A-Cup Angst Ch. 06


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"Like what," asked Helena. "Contraception? You already know a spell to make your semen useless. The only reason you don't use it is because Rose and Sandra keep us girls from conceiving with a different spell."

"We can stop and let you get some practice in," offered Sandra.

"No, no, no," Jamie waved them off. "It's more than that."

"STDs," asked Rose. "You know six different spells that prevent you from catching anything! We all do! You could stick your cock in a vat of chlamydia and come out squeaky clean. You know you can't catch anything from this girl, who, by the way, is an actual virgin. I kinda doubt she is a hotbed of hepatitis."

Jamie sighed and said, "Those are all valid concerns, but there's more to it than that."

"Is it cooties," Helena asked. He leveled an even glare between her eyes and she giggled. "Cause I'm sure the girls would love to develop a spell to keep those away!" The girls laughed.

"Stop laughing at me," he said, red-faced. The girls instantly shut up. Helena's laughter slowly petered out, as well.

"She's not going to be able to tell you're a warlock, Jamie," Sandra said. "We already know that. Your warded dog tags will hide you, even during an orgasm." Jamie just sat there, looking uncomfortable.

"Are you afraid you're not a good enough lover," asked Rose. Jamie responded by rolling his eyes at her. "Because you are. You really are."

"Your dick is the ideal size," said Sonya.

"Yes it is," Rose agreed. "And you know how to use it. Even without any magic!"

"You've got excellent staying power," said Sandra. "A superb sense of rhythm."

"And you use your hands, oh so well," said Rose. "We've trained you into a great lover, Jamie. Trust us. Any chick would be so lucky to receive your tender attentions. So lucky."

Jamie just sat there and looked uncomfortable for a minute. "Are you telling me the truth," he asked. The girls responded with a chorus of affirmations. They reminded him that they were under orders to never lie to him.

"What's your damage, Jamie," Helena asked. "You already deflowered both Sonya and Sandra."

"Yes," said Jamie and fixed her with a glare, "but I can't remember doing that, now can I?"

Helena flashed a sheepish smile and looked down. A silence descended on the company. "It's all moot, anyway," said Helena. "You're going to deflower Mara tomorrow night and that's that."

"Oh, that's that, now, is it," said Jamie, miffed at her giving him orders.

"Yes," Helena said. "It's part of your penance for having slaves." she indicated the other three girls, seated around the coffee table.

"Penance," asked Jamie, incredulously. "Deflowering a virgin is penance? Have you gone mental?"

"You are going to go over there and make her first time a dream come true," said Helena. "That is your penance. You will only take the amount and type of pleasure for yourself that is necessary for her to feel great about the whole experience, but you are going to deflower her and you are going to make it spectacular for Mara."

Jamie and she locked eyes for a long moment. "I think I understand what you're trying to say," Jamie said, "but I'm not going to do it."

The girls rolled their eyes and heaved great, big sighs of exasperation, throwing their arms up in frustration. Helena sat next to Jamie and hugged him. "Why not," she said, in a gentle tone.

Jamie hesitated for a minute, before saying, "It's not right that I should have sex slaves and then have sex with other women, as well. It's just plain wrong."

"Jamie," Rose addressed him, softly, "You don't have to be faithful to us. We're not going to leave you or make a jealous scene. Hell, you wink and we join in!"

"I know that," he said. "I ordered that, but I... It's just plain wrong for me to have sex with free women after enslaving you. I would feel like I was being rewarded for doing evil."

"Oh, not this evil crap, again," Helena moaned. She stood up and faced him, hands on hips. "That's fucking it, Jamie! I'm sick and tired of you having your cake and eating it, too! Time to make a choice!" Jamie and the girls regarded her with confused expressions. "Either go to Washington and confess to The Suit that you have taken three girl as slaves and take your punishment, or stop with this ridiculous martyr act!

"Seriously, Jamie, you didn't do anything wrong! You acted in necessary self defense and you saved yourself from our abuse. And didn't we have this conversation, like, a zillion times already!? Why do you keep them around if what you did was so fucking wrong, huh?! Either send them away and stop enjoying their tight pussies every day, or stop with the fucking self recriminations! I'm getting sick of it, already!

"If what you did was wrong, then send the girls away and turn yourself in. If what you did was justified and right, then keep the girls and start living life to the fullest, like every man should. And that includes deflowering every willing virgin that presents herself. No more half assed, pick and choose guilt tripping! What's it going to be, Jamie?"

