A Drow's Dilemma Ep. 25: Traveling


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Ashyr refrained from questioning Althaia about what she could possibly need to do here. Instead, her mind was on the sleep sex. "Though I do have to say; perhaps we limit our liaisons to the waking world from now on." There was actually a somewhat dark look on Ashyr's face. She might have been jealous. Or tired. Probably tired. Ashyr didn't get jealous. That would be ridiculous. The older drow settled in even closer to Caleldir and ignored the knowing look on her cousin's face.

Her eyes darting from one elf to the next, Althaia stood up. "Well, I confined my efforts to the waking world." Althaia confessed. "It was just Caleldir who was not awake. But you do not have to worry about that any longer. I have far better control of my urges now. I will confine my efforts to when Ashyr wants to watch. But not today. Here: behind that bush is the entrance to the little cave. I bid you a good sleep." With that, the nymph faded away into the morning.

Caleldir finished eating and went to douse the fire. He still had a disturbed look on his face. "Well... that seal really did not come a moment too soon." Shaking his head, he pushed aside the bush to find an entrance big enough to crawl into, and a very snug chamber beyond: long enough to stretch out, tall enough for Caleldir to stand up without any danger of knocking his head, but only wide enough for three to comfortably lay if they were all touching. It had already been made up with a comfortable bed. "I suppose that it is just the three of us today." He said with relief. He would have preferred just two, but saying that would be rather cruel to Selene. Actually, never mind. The sadistic drow would probably only think that funny. "As long as Ashyr stays in the middle, I have no complaints." He finally decided out loud.

"Aww, afraid of me, are you?" Selene asked with a taunting look. "I suppose that's fair." That look turned positively maleficent. Her hand very delicately caressed the back of his head and his neck. She'd followed directly after him. Selene was eager to get some sleep and get out of the sun.

Ashyr came up behind them with an amused look on her face. Selene was, well, sort of teasing him. Ashyr knew that she wouldn't really do anything unless she got permission. The younger drow just loved fear, especially when it was directed towards her, and the older found that wickedness alluring. It would have been strange, had Ashyr not been born and raised drow. In her culture, that trait was near celebrated.

"Don't worry, love. I'll protect you from her. Unless, of course, you don't want to be..." Ashyr said with a teasing tone. She began to remove her armor to get ready for sleep and placed the hardened leather in the entrance to keep someone from accidentally sleeping on it. In short order, she was stretched out in the middle of the sleeping space wearing only her loose shirt.

Selene, of course, was naked again.

"It is not really fear..." Caleldir muttered. It was more unease, really. He turned to Ashyr. Lowering his voice so that Selene could not hear him, he whispered a reply to the older Drow. "Just keep her from going full Port Afron on me. Other than that, well, I am at your disposal." With that, he turned his armor into loose breeches, laying down next to Ashyr. He yawned. Snuggling up to Ashyr (not that he had much of a choice with how narrow this cave was) it was not long before he began to feel quite sleepy. "Goodnight, or rather, good morning, Ashyr and Selene." He said, closing his eyes.


The old monastery glowered on the horizon, thick mists concealing massive portions of the haunted building from sight. Inside, endless corridors and cavernous halls stretched out in the forebodingly silent darkness. Going deeper, the view changed to the massive library, grown beyond its walls, and covering one of its shattered walls like hanging vines. In the middle, a ghostly woman floated. She looked directly at the dreamer, smiling in an expression that bore no friendliness. "I am waiting for you, Goelon Duvainor." She reached out, and screeching darkness covered everything.


Caleldir bolted upright, then groaned. Once again, he felt as if he had seen something important in a dream, but could not remember what it was.

Ashyr started. As her body had been partially across him, his sitting bolt upright was extremely disruptive. She sat up as well, suddenly wide awake and as dangerous-looking as anyone could be unarmed and covered in blankets (and a naked Selene.) There was no immediate danger within sight. He must have dreamed something again.

"You okay?" She asked. Ashyr rubbed his back lightly. "Althaia didn't -?" She let the question hang in the air.

"He looks fine." Selene told her cousin grumpily. Someone didn't appreciate waking up so abruptly.

