A Gift from Another Wife

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Kim is a gift once again.
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Note: This is a sequel to "A Gift From His Wife" but can be read independently.

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It was a sad day and it was a happy day. Jeff, their well-liked finance manager, was moving away. Their company had a habit of moving finance managers from one location to another every three to four years, claiming that this prevented fraud by not giving them enough time to form the bonds needed with suppliers or others. Kim and many others knew that all the company needed to do was hire more people like Jeff and there would never be any fraud.

Jeff was as straight an arrow as could be. He believed in transparency, honesty and keeping well detailed records. Yet he was also extremely likeable. He didn't go about his potentially rigid rules in a rigid way, if that makes any sense. He used humour, he used training, he used clear expectations and objectives that they were all better off with all things financial being clear and by the book. And when you followed all the rules, you were rewarded with a warm smile, a pat on the back, and sincere words of appreciation.

That's why it was so sad to see him go. However, there was a silver lining: he and his wife were going back to their home town and they were really happy about living close to family again. The general manager of their location had decided that a big send-off was in order – paid for by part of the savings Jeff had managed to gather for their location. They were having somewhat of a grand ball at this big hotel to see them off. Rooms had been paid for by the company to ensure nobody would drink and drive.

Kim sat with others from her department, feeling like a third, fifth, or even seventh wheel... the only single at the table. She wasn't unhappy being single but on certain nights like this, it would have been nice to have a boyfriend or spouse. Especially considering how horny she felt. "Darn hormones!" she thought to herself.

As the evening progressed, there was dancing and partying after all the speeches of praise and good luck for Jeff and his wife. Jeff had made the rounds, dancing with almost every female on staff, including Kim. During their dance, Kim could smell his cologne and felt somewhat intoxicated by it. Jeff was a very handsome man, danced well and his hand on her back as they danced felt warm and strong. Her hormones were raging. She certainly had a muse for that night's solo play!

Later, Kim made her way to the back hallway to go to the ladies' room. It was really quiet in there, a nice change from the ball room. She heard the door open once but then no other sound. She quickly finished up and made her way to the sinks. There, obviously waiting for her was Paulette, Jeff's wife.

Paulette spoke up "Hi Kim! Nice dress!"

Kim's dress was a simple a-line empire waist burgundy dress with spaghetti straps to hold it up. She'd had to buy a corset style bra to hold her breasts up without straps but it was quite comfortable and actually made her feel sexy underneath. The dress was mid-thigh length, long enough to be classy yet short enough to show off her legs.

"Thank you! I like your dress too!"

Paulette's was a classic little black dress with a gorgeous broach on one shoulder. "I particularly like that broach! Did it come with the dress or was it your brilliant idea to add it?"

"Actually, it was Jeff's idea. He got me the broach for our anniversary and when we got dressed, he put it on me. We both liked the look!"

There was a bit of an awkward silent as Kim washed her hands. But then Paulette spoke up. "I have a rather unusual request for you and I'm hoping you'll hear me out."

Kim just nodded, not sure what else to do or say.

Paulette continued "You may not know this but Charlene and I are best friends. We tell each other everything."

Kim stiffened up. Charlene was the wife of her formal general manager and on a recent trip to where they were now located, Charlene had asked Kim to be a gift for her husband. Surely she hadn't shared that intimate a story with Paulette! But Paulette was an excellent body language reader.

"Please don't be mad! Please hear me out."

Kim reached for the paper towels and yanked a couple out of the dispenser. No amount of pleading for her not to be mad would stop the rage she was now feeling.

"Please Kim, I need your help."


"You haven't even heard what I want to ask! Please Kim, hear me out."

And with that, Paulette clearly blocked the exit. Kim would have had to physically push her out of the way to get out. Though she had enough rage to do so, Kim was not about to cause such a scene and ruin the evening for Jeff. So she leaned against the wall and crossed her arms.

"Kim, I'm sure you've heard that I got raped a few years ago. Jeff has been a great husband and oh-so supportive through all this but despite therapy and all his loving, I still can't have sex with him. Oh, I can give him release with my hands but I just can't take penetration. It's like my brain shuts down my vagina and I've developed this thing called vaginismus so poor Jeff hasn't – sorry for the language here – fucked me in three years."

