A-Cup Angst Ch. 11


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"Released," Jamie barked. "Released, how?!"

Georges shrugged. "I don't know. I am not a wizard. Once the exact nature of their enslavement to you is determined, and whether or not they killed with magic, a solution to their predicament will be concocted and enacted. Now, back to the matter at hand, mister Jacobs. Three o'clock will come quickly and I need to be told every last detail concerning the death of... of..." Georges consulted the file on the table. "Of Ionas Samaras."

Jamie shifted his weight in his seat. "So, that's all I'm being tried for? Killing that shit?"

"You did cause his death, then," Georges asked.

"Hell yes, I caused his death," Jamie said. "And I'd cause it again! As a matter of fact, I deleted his essence from existence when he came back from the dead to haunt a young woman and try to kill my family, again!"

"So, you had a motive, then?"

"Yes, I had a motive," Jamie said. "Wait! Why are we even talking about a defense? Aren't they going to just have Sylvie make me tell the truth?"

"The court only has legal authority to compel wizards to answer the question of direct magical murder," Georges said. "Since you did not kill Samaras with a direct application of your magic, you are free to mount a defense. You have the option of making a statement under compulsion of truth. It's a very good tactic and can yield great results with a carefully worded statement. You can also agree to be questioned under compulsion to speak the truth and that is a sure way to get acquitted if one is wholly innocent of the charges." Georges paused and shot Jamie a wry look. "But I suspect that we will not be using that option in this case. "

Jamie snorted. "Now they're concerned about legal and illegal? What about abducting me?"

"Abducting you? I don't understand."

"They sent this Sylvie character to snatch us right out of the air," Jamie said. "And we were still in american airspace. I bet we were." Georges rifled through the file. "If this court is so concerned with 'legality', then we should raise the fact that I have been abducted from a foreign, sovereign nation's airspace, instead of legally arrested and extradited."

Georges found something relevant in the file and said, "But you weren't abducted, mister Jacobs. You were legally attained in french airspace."

"Bullshit," Jamie barked. "We were over the water, off the coast of either New England, or Newfoundland. We were over US, Canadian, or international waters, and we were on a plane that's registered in the US and took off from-"

"No, no, no, no," Georges said, interrupting. "You were arrested in french airspace. It says so right here, see?"

"France does not extend to North America, dumbass!"

"It does, actually," Georges calmly said. "Saint Pierre and Miquelon are an overseas collectivity of the Republic and subject to all of its laws. Your aircraft was flying over Saint Pierre when mistress Sylvie apprehended you. There was no abduction involved."

Jamie shook his head unhappily and then finally said, "Who the fuck are these... Pierre and Mickey Long?"

Georges sighed and said, "Never mind that, mister Jacobs. Your arrest was perfectly legal. We need to discuss the trial and your options, what few you have of them. The evidence the prosecution has against you is overwhelming and legitimate."

Jamie gave the man a disbelieving squint. They had caught Samaras when he was flying alone out of Monaco and there were no witnesses or surveillance equipment around to see it. He doubted the radar tracks of the two aircraft could be used to condemn him. Particularly not if these Frenchies were so adamant about "legal" and "illegal". "Well, what is this evidence they have on me?"

"A recording of the last two and a half minutes of Ionas Samaras' life, as seen from his perspective," Georges said.

"What," Jamie flatly said.

Georges rifled through the file and picked out a paper to read. "Ah, here it is. On the fifteenth, the Directorate was contacted by the greek authorities on behalf of a mundane named Costas Dounas by means of, blah, blah, blah. Mister Dounas was found to be under the effects of a charm which compelled him to repeatedly venture into a secure location on the island of Corfu, once a week, where he was further compulsed to..." Georges' voice trailed off as he read on. "Ah, here it is! Apparently, mister Samaras had in his possession some ancient artifact that continually recorded and displayed his life with a two and a half minute delay and this mister Dounas was charmed into checking on the artifact regularly. In the event of mister Samaras' death, the artifact was to record and display a two and half minute loop of mister Samaras' final moments and death. Dounas saw that it did and contacted the greek authorities, who in turn contacted the Directorate that came and took possession of this magical artifact and its recording."