"No, Althaia does not have any dream powers." Caleldir replied. "I believe that she just used that sleep venom to keep me asleep and had sex with me, and my mind supplied the dream explanation on its own. Probably. No, this dream was similar to one that I forgot the morning before Ashyr was captured by those orcs." He stroked his chin. "I do not think that is a good sign." He shook it off. "No matter. We will deal with that when we come to it."

Ashyr scratched the back of her neck sleepily. "Well we're awake now anyway. Shall we get some practice in before Althaia shows up?" Her usual grin flashed across her face. "Or should we get some 'practice' in." It would take the most innocent of people not to know what she really meant by the second sort of practice. Or the Caleldir from a couple weeks back. Same thing. Her grin widened at that thought.

The younger drow rolled her eyes and flopped back to the bedding.

"I would love to practice. Either one, really, but the martial training is probably more important than the other type." Caleldir dropped his voice low enough that Selene could not hear him. "Unless of course you want to keep preparing me to deal with capture by Drow matrons by unleashing Selene on me." Caleldir tone indicated that he was mostly joking. Especially since he ducked out of the cave and shifted his rune to his usual padded armor. This time, instead of two bastard sword appearing in his hands, he conjured up a sword and a shield. He looked enormously pleased with himself. "These weapons are not very strong, but they are weightless to me but still hit heavy, and they can be whatever I want. Best stab wounds ever!"

"I don't know... I think I'd prefer a different kind of stabbing..." The ranger said as she nudged her cousin lightly and winked at Caleldir.

"Yes. I did not enjoy getting this rune." Selene agreed. She rubbed at the spot where Caleldir's father pierced her. That had been absolutely terrifying in one of the worst ways possible.

Ashyr nodded, then, without obvious warning, she drew her blades and threw herself at Caleldir in an aggressive attack. She was completely jealous of his ability to summon several different weapon combinations. It had been bad enough when it was just the two bastard swords. Maybe she'd have to get his father to stab her again. Ugh. She now regretted the innuendo she'd just made.

Even though Caleldir kept himself from launching into the savage madness of his attacks last time, he was clearly more comfortable with his counterfeit Titan weapons than with sticks or rods. He flowed smoothly from one stance to another, relapsing to his textbook positions, but now far more skilled in them. He almost seemed to be remembering old skills than learning new ones. He was still not the equal of Ashyr's centuries, though he seemed to be beginning to tap into his own centuries of experience. He observed as much. "I think that I may have learned a little bit of swordplay while I was a ghost." Caleldir commented as he tried to execute a trip and slam combination attack, "my muscles have a sort of memory to them as if they are falling into old habits. That, or my father simply unlocked some latent Titan skills."

Ashyr dodged out of the way of one of his attacks, though only barely just in time. "Who knows what you got into as as ghost." She panted. By her expression, she was thoroughly enjoying herself. "Or who." She continued. The grin on her face turned wicked. Ashyr sort of doubted that his ghost got up to that sort of thing. Really it was just said in the attempt to throw him off-balance. Her words were accompanied by a quick, dexterous maneuver very much like the one she'd used when they'd first kissed after she knocked him to the ground.

Although he began this session feeling rather pleased with himself about how his skills had increased, as the training wore on he realized that Ashyr had been going easy on him up until now. She probably still was. It was somewhat disconcerting to realize how very much he was still outmatched. Then again, he was closing the gap. He had to be. "I highly doubt that I- Oomph!" Caleldir began when Ashyr's attack took him completely off guard. He immediately crumpled to the ground. It was a nostalgic move, actually. "Huh. This feels like a familiar position." Caleldir commented to Ashyr, who was straddling him in the same manner as she had when the two of them had first kissed. The memory made him more than a little bit aroused. "So, are you going to surprise me with a kiss this time too? I think I am less skittish now than I was then."

"Well, now I can't, because it wouldn't be a surprise." Ashyr replied to Caleldir with a slight, insincere pout. Then that familiar naughty look crossed her features. "I'm just going to have to do something else that will surprise you."

