A Day in Gotham - Batgirl's Dilemma


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Batgirl couldn't believe how quickly they'd come. And this unnatural erection might last thirty minutes? "Aaaaaaaagh," she muttered weakly, "must stay in control."

That didn't last long as Catwoman again tapped their assailant on the other shoulder, glancing into the mirror as she did so with a malicious looking smile. Batgirl knew instantly who that was directed at, but didn't have time to think about it. Leopard Man immediately began pumping backwards and forwards in short thrusts, the shaft of his giant phallus triggering every nerve end within the two girl's vaginas, and the constant fast pounding against Susan's pubic bone was sending continuous tremulous vibrations instantly up and around their clits.

Batgirl was sweating hard as she struggled weakly for control, and she survived the first of Susan's climaxes. But the waves of pleasure were pounding hard into her befuddled brain again and shortly afterwards as Susan came yet again she was overcome, her impaled body gyrating wildly around the source of her torment, a long low moan escaping her lips.

What her befuddled brain couldn't understand was Susan's reaction. Her body was continuously bucking between Leopard man's thighs, her pert breasts bouncing around in their demonic dance as her hips greedily drove back at him as he thrust forward, positively welcoming the ecstasy generated from her now almost continuous climaxes.

Where Batgirl was feeling deeply drained, Susan seemed to be feeding on the energy generated!

Chapter 14 - Enter the Caped Crusader

After yet another shattering climax had rolled through her, Batgirl was losing the will to fight back, ready to abandon her body to the inevitable when some movement caught the corner of her eye.

All eyes in the room next door were riveted on the drama taking place on the bed, but behind them the door was slowly opening and Batgirl caught a glimpse of a familiar head. Suddenly the door swung fully open and in a blur of grey and red, Batman and Robin burst into the room.

The two cubs were the first to swing round and instantly leapt forward to attack. Bad move. In a flurry of arms and legs the two assailants were soon dumped into inert heaps at the feet of Gotham's finest.

The brief time taken to overpower them was all that Catwoman needed however. Batgirl watched in horror as she saw the two Kittens being shepherded quickly towards a side door as Catwoman reached for the bull-whip at her side. Ever the expert, she quickly flicked her wrist as Batman and Robin started to advance, rapping the tip around their feet and bringing them both down in a heap. By the time they'd recovered and reached the door Catwoman had escaped and locked it behind her. Batgirl saw Robin's mouth moving and could almost imagine the "Holy...!"

The action was so startling and sudden that she'd been distracted from her inner turmoil for a moment. Then she realised in horror that the action between her legs was starting to get the better of her again as Leopard Man, ignoring the confusion around him continued blissfully pumping away between Susan's thighs!

"Oh come on Batman!" she shouted in tortured anticipation as the dark crusader swept across to the bed to rescue the young detective.

There was a snag to this simple plan. Susan wasn't keen to be 'rescued'.

At first Batman and then Robin combined to try and unlock the sweet girl's ankles, but to no effect - just like the Kittens. Susan wasn't budging, indeed she was absorbing yet another delightful climax as her hips rocked again underneath the trance-like Leopard Man.

Batgirl was about to shout at Batman again in glorious frustration when Catwoman and the Kittens swept into the room. The black suited figure took one look at the scene on the bed and swivelled round to face the almost distraught Batgirl.

She was seething with anger.

"How the hell did HE find us here Batbitch!" she fumed "You'd better tell Batman to keep out of my way in future or...!!" She realised Batgirl wasn't concentrating and leaned forward to pinch and twist one of batgirl's swollen nipples to get her attention.

That was it. Batgirl lost it again as the unexpected added stimulus sent her convulsing on top of the piston-like pseudo penis, still madly gyrating within her.

"Oh!!" shouted Catwoman in exasperation. "This is ridiculous! Come on Catgirl, time we got out before those two start exploring!" and with that she was heading for the door.

"Hang on," squealed Catgirl, "I need my Batgirl orgasm gear!" indicating the crotch strap between Batgirl's glistening legs.

"Well, be quick then!" shouted Catwoman at the door. "We'll get the Cat-car ready - don't be long!"

Just as Catwoman and the Kittens disappeared, Batman finally managed to untangle Susan's ankles, spreading her legs so that Robin could yank back Leopard Man away from his dastardly work.

The feeling of the gigantic rod smoothly retreating from her inner warmth was almost enough to send Batgirl over the top again as she let out a long "Oooooooooooooh," of appreciation. There was still a burning fire around her clit, and her emptied vagina was still throbbing away but at least the inner turmoil was ended.

