A Futas Guide to Sissification

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A short guide to training the perfect little sissy.
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A Futas Guide to Sissification

This is just a one of, let me know if you're interested and I could maybe make more like this or similar. I also apologize that this is only in writing, I really wish I was better and could draw this as a comic. Inspiration comes from a comic I once read by 'Voloh'


Hello everyone! My Name is Dasha. I made this guide here for all the futas and femdoms out there that want to get themselves a sweet little plaything, add some permanent spice to their relationship, or just want to have some crazy DIY fun, no judgements here! I'll be sure to list down the equipment/tools you'll need with each step. Let's get started!

Step 1: Acquire Target


- Just your charismatic self!

The very first thing you will need is to find yourself a man. Now you can start with a girly boy who would most likely be willing to join, it could also be a boyfriend who needs a bit of a tune up, or just look for one at a club, or bar, or party or something. You never know, maybe one of your brothers' friends might be interested. If you are new, I would suggest going to shop at Sissy R Us. Not only would you find excellent toys, costumes, cages, devices, etc. there but it is very likely that you can find a little sissy shopping there too, and will be more than happy to be trained. I d warn you though, he might already have a trainer and you do not want to get into a fight over property. Consent is always important.

If you are a bit more seasoned at this and want to perfect your art, you could go to a club or bar to pick a man up. You would be surprised how many men will eagerly join a beautiful woman anywhere. It is important that you don't pick up anyone too drunk, as I mentioned earlier, consent is important.

Lastly, if you are already in a loving relationship but want to make things more fun and exciting and a simple fingering or even pegging isn't doing it for you, transforming your boyfriend into a girlfriend is great idea and could also help shift the power dynamic.

Since this is a guide, I have a man with me here today! I was out shopping for some clothes and found him searching for a gift for his 'girlfriend' hahaha! Of course, once we had left together, he admitted he had no sister and just found women's clothes 'interesting'. This brings us to the next step.

Step 2: Test the waters


- Just your beautiful self again!

Now that I have a man, I was lucky enough to find one that easily admitted to his inner feelings. This could have gone the other way and maybe he really did have a girlfriend so it is important to be careful about this, don't want to be barking up the wrong tree. If there is no response, or a negative response, you'll have to go back to Step 1.

If you met your sissy at a place like Sissy R Us, its pretty safe to say he is already interested and if he doesn't have a trainer, trust me, he'll let you know before you even ask. These little munchkins are always the best place to start for newbies given how eager and willing they are. However sometimes it is possible that they aren't really open and some simple questions can help them realize and you find out about their real feelings. In the past I have met some little sissies there that aren't outright eager, or even trying to be manly. My simple technique is to just ask them for advice. Something like showing them a cage and asking if it will look nice on a sissy little dick. Become more friendly and ask what he might like to see someone in, but don't be too obvious. If you get lucky, like I once did, show them a sexy costume, mention he is the same size as your own little sissy and would love to see how they may look in it. Of course, if he agrees, you already know that he will be willing and open to be trained.

Let's say you decide to go a more difficult route and pick up a guy at the bar. Its very important not to have any naked fun time until the next day, no matter how much you or he want to. This not only gives you an air of mystique, but also makes him more interested in you. In your second meeting you could discuss stuff you are interested in. Chances are this will take some prying to get more info, but hopefully this can lead to further development. Here are some simple questions you can ask him, and yourself:

- How often do you take care of your skin?

- How do they react to others crying?

- Have they ever bought flowers for themselves?

- How often do you cook for yourself?

- How often do you give yourself breaks from work?

- How do you feel about lots of makeup?

- How do they react to conflict?

- Have you ever considered getting your nails done?

- How often do you exercise?

- When was the last time you took a bubble bath?

- How do they feel about getting, and giving massages?

- When was the last time they cried and what made them do it?

- How often do they shop for clothes?

These may seem pretty simple questions but they can lead you and him to a deeper realization and you can develop him further. If they aren't really interested, I'm sorry but it's back to step 1

Now let's say you already are in a relationship. If you're at the point that your man has already agreed to pegging, or even have a little finger up his butt, you can just skip on down to Step 3. If not, some fingering is always a great way to test the waters. Just a simple slide in during sex and you can gauge their interest. If he has a negative response, I'm sorry, but I just don't see your relationship developing any further and you may have to turn back to Step 1.

Step 3: Hair Removal


- Wax and waxing strips

- Razor blade

- Shaving Machine (if it makes it easier)

- Shaving cream (Bonus)

- Bandages (just in case)

This may not seem like a big step but it is very important. I know it may seem like many people just have a preference for a smooth body, but this is the first step for good reason. Before you ask, no, you do not have to do it for yourself, after all, your sissy should love you however you want him to. Theres no harm in it doing it for yourself either though, so really that parts up to personal preference.