Selene's interest, which had been on the mock fight the whole time, only grew when she saw that move Ashyr did. The cousins knew each other for long enough to recognize and be familiar with their fighting styles. That particular move had been used on the younger cousin on several occasions. Selene could see what she was about to do for what seemed like ages. Apparently Ashyr didn't have to be so sneaky about it with Caleldir. He quite literally fell for it. Selene rather envied Ashyr's position on top of him, face inches away from her prey, one hand pinning the corresponding wrist. The other hand was behind Ashyr's back where Caleldir couldn't see. Selene, however, could see quite clearly. It signed something that could only be to Selene.


Teeth bared in an almost feral grin, Selene's hand whipped forward. Vine-like tendrils sprung out of the ground. To the casual observer, it would look like a small version of a druid spell that usually spanned a forty foot area. The vines were not natural upon closer inspection. They more resembled ropes. The magical ropes grabbed at Caleldir's wrists and ankles and held him to the ground with moderate strength.

"Take off your armor." Ashyr hissed with feigned menace. That was one expression Selene was far better at making. The older cousin simply looked playful in comparison.

Caleldir swallowed. "Err... Umm... No?" He said with some trepidation. "Frankly, if you want me to remove my own armor, you are going to have to release me. Obviously." His tone indicated that he knew he was playing dumb. His armor was magical summons, so of course he could dismiss it at will. But that would be making things far too easy for the sadistic drow. Vaguely, Caleldir wondered what would happen if Selene tried to remove the armor on her own (his theory was that it would just disappear like his weapons did when he dropped them) or hit him with anti-magic. Then again, she could just him with pain rays until he removed his own armor. "On second though, I will comply." He said. His armor vanished, replaced by normal clothing. Because letter of the order rather than the spirit...

"Good choice." Ashyr said with her usual grin. A look of feigned consternation crossed her face when he instead put on normal clothing. She probably should have seen that coming. Ashyr had heard about his mulishness during that time in the bathhouse with Selene. Even if he wanted it in the end, he was going to fight. Fine by her. More than fine. She liked this way. Confident that he could no longer escape, Ashyr shifted her body lower. She was still wearing her armor, of course. A bit of an oversight. Well, there was one thing she could do. The older drow shifted all the way down until she could press her lips against his pants. If there were only fewer layers, her mouth would be against his manhood. That's what he got for only following the letter of her orders.

Selene approached, though her gait was slightly hesitant. Ashyr had not explicitly said that she could join in. Well, it would not be fair of Ashyr to refuse her now. The younger drow walked with more confident step the last couple feet until she joined the other two. She knelt beside them to run a caressing hand down Caleldir's chest. That hand ran all the way down until it slipped underneath his shirt, and then upward again to feel the naked flesh of his torso.

Although Ashyr was closer, the approaching Selene was slightly more on Caleldir's mind for the simple reason that she was a bit more threatening. Ashyr simply did not do threatening as well as her cousin. Plus Ashyr did not have those pain rays which Caleldir really hoped he had not developed an addiction to. Either way though, Caleldir was going to be unnecessarily stubborn, because being stubborn was what he did. Especially when it was pointless. Stubbornness or not, Caleldir's little charade with not removing his clothing did not last much longer. When Selene's hand rubbed over his chest, she brushed against the subtly glowing rune that kept his clothing in place. The rune winked out, and his garments vanished. The look of shock on Caleldir's face clearly showed that the unsummoning had been involuntary. Well, here the situation was not so bad, but this exposed a huge weakness in his armor: no matter how powerful an armor he could conjure, a simple interruption of the rune would leave him naked and vulnerable for who knew how long.

Thankfully, Ashyr had been watching Selene caress Caleldir and did not get hit by Caleldir's suddenly free cock that bounced out like a spring. Not that she would have minded too much, though it was perhaps a bit undignified. Her eyes did widen in surprise when his clothes had suddenly vanished. He seemed just as surprised as she was. Ashyr also understood that, while it was great in this situation, this could be a very negative thing if they weren't careful in the future. She worried about it for a moment until she noticed his turgidness so close to her face. There were better times to be worried. Her fingers wrapped around his manhood caressingly. Beginning at the base, she drew the flat of her tongue up to the tip and stopped to swirl around his lower head. Her eyes were trained as much as they could be on his face. A sort of playful glimmer shone behind that soft crimson.

