemed distant enough to leave her some space to see where this exchange could go. Still sitting in a relaxed position, close to her student, she asked:

"Do you always... masturbate to completion?"

The young man's arousal had pushed his shame aside and taken the driver's seat. He managed to look up and make eye contact with his teacher as he answered with a nervous nod. Mrs Cooper smiled and asked:

"And how do you usually deal with your... I mean... How do you avoid making a mess?"

The teacher was still fumbling in the dark trying to figure out how to lead this conversation and what the boundaries were. She wasn't used to talking about sex, and as curious and confident she was, this was still a little awkward for her. She had to find the right words.

Wyatt had to look down to gather the courage to formulate an answer. As much as he wanted to continue this exchange, he was still only a young man, full of shame about his awakening desires, and with a fragile ego. He stuttered:

"I, um... I usually just use tissues." He could have stopped there, but despite his unease, he did want to answer truthfully, to confide in his teacher, and added: "sometimes I just, like, um... finish over myself and clean up afterwards..."

"I see..."

Mrs Cooper continued to smile at the young man, and nodded at each of his answers to show she understood and approved. The last thing she wanted would be for her student to think she was judging him. She asked:

"Do you watch... porn?"

Wyatt's reddening cheeks gave away the answer before he could reply:


"I have to admit," Mrs Cooper said, "I don't think I've ever watched any myself. What, um... What kind of... content do you like to watch?"

Several things came to the young man's mind, not all of which he was ready to share with his conservative teacher. He picked an answer that he thought was safe enough:

"I quite like... um... seeing girls together."

"You mean lesbians?"


Despite her beliefs, Mrs Cooper had witnessed the progressive trends of the recent years, and had begun to accept how other people could have tastes and desires that were vastly different from hers, and that maybe it wasn't her place to judge others. But while she had thought about the moral aspect of this topic, she hadn't spent much time thinking about what two women could actually be doing in a bed together. She certainly had some ideas, but had never found the desire to really think it through, or to look for answers. But at that moment, the momentum of the conversation as well as the sexual curiosity she was already giving into, pushed her to ask:

"What kind of... what kind of things do they do together?"

As Wyatt began to think about how he could answer her surprisingly innocent question, Mrs Cooper suddenly had another idea:

"Actually... would you... um... show me one of those videos you watch?" She smiled. "I'd like to see one with you."


Wyatt pulled his phone from his pocket. Shyly turning his phone at an angle that prevented his teacher from seeing it, he quickly unlocked it then typed the address of one of his favourite websites and entered a search. A few moments later, he turned the phone so that his teacher could watch.

On his screen, the video began with two beautiful young women already lying naked on a bed and kissing each other. The video was about 6 minutes long. Without saying a word, Wyatt and his teacher watched it from beginning to end. For the first time, Mrs Cooper watched two women sucking on each other's breasts, squeeze them, finger and lick each other and reach a simultaneous climax as they rubbed their vulvas together in a scissoring position.

While this was a lot to process for the conservative woman, she had to accept that her arousal had continued to grow, especially because she had shared this experience with her young student, whom she could tell was doing his best to conceal his own excitement. His breathing had become increasingly deeper throughout the video.

As Wyatt put the phone down next to him, Mrs Cooper noticed his left hand was resting over his crotch, presumably to hide his aroused state. She asked, somewhat tentatively:

"Did the video... turn you on?"

Wyatt gulped.

He nodded shyly.

"Are you having... an erection?"

In response, Wyatt's hand moved above his zipper, as if he was trying to cover his crotch better.

"You can... remove your hand," Mrs Cooper said. "It's okay."

Wyatt wasn't used to watching porn without touching himself, and even less so in the company of an attractive woman. He was indeed completely erect, his manhood trying to burst out of his jeans. He slowly removed his hand and let it rest on his side. He and his teacher both looked at the massive bulge between his legs. Mrs Cooper said:

"I'm sorry, I imagine this must be uncomfortable for you..."

"It's... it's alright."

"Do you..." She hesitated before continuing her sentence. Was she really going to go through with this? "Do you... want to take it out?"

Wyatt looked at his teacher with his eyes wide opened in surprise.

"You can do it..." she said, nodding approvingly.

She didn't know what had taken over her. Talking with her student, however intimate the subject, was one thing, but now she was inviting him to expose himself in front of her. She realized she was even more turned on than she had previously thought. In the few seconds it took Wyatt to decide what he wanted to do, she realized how much she wanted to see his youthful, erect manhood.