Georges sat back in his chair and looked Jamie in the eye. "The artifact and the recording had been examined by the best the Directorate has at its disposal and both had been determined to be genuine. Mister Dounas was also examined for possible subterfuge or deceit and none was found. The recording has already been entered into evidence and examined by the Tribunal."

"So, what does that mean? Have I already been found guilty?"

"Technically, no," Georges said, "but in reality... They have the most compelling case against anyone I have ever represented in my career. A direct recording of the last moments of a dying man's life, as seen from the perspective of the dying man himself. It is very prejudicial and has already damned you, I'm afraid." Georges leaned forward and said, in a gentle, compassionate tone, "I understand that all of this is an unexpected shock to you, mister Jacobs, but what's done is done and we need to discuss how we are going to get you the lightest sentence possible."

Jamie thought back to the last few minutes of Samaras' life and the laughter and the emails. "Wait," he said, "do they know the emails were never sent out?"

Georges sifted through the file until he found the relevant papers. "Yes," he said, nodding, "the experts determined there was no activity from the account. You are not charged with anything other than murdering Samaras, causing a brush fire and some violations of the Civil Aeronautics Code. I believe we need to enter a plea of guilty to all the charges and ask the court for clemency."

Jamie sat back and bit his lip nervously. He was in quite a pickle. "No," he said after huffing in frustration. "We need to get this pled down to manslaughter, or something. Necessary defense of loved ones. I'll tell you the whole story and then we'll decide how you'll spin it for me." Georges nodded and took out his pen and paper to make notes.

The trial itself was brief and to the point. Jamie pled guilty to the lesser charges and his lawyer made a good-sounding argument for releasing Jamie as the killing of Samaras was necessary to ensure the safety of his family. The prosecution tried to make a case of Jamie having hard evidence of Samaras' wrongdoings that would have led to his arrest and imprisonment in many countries around the world, thus ensuring his family's safety. Georges, armed with Jamie's information, shut down that line of reasoning right quick. The prosecution conceded that they could not prove Jamie had any such evidence and settled for pointing out the fact that Jamie had no right to appoint himself judge, jury and executioner. The court sided wholly with the prosecution and unanimously condemned Jamie for murder.

He was sentenced to thirty years and sent back to his cell to have dinner. He sat on his cot, his hands still bound by the anti-magic manacles and picked at the trey of food while he plotted his revenge. He memorized the faces of the judges and the faggot cunts from the prosecution and swore to himself he'd get them for this. Sooner or later, he'd make them all pay.

After dinner, the guards brought him back to the small room close to the courtroom, where Georges Loran sat and waited for him. "All right, Georges," Jamie said, "tell me exactly what's going to happen to me and mine. I've never been arrested or tried, or convicted for that matter. Give it to me straight and don't assume I already know anything."

Georges' eyebrows lifted in surprise and then he nodded. "I can actually tell you all that," he said and brandished a few pages of paper bearing fancy looking seals, "since the court has just issued it's official verdict. First off, you are going to be remanded to a mundane prison, where you will be imprisoned for the next thirty years."

"What?! Mundane prison!? Why?! How?!"

"Well, your magic is going to be taken away from you," Georges said, feeling decidedly uncomfortable under Jamie's enraged glare. "I am just the messenger, mister Jacobs." Jamie sat back in his chair and heaved a mighty sigh. He nodded and gestured for Loran to continue. "You would have been remanded to the anti-magic facility for the duration of your sentence, but your magic is to be taken away from you-"

"What," shouted Jamie as he stood up. Both doors opened and the guards leaned in, sporting glares, to see if Georges needed rescuing from his client. Georges waved them off and Jamie reluctantly sat back down. After they closed the doors, Jamie hissed, "What gives them the fucking right to take my magic away from me?!"

"You used it to directly murder a man," Georges said. "That leads to homicidal madness, without fail. It is the standard practice of the courts to remove magic from anyone that used it to slay."

"So I am to waste thirty years of my life in a french prison without the benefit of my magic?"