Selene looked exceedingly pleased with herself. Her intent had not at all been to interrupt his rune. She just wanted to run her hands along his body while he was powerless to do anything about it. But this? This was an outcome she could only dream about. One touch, and he was rendered completely naked. Her hand, still on his chest, clenched slightly to draw fingernails back down his torso. It was just soft enough to not leave a mark on his flesh. "That was interesting." Selene said in a tone thick with arousal.

The look on Caleldir's face shifted to one of distress. Forget theoretical enemies that could render him vulnerable during a fight, Selene had been the one to discover the easy way of stripping him. The expression on her face and the tone in her voice were both rather... disturbing. His complicated relationship with the sadistic Drow made his feelings on the topic highly ambiguous. He swallowed a bit. But as much as he was worried about Selene, the way that Ashyr was giving him some sort of combination hand-and-blowjob was way more pressing in his mind. He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, just enjoying the feelings coming from his nethers. "You are amazingly skilled at that, Ashyr." He breathed out. Even Selene scratching her fingernails down his chest could not really distract from Ashyr's ministrations. So, for now, he would ignore the younger Drow. That was probably a terrible idea, really, but at the moment Caleldir did not really care.

The older drow smirked and winked at Caleldir. Then she took him into her mouth slowly, carefully. She was just teasing him for the time being, pressing down to the base of her hand still on his cock, then pulling off just enough so that her tongue could swirl around the head, and repeating the process.

Selene scoffed. "It's demeaning is what it is." She responded, looking down at her older cousin with disapproval. "I mean, getting a taste is one thing, but-"

"Shut up Selene." Ashyr cut her off curtly, though she had to pull her mouth away to do so. Her tongue licked the outside of him. Her eyes now stared mischievously at her younger cousin. "What if I made you do this?"

"I would revolt." Selene responded primly.

Ashyr had already engulfed him with her mouth again, but still managed to make a sarcastic "Mm-hmm" noise. It sent vibrations through her mouth and down his cock. She wasn't going to make Selene do it. That would just be a stupid battle. Selene was young. Eventually she'd learn the error of her opinions.

If Caleldir was not inside his body, it would have been intensely amusing to simply watch the cousins bicker with each other, especially given that the topic was, essentially, whether or not it was a degradation of dignity to suck off a slave (not that Ashyr thought of him that way, but Selene certainly did). Caleldir could not even pretend to have his own thoughts on the matter. The topic had simply never occurred to him before now. If that was even what they were arguing about. But, Caleldir was inside his body, as most of the living generally are, and Ashyr's expert ministrations made concentrating on the drolleries of familial arguments about sexual techniques a bit more difficult. So whatever the cousins were disagreeing on Caleldir kept looking down at Ashyr. The sight of her beautiful face enthusiastically licking and engulfing him that way was intensely erotic.

"You know, I think you're not paying nearly enough attention to me." Selene said with a distinct annoyance in her tone. She didn't mind so much that his attentions were focused elsewhere, it was that her cousin was being irritating and she couldn't exactly take it out on Ashyr. One hand snaked behind her back to undo the latch that let her robes fall to the ground and bare her lovely breasts. Then she wriggled out of the garment entirely. Completely naked and facing him, she sat straddling Caleldir. He wouldn't be able to look at Ashyr if he wanted to. "What if I make you pleasure me with your mouth as well?"

Caleldir found himself staring up at the dark elf's nude body. It was a fantastic sight, of course, but Caleldir remained somewhat on the mouthy side. "You really would have to make me." he replied, letting her draw her own conclusions from that.

No one could see, but Ashyr rolled her eyes at Selene. This didn't mean that she stopped what she was doing on Caleldir. Her pace was still teasing and gentle, which probably juxtaposed jarringly with the mannerisms of her younger cousin.

One of Selene's slender, angled eyebrows rose. She would have to make him, would she? Well, she knew what had convinced him to stillness before. Her slender hands threaded lightly through his hair in almost a caressing gesture. Then she clenched her fist just hard enough to hold on to his hair somewhat painfully. He might have already been looking at her, but now she denied him the privilege of looking away. "Would I?" She responded with the quiet menace she was so good at. "You know I have several ways of doing so." She chuckled deep in her throat and her eyes flashed with violent intent. "And I've discovered even more, thanks to your kin. Would you subject yourself to all that before you'd agree to give up just a little pleasure? It would be your fault. You would have asked for it..."