A Double Date, The Catch and Beyond

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The double date and the catch.
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Ben muted his tv, listened harder. He was right, he had heard crying.

He tiptoed through to the other bedroom and listened at the door. Definitely crying. "You ok Jess?" Stupid question really, but he had to start somewhere." No answer, just the crying. He quietly turned the handle and carefully eased the door open just a crack. He raised his hand over his face to deflect any shoes, her favourite missile, that might come his way should she not want company or, more likely, had company, she was a good shot and some of those shoes had vicious spikes: he did occasionally wonder at the clubs she was going to.

He peaked around the door: no flying shoes. She was lying on her bed sobbing. She sensed his presence and, curling into a ball, rolled away from him.

He climbed onto the bed and sat beside her. She stayed where she was for a few seconds then rolled over, laid her head on his hip and threw an arm and a leg over him. He started to gently stroke the back of her head.

"Wasup sis?"

Her sobbing had subsided to sniffles. "Finished with me."

"Si?" Si, short for Simone, is/was the only thing about Jess's latest girlfriend that he knew, he hadn't even seen this one.

Jess nodded against his stomach. "Aww Jess, I'm sorry." She nodded again, squeezed with her arm and the sniffles dropped away to soft breathing as she fell asleep.

He looked around her room, she definitely had better taste than him, better style as well. Maybe it was time to bite the macho bullet and ask her advice. She'd gloat at first but would love giving it. The whole place could do with a lift: a joint project; she'd be the brains, she'd love that too.

He looked down at her face: with mascara and foundation streaked across her cheeks and nose from her crying, it was a bit of a mess. She was still beautiful.

They were twins born within seconds of each other. They, Ben and Jess, didn't know who had been first: all their parents would say was that, according to the midwife, they were born that close together that the second must have been hanging onto the foot of the first. Jess always maintained that she must have been first, she's the girl she'd say, and she'd got the best bits, he just got the leftovers. But what they did get together were looks. People were always commenting on, even now in their mid twenties, just how much alike they looked.

He looked around again. They'd lived here for three years now, didn't seem that long, and they'd been lucky to get it. They'd lived their first twenty-one years with their parents and two siblings, one younger, one older, in a four bedroomed semi that was nowhere near big enough for them all. But it was a lovely house and the biggest their parents could afford. The trouble was that they were the ones sharing a bedroom, always had done: they were the twins after all.

And that was fine for quite a few years. But then puberty kicked in and the fights were massive. Always about space, privacy and stuff; there just wasn't enough space, never enough privacy and far too much stuff.

But, despite the fights being massive, they were always twins, always brother and sister, always loved each other and always looked after each other.

And they always talked. They'd each had their own tiny bed on which they would sit and talk. About everything.

All of which meant that they knew pretty much everything there was to know about each other.

They'd hit their 20s and both had reasonable jobs and had been saving for as long as they'd had them. The trouble was that, no matter how much their pots of savings got, the goal of owning, or renting, a place of their own always seemed to be the same distance away. So they were still sharing the same room with the same issues.

Then a college friend of Jess's gave her the heads-up about this place: a two- bedroom apartment with en-suite shower rooms and a decent lounge, dining room and kitchen that was coming up for sale in his complex. They'd dashed round before it even hit the market; had a look, a chat, tossed around the positives, there were lots, and negatives, there weren't many, decided it was the best it was likely to get for the foreseeable future, pooled their savings, got the scary mortgage, tapped the parents, made the offer and got it.

And they were still there, and forever aware that it had been the right decision. They knew that there'd come a time when one of them would want to move on but for now it was, almost, perfect.

It was half an hour before Jess's breathing deepened and she began to wake up. For another couple of minutes neither of them moved or said anything.

Then Jess said, "Will you go on a date with me?"

"A date?" They often went out together: to the pub, a restaurant, to the cinema, but it was never called a date.

She nodded.

Hmmm, had to be a catch. Jess was very definitely gay, had never been out with a guy in her life. "Catch?"

Jess wriggled a bit against his leg and mumbled something. He brushed her hair away from her face.


"A double date."

Ahhhh. The catch. Hang on? "Si finished with you minutes ago and you've already got a date?"

There was a pause, then she mumbled. "Already had the date."

