A Gift Named Holly


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I switched off the TV and put on a festive playlist as we discussed our Christmas. Holly wanted to hear stories of our past holidays together, of which we had plenty. Chloe also wanted to know about Holly's life as a doll before the wish. Unfortunately, while Holly could remember bits and pieces, most of it was fuzzy.

"Wait, if you can remember stuff even before you were able to become human, does that mean other toys can see what we're doing?" Chloe asked. I was genuinely curious myself.

Holly shrugged. "I don't really know, but I suppose it's possible? Maybe one day your teddy bear will come to life, just like me, and you can ask him yourself!"

Chloe shivered at the thought. "Oh god no! The things that bear has seen..."

I waited for her to continue, but she stared quietly at the floor. "Are you okay?" I finally asked.

"I should probably snuggle him extra hard tonight and tell him I'm sorry." She didn't clarify what her apology was for, and I didn't need the associated imagery. With that, Chloe was on her feet, tired from her trip and ready for bed.

"G'night, sis!"

"Sweet dreams, Chloe!"

My sister returned the hugs and shut my door behind her, leaving Holly and I alone to catch some sleep ourselves. After all we'd been through today I was admittedly exhausted. It didn't take long to drift into my dreams, Holly's head on my chest as she flipped to the History Channel. I dreamed of a happy future, with Holly and Chloe joining me on a camping trip in the mountains.

It was when I awoke that the nightmare began.

Zoe was wide awake before sunrise. The first item on her agenda was to wake Chloe, who had stumbled into the room for bed just a few hours earlier. While my sister was still rubbing her eyes, Zoe made her way down the hall to wake me as well.

She hadn't yet learned that it was rude to enter without knocking. The door flew open and my cousin ran inside, shouting for me to wake up and come down to open presents. Holly, startled by the sudden arrival, immediately reacted by transforming, rolling quickly out of sight on the other side of the bed before Zoe could spot her. Tiny hands shook me awake, and when I finally agreed to get out of bed Zoe ran from the room leaving the door wide open.

I turned to see if Holly had returned, thankful she'd been able to react so quickly. It would have been hard to explain the strange half-naked girl in my bed to a six-year-old. I waited, but Holly didn't return.

I laughed, imagining her still frightened down below. "It's okay Holly, the coast is clear!"

The seconds passed, but no raven hair or grey eyes rose to greet me. My smile vanished with worry and I crawled to peek over the mattress. My worst fears were confirmed.

"Oh no! No, no, no!" I shouted, reaching to pull my doll from the hardwood floor. Chloe was walking to the stairs as I shouted, and quickly ran over to investigate.

"Elliot, what's wro...Oh no!" Her eyes fell to the doll now cradled in my arms. A crack had formed in Holly's cheek, leaving a quarter-sized hole in her beautiful face. I held the broken piece in my other hand, grateful to find it mostly intact.

Chloe shuffled over to the bed, the despair in her face matching my own. Tears spilled from my eyes as I pushed the piece back into place, happy to see that it fit perfectly. But nothing else changed as I sat there, whispering for Holly to come back to me.

"Elliot! Chloe! Get down here or you're going to miss this!" dad shouted from downstairs. Zoe was already tearing in to her gifts.

"The other doll!" I said, turning to Chloe. It was the only solution I could think of.

"Elliot, I don't know if that's how it works?" Chloe said, gently putting her hand on my shoulder. I brushed it away and began to run down the stairs, my sister close behind.

I entered the living room and froze. The rest of my family was there, and Zoe was now holding the box containing her gift. The doll was waiting underneath. Chloe reached out and took my hand as we watched Zoe rip away the paper, pulling off the lid and revealing the toy inside.

"She's so pretty!" she shouted as she hugged the doll close. Her eyes lit up with excitement, and despite my growing sadness, I couldn't help but smile.

"Tell your cousin thank you for the gift," said Liz as she checked the nametag.

Zoe rushed over, still clutching the doll as she latched on to me for a hug.

"Thank you Elliot! I love her! She's the best doll ever!"

My knees shook beneath me as I patted my cousin on the back, my heart torn between the joy of seeing her happy and the sorrow of what remained upstairs. Chloe could feel my pain, and never let go of my hand even as I took my seat at the couch. I wanted to run back to Holly, to hold her and think of a way to bring her back, but it was Christmas morning and I couldn't just disappear without someone asking questions.

I spent the next half hour in agony, pretending to feel excitement as we opened gifts from one another. I felt guilty, faking a smile as I unwrapped each one, hoping no one would notice. I felt reasonably sure no one did, but I wished they could understand how horrible I felt at that moment, and how happy they would have made me under different circumstances. Liz opened her journal and pen, her own smile bringing me brief comfort that I had done well with her present, but nothing kept the misery at bay for long.

Chloe kept her hand on my back as we helped with the cleanup. When mom noticed, she simply explained I wasn't feeling well, which somewhat worked as an answer. It did result in several minutes of me persuading my mother that I didn't need any kind of medicine. When housekeeping was finished and the rest of my family was distracted watching Zoe play, Chloe and I ran upstairs.

I threw open the door, hoping that by some other Christmas miracle I would find Holly fully repaired, waiting for me on the bed in her red dress and stockings. I was met with disappointment instead. Her broken porcelain body remained exactly where I'd left her, and I was beginning to lose all hope of ever seeing my Holly again. I sank to my knees by the bed, holding her fragile body in my hands as a tear rolled down my cheek. Chloe put her hand on my shoulder for support.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, already knowing the answer.