Kim had not heard of the rape at all. Jeff had obviously kept that quiet to protect his wife. But Kim couldn't say a word, Paulette was speaking fast, babbling really. She continued.

"Jeff's been so supportive through all this and now, for me, he's accepted a transfer back home so I can be close to our families and feel safer. We're both hoping that living away from the city, even though he really likes city living, I can relax and learn to make love to him again. But for now, to thank him for his support, for his patience and for everything he does for me, I'd like to offer him the gift of – pardon my language again – fucking for one night. And Charlene said you'd been so good for her and Trevor so she suggested it."

Kim wanted to scream! How dare Charlene go around telling people what had happened and what she'd done? It was supposed to be extreme discretion!

"Kim, please. I promise nobody else will know about this. Jeff really needs it and I can't do it for him, please say you'll do it. I'll even pay you if you want."

That was it. Her rage was now boiling over. She hissed "I'm not a prostitute! If you want a prostitute, I hear they hang out just a few blocks east of here."

The look of horror on Paulette's face was pitiful. She shook her head and her hands in denial and obvious recoil.

"No! No! I don't want a prostitute! I mean, I offered for Jeff to go to one but he said no. Oh my God, I didn't mean to offend you! I know you're not a prostitute! I was just trying to convince you, I wasn't thinking of the implications of my offering to pay, I'm really sorry. But Kim, please, would you consider this? It's been so hard for him, figuratively and literally. We've tried but I just can't. Have you any idea what vaginismus is? It's a spasm of the vagina that is terribly painful for me and can trap the man inside for a while. The first time it happened, it was so scary!"

The woman was practically begging. Her hands were clenched together as if in a prayer. Kim couldn't help but now feel compassion for Paulette and Jeff. Again, Paulette seemed to read her body language before Kim even realized her body was indicating anything. Paulette grabbed her hands.

"Kim, do this for Jeff, please. He really needs it. And from what I saw when you danced with him, you seem to like him, to be very comfortable being physically close to him. He's a nice man, he's a good lover. Please Kim. Don't make me beg."

The woman was practically in tears. Kim's heart softened.

"Does he know you're asking me this?"


"Paulette, Jeff is a very straight shooter. He loves you. He'd never cheat on you."

"I will convince him that I won't see it as cheating, that I want him to do this with someone we can trust. Had prostitution not been illegal, I almost had him convinced to try it but he just can't risk getting caught so he declined. You're different. He likes you, I can tell. And it's for his health, physical and mental. He needs the release and hand jobs just aren't the same. He deserves this gift for all he's done for me. You've done it before. Surely you can find it in your heart to do it again. It's for a really good man."

Kim didn't know what to think. Could she indeed do this again? She didn't want to make the decision right away.

"I'll think about it. We really should get back to the ball room before people wonder where we are."

Paulette nodded, turned around and walked out of the ladies' room with Kim. But just before going out, she added "If you agree, just give me your second key card discreetly and I'll send him to your room. Please Kim. I promise to be discreet."

They walked out and met Jeff in the hallway. He asked "Is everything okay? You've been gone for a while."

Kim spoke up quickly "Of course! You know us women, we get to chit-chatting and next thing you know, an hour has gone by!"

Jeff laughed and said "It hasn't quite been an hour but long enough that I came to check! Glad you two were having fun!"

He then put his arms around both of them and squeezed their shoulders to him "Let's go back and dance some more!"

He took turns dancing with both of them and clearly enjoying himself, unaware that he'd been the subject of a controversial conversation just a few moments before. With the help of a little wine and good music, Kim relaxed. Her hormones were raging. Had Paulette asked at any other time of the month, the answer would have been a sharp no but now that the idea had made it's way to that part of her brain, her hormones were talking louder than any reason. Besides, she figured that Jeff would refuse so what would likely happen is that she'd wait a while and then use the possibility to fuel a nice solo.

Half an hour later, she slipped her key card to Paulette along with the little cardboard sleeve on which her room number was written. Paulette had given her a big smile and a silent thank you.

Kim looked around the room. It was nearly empty by this late hour. Most people had gone to their rooms so it wouldn't look suspicious at all if she did the same. She bid the general manager and his wife good night, did the same with Jeff and Paulette, wishing them a seamless move and a good life in their home town.

Kim returned to her room and took off her shoes. She paced in her room for a while, asking herself what on earth she'd done, giving her room key to Paulette. But then again, this element of not knowing had her on a good edge. Would he show up? Would he not?