I start from the top. Like my man here today, I give him the razor blade to shave and be fully smooth. Once he's done and completely clean shaven, I like to move onto his chest and upper body. Now the waxing process can be a bit painful for most men, so I make sure to tie him down like I have my little man here. Now there will be screaming from him, but that just means its working. You may think this is only a physical thing, but his mind is learning how bad it is to have body hair. Once my man has a smooth upper body, i.e. his chest, belly and arms are all clean of any of that dirty looking hair, I like to further encourage him. The best way to do this is to give him lots of smooches and kisses all over his upper body, but make sure not to kiss his arms, he might think its his muscles that are getting kissed and you don't want him going to the gym for that.

We now move onto the bottom half of his body. Make sure he is still tied up, because he will struggle but this is for his own good. Make sure to wax the legs and ass first as they cover more area and will get in the way later on. Once you shift to the more delicate area, wax isn't your best option. Of course, for the pubes you can and should use it. I like to give little kisses right after waxing him to make sure he learns to like this pain. You can use shaving cream if you have it but razer is the best for his little cock and bags. Make sure to wear gloves and to pull and stretch his cock as much as you can without causing too much pain. Once you're all done at the shaft, transition to the coin-purse. Make sure you get right under there and spread his legs to go at the taint. It is highly recommended to kiss the taint once done, I guarantee he will get a boner and be convinced further how much he likes you getting close to his asshole.

For those already in a relationship, you'll have to do some convincing when it comes to hair removal. Some men get very attached to their beards for some reason. This is very important step so you have to make sure of this. It'll be a lot easier to convince him that going fully clean is best if you kiss him every time, he's cleanly shaven. In fact, if he gets a full body waxing, offering anal is a great idea to slowly incept the idea that getting fully waxed is the best. Blowjobs and kissing after it also will boost the effects. Negative reinforcement will be your best option early on. If he has a beard and try to kiss you, just push him away and complain about their beard, withhold sex of any kind if he has body hair. It's a slow process and will take time, but it will make the rest of the steps easier. You may also have to do it the first couple of times for him, but eventually he'll learn how important this is and will do it himself. Make sure to encourage and reward him as he develops. This brings us to our next step!

Step 4: The Body


- A Chastity cage of his choosing

- Gym membership

- Skin Care products

- Estrogen Pills

This is sort of the longest process in that it is continuous and you have to keep working it along with the rest of the steps. A sissy's body is going to be going through continuous changes throughout their life. Even by now you have introduced their body to being hairless, and if you're doing it right then he will be doing it continuously. Now many of you will still have a man that's just a bit too... manly. So, the next step is to help him get more in touch with their feminine side.

I would recommend starting with hormone therapy, i.e. estrogen pills. Now if you're one of the futas or femdoms that like to play on hard mode or are in a relationship, this will definitely be a challenge. Most males will not be willing to take this, or will be skeptical. I find the best thing in this step is to use food. Trust me when I say he will not question eating his favorite dish like a nice steak or burger. If you've already established some control over him with the previous steps the food can be a nice reward for taking the pills. If not, sneaking in a pill won't be too difficult, and when they take effect, he'll be thanking you. You'll be doing a lot of cooking and baking because you want to make sure your man gets plenty of fat. If you do it right, the food will make him fatter and the estrogen pills will make sure that fat goes in the right place. For those that chose to do this on easy mode and have some willing sissies can just give him the pills and they will take it eagerly.

Now that he is gaining some weight, he will probably get a little self-conscious and will want to diet and go to the gym. This actually works in your favor as you can join him in the gym. He will be very desperate for compliments and just one can be a huge ego boost, you just have to make sure that the boost works in your favor. Make sure to complement their biceps a lot, like so much that he gets convinced they don't need work. Also make sure to point out their belly, ass, legs and chest. Offer to go for a run every morning and if you're feeling extra naughty, buy him some workout clothes. By now some effects should be taking place:

- Hips should be getting rounder.

- Skin should be getting softer.

- Breasts should be developing.

- Erections should be reduced.

- And ejaculations should be reduced.

His body should be developing quite well by now, and you should be helping him maintain it quite well or else it could backfire. A healthy lifestyle is important for both of you. Make sure you also get him on a skincare regiment. The packaging should all be in pink and purple, basically as girly as possible. He will feel uncomfortable at first but you have to make him as comfortable as possible during the time. Don't be afraid to shower with him, there is a high chance that he'll be too embarrassed to show you his cock since its probably shrunk a bit by now. Compliment it often, calling it cute and adorable works well. As erections reduce you will want him to think you want sex even more. Chances are he'll manage to do it a couple of times, but not every time. Use this to your advantage by slowly convincing him his dick is more of an accessory than a functioning part of his body.

This whole process should take about 3-6 months. It is not easy and you'll have to put in a lot of effort so keep that in mind. By now, if you've been doing everything right, his cock should be smaller and he should feel more ashamed of it than proud. You will change that. There is no point being embarrassed about your own body, so take him shopping. A new chastity cage can be a great way to show off your cock, and going with him to try on a bunch of different styles and designs is fun activity for both of you. Your only job here is to make sure he buys one, but it should be his choice which one so he feels some semblance of control. If he can't find one at one store one day, maybe he'll find one another day at another store. Don't rush this process, enjoy it!