Meanwhile Catgirl was quickly unbuckling the belt and crotch strap, glancing continuously at the window to make sure that Batman and Robin were still occupied. As the crotch strap was freed she simply yanked out the 'Bat-plug' taking Batgirl completely by surprise and triggering a final unexpected orgasm as her crotch and rear-end nerves suddenly exploded into action.

"Ooooh - sorry Batgirl," squealed Catgirl in delight as she gathered her implements together. She was still kneeling in front of Batgirl's throbbing pussy as she finished which was gaping wide and dripping with juices after the withdrawal of the gigantic pseudo-cock. The temptation to lean forward and suck at the juices dribbling over the delicate folds of pink skin was almost irresistible. So she did.

Batgirl rolled her eyes at the sudden activity again as Catgirl's head disappeared between her legs for a few all-too brief minutes. She knew she shouldn't, but couldn't stop her body enveloping the probing tongue, and try as she might she couldn't stop herself enjoying the blissful touch of those delicate lips. "What's the matter with me?" she thought as her hips swayed gently to the touch, "Why are Susan and Catgirl having such an effect on me?"

But all too soon, Catgirl had drunk her fill and was up on her feet, checking that Batman and Robin were still occupied next door. She needn't have worried. Now that Leopard Man had been dealt with and trussed up with his cubs, Robin had returned to Susan to help her, but had been caught by surprise as the nubile young lady had wrapped her arms around his head and dragged him on top of her. She was now trying hard to plant passionate kisses on the young lad's squirming face. Batman rushed over to help.

"She a real enthusiast, that one," said Catgirl in admiration again before returning her attention to Batgirl.

"Got to go my pretty one, shame we've been interrupted don't you think?" Batgirl breathed deeply and kept her counsel.

"You do look a bit wanton like that though," she noted, admiring Batgirl's stretched and sweat glistening naked form, black panties still rolled down on her muscular thighs.

Stepping forward with a grin she gripped the panties, dragging them back up and over Batgirl's hips, making sure that she gave them a sharp pull upwards as the front cupped her sensitive pussy causing Batgirl to suck in air as she felt the material embrace her throbbing mound.

"Au revoir!" she laughed, about to spin away and follow after Catwoman.

"No!" screamed Batgirl. She had suddenly realised what she would look like if Batman was the one to release her. She'd been found naked the last time that Batman had rescued her from Batgirl's clutches - and he hadn't let her forget it!

Pride had to go. "Please. You can't let him find me like this!" she begged.

Catgirl was caught by surprise, but stopped.

"It wouldn't be the first time," she remembered thoughtfully as she came back in front of Batgirl. "Maybe I could let you go though." She was thinking fast, and suddenly her eyes lit up. "There'd be a price though!"

"What do you mean?"

Catgirl checked the next room again, where both Batman and Robin were now cavorting on the bed trying to pin down the squirming Susan.

"Plenty of time," she thought as she leaned closer to Batgirl's face, wafting her sweat fragrance across her in the process and whispered huskily "Next time I capture you Batgirl, I want you to make love to me. No restraints, just the two of us, pleasuring each other."

Batgirl breathed hard, desperately confused. She couldn't promise that surely? Her brain was saying 'no' but her body was saying something else entirely!

Catgirl decided to raise the stakes. She leaned forward further until their noses were almost touching then pressed her luscious, pink lips over Batgirl's, taking the young crime fighter by surprise again as she cringed back. Not for long though as she felt her body respond almost immediately, working her own lips back at Catgirl's and as Catgirl squeezed her lithe tongue between Batgirl's soft lips her own tongue responded instantly, twisting, dancing and joining together in mutual embrace.

They were both breathing hard when Catgirl reluctantly pulled away, and their eyes were locked in a mutual state of lust. Any inhibitions Batgirl had over kissing another woman were long gone after the day she'd just had.

"Yes?" queried Catgirl, still breathless.

Batgirl struggled for a moment with her conscience, but however much it sounded wrong her lips framed the word 'Yes' softly in reply.

Catgirl bounced up and down with glee. "Promise?" she squealed, not quite able to believe it.

There was still time to for Batgirl to change her mind, but in her current state... "Promise," she eventually whispered in resignation "Just get me down from here! ... and you've got to capture me first!" she added, the fight returning.

"Not been a problem in the past." was the casual reply as Catgirl reached up and flipped open the fastenings around batgirl's wrists, then jumped back in case Batgirl had been fooling her.