That was Jess for you - never short of a girl. She was a stunner and Ben was always envious of how good looking her girlfriends were, but they never lasted long, but then Jess was never without the next one for long either. She was nothing if not prolific in the girlfriend department.

Ben chuckled. "Tart."

She chuckled back then said, "Sorry." As if she needed to apologise.

"So come on then, tell me."

"I've got a date with this girl, I've been trying to get her to go out with me for ages. But she always goes on her first dates with her friend, kind of a chaperone."

"She knows you then."

She slapped his leg. "Shut up." Then laughed.

Jess did have a tendency to try to sleep with her dates straight off the bat. Often succeeded. Ben had occasionally slept with some of her ex's and they pretty much all said that Jess was quite the seducer.

"Stop interrupting. Anyway, this friend is straight and I need you to distract her."

He laughed at that one. "Distract her? What? You mean like, keep her talking while you slip out the back door with her mate? And then I can get out of Dodge can I?"

"Nooo! Well, you can if you want. But this girl isn't bad looking or anything, you might want to......you know."

"You know what Jess?"

"Well......you know......you might want to." She slapped his leg again. "Please little brother."


"Alright then, big brother." She really, really wanted this.

Ben hated double dating, he didn't much like dating at all, but double dating......yuk!

"Oh alright then, but only because you're my little sister."

She jumped up, suddenly full of beans, kissed him on the cheek and squeezed his cock through his shorts. "Not that big. Thanks. Come on then, sort yourself out, get your dancing shoes on."

"What? Now? Tonight?" He suddenly had a sinking feeling that this was heading south, and fast.

"Nine, at the Groove. But we can go to the pub on the way, numb you up a bit."

Ben groaned. Fuck! The Groove! He was going to need numbing up. The Groove was a big gay club in town, it could be good fun but he was as likely to get his arse savagely mauled by a leather clad rhino as he was to dance with Jess's dates friend. Fuck!

And four hours later, after a two whiskey numbing: it didn't help that much, they paid the ridiculous entry fee and walked into the pit of ear drum destroying music and a seriously extravagant display of hot swaying flesh.

And Jess fitted right in. A mini skirt that stretched the definition of a mini way beyond any definition of a mini, a voluminous blouse that was totally transparent, no bra, a pair of knickers that had less fabric in them than a cotton bud and a pair of heels that screamed 'FUCK ME!'. It had still taken her two hours to get ready.

But he had to admit that she looked damned hot.

He however had taken thirty minutes and looked like he just wanted to go back to the pub and get lashed. Which, right at that moment, was exactly what he wanted to do.

Jess had looked at him, groaned, and said, "It'll have to do I suppose."

Which had greatly offended him.

But here he was.

They scoured around and managed to slip into a booth just as a couple were slipping out. Jess then pulled her phone out of her tiny shoulder bag and quickly texted her date, let her know where they were.

Ten minutes later and two girls appeared from the crowd to stand smiling down at them.

"Hi Jess." The tall blonde said. Jess had done it again, the girl was drop dead.

Jess jumped up and squeezed out to give the girl a hug. "Hi P. Ben, this is P and Eve. Eve, Ben."

"Hi Pee. Eve." For some reason he was feeling even more uncomfortable.

"It's P, just the letter. Nothing else." She somehow managed to make it sound different.

She had him flustered. "Oh, sorry."

"Hi Ben, it's Eve, just as it sounds."

"Oh, sorry." Maybe he'd said that wrong as well.

"I'm teasing, sorry."

This was getting worse, now he felt stupid.

"Do you mind if we sit down, my shoes are killing me." Said P just the letter, nothing else.

Ben glanced down. They were screaming 'fuck me' even louder than Jess's, it was so loud they could probably hear them in the queue outside. Maybe their shoes should go on a date.

They all shuffled in with Ben making way for Eve. As they sat he whispered to Jess, "Shoes.'

"I know I know." She groaned back, she already thought she was on a winner.

He'd figured out what was wrong with him, why he felt so flustered. He was shell shocked. Eve was totally gorgeous. About 5'6 with pale, almost alabaster skin and long red hair, thick dark eyebrows over almond shaped pale blue eyes and long curving eyelashes. She was wearing baggy herringbone shorts, a tight fitting, long sleeved green top with an open back crisscrossed with thin straps tied off with a bow at the back of her neck and no sign of a bra, then green heels that didn't scream anything at all and the smallest possible shoulder bag.