Jamie looked around at the horrified looks on the faces of Sonya, Sandra and Rose. Being his slaves, one of Helena's stated options was a nightmare for them. He smiled, hoping to relieve them of some of their anxiety. "What about you," he asked Helena.

Helena shook her head at him and tenderly said, "I love you, Jamie. You know that. You couldn't piss me off so much, if I didn't." They shared a small laugh.

There was no way in hell that Jamie was going down for what the girls had done to him in the spring. "I get what you're saying," he said, nodding slowly. "Of course, I'm not going to go make a confession." The girls heaved a collective sigh of relief. "But I'm also not going to do as you say. Just as I'm not going to go make a confession, I'm not going to start taking orders from any of you. I don't owe you shit."

Helena rolled her eyes and sat back down, next to him. "Jamie," she said, "all that matters is what you want. I can tell, we all can, that you like this girl. Don't you?" When he nodded yes, she continued. "Then go to her. Have fun with her. Spend some time with her. That's all I'm saying. Do what you want and stop telling yourself that you should be suffering and denying yourself something because of what happened between us this spring."

"Ok," said Jamie. "I see your point. Thank you for making it."

"Oh, my freaking God, the boy is starting to get it," said Helena. "You're welcome. And if she happens to offer you her virginity, don't be a dumbass. Take it. Take it from her like a real man should!"

The five of them felt the tension of their little argument dissipate and they sat around the dining area table. Nova served them snacks and Jamie asked, "Wait, how do you girls know she wants me to deflower her?"

"Never mind that," said Helena. "Here's how you're going to make her dreams come true. Listen up!" The girls started lecturing Jamie on how to do a girl properly, for the first time. He sat there with a frown and crossed arms. The actual sexual act, it turns out, was all but negligible in the grand scheme of things. Jamie huffed. Who knew that deflowering a girl was three parts acting and one part psychology?

Mara answered the knock on her door to find Jamie standing there, looking as dapper as ever, in his tailor made suit. "Jamie," she said, "come in!" Unlike the night before, Jamie graciously accepted her invitation and came in. He was carrying two boxes. One was large and flat and the other was a shoe box. Mara tidied away some strewn clothes and offered Jamie a seat. He set the boxes down on the offered seat. "Can I get you a drink or something?"

"Um, no, thank you." He frowned and looked away from her, seeming like he was deciding something. Then he made eye contact with her and smiled. "I actually came here to ask you something." Mara nodded and gestured for him to go on. "Dead week is coming up and finals after that and everyone's running around all stressed out. It's not healthy to endure so much stress and anxiety."

"No, it's not. Definitely."

"Do you have a method of relieving anxiety? Something you enjoy doing, that lets you forget your worries and relax?"

Mara frowned. It was a polite and cleanly phrased question, but in her mind's eye, she thought that he was asking her if she masturbated. She shook her head and forced herself to concentrate, lest she make a fool of herself. "Yeah, I guess."

"Well, I have my own preferred method of stress relief and I'd love to engage in it tonight, but I need a partner, and all my girls are too busy studying."

Mara's mouth fell open and she felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. Did Jamie just ask her to have sex with him? She was starting to feel very nervous at the thought.

"Are you free tonight? Cause I really need a partner."

Mara cleared her throat and reminded herself that this was still a polite conversation, regardless of where her imagination was taking it. "Um, yes. Yes, I'm free tonight. Julie's going to be back from the library in, like, an hour, or so."

Jamie smiled. "Excellent! Then you're free to go dancing with me tonight! Please, say that you'll go dancing with me!"

Mara laughed a giddy smile of relief. She wondered why she was so nervous. She really did want him to take her. She needed it. She even postponed her visit to Mom until after finals in the hopes of getting with this boy. "Ok, I'll go with you! Are we going to a club?"

"Something like that," Jamie said. "We shall be attending a dance at the ballroom of the Bowery hotel. There's a big band playing and everything."

"Oh, that sounds nice," said Mara. She was pretty certain she didn't have anything to wear to such a venue that would not make her stick out like a sore thumb.

"It's a themed night and I didn't know if you had anything vintage to wear, so I took the liberty of arranging some appropriate attire for you," he said, presenting her with the flat box. "The girls guessed your size. I hope it fits."