An hour went by and Kim started figuring that by now, Jeff and his wife should be back in their room. Were they fighting? Were they already asleep?

Another ten minutes went by and Kim quit pacing. She really didn't care if her dress got wrinkled as it would go to the cleaners anyway so she propped up pillows on the bed and turned on the tv. She leaned back on the pillows and changed the channel to the weather station. While images changed in front of her eyes, Kim was not focused on any of them. Instead, her brain quickly started fantasizing about Jeff showing up. At this late hour, he probably wouldn't actually show up so if she didn't want to be up all night, she should let herself relax and play.

She closed her eyes and caressed her body through the fabric of her dress. Soon, he nipples were hardening against her corset bra, hoping for release. She pushed the spaghetti straps off her shoulders, loosened the dress a bit and then pulled her breasts out of the corset bra. It wasn't the most comfortable but all she cared about was accessing her nipples and playing with them. She imagined Jeff playing with them and moaned.

Her hand made its way down to the hem of her dress. She pulled up the dress just enough to access her thighs above the nylons. She caressed herself for a while and then pushed the panties aside and started caressing her vulva. Her eyes still closed, she touched herself lightly and teasingly. While her right hand was caressing her pussy, her left hand was busy teasing her nipples. As she played with herself, her hips began moving back and forth.

Kim never heard the door open or close behind Jeff. Jeff had figured that if Kim was sleeping, he wouldn't wake her up. Fate – whether she was sleeping or awake – would determine if he would go ahead or simply return to his own room. He heard the tv but that was no indication of someone being awake so he quietly made his way to where he could see the bed.

What he saw made him instantly hard. Kim was quite the sight, playing with her pussy and her nipples. He started rubbing his cock through his pants as he watched her hips start moving. She was ready and so was he.

Kim felt hands on her face and opened her eyes, drawing in her breath sharply but not yelping. Jeff was kissing her softly on the lips. He'd come! Once she was reassured that it was him, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth to deepen the kiss.

Kim then felt his hands go to her breasts and take over the task of teasing her nipples. She moaned her approval and arched her back to press into his hands. After a while, one hand moved to her pussy and caressed it through the fabric of her panties. Kim was sure he could feel the wetness through the fabric.

He then stopped and looked her in the eyes and asked "Are you sure?"

Kim nodded. He pulled her up and turned her around. He unzipped the rest of the dress and pushed it down to the floor. His hands caressed her everywhere while he nibbled on her ear, her neck and then kissed her again. He removed her panties and let them also drop to the floor. Then he asked "Do you mind keeping the rest? It's so hot and sexy!"

Kim turned around and her answer was to kiss him deeply while starting to undress him. He helped. He seemed on fire. His hands were everywhere. On her breasts, in her hair, on her rear end, caressing her pussy and helping to remove his own clothes all at the same time it seemed. His cologne was intoxicating and Kim closed her eyes and let him take the lead.

His lips were on her breasts, kissing and licking the erect nipples. She tried to reach down to his cock but he turned her around and leaned her against his chest while his left hand caressed her now bare pussy and his right teased her nipples.

"Reach in that little bag and pull out a condom."

Kim opened her eyes and saw a little bag on her night table. He had brought it with him. She reached in and took out the strip of condoms and pulled one off. There was also a small bottle of lube in there but Kim knew that they wouldn't need it, she was already dripping wet. She opened the package and he turned her around. He then pushed her down to her knees in front of him.

"Play with my cock, blow me for a few minutes and then put it on. Please."

How could she refuse such a nice request? She looked at his cock and was pleased to see that it was clean cut, had a nice mushroom head and was just a prefect size. This would feel really good.

She wrapped her hand around his hard cock and pulled it into her mouth. He moaned as he felt her lips close around him and her tongue lick the underside. She loved the soft skin of a hard cock in her mouth, warm and throbbing. She licked him, sucked him, and moved back and forth in a fucking motion. Her hands took turns rubbing the shaft and caressing his sack. She could hear him reacting to her every move through his breathing and it turned her on to know that she was giving him pleasure.

Suddenly, he pulled her head away and said "I don't want to blow so soon. Put that condom on me, I want to be in your pussy."

She did as instructed, softly blowing on his cock with her breath as she positioned the condom on the tip of his cock. She rolled it down his length and then stood up, never taking her hands off his manhood.

