A Drink After Dinner


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I wasn't surprised to hear that Gary had had a long-term – presumably sexual – relationship. He struck me as having much more awareness and understanding of women than his friend, Mark, who clearly saw them all as sexual targets, and behaved accordingly. I could certainly tell that Gary had made a hit with Susan – more so than his friend, I thought, with some satisfaction.

Susan was talking about how we had managed to survive those three years at different universities, glancing at me, from time to time, with that wicked look in her eyes. She knew exactly what I was thinking – 'For God's sake, let's get out of here, and back to our empty house!'

I drained my glass, and stood up. I had had enough. "Come on then – it's time we pushed off. I daren't drink any more, anyway!" I announced. To my relief, Susan got up, too – followed by the two boys, who said they would have to get back, too. So we walked out together, into the now darkened car park.

"Can we give you a lift?" asked Susan, suddenly. I knew they were camped in the opposite direction from us, but it was only a couple of miles and I was quite happy to go out of my way. But it wasn't as simple as that – is it ever?

Mark asked if we could take him back to the field, then run Gary into the town –where we lived, anyway – so that he could pick up some chips, then get a lift back to the field from their two friends who were in the town, anyway.

"Yes – that's all right, isn't it, Robert?" said Susan, who was even more animated now that she was out in the open air. Taking my acceptance for granted, she opened the passenger door of our two-door car and held it open.

"Now, Gary, you get in there, and I'll get in beside you, because Mark will be getting out first ......"

Gary clambered in and Susan flopped down beside him and pulled the passenger seat towards her. Mark got into the front, beside me, and we set off. It only took a couple of minutes to cover the two miles, with Susan chattering gaily all the time, then I pulled up at the side of the road, as directed by Mark.

He thanked me for the lift and we shook hands. Then he turned his head and tried, rather awkwardly, to reach his hand behind to shake hands with Susan. She giggled as he struggled to get round, then suddenly half-raised herself from her seat and, putting her hands round his head, kissed him full on the mouth. He caught on quick, I'll say that for him, and managed to put an arm round her as they kissed, open-mouthed.

I must say I wasn't exactly surprised – Susan was obviously very fired up, and I had worked out already that she fancied this guy. And I should worry – he was about to disappear from our lives – for ever. So, if he ratcheted up Susan's sexual temperature by a notch or two – that was OK by me. I could sense, though, that Gary, in the back, was a bit shocked. His stunned silence was almost audible! No doubt, he was now hoping for something of the same when his turn came – and I was looking forward to witnessing it, I realised.

Looking a bit stunned himself, Mark stumbled out of the car, and Susan sank back in her seat. I pulled the passenger door shut, and gunned the engine. Susan took a long breath, then exhaled slowly.

"Wow!" she said, then – "Hey, take it easy, cowboy – you don't want to get stopped, do you?"

There was something in that, and I slowed back down to a respectable 20 mph. There was a brief silence, then I heard Susan say – "Gary? Do you miss Sandra very much?"

There was something in her voice, and his hesitation before he replied, that made me glance round. Sure enough, between the two front seats, I could see Susan's hand on his and, as I watched, she intertwined her fingers with his, then gently pulled his hand out of my field of vision.

My heart began to thud. What was she up to? Where had she put his hand? I didn't hear his reply, and glanced round again.

My cock stiffened. Susan's left arm was pulling Gary's head towards hers, her mouth upraised and open. He was twisting his head towards me, his eyes wary. I snapped my head back to the front and reached up to adjust my mirror.

It re-focussed just as their lips met in a hungry kiss, Susan's hand clasped round the back of Gary's neck. My eyes travelled downwards, and I saw Gary's right hand, guided by Susan, close round the firm swell of her left breast.

It was an incredible sight. I had visualised this in my mind a hundred times, when Susan had described it to me, but this was the first time I had ever seen another man actually feel her breast. I didn't know what to think – or what to do. This wasn't fantasy – this was happening.

I slowed down even more – aware that my infrequent glances at the road would make me a real hazard if I was going at any speed at all. My heart was beating like a triphammer – I was so excited, I almost felt sick. It was then that I knew, for sure, I didn't want to stop it – in fact, I didn't want it to stop. There might come a point when I would, but I didn't know when it would be. All I knew was – it wasn't now!