Wyatt swallowed hard. Was he ready to do this? He was already embarrassed enough as it was. But just as it was the case for his teacher, his desires had taken over him. He had told her, now he wanted to show her. He had never revealed himself to anybody. And now, this beautiful woman was asking to see his sex. He wanted her to look at his hard member.

Without saying a word, Wyatt unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. His thumbs on his sides, hooking both his jeans and his underwear, he slowly pulled them down. Mrs Cooper watched his erection spring up and swing back and forth a couple of times as Wyatt continued pulling down his underwear to his ankles.

They were now both looking at his throbbing manhood. Wyatt was closely shaven, offering his teacher a perfect view of his balls and his penis. A large drop of precum was slowly oozing down the length of his shaft.

Wyatt had never felt so exposed and vulnerable. He was blatantly showing his teacher how aroused he was, revealing to her his most intimate body part. He looked at her and saw how captivated she was by the sight. He spread his legs slightly to offer and better view.

Mrs Cooper marveled at how full of life her young student was. He could no longer stop himself from breathing heavily through his mouth, his manhood was bursting with desire, pulsing with every heartbeat, abundantly oozing its natural lubricant, while his balls looked full and tightly suspended under his shaft.

Being single for several years and adhering to her principles, she had not seen a man naked in a long time.

But as she admired the sight of her exposed student, Mrs Cooper knew that she would never touch him. This was the absolute limit that her beliefs would never let her cross. For a moment, as she continued to look at the pulsing member, she wondered how much further she could go before she reached this boundary. She quickly found a solution, and asked, looking into Wyatt's eyes:

"Do you want to... touch yourself?"

She saw the young man's member twitch as she finished her question, his body once more betraying his thoughts before he could even formulate them.

Wyatt nodded. Of course he wanted to touch himself. But he felt like a prisoner locked behind the bars of his own inhibitions. By nodding, he was giving the key to his teacher.

"It's okay," she said with a benevolent smile, her voice slightly trembling from the excitement. "You can masturbate."

The young man would never have imagined hearing such words coming from his teacher's mouth. He finally let his lust take control of his body. He removed his tee-shirt and kicked away his shoes, socks, jeans and underwear in a few seconds, leaving him entirely naked, sitting next to his beautiful teacher.

They both looked at his pulsing member as he wrapped his fingers around its base. As soon as his hand started moving upward along the length of the shaft, a large drop of pre seminal fluid appeared at its tip and began gliding down. Mrs Cooper bit her lower lip as her young student slowly moved his wrist up and down, drawing more precum with every movement. The copious amount of transparent fluid quickly covered the young man's entire shaft, helping his fingers slide up and down its length.

Mrs Cooper looked at Wyatt's balls as they moved up and down following the movement of his hands. Her own breathing deepened with each passing moment. She was hypnotized by the intimate display her student was offering her, the room around him becoming a blur as her attention focused on his glistening erection.

She realized that she had actually never watched a man play with himself. While she had previously been married, she had never watched her husband. Watching her student pleasure himself, stimulating his own body exactly the way he liked it, was an exhilarating experience for her.

Wyatt couldn't look away from the beautiful woman. This was the first sexual experience he shared with someone else, and seeing the passion in his teacher's eyes gave him confidence and motivated him to offer her a good show. Up until now, he had felt like touching himself as a shameful act he wouldn't have been caught dead doing, but in this moment, he felt liberated and embraced his desires. He enjoyed sharing this intimate pleasure with his teacher.

For some reason he didn't understand yet, he felt compelled to ask:

"Mrs Cooper, can I... play with my balls?"

She was the one who had given him permission to undress, then to touch himself... Somehow, he felt like he needed her permission for whatever else he wanted to do next. Another reason was that he wanted to give her a show she enjoyed. His voice was low, almost like a whisper.

The teacher was surprised by the question. But deep down, she found that she quite enjoyed the control he was relinquishing to her.

"Of course," she said, speaking as quietly as he did. She realized he had just given her the opportunity to give him an instruction. She had never told a man how to touch himself. She said: "massage them slowly."

Wyatt wrapped his left hand around his scrotum, and delicately squeezed his balls with his fingers. Mrs Cooper was captivated by the sight of her student pleasuring himself with both hands. Wyatt continued for a while, then asked:

"Can I go... a little faster?"

"Yes, Wyatt. But I'd like you to remove your hand from your balls."

As their eyes met, she coyly added:

"I... want to see them move up and down..."

Wyatt nodded and removed his hand, increasing his pace immediately. The room was now filled with the sounds of his loud breaths, and the wet noises his hand made as it quickly slid up and down his glistening erection.

Mrs Cooper once again bit her lower lip as she watched her student's balls wildly bounce up and down following his rapid hand movements with a slight delay.