"I want to take you from behind. Get on your hands and knees on the edge of the bed."

Kim got onto the bed and felt him grab her hips from behind. At first, he simply rubbed himself against the outside of her but then, he aimed for her wet pussy and slowly pushed in. Both of them moaned as he made his way in. Oh, that was good and she needed it as much as he seemed to.

He stayed buried deep inside her for a moment and then started moving back and forth. He moved slowly, then faster and then would slow down again. His hands reached around and found her dangling breasts. When he managed to gently pinch her nipples between his thumbs and fingers, Kim contracted her pussy on his cock. She loved having her nipples played with and he figured that out quite quickly.

Soon, he pulled out and went around her to lay down on the bed. "Get on top of me, I want to play with your gorgeous twins better."

She certainly wasn't going to argue with that one! She straddled him and guided his hard cock back into her core. She bent down towards him and gave him full access to her twins. He pulled one into his mouth and played with the other while rocking his hips between hers.

Kim let out a deep moan and rocked herself gently on his cock, matching his movements. This was amazing. It wouldn't be long, with his movements and especially with all the attention he was lavishing on her nipples, and she would come. Her moans increased as her whole being tensed, climbing slowly but surely towards its apex.

Jeff felt her tensing up and reached down to push down on her hips so she would grind her clit against his pelvic bone. His lips continued to play with the one nipple as the other nipple was being teased by his other hand. He gently bit on her nipple, flicking his tongue on the captive little nub in his mouth. At the same time, he squeezed her other nipple between his thumb and for finger and rolled it. Finally, he pressed down on her pelvis against his and she exploded into an intense orgasm. He let her ride it out on his cock.

It was an amazing orgasm, lasting close to a full minute of maximum intensity and followed by wave after wave of aftershocks. Kim was so grateful that Jeff was patient enough to wait until she was fully done. When the waves of pleasure died down, she collapsed on top of him. He rolled them on the bed so that he was above.

Then, he drove into her, pounding her hard and deep. It was his turn and they both knew it. While he held himself up with one are, his other hand reached down to where the corset ended and it continued to her thigh. Sensing that he wanted her legs to come up, she lifted them and wrapped them around his hips. He moaned loudly so she crossed her ankles over his ass and pressed down, causing yet another moan from him.

He was breathing erratically and she knew he would not last long. His eyes were closed and he was clearly enjoying the feel of her tight pussy around his cock. She tightened her pussy muscles even more around him and he groaned. He then pressed deep against her and really groaned as he came. He took a couple more slow strokes and then pulled out and laid beside her.

Both of them were panting from the workout. Jeff got up to go to the washroom and clean up. He came back and got down on his knees next to her side of the bed.

He put his hands through her hair and gently kissed her lips. "Thank you."

Kim smiled at him. He got up and got dressed while she went to the washroom herself. When she came out, he was standing next to the door, ready to leave. He handed her the card key and said "Never a word to anyone. Thank you so much." He quickly kissed her and left.

She'd been a gift once again. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought "good things happen in threes, don't they?"

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Whore sets husband up with another whore.

gingerhuntergingerhunterover 3 years ago
She may not have been a whore but he sure did treat her like one

Jeff is a selfish lover. Not once did he ask what she preferred. He determined everything about their sexual activities and didn't even offer to give her oral. That would have been fine if he were paying for the time but this was fulfillment of a favor to him and his wife. His gratitude went no deeper than a few trite words.

He might be a nice guy at work but he proved to be pretty much a jerk in this situation.

MitchFraellMitchFraellalmost 10 years ago
Another good read

Well told and I could imagine what followed (unlike 'A gift from a wife'). Enjoyable, Thanks.

mashlover1974mashlover1974almost 10 years ago
Very hot!!

Very enjoyable.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Not Tell Anyone

"Kim, please. I promise nobody else will know about this."

I don't remember, did Charlene also promise not to tell?

And as far as prostitution being illegal, it is legal in parts of Nevada, I'm sure they can afford a trip to the Bunny Ranch!

tellstory2jaketellstory2jakealmost 10 years ago
An exciting bit of fiction

A great story with a great ending. I enjoyed the mix of intense emotions. Feelings of concern, anger, passion, release...

Very well written, and perhaps good things really do come in threes.

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