I realised I was now crawling along in second gear. Susan and Gary were still on their first kiss, and I could hear Susan moaning softly. Gary's hand was now feeling her breast openly, squeezing and cupping it, but he had made no move to uncover it. He must have known Susan wouldn't object, which meant that I was the one he was worried about ......

God, if only he knew! My cock was practically screaming for release as it stood up, ramrod-straight, in my tight trousers. I didn't want to speak, for fear of breaking the spell – I decided to try to signal my OK by letting the car coast to a halt. I slipped the gear lever into neutral, and slid the car into the side of the road. I left the engine running, in case a sudden silence might alarm one, or both, of them.

I turned in my seat, to get a better view. Susan's eyes opened, and she slowly removed her mouth from Gary's. She pulled his head down into her graceful neck and spoke to me over his shoulder.

"Hi, Robert," she breathed softly. "This OK?"

I didn't trust myself to speak. I nodded vigorously, trying to signal my excitement and approval with my eyes. My eyes strayed to where Gary's hand was still caressing Susan's left tit, then back to her. A little frown of concern furrowed her brow.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Oh, yes," I replied, and mustered a shaky smile. It was the most erotic thing I'd seen in my life. I doubted I'd survive the moment when his hand slid inside her dress ......

"Robert!" Her voice was urgent, and I looked into her eyes again. They slid over my shoulder – her head jerked slightly, telling me to look out of the car. At first, I didn't get it – then, in the soft moonlight, I saw the gently swaying yellow heads ......

Susan began to giggle. Gary raised his head and, sensing the change of mood, jerked back into his seat, releasing Susan. There was a look of puzzled disappointment in his eyes. Suddenly, Susan pushed the passenger seat forward, fumbled for the door catch until it gave, then scrambled out of the car.

"You explain it to him, Robert – I'm starting to run, now!" She tore off down the narrow road, then disappeared into the field. My brain raced with the task of trying to explain to Gary – and I decided not to.

"Come on," I said. I hopped out of the car and held the door for him. He clambered out.

"Look," I said. "There's not much time for explanations. Susan – well – she likes to be chased – and captured – it's a sort of – a game. When we catch her – well, just follow my lead – do what I say. OK?"

He stared at me, then grinned.

"Gotcha!" he said, then turned and started to run. I took off, as well, but I soon realised he was quicker than me.

I could see them both, in the clear moonlight. Susan was moving fairly quickly, but Gary was obviously a runner, and he was reeling her in, steadily. I had no intention of getting there first, and 'capturing' her, anyway, but I realised I would have to hurry if I was going to be close enough to see what happened when he did catch her up, so I tried to put on a sprint. I was badly out of condition, and my erection wasn't helping my running action ......

I was still about twenty yards away when Susan finally gave up and slowed, then turned, raising her hands above her head, as though in surrender. But then she stretched them out in front of her, straight from her shoulders, as though warding something off, and began half-walking, half-running, backwards, away from the advancing Gary, her face wearing a convincing expression of fear and apprehension ......

Gary, too, had slowed down, obviously unsure of what to do, and he was about ten yards away from the retreating Susan when I caught up with him.

That was when I heard her say – "No – please – please don't ......"

It took me a second to catch on – then it hit me like a bolt of lightning – both of our fantasies, in one! We could see her face, now – contorted in apparent terror, her voice thin and quavering ......

"Please – don't touch me. Let me go, please ... please ...."

Gary had stopped, and I shouldered my way past him, and grabbed Susan's shoulders. I could feel her trembling as I whirled her round to face Gary. At the same time, I moved behind her, pushed my hands beneath her armpits and locked them behind her neck.

"Nooooo," she wailed. "Please – noooooo!!!!!!!!!"

"Come on, Gary," I breathed, my cock jammed hard up against my wife's squirming buttocks. "Come and give her tits a feel ......"

"Oh, no – please," whimpered Susan, but not quite convincingly enough.

Gary stepped forward and placed his hands, confidently, on Susan's breasts – and squeezed. I felt her shudder, and she moaned – "Nooooooooooo .........."

Gary started on the top button of her dress.

"Oh, no – don't open it – don't ......"

Her bum was rotating wildly against my erection, and I had to keep taking deep breaths, to keep myself from the point of ejaculation. My mouth was dry, and my heart thudding wildly as I watched the young man skilfully unbutton my wife's dress, revealing her lacy yellow bra through which, even from my vantage point behind her shoulder, I could see her nipples making large indentations ......