Mara took the box from his hands and cracked it open. There was a dress in it. Jamie opened the other box and showed her the contents. It was a beautiful pair of vintage, dancing shoes. She took them with her to her own room to change. She left Jamie in the common room to wait. Opening the box, she was stunned by the beautiful, vintage dress. She held it up to herself and posed in front of the mirror. It was perfect and it made her feel like Cinderella getting ready for the ball. She giggled as she realized she was actually going to a ball that night. Then she blushed furiously and ran through her mental list of underwear to decide which should be worn under the dress. She opted for no bra and panties, but then reconsidered the panties. If the dance got energetic, she didn't want to flash anybody. She took her clothes off and put on some black boyshorts, followed by pantyhose.

Jamie busied himself with inspecting the common room for any signs of her interests. Finding next to none, he went through the long list of dos and don'ts that the girls made him memorize. They insisted it was imperative for the night's activities to come from him and that he had to be cool with everything, or Mara would pick up on his tension and be tense herself. On the other hand, they gave him the two big lists, as well. She nervously yelled an offer of refreshments through the closed door at him and Jamie playfully accepted it, leaving her to laugh loudly and apologize that she was currently unable to get him a glass of water.

"I know, I'm just teasing you, a bit," he yelled back. He reminded himself of what the girls kept telling him, over and over. The look he gave Mara, when she came out in the dress and shoes he brought her, could make or break the night for her. He felt nervous. He had to hit the right combination of admiration, lust and awe and, what else was it? He started to blank out on the specific instructions the girls gave him.

When Mara came out of her bedroom, he turned around and felt his jaw drop at seeing her. She was a vision of 50's beauty in the vintage dress that hugged her figure to best display her curves. His worries about her reaction to his reaction turned out to be entirely unfounded. She smiled, blushed and looked down. "You look spectacular," he said. Mara looked him in the eye and blushed some more as she smiled. Jamie shook himself mentally and pulled out the small box from his inner pocket. "There are some, uh, accessories that go with the dress."

He opened the box and Mara gasped at seeing the beautiful necklace and pair of matching earrings inside it. "Oh, my God, Jamie! That's too much!"

"Nonsense," said Jamie, firmly.

"I've never worn jewelry like that before!"

"Well, there's a first time for everything."

"No, Jamie, in all honesty, I couldn't possibly wear something so expensive-"

Jamie cut her off by saying, "Mara, I realize that I'm asking for a lot tonight. I'm dragging you away from your plans to go dancing with me, at a moment's notice, and that's very rude of me, but I'm..." He paused and stepped into her personal space. He looked into her eyes with all the non magical intensity he could bring to bear. "I've daydreamed of twirling you across a dance floor ever since I first saw you in the library. Please, Mara, put on the earrings and come away with me for a night of fun and dancing."

Mara gulped at the intensity of his gaze. "Ok, I guess I could try them on." She put on the earrings and stood before a mirror to see how they looked on her. "They are quite beautiful", she admitted to herself. Jamie stood behind her and swept her mass of wavy hair off to one side. His fingers brushed the exposed skin of her shoulders, making her shudder. He lowered the necklace in front of her and fastened it around her neck. His hands lingered on her shoulders as they gazed at each other's eyes in the mirror. He slowly bent his head and lightly kissed the nape of her neck, eliciting a moan from her. Mara caught herself and blushed yet again.

Jamie stood up straight and smiled at her reflection. "I'm going to have the prettiest girl at the ball."

Mara cleared her throat and turned away from the mirror, desperate to hide her furious blushing. Why was she feeling so nervous, she wondered. This was what she had wanted. She picked up her clutch purse. "Shall we go?"

"Let's shall," Jamie said. She opened her wardrobe and selected a tan coat to wear and Jamie held it out for her to put on. They left the dorm and got in the Ferrari that was waiting for them, right outside.

"There's no parking allowed here," she said as Jamie opened the door for her. "I can't believe they haven't towed you yet!"

"Well, we better get a move on, then," he said, with a mischievous smile.

The car's throbbing enging pulsated through Mara's very being as Jamie drove them to their destination. She was starting to feel very aroused, sitting in the comfortable, leather seat and feeling the acceleration and deceleration of the car, prompted by Jamie's feet on the pedals, jostle her body to and fro. She hid her face in her hands out of fear that Jamie could tell she was thinking about having sex with him.