Georges nodded. He read on from the verdict and flipped to its second page. "You will be compelled to keep the existence of magic a secret during your imprisonment."

"Well, what about early release, or parole, or an appeal," Jamie asked.

Georges looked him in the eye and shook his head. "Once you are convicted by the magic tribunal, you have no more legal recourse."

Jamie shook his head and said, "That's bullshit!"

Georges shrugged and made no comment. He continued reading the verdict. "Are you interested in the disposition of your slaves?"

Jamie's head perked up and he said, "Of course I am! What do they plan to do with them?"

"Well," Georges said and read on, "apparently, they intend to release them."

"What," Jamie barked. "Gimme that!" He snatched the verdict from Georges' hands and began to read for himself. His efforts were immediately stymied by the fact that the verdict was written in French and he barely spoke the language. He shot Georges a glare and handed him back the papers. "I thought this place had a universal translator spell in effect."

"It does," Georges said, picking up his reading where he had been interrupted. "It facilitates the communication necessary before the court. If you were mute, or deaf, then it would extend to the written word. Now, may I continue?" Jamie nodded. "First off is Helena Worth. She is to be released from your slavery," Jamie snorted, "given the magical power wielded by Rose Romano, as recompense for the power you had drained from her, and set free. Is something funny?"

"They can't release her from my enslavement," Jamie said. "Not a single one of them can be released."

Georges again consulted the verdict and said, "I am afraid that Ms. Worth can very easily be released. She will be the first, actually."


"Mistress Sylvie is to," Georges put his finger to the relevant text in the verdict and read aloud, "'remove the power sacrificed by the warlock Jamie Jacobs which actively skews Ms. Worth's mind towards great affection for him', and this will set her free."

Jamie gaped at his lawyer. "They can't do that! It can't be done!"

Georges let some of his disdain towards his client slip into his voice as he said, "I have seen this method of enslavement many a time, mister Jacobs. I can assure you that it is the easiest method for a vampire of mistress Sylvie's caliber to undo. After all, it is merely a matter of siphoning away the magical power that you deposited in Ms. Worth's mind."

Jamie was consumed by dread. Helena, loose in the world, sporting magical power. She'd have not just her own power back, but she'd also wield half the power Rose and Sandra were born with. And she'd be pissed beyond belief at Jamie for having enslaved her. Jamie swallowed nervously as he realized she'd probably go after his family to avenge herself. Panic threatened to well up inside of him.

"Now, the other slaves are going to be more complicated," Georges said. Jamie hardly paid him any mind as he explained the disposition of the other slaves. His mind kept conjuring up images and thoughts of Helena taking revenge against his family. Hell, she'd probably even go after Cyrus, too. He wiped his face and stared off into space.

After a while, he realized Georges was calling his name. "Hm? What?"

"Are you listening, mister Jacobs," Georges asked. "Should I repeat myself?"

"I... Um... Yes. Yes, do tell me again about what is to be done with my other slaves."

Georges sighed and flipped back to the second page of the verdict. "In short," he said, "you are going to have your magic removed and then you'll be charmed to give a series of orders to your slaves." Georges held up the relevant page of the verdict. "These three whole paragraphs," he indicated on the page, "are the orders that you will issue to your slaves in order to make them free people." Georges read on a bit. "Then you will give your slaves one final order to perform the ritual that led to their original enslavement. Apparently, as a consequence of this ritual, the slaves will be rendered unable to recognize you in any way, shape or form and you will be unable to give them any more orders, ever again. Thus, they shall be set free. In practice."

Jamie winced unhappily. They must mean the bodily modification ritual. He should have thought of it himself. He couldn't explain to himself why he hadn't think of it on his own. It would probably work. He didn't have a chance to examine the orders that were written in the verdict, but he didn't doubt that they were well thought out and would make them free thinking adults, despite still being, technically, his slaves. And, since he couldn't countermand those orders anymore, they'd remain free for the rest of their lives.

It was a clever workaround and Jamie found himself almost admiring it. It not only rid him of slaves, but also made it impossible for them to seek him out for revenge at a later date. Still, that would only leave him safe from harm. The slaves would be released and perfectly capable of teaming up with Helena and exacting vengeance upon his family. The magnitude of his personal catastrophe was becoming more and more apparent with every passing moment.