With her dress open to her waist, Gary reached up a hand and took Susan's left nipple between his thumb and forefinger. First of all, he rolled it gently, and I could hear Susan's breathing becoming quick and ragged – then he squeezed it, sharply, and she gasped, with a quick intake of breath.

He looked into her eyes, and grinned, then bent his head and, through the flimsy bra, took her other nipple between his lips, and sucked at it vigorously.

"Ooooohhhhh, Jesus," moaned Susan. "Ooooohhhh, please ........"

She was becoming difficult to hold, as she writhed around, her head shaking from side to side. I didn't know how much more of this I could take .........

"Get them out!" I snarled at him, over her shoulder. "Get her tits out – let's have a look!" It was – really – as though I would be seeing them for the first time. And it was the first time I would be seeing them exposed by another man – to another man.

"Oh, no," beseeched Susan. "Not – two of you – I've never had two men touch me – there – before ......"

But, to the accompaniment of a choking sob from Susan, Gary lifted the bottom of her bra, and raised it up, revealing her naked, succulent breasts. They had never looked so tempting to me. I desperately wanted to reach forward and fondle them, myself, but I sensed that Susan wanted to stay 'imprisoned' by my arms – to be 'helpless' as her body was exploited and fondled by this virtual stranger.

And Gary, now, was taking full advantage, his mouth and hands roaming freely over Susan's tits. Her body was now tightly sandwiched between us and I was sure she must be able to feel Gary's erect cock, also, pressed hard against her.

Then, suddenly, her bottom jerked back hard against me, and she let out a long, shuddering moan. I felt her raise herself on tiptoe and realised that Gary's fingers must now be delving between the tops of her slightly parted legs – and, for the first time, I thought about the logical ultimate outcome of this passionate role-play.

Could I handle it – the sight of another man's cock sliding between Susan's open thighs? I tried to visualise the scene and the answering surge deep in my balls gave me the answer ......

Gary had dropped to his knees and was tugging at the remaining buttons on Susan's dress. From behind her, I was staring down at her breasts, bouncing free. My hands ached to take hold of them, and I loosened my grip round the back of her neck and cupped them, sliding my hands under her armpits.

She twisted her head, looking up at me, and I lowered my mouth to kiss her. Her tongue forced its way inside my mouth and a succession of low moans came from deep in her throat.

I looked down her body. Her dress was now fully open, and Gary's hands were at the waistband of her panties. As I watched, he began to slide them down, over her hips, down her thighs. He lifted one of her feet, and pulled the skimp garment over her shoe.

Then he slid his hands up the back of her legs, and I moved back, just in time, as his hands cupped the cheeks of her squirming bottom. I felt the added weight as he eased himself between Susan's thighs and lifted them slightly, and dipped his head towards the dark V at the top of her thighs.

I saw his lips descend on her pussy and caught a glimpse of his tongue, extended forward, before Susan suddenly arched her back, a soundless scream vibrating the back of both our throats. She ripped her mouth away from mine. Her body was horizontal, rigid, as she fought for breath against the choking, sobbing gasps brought about by the invasion of her engorged cunt by Gary's probing, caressing tongue – and, I could now see, his thumb, expertly teasing and vibrating her clitoris.

Then her breathing came in great shaking gasps, and I lowered her, as gently as possible, to the ground. I stood up, shaking with overwhelming excitement, as she lay on her back, the lower half of her body writhing in passion as Gary expertly tongued between her legs. Her hands flew up to grip her naked breasts savagely, clutching her nipples, and pulling them, stretching them ......

Gary's free hand was busy unbuckling his jeans, then he frantically pushed them down, exposing his lean, hard buttocks. I caught a fleeting glimpse of his thick cock before his fingers closed round it, and he shuffled forward a little, lifting his mouth away from Susan's soaking cunt.

I didn't know when I had opened my slacks, but my own rock-hard erection was in my hand as I watched Susan's legs open wider, gently eased further apart by the pressure of Gary's advancing knees.

Then, I saw him lower himself between her waiting thighs. Susan's eyes suddenly focussed on me – they were wide – questioning. I couldn't read the expression in them – was it fear, doubt, or an unspoken plea for approval? They flickered to my hand, clutching my own erection – then it was too late – her mouth dropped open and I saw Gary thrust himself forward and I knew he was in her – his hard thick cock driving up inside her moistness ......

