A Demanding Woman Ch. 05

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Denied orgasms, Madeline goes a little slutty-crazy.
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By the time I got to my office on Monday, I felt calm about the whole thing. It wasn't like I hadn't gone two weeks without an orgasm before. God, the time right after I tried to seduce Skye in college and we stopped talking, I couldn't even think about sex for two weeks. I didn't always masturbate when I wasn't dating, so there had to be a solid two weeks or even a month someplace in there. Plus, I was sure at some point, Blake and I had just been too busy to have sex for for two weeks. Okay, maybe not two weeks. We were pretty reliable on the three to five times a week plan, usually closer to five. Since Tala had entered my life, I don't think we'd gone without for even three days. Damn. Worse, I'd wrapped up a big project recently, so was kind of floating until we got the data for something that I would be on full-time over the summer.

I left early and went by Blake's office and dragged him out of work. I was crazy horny. The moment I got in the door, I striped for him.

"Your slut wife needs it so bad, baby. She can't wait."

He pulled me to him, pressing me into his swelling cock. "Mmmm. Your hubby wants to fuck you silly right now, but don't you have to wait?"

I nodded. "I do, but we can still play. Put something in my ass, will you, baby? Fuck my ass with something while I try to swallow your cock. Please?"

"Are you su--"

"Fuck, I'm so fucking sure. Put something in my ass now! Your slutty wife needs it."

He laughed. "Are you sure you can go two weeks?"

"I don't know if I can go two days. But right now, just get the lube and, God, I don't know, a candle? Something long and smaller than your cock. I don't think I'll come from being your ass whore. God, I love being a slut like this."

In the bedroom, we kind of sixy-nined, except he didn't go down on me. I was desperate for it, but when he gave me a tentative lick, I pulled away. "If you do that, I'll come. Just play with my ass. If I start building towards something, I'll let you know."

He switched to kissing my ass cheeks and rubbing the candle against my rosebud. It felt really good, but not too good. Exactly where I wanted to be.

I've never deep-throated anyone before, or tried. I kept hitting my gag reflex. Skye could do this. Damn. My BFF was a dyke and better at blow jobs and anal.

"Babe, I'm going to call Skye--ooo!" I said, just as he slide the candle into me. "How deep is it?"

"Just an inch. Skye?"

"Won't it be hot to have her tell me how to blow you? Move it a bit." He did. "I like that. I won't come from it, but it's nice."

He kept fucking my ass with the candle as I called Skye.

"Hey babe, can you help me?" I asked.

She laughed. "Help you with what?"

"Blake has a candle up my ass right now and it feels really good. I want to take him all the way in my mouth."

"God you're a slut," she laughed. "How does it feel?"

"Good. Want to come over and watch? I want you to see what a fucking slut I am."


"Blake," I said loudly enough that Skye would hear through the phone, "do you want Skye to come over and teach me how to deep throat you? I'd have to service her, though, since she's gong to get all horny."

"Fuuuuck..." he moaned. "How soon can you get here, Skye?"

"I'm on my way out the door now. Don't you dare come before I get there."

"I can't, remember."

Blake pulled the candle out of me and we made out until Skye got there, maybe ten minutes later. She didn't bother knocking--just came in with her key. She threw off her clothes as she came to bed, leaving me nothing but her panties to take off. I took them off with my teeth.

After we kissed a bit, I told her my rules. "I want Blake to come on me. I want you to either lick it up or feed it to me. You have to coach me into getting him into my throat--"

"He might come. Guys say that's really intense."

"You better not, baby," I said, giving his cock a little squeeze.

"I'll try."

"Okay, and Skye, I know that you're officially a lesbian now, but will you fuck him? I'll go down on you, but if I can't come, I want this ... I don't know. That's what I want."

"For you, baby, the world."

"I love you both so much. Now let's get that candle back in my slutty ass."

Skye took over ass fucking duties, since Blake was distracted by me getting him deeper into my mouth. By the time I finally suppressed my gag reflex enough to get him balls deep in my mouth, Skye was fucking me fast and deep (ish--three inches) with the candle.

I loved it. Blake had to pullout immediately, though, to not come in my throat. His first pulse went on my nose and glasses. The second and third he aimed at my tits.

Skye left the candle in my ass as she crawled up next to me and licked the come from my face and fed what landed on my glasses. "I hope this doesn't ruin your lens coating," she laughed.

Then she swirled it about my nipples. I writhed on the bed. Fuck, I was so desperate to come. If either of them had touched my cunt or even my belly button, I would have gone off.

I rolled away from Skye and stood. "Sorry, but I'm too close right now." I shifted my hips around, the candle-tail feeling weird. I pulled it out and tossed it on the floor. "You two fuck, okay? I'll get a chair and watch. No, will you two tie me to a chair? Force me to watch?"