"Lovely to meet you Eve, you look fantastic."

She blushed and smiled. "Thank you Ben......" She'd said something else but the noise in the club was now way beyond the crescendo level.

Ben leaned into Eve's ear. "Can I get you a drink?"

She shook her head and held up a bottle of water. Ben nodded and breathed a silent sigh of relief; the drinks were so expensive here that hardly anyone bought them, it was one of the reasons the entry fee was so high: they didn't make any money selling drinks.

He glanced across at Jess, she already had her hand up P's equally mini mini skirt and her lips to her ear, no doubt discussing the future prospects of their shoes.

Ben nodded Eve's attention towards them, she looked and her eyebrows lifted in surprise. She turned back and put her bright red lips to his ear. "She doesn't hang about does she."

He managed to control his shiver at the touch of her breath. "Nope, that's my Jess, straight to her point." She laughed at his meaning.

"Would you like to dance Eve?"

She nodded and they edged out of the booth and pushed through to the heaving dance floor.

Fifteen minutes, four songs and a number of growing bruises on Ben's arse later they went back to the booth.

When P saw them approaching she stood and, pulling Eve with her, headed off, presumably to brave the WCs.

Ben slid back in to sit beside Jess. In an effort to hear each other speak they put their heads together.

"I see you're getting along with P just the letter."

Eve grinned and shoved her fingers up Ben's nose. He recoiled.

"Get away you disgusting creature!" He laughed. Pushing her hand aside he put his lips back to her ear. "Eve's gorgeous, how come you're not all over her, a girl being straight never stopped you before."

She sat back and mumbled something, she actually looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong? You've tried haven't you."

If anything her embarrassment grew more acute, she shuffled, shook her head, and looked away.

"Come here Jess, tell me."

She leant back forward and mumbled something into his ear.

"Jess, come on."

"She's got bits."


"You know, bits."

"No I don't know. What bits?"

She sat back and, in embarrassed exasperation, nodded at his crotch and shouted. "Bits! She's got bits!"

Those nearest their booth turned and looked.

"Oh, those bits." To say he was stunned was an understatement. There was the real catch.

Jess glared at the watchers and then looked back at Ben. She mouthed sorry at him and then sat there in silence, still watching him.

He waved her back forward. "You could have told me before we came out." He found he wasn't angry. "I would still have come along." Would he have? He wasn't sure. Now what?

"I'm sorry, please don't go."

"I won't, but you owe me big style."

She grinned. "I do, name it."

She'd wish she hadn't said that. But that was for another time.

Then Eve and P reappeared, and he knew what he was going to do.

"What are you two scheming?" Asked P.

"Oh Jess was just telling me a secret."

"And what was that?"

"Ahh, wouldn't be a secret then. How about another dance Eve?" She grinned and nodded. He took her hand and, after a glance back at a now confused Jess, pulled her deep into the crowd. He realised that he was excited.

They danced close, there wasn't much choice in that crush, but he wanted closer. He took the quarter step up against her, she took a quarter step back.

He did it again and she stepped back again. She hadn't looked up, just seemed to do it out of instinct.

He stepped in again and put soft fingers on the bare skin at the small of her back. No pressure, just trying to tell her it was ok.

She took the step back again, he didn't stop her but leant to her ear and said, "Eve, I know."

She froze. Still didn't look up.

"It's fine."

She still didn't look up but slowly started to move, took the quarter step back towards him.

Pressed against him, a hand on his hip, she moved with him; thigh to thigh, chest to chest, moving as one, slowly gyrating with the crowd.

Her face in his shoulder he felt her words rather than heard them. "Are you sure?"


Her other hand clutched his shirt and, shifting slightly to one side, she pressed a little harder.

And his erection began to rise.

He tried to ease back a little but Eve wouldn't allow it: she squeezed his hip and followed him with her body, pressing back against him.

So Ben went with her.

And felt a different pressure against his thigh.

He slid his hand down onto the bubble-butt of her bum, gave her a soft squeeze.

Eve responded by rubbing herself against him. Their tempo increased. Their dance became nothing more than an erotic rub of body against body, her groin against the top of his thigh, his against her hip. The sexual tension building in time with the rushing blood.