A valet took their car in front of the hotel and they crossed the pretty lobby to enter the ballroom. Jamie handed over two tickets, and their coats, to an attendant and they went in. The ballroom was tastefully decorated to evoke the feel of the fifties. A big band was already doing a Glenn Miller tune and couples were dancing merrily. She noted that they were the youngest couple by far and also the hottest. Jamie led her to the center of the floor as soon as the tune ended. He took her in his arms, locked eyes with her, and the band started to play the next tune.

They danced for hours and had great fun. Finally, the band exhausted its repertoire and the dancers' stamina, and the night was winding down to an end. A slow tune was playing and older couples hugged on the dance floor, lightly swaying to and fro. Jamie and Mara were sitting at the sidelines and enjoying a cup of fruit punch, when Jamie caught Mara eyeing some woman that was chewing gum. His eyes narrowed suspiciously. Mara wasn't staring at the woman in reproach. "I'm hungry," he said. "Are you hungry?"

"Um, yeah, I could eat." Jamie smiled and led her out of the ballroom and across the lobby towards the restaurant. "Oh, no, it's closed!"

"What's that," Jamie asked, pointing behind her.

Mara turned around to scan the lobby for the object of his question. Jamie flicked his finger and the door to the restaurant's dining room unlocked. ""What's what," Mara asked him.

"Never mind, wait here," he said and slipped into the restaurant. He was quickly intercepted by one of the waiters that was finishing cleaning the place up. With but a few mind tricks from Jamie, he admitted there was a sous chef in the kitchen, putting various meats into marinades for tomorrow, and another waiter. Jamie got all three together and used his magic to get them to agree to stay and serve dinner for him and Mara, for a thousand dollars each. The money itself was not incentive enough for the trio.

He opened the door to the restaurant and pulled Mara in, shutting the door after her.

"Right this way, madame, monsieur," the waiter said and led them to a set table in the middle of the room. He pulled out Mara's chair for her and left them menus.

"Did you get them to stay on late and serve dinner for us," she asked Jamie, when the waiter was out of earshot.

He nodded and then shrugged. "You said you were hungry."

Mara smiled her winning smile and shook her head. "What are they serving?"

Jamie held up his menu. "Everything that's on the menu, my dear." Mara laughed at the absurdity of a restaurant being open late for just two people and decided to order a bunch of fancy dishes. When the waiter calmly took her order, her eyes bugged out and she amended it to just an entree, cordon bleu and dessert. The waiter nodded and went to the kitchen to relay her order.

"I worked as a waitress in a restaurant for a few months, last year," Mara said. "I can imagine what the waiter and the kitchen staff must be going through."

"For a few months," Jamie asked, browsing the wine list.

"Yeah. I liked the place and I would have stayed there longer, the tips were quite good, but my mom moved us, cause..." Mara stopped and realized she was telling Jamie, whom she had just met, some very personal things. "Oh, I better stop talking about my work history. A rich man like you might find that too blue collar."

"Too blue collar?"

"Yeah," said Mara. "I mean, you're probably..." she stopped herself as she realized she was going to call him spoiled by any other name. The waiter came over and served an amuse-bouche. Jamie picked out a wine. Mara was glad for the interruption. She desperately tried to think of a segue that would allow her to spit the foot out of her mouth and not bite down on it. Jamie just grinned at her embarrassment.

"So," she finally said, after they both had a mouthful, "what's your employment history like?" Jamie told her about the electronics store where he worked and she was genuinely surprised that he had held down a part time job during high school. "Your parents made you go to work so you'd have a job ethic?"

"No," Jamie said, "I went to work to have money. I'm not rich. I mean, I am, kind of, but I wasn't rich growing up."

"Oh? How did you come into money? An inheritance?"

"No," he said, with a grin. "Intellectual property." He refused to tell her any more. The girls told him to keep holding stuff back, to retain an air of mystery about him.

"So, if you weren't born upper class," Mara said, "then how come you knew how to dance so well tonight?"

"Ahhh," Jamie said and nodded his head, with a smile. "You have my aunt to thank for my dancing skills. When I was younger, I got shipped off to Texas, for a couple of summers, and there I was subjected to a horrendous form of torture called cotillion." Mara laughed as he described the "horrors" of the formal dances and the weeks of study required. "But, in all earnest, I did grow to enjoy dancing, once they stopped yelling at me to keep my back straight. I missed it." Jamie chuckled. "My folks back home must be starting to go nuts by now. My little sister is due to be shipped off to Texas, this summer, and I bet she's already throwing conniption fits to get out of it."