When he is finally settled down with a cage, he will still be shy about it. A little blowjob before putting him in it will help his ego, and complimenting it while its caged helps too. Like I said, this is a long process and even after this step is complete you will still need to make sure he follows his gym regiment, skin care regiment, estrogen pills and chastity cage. Let's move onto the next step.

Step 5: The Mind


- A Chastity cage of your choice

- Hypno/Sissy Porn

- Cuck Porn

- Femdom Porn

- A large futa

- A small strapon and dildo

This is my favorite step! By now it's been about 7 months since you started working on your little project. In this step we will be completely breaking down your man, ending with calling him a sissy.

Now that he is hairless with a small cock and a much more feminine body, we begin with the mind. Begin by asking for sex more and more, by now the pills will have made sure that he just can't keep up with your demands. So why not watch porn together. You can start with regular porn, especially if you're one of the hard mode futa/femdoms. Make sure he watches it in his cage, if he doesn't want to, he must be reminded of how his cock is useless and there's no point, this will become important later. Keep your hand on it, specifically your thumb and finger so he knows how small he is. This way you can also keep an eye on what turns him on. This can vary from person to person. Some sissies like spanking, others like fingering, some like the humiliation, or foot worship, some just like to see a dommy mommy in latex. This will be useful to you so you know what he would want as a reward. Those on easy mode will most likely not have to worry too much on this as he will be grateful for most things.

Once you start watching femdom porn more regularly, you can ask him silly little questions. Asking what he likes, and what he would want to try. Most times he will want to be the dom, pretending to stick to his now forgotten manliness, make sure to shoot down any such ideas early on. With some luck he will eventually want to be the sub. Make sure to agree with him and enjoy this idea. You can even try some stuff like spanking or something as long as there isn't any penetration. This early on could turn him off the whole thing so its best to save that for later. You should also begin treating him like a girl, referring to him as she/her as much as you can. If he responds to anything as a girl, be sure to reward him. You should also alter his name to something more girly or at least androgynous. Like my little sissy here is named Kyle, so I call him Kai. Do it as a joke early on and make sure he laughs at it so you can incept the idea of being called a girls name in his head.

It is now time to shift to cuck porn. He might be hesitant at first, but make sure the girl in the video is someone he is attracted to. This part is important as he will learn how a small cock truly is useless. Make sure he watches it with you and start implanting the idea of threesome into his head. You can mess with him a bit more by inviting your bigger male or futa friends over from time to time and spending more time with them than him. At this point you will need to find someone to cuck him. As I mentioned before, he needs to learn how small his cock is, the best way to do this is to now have a threesome, preferably with another futa. They are generally much larger, and if you're a futa yourself it will be more comfortable for you. Make sure he watches you, make sure you moan, make sure you 'accidentally' get some cum on him and make sure you give him plenty of kisses and compare the much bigger cock to his.

Now that you've from watching porn to being more involved he might get a bit disheartened. This time around you will have to make sure that you show him his true purpose. You can use a dildo to convince him to suck cock, but I would suggest using it with a strap on with yourself so you can encourage him. He will be shy at first but make sure to pet his head and compliment his dick sucking ability and he will soon be eager to suck cock. For the futas, I know you really want your cock sucked, but not just yet. There is the risk of him being a little too good and you end up filling his sissy little mouth with your cum, you don't want that early on because just the taste could turn him into a cum hungry whore and one day, you'll walk into him being gangbanged in the center of your apartment.

Finally, you can switch to sissy porn with him. Make sure you sleep on separate beds, or ideally, he is on the floor. Give him a tablet or just fill his phone with sissy porn. First couple of times you will have to force him to watch, but he should get really into it. Threesome porn can also be mixed in, and I would recommend it. This step will completely breakdown any thoughts he had in his mind and he should now be thinking of himself more as a girl. You should now have shifted to a smaller cage to further the idea that his dick is useless. It is now time to make him feel even more girly!

Step 6: Fucking


- Gloves

- Lube

- Medium sized dildo

- Strapon (If required)

Now that we have have more control over ur sissy we can shift to the most important part, Fucking! Now it is still likely that your sissy is still shy about it and maybe even a bit scared. Start by putting on the glove and lubing up your finger. You will only use one finger at first, do not push it, I know you want to, but its best to take it slow with sissy. The first week, use only one finger and try to look into her eyes as you do so you can get an idea of how she feels about it, as well as add just a bit more humiliation. As the first week ends its possible your sissy will be begging for more, or at the very least he'll be making it obvious. Do not give in too easily, like I said take it slow. Eventually you'll be adding a second and third finger. For those that are on hard mode, don't worry, she will cave, it may take an extra week but soon will fall in love with being fingered and touched. As for those in a relationship, you should not have any issues as he is probably used to a little bit of fingering already and will become eager after a week or two of consistent pushing and shoving.

Now that her hole is ready and eager you can move to a strapon! Futas, your time to shine! Once you've fingered him well and good and opened up his hole you should slide your cock/strap in easily. Make sure every time he cums you reward him, whether its with a spanking, kiss or even grabbing his face tightly and calling him a "good boy". It is very important that he learn that a sissygasming is the key to not only their happiness but yours as well.