Eve had buried her face in his shoulder, her wet breath soaking his shirt.

Ben's ears were pounding, he couldn't do this for much longer. He'd been turned on within seconds of Jess's revelation, a reaction he hadn't expected, now he was on the point of the consequence.

He was saved by Eve.

She lifted her face and kissed him. A long, deep, searching kiss that had his head in a whirl. "Please can we leave?"

He didn't answer. Just turned and, taking her hand, led her back through the crowd until they reached Jess and P.

Ben stopped and looked down at them.

He could see very little of P. Jess was all over her, clearly they were kissing but all Ben could see was one big tangled mop of blonde and black hair and Jess's back, her lower arm was hidden by the table but it was obviously still hard at work between P's legs.

Eve stood behind him, still holding his hand but he could feel her beginning to laugh and he gave her a tap on the thigh. She pressed her face into his shoulder in a vain attempt to suppress the laughter.

Ben shouted, "Jess." Anything below a shout was pointless. No response, Jess continued with her sophisticated seduction. He rapped his knuckles on the table. Nothing.

Last resort: he tapped her on the shoulder.

Jess turned her head and glared, saw it was Ben and flopped back.

"Oh god!" mumbled Ben.

Eve's teeth bit into his shoulder and he could feel her shaking with laughter against his back.

P looked like she'd been gang-kissed. Her lipstick was everywhere, her hair, which had probably taken an hour to get right, looked more like she'd spent the hour in a centrifuge and her eyes were gone, she was out of it, totally spaced.

"What?" Jess was annoyed. The seduction must have been going to plan.

The only thing Ben could think of to say was. "We're leaving." He turned and, with a now howling with laughter Eve still clutching his hand, headed for the door.

They burst out into the cooling night air.

Eve was still laughing, gasping for breath. "Oh I so wish I'd taken a picture of that one. I've never seen her like that before. Priceless."

Ben pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Right in front of the queue.

"Mmmm, are you going to seduce me?"

"I certainly hope so."

"You better grab that cab and take me home then."

He glanced over his shoulder and saw a cab just pulling up, his luck was with him tonight, he lifted his arm and, still hanging onto Eve's hand, stepped over to the opening door and exchanged places with the two men stepping out.

After telling the cabbie his address he sat back beside a grinning Eve. "What are you grinning about now?"

"P. I dread to think what condition she's going to be in tomorrow morning."

"Ha, that would be worth seeing."

"Will Jess take her back to yours, you share an apartment don't you?"

"Yes we do, and yes she might."

"Will Jess mind me being there?"

"Absolutely not. We have a rule to respect each other's space and......guests. We'll take the piss when we're on our own about stuff, but never about......that. Are you ok with maybe seeing her there?"

She thought about it for a moment. "Yes, it'll be a bit weird if P's there as well, but yes, I'm ok with it."

They settled into silence and Ben put his hand on her leg, began stroking the soft skin on her inner thigh with his fingertips.

He glanced at her. Her head is back against the headrest, her eyes are closed and her nipples are very much evident.

Twenty minutes later Ben closed his bedroom door behind them.

She pressed up against his back and wrapped her arms around him, began tugging at his shirt buttons. "You're still dressed." Her voice was husky, a real need in it.

He rubbed his arse against her, could feel the thickness of her cock against his leg. "Who's seducing who here? Thought that was my job."

Her fingers are having trouble, the buttons wouldn't play ball. "Fuck seduction, I need......"

Ben twisted round and kissed her, reached up behind her and found the ends of the bow securing her top, carefully pulled them through until it was just held up by friction.

He tugged it out of her shorts then off her arms.

Dropping to his knees he kept pealing it down until it was at her ankles.

The swollen bulge of her cock was very obvious under her shorts and, squeezing her buttocks, he rubbed his face across it then bit her through the thick fabric and pressed his tongue against her.

"Oooh fuck." she groaned and pressed her hands against the back of his head.

With one hand he reached up and gently kneaded each of her breasts then flicked the large button on her shorts open and slid the zipper down until the only thing holding them up was his hand on her arse.

He let go and they drop to her ankles.

And all that were left were a pair of thin green satin cami-knickers, the weight of her erection pushing hard against them.