She needn't have worried, Batgirl's aching arms simply flopping down by her side almost lifelessly, her head sagging down in response.

When she looked up again, Catgirl had gone.

She was still breathing hard, but needed a few minutes to get life back into her numbed fingers. As she glanced through the window to check on Batman's progress, she burst out laughing. The two crime-fighters had finally managed to overcome the young detective, but only by binding her wrists to the bed again. "Full circle!" she thought delightedly, revelling in Batman's discomfort for once.

As her strength flooded back, she quickly reached down and flipped open the fastenings around her ankles, finally managing to stand up straight. Her muscles were still so stiff, but she needed to get sorted so she staggered over to the table to retrieve her Batgirl suit. She removed her boots and stepped into the costume, very gingerly as the sleek material wrapped itself around her sensitised pussy and even more gingerly as the two front cups enveloped her swollen breasts. With a sigh of relief, she was able to twist round, seal up, drag on her boots and hey presto! Batgirl was back!

Chapter 15 - Batgirl Gets the Prize

She took a deep breath before pushing open the door and striding confidently into the lab room.

Batman and Robin both span around as she made her entrance.

"Holy Superheroes!" cried Robin enthusiastically, "It's Batgirl."

"Where the hell have you been?" said Batman, somewhat less so.

"That evil feline monster gassed me when they captured Susan..." she started and continued to give the two of them a VERY edited version of how she'd been tied up and forced to watch the events through the one way mirror.

"But I got away in the end," she finished triumphantly "so I thought that I'd better help you with Susan."

Robin was horrified at the tale. "Jumping Jackrabbits! Poor Susan!"

Batman was more measured "A dastardly plot indeed. But as there appears to be an antidote, maybe all will be well - eventually." Glancing at the wall he added "I wondered about that mirror. Come on Batgirl - show us this room."

That wasn't in Batgirl's plan, but Batman had already taken her arm and was guiding her out of the room, "Susan's not going anywhere and the three Leopard scum are well and truly trussed up." Batgirl could see what he meant, but the funny thing was that Leopard Man still looked as if he was in a trance and the gigantic erection hadn't subsided much. Batman followed her gaze. "That's powerful stuff by the look of it. We need to get it analysed at the Batcave."

When the three of them trooped into the little side room, Robin was again shocked at the sight of the A-Frame. "Holy Moses Batgirl! Did they tie you to that?" Batgirl nodded.

"And that's all?"queried Batman suspiciously.

Suddenly he stooped down and lifted up a pink glove lying under the table, studied it for a minute or so and then realisation hit home as Batgirl's heart sank.

"Catgirl was here as well?!"

She decided not to answer.

"And she just made you watch? Nothing else?"

Batman knew all about Catgirl and was sounding distinctly incredulous, but Batgirl held her ground despite feeling her face go a bright shade of crimson. Fortunately Batman let it drop and after a brief scan round the empty room they trooped back into the lab.

Batgirl had been developing a plan while they'd been talking. Every time she saw the delicious looking Susan's now prostrate form on the bed, she felt her sex tingle, and in her current state the young detective was clearly the right person to scratch that itch!

"Look Batman. It's probably better if I sort out young Susan here. You strapping males will just be a distraction for her." A bit of flattery never went amiss with Batman! "And anyway, we need to analyse all the liquids before we use them," she added as she stepped over to the table, putting the phials of green and yellow liquids into her utility belt.

She handed the blue liquid to Batman, "I'll sort out these two back at my place, and you can do the blue one. See if you can reverse that ridiculous erection on Leopard Man!" she laughed, holding back her desire to give him a well placed kick on exactly that same member after the torture he'd inflicted.

Batman thought about it for a moment, couldn't see anything wrong, so shrugged his shoulders and said, "OK Batgirl. About time you did something useful anyway."

Batgirl was happy enough to have got her way, so bit back a catty response!

"Hey!" she exclaimed thoughtfully, "How DID you manage to find us without the tracker device?"

"Oh we got lucky," Robin chipped in, "We got an anonymous call!"

"That CERTAINLY was lucky!" reflected batgirl as she cringed at the thought of what the next thirty minutes would have done to her without their intervention!

With that she went over to the bed/table. Susan's restrained body looked absolutely delectable, although even she was looking a little tired. Her smooth skin was still glistening, her pussy was drenched with juices, and her hair with sweat, but her eyes still looked back at Batgirl's with unadulterated lust. Batgirl leaned forward and whispered into her ear. The eyes opened wider, lust still dominating but she nodded with a look of sweet anticipation spreading across her face.