"That's the disposition of the two american slaves," Georges said, "Ms. Romano and Ms. Grant. The McDonough twins are going to have the same done to them, except they'll be handed over to the Commonwealth Supernatural Security Service." Georges read on. "Ah, here it is! They will be modified to obey the orders of anyone who tells them the secret code phrase, which is not listed here, and then they will be handed over to the CSSS for trial. They will also be given a second secret code phrase and one utterance of this other code phrase will set them free for ever." Georges looked up at Jamie with a pleasant smile. "We always like to make it easy for our Channel neighbors."

Jamie flashed a tight, insincere grin in response. He swallowed nervously and eyed the verdict as Georges flipped to the next page. "What else does it say there," he asked.

"It reads," Georges said, "that all of your slaves' minds, and that includes Ms. Worth as well, will be modified to be unable to remember a classified piece of information that pertains to the national security of The Fifth Republic of France and its citizens. It is not specified what this information is -and please don't tell me what it is- but it is specified that they will all be rendered unable to think up this information again, on their own, and they will dismiss the information as ridiculous or irrelevant if they are ever presented with it in the future. After your magic is removed from you, you will be charmed into never remembering or revealing the same classified information."

Jamie closed his eyes and sighed. They meant the fact that magical spells and wards cast with the same amount of power wielded by a male and female caster at the same time are permanent. And also that this allows for magical power to be drained one day and stored up for instant use at a later date. Those were the two cornerstones of Jamie's supernatural power and success. Without them, he was just a caster. Or, he would be, if they didn't plan on removing his power from him in a permanent fashion. Obviously, they meant to name this inability to form such thoughts as part of the price in the ritual that would also render them unable to recognize Jamie's face, voice, handwriting, email etc. They had thought of everything. All of his hard work was undone. While he wasn't exactly heartbroken to see the girls released, but he did hate the fact that he wasn't the one to release them.

"And this is followed by a long list of every item in your possession that is to be seized as they are imbued with some kind of forbidden magic," Georges said and showed Jamie the last two pages of the verdict. He began reading the list aloud and Jamie's face fell. They knew about everything that was warded. Bastion was to be destroyed. The expensive and warded cars, the plane, the weapons, everything that they had invested with permanent power was listed to be seized or destroyed, or both.

Jamie lowered his head and buried his face in his manacled hands. They were going to take everything from him. Every single thing he had back in the States. They'd even take the warded jewelry from his family's wrists. Jamie's head shot up as he got an idea. "Wait," he said. "All of that stuff is in America! They can't get to it! Not without warrants, right? We can fight them on this, right?" Georges shook his head, solemnly. "What do you mean, no?! We can hire some american lawyers! I've got money! They didn't list my money in this verdict! I can have some fancy legal injunction-"

Georges held up his hand and interrupted Jamie by saying, "Mister Jacobs! These items pertain to a vital matter of national security. The Directorate will not obtain them by slow, legal means." Jamie bit his lip nervously. "I am sorry to have to tell you this, but I've been told that most of the items on the list have already been obtained and destroyed." Jamie gaped at him in disbelief. "I don't know what you did that got their panties in a bunch, but they dispatched their very best, less than an hour after you were apprehended. These operatives already called in to report that they were almost done. By the time the rituals are completed tomorrow and your slaves released, the operatives in question will be halfway home with their objective completed. Actually," he glanced back at the verdict, "no one is to be released until they call in and give the all clear, so to speak."

Jamie's anger flashed over again. All of his stuff was gone. His family was vulnerable to be scryed on by anyone who wished them harm. He glared at the doors as if he could cast against the guards that stood just on the other side of them. "So much for their legality," he said, darkly.

Georges gave a shrug and said, "In these matters, the Directorate acts first and makes damned certain that no one ever asks questions about it later." He checked to see if he had forgotten anything in the verdict that he was duty bound to explain to his client. "Well, that's it, mister Jacobs. Our time together has come to an end." Georges began to gather up his papers and put them away in his briefcase.