"Really?" They said in unison.


Skye tied me firmly enough that I couldn't squirm out no matter what, then sat at the edge of the bed, spreading her legs so wide, they were perpendicular to her torso. Her bare cunt was right before me, deliciously wet and fragrant. Blake kissed me before stepping between her legs.

"You're sure you want this?"

I just nodded.

They fucked for a good, long time, since Blake had come just a bit before. Skye came once, shouting, "Oh my god, Love, I'm coming so hard." I didn't know if she meant him or me. Then she pulled his face towards hers and whispered something. A bit later, he pulled out and jerked his cock three times, splattering my belly with his seed.

"Fuck, Love, that was hot," Skye said, crawling down on the floor next to me. "If I lick that from you, will you come?"

I nodded. "Yes ... oh, god, I'd come so fast. Please don't"

"You want to, don't you, slut?" my grinning husband said.

"God, so much, but I can't."

Skye laughed then leaned forward and licked my abs. My whole body shook.

"Please, don't."

She licked again. She wasn't too close to my belly button, but I was getting dangerously close to coming. I bit into my tongue to distract myself.

She dipped her finger into Blake's come puddle and swirled it around, then brought it to my lips, bit by dripping bit, until I'd eaten all of it.

"Now it's time for me to get mine. Bitch, I'm going to ride your face so hard."

She and Blake tied me to the bed and she used my whole face as her sex toy, coming twice.

Unfortunately, that did nothing to make me less horny. We didn't have Skye come over again--I knew if she did, there was no way I would be able to stop from coming ... like a thousand times. So I tried to just give Blake blow jobs then go for an exhausting swim, followed by a cold shower and wearing flannel pajamas to bed. By the end of the week, I was wearing a heavy pad to work to hide the fact that I was constantly aroused, and three pairs of my thickest granny panties plus two pads to keep myself from touching myself as I slept. I was desperate for a come.

Monday, Tala called me at work. "Madeline, are you still between projects?"

"For the next month, at least." I explained about where we were getting our data from and some of the other project details, knowing she actually cared about the details in a way Blake and Skye never would.

"Good. Talk to you manager and move your vacation up to Wednesday. The best hut just became available. We simply must stay at it. But it's only available Wednesday through Wednesday."

"What about..." I looked to see if anybody was near my office door, "proving I'm disciplined?"

"Have you given in to your base instincts?"

"No. I was tempted, but I didn't."

"I accept that you would continue to show similar restraint. At your heart, you're a very capable woman."

"But what about Blake? I--"

"Madeline, please, this is a once in the lifetime opportunity. That hut is usually reserved years in advance. I assume your husband didn't go the week without gratifying himself. He'll make due. Now go ask your manager before I feel offended."

I closed my office door and called Blake first. We discussed ground rules--I could have sex with Skye or Tala, but no making love. We admitted we didn't have an exact definition, but I'd know what it was. If there were guys, he wouldn't be happy, but admitted that the things with Tom turned him on. We decided a few blow jobs or hand jobs would be okay, but no oral sex from a guy, and absolutely--and this was really an absolute--no penetration.

After we hung up, I played with my wedding band set and thought about what we'd just agreed to. I read Dan Savage, I know what an open relationship was. It was this. I was just given permission to have sex with multiple partners while my husband was a thousand miles away. A small part of my wanted to cry. I never imagined this and I certainly would want Blake to be jealous. But the bigger part of me loved being a slut. I wasn't foolish enough to tell myself the ass play had been to get to where I could take Blake. I wanted Tala to don full leather dominatrix gear and fuck my every hole.

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PrivateFirstClassPrivateFirstClass7 days agoAuthor

Thanks, Vertex, for all the supporting comments! It really makes a difference when so many people seem to think a story that's not for them is an offense to their existence. As to what Tala will eventually demand…that's coming soon! (All of this is written, so it's just waiting for review and release).

And Coldxxx, thanks, too, for the comment. Right now, Blake is getting a super horny wife, sex with Skye and ample blow jobs, so probably a win for him. Once Madeline goes away with Tala and Skye…? You'll just have to wait and see how it unfolds. I hope you're both entertained, aroused and surprised by the remaining 3 chapters.

26thNC26thNC7 days ago

Abusive bitch munches some carpet.

VertexVertex7 days ago

I can't wait to find out how desperate Tala is going to make Madeline and how far she's willing to go in order for Tala to take her....

ColdxxxColdxxx7 days ago

In can't stop wondering if this leads to divorce. She already given her sex to her Dominatrix in stead of her husband.

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