Batman and Robin looked on with amazement as Batgirl released the young woman, helped her sit up and then calmly helped her get dressed from the pile of clothes on the chair beside them. No struggling, no fighting and no attempt at sexual games.

"How the hell did you manage that?" exclaimed Batman who'd clearly been expecting to have some fun at Batgirl's expense!

"What did you say to her?" he added suspiciously.

"Oh nothing much," Batgirl replied airily, "I just told her that I'd be taking her back to my place so that we could work on each other... err I mean on the antidote." Fortunately, Batman missed the slip.

Susan was dressed now and was gingerly stepping down onto the floor. Batgirl had her arm around her waist as she helped the young detective towards the doorway, who instinctively wrapped her arm around Batgirl for support. Batgirl had to twist slightly so that Batman wouldn't see the hand cupping her suited breast!

"You might as well take the Bat-mobile, Batgirl. It's parked out front. Robin and I can get back with the police when the Commissioners men arrive."

"Oh, how long do you think it will take to get the liquids analysed?" he added as the two woman reached the doorway.

Batgirl thought about it for a while and Susan whispered in her ear. Batgirl laughed and shook her head. "It'll be at least a couple of days Batman." "I'll work at it full time, but we can't afford to risk anything going wrong for all these unfortunate secretaries," she added quickly as Batman looked as though he was going to challenge her

"And that gives us at least 48 hours together," she whispered back into Susan's now expectant face.

"Batgirl's such a conscientious crime fighter!" exclaimed Robin, shaking his head in something approaching awe, "And after all that she's just been through!"

"Mmmmmmmmmm," replied the Caped Crusader thoughtfully, watching the two figures disappear around the door, not sure if he'd really seen Susan's hand drifting down Batgirl's side to cup and squeeze one of her suited bottom cheeks!

The End (for now).

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rdapmanrdapmanabout 7 years ago
More Catgirl

Catgirl, please post videos of your sessions with Batgirl!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Best story series I've ever read! Has a little bit of everything! You are truly an artist!

aisielynnaisielynnover 10 years ago


Thanks duke for the response back. i just finished reading the Batgirl Begins Parts 1 - 3. All very good and great foundation work for how Batgirl and Catgirl first face one another. Looking forward to reading the rest of the Batgirl stories. *grins* Keep up the excellent writing.

duke1951duke1951over 10 years agoAuthor
my fault

A big thanks for your positive comments aisielynne - it's really encouraging to know that people have enjoyed Batgirl's experiences as much as I've enjoyed writing them!

This was the first story that I wrote a couple of years ago now and, at the time, I wasn't sure that I'd do any more! Basically I just wanted to see if I could write at all, and whether people would actually like my story if I did.

Hence, I hadn't really thought through what a series might look like and my 'numbering' wasn't really that clever! My sequencing hasn't been helped by my titles running up against the character limit that Literotica imposes either, so my initial attempts to keep them alphabetically in order has been a failure as well! So I'll certainly take the blame for all the people that have been confused by it!

So (Dilemma) this was my first story and I numbered it '3' on the off-chance that I might write some 'pre-quals' at some time. This I eventually did with the Batgirl Begins series which is numbered '2'. But, to complicate life it seems, I split that into 3 parts (Begins 01, Begins 02 and Begins 03).

I haven't written anything historically before the Begins series, although technically there's scope for a '1' at some stage and I've got some ideas for that. One day maybe ............

Thanks again - Happy New Year!

aisielynnaisielynnover 10 years ago

Love this story line. i was looking at your story listings and could not find the first two parts to this section of the series... could you possibly resubmit them? i would love to read your Gotham series from the very beginning and look forward to reading the remaining "books" in your series. *warm smile* Thank you and very much appreciate the wonderful writing. Keep up the awesome work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

great story..looking forward to the next part

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Incredible story, simply awesome, eagerly awaiting your next masterpiece!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good Job

For a first story you did a very good job.

Especially leaving us wanting more!

Got a little confused on who was doing what to whom at one point but otherwise it was very creative.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Loved it!!! Glad it will be a series. Thanks

duke1951duke1951over 13 years agoAuthor

Thanks for positive feedback, and yes I plan to produce a small series of "A Day in Gotham" along the same lines - watch out for Robin and the Kittens next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
VERY good

will there be more to this story

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