He was now lying fully on top of her, his buttocks thrusting back and forth. Her hands reached up and grasped his hair, pulling his head down into her neck, and her legs scissored round the backs of his thighs, locking his maleness deep inside her. He was grunting, now, with each deep thrust, and her answering gasps were in perfect unison. Suddenly, he pulled his head back and raised his upper body until he was sitting upright, the backs of Susan's thighs supported on his, lifting her hips from the ground, and revealing, to me, the sight of his cock ploughing in and out of her spread lips.

His hands reached down and grabbed her swaying tits. He pulled them, hard, and she began to shake in the throes of imminent orgasm. One of his hands slid back into her dark forest and I knew he had found her clitoris again. Susan's neck arched and the back of her head dug into the soft earth. Her cry was long, drawn-out and piercing, and gave Gary the trigger he had been waiting for.

As she began to convulse, he plunged deep into her and, releasing her breasts, pulled her hips against him. I stared at the fusion of their pubic thatches, as they shook together in mutual climax, locked together in a moment of total ecstasy, then Gary began to shake as his sperm rushed inside her and he let out his pent-up breath in a mighty series of harsh gulps.

I had wanted to delay my own climax – I had had some confused thought about adding my sperm to his, inside the lovely writhing body of my wife – but, it was too much for me. I, too, was gasping and moaning in release as jets of cum streamed from my own tortured cock, spraying over the ground ......

I was numb – momentarily. Closing my trousers, I watched, as though from a distant place, as Gary, passion finally spent, leaned forward and kissed Susan softly on the mouth. She didn't seem to return his kiss, but nor did she reject it. He eased himself away from her and stood up, turning his back to pull up, and fasten, his jeans.

He turned to face me and seemed about to say something. Then he thought better of it and shrugged his shoulders. He was right – there was nothing to say. He spread his hands, then, with a hesitant smile, turned and walked away, continuing across the field, away from where the car was parked, in the direction of the main road.

I watched him for a while, and, by the time I turned back to Susan, she had managed to dress herself again. We hugged, very tightly, the way that people do, when they can't think what to say, but they want to show their love for each other. I felt much better after that. I knew we would have to take time to absorb this experience, but I thought we would not be harmed by it, and might even, eventually, find it enriching.

We spoke little on the way home but, once we were inside, we bathed, and then made slow, passionate love. Afterwards, with neither of us inclined to sleep, we spoke, at last, about what had happened and, slowly, the remembered passion overcame us and we made love, again, this time recalling the incident in detail, and savouring the unbelievable excitement we had both felt.

We have relived it in our memory, and imagination, many times since then, although we have never repeated it. We understand each other's needs much better now, though, and have each had small 'adventures', part of the enjoyment of which has been the prospect of discussing them later, when we're alone together ......

(As always, I am very happy to get e-mail comment on my stories, and will reply to all those with a return address.)

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Chuck and whores in Merry Olde.

fishgetterfishgetteralmost 3 years ago

olblueyesabout 1 year ago

i am having conflicting emotions,,the story is a 5 and well written,,and so on, my first reaction was to beat the ever loving out of susan and gary,,,but remembering back to when i was married,,it gets boring after a while and the sex gets monotonous,,i had "adventures" and i think bobbi and nanci did as well..we just never told the other while we were married,,maybe its better to discuss it when its happening,,susan just let it happen and looked to hubby for approval when he finally woke up to what she was doing in the back seat..i dont think that is right,,i believe in swapping partners aand swinging but not fooling around in front of your partner,,if one is getting strange then your partner should be getting some as well...the thing that ended my marriage to nanci was she told me she was having an affair while we were in the shower b eing amorous,,it was my best friend and they had been seeing each other for months and were in love...she didnt want to lose the marriage but would not stop seeing him...i tried to adjust for a week or so but felt so betrayed i had to leave,,,their relationship ended a month later. but i digress. """""""""""" Have you ever tried to look at a spell check app? Microsoft has one that is free and is quite good, but you would be so mad at all the small ( I's as in i ) that it will flag you may not write another comment. If you did add another comment, it would have a better impact with the spell-checker. ALWAYS use UPPER case I, when using an I, in reference to one's self

fishgetterfishgetteralmost 3 years ago

Great story. Don't be swayed by the nay-sayers on this comment section. Keep on writing.

mcbsmcbsalmost 4 years ago

Willing Cuck story. Two stars.

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