I didn't reply to the question, choosing instead to stare into Holly's painted eyes, memorizing the details so I'd never forget. My eyes were wet with tears, but something seemed to be staring back at me. There was a sparkle in those eyes, and I knew in my heart it wasn't a reflection in my tears. I couldn't let her down, not after all I'd done to keep her safe.

"Chloe, do you know how to glue porcelain?" I asked, hope rising in me once again.

She paused to think. "Let me see the broken piece."

I held it out to her, careful not to cut myself on its sharp edges. She asked me to wait here, and when I didn't reply she turned and left the room. I assumed she was going to check her art supplies, but I wasn't worried. I would find a way, even if it had to wait until the stores reopened.

After what felt like hours, but I knew to be mere minutes, Chloe reappeared in the doorway. "I think I have everything I need! Bring her up to the studio, quickly, before Zoe sees!"

I leaned close to Holly. "I promise, I'm going to fix this," I whispered. Then, taking her carefully in my arms, I followed Chloe up to the attic.

The space was lit with old Christmas lights, which I found to be rather fitting. In the center there was a small wooden table, which Chloe had covered in a thin white sheet. I gently placed Holly on its surface while my sister gathered her supplies and moved them to her chosen workspace. There were glues and epoxies, as well as thin sticks and even what appeared to be wax.

"I need you to do something," she said as she laid out her materials. "I need you to sneak into the kitchen and bring me the baking powder. Can you do that?"

I nodded, determined that nothing would stand in my way. I left the studio and went back downstairs, happy to see that my mom was busy on the phone while dad helped Liz put together a dollhouse for Zoe. No one would notice me entering the kitchen, but I grabbed a cake from the pantry all the same, just in case anyone questioned me. I found a box of baking powder and pocketed it before heading back upstairs.

She was already at work, her hands delicate and precise as she applied glue to the broken edges with a toothpick. I placed the powder beside her and she acknowledged with a nod. With nothing else to do, I took a seat beside her and watched as she used the wax and glue to carefully place the broken porcelain where it belonged. She then mixed baking powder and epoxy together to fill in the edges, creating a seamless transition. She took her time, finishing with a hopeful smile as we studied her handywork. I couldn't have done better myself.

"What now?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"We wait for the glue to dry, and keep our fingers crossed. And since it's Christmas, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to make another wish?"

I nodded beside her, taking her hand in mine as I summoned as much Christmas spirit as my heart could muster.


The airport was slightly less crowded now than it had been when I came home, but not by much. Snow was falling gently around the car as I sat in the passenger seat, preparing myself for the long flight back to San Francisco. I was sad to leave my family, and I wished I'd had more time at home, but there was so much work to be done before the new semester.

Chloe sat beside me, continuing the tradition of shuttling me to the terminal. I'd said my goodbyes to my family and now the only thing left to do was to check into my flight, alone, and find my seat. It would be a lonely six-hour trip to a warmer climate.

"You okay over there?" Chloe asked beside me.

I nodded. "I'm fine, really. I Just wish I'd had more time."

She leaned in for an awkward side hug. "You'll be back here before you know it. And who knows, maybe I'll actually get off my ass and fly out to see you this spring?"

"I think I'd like that very much," I replied with a smile.

"I would like that too!" said the raven-haired beauty in the back seat. Holly was wearing skinny jeans with brown boots, and her cream-colored sweater was covered in a stylish jacket. All courtesy of my sister, who insisted on spoiling Holly with a shopping spree after her miraculous return. It was a shame nobody on the flight would see how adorable she looked in her new clothes.

"Are you ready for the trip?" Chloe asked, turning to my reanimated lover.

Holly nodded vigorously. "I've never flown before! This should be fun!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I doubt it'll be as much fun in your position, babe. I'm sure you'll be comfortable, wrapped in foam in your own little case, but it's not exactly a window seat. Hopefully next time I can figure out a way to get you an actual ticket." My parents had paid for the flight, leaving me unable to purchase a seat for Holly before the entire plane was booked. Unwilling to risk losing her again, I'd gone out to find a suitable case to keep her cozy and safe until we landed.

"I really don't mind, I'm just relieved I get to go with you! And Chloe, I can't thank you enough for what you've done!" Holly touched her cheek with a gloved hand, the faint line of a fading scar just visible in the sunlight.

"Don't worry Doll, you're just as perfect as the day I met you," Chloe replied, using her new favorite pet name.

A week earlier on Christmas Day, Chloe and I waited patiently for the glue to dry. The hours passed and nothing happened. We skipped lunch and barely touched our dinner, finally retiring to bed that night with empty hope. I cried myself to sleep, only to be awoken by a miracle. It was late at night when Holly nervously stepped into my bedroom, alive and overjoyed to be back. We held one another for ages as my heart returned from the dead, finally leaving the room to wake Chloe.

Few words were spoken, and few were needed. The greatest gift of my life was smiling in my arms, the only evidence of her accident a circular scar along her cheek. It would be a painful reminder of what I'd very nearly lost that day, but I was so happy to have her back, and so was Chloe.

While I was shopping for a protective case, my sister handled the artistry. With Holly in her toy form she painted over the seams, retouching where needed until it matched perfectly with the rest of her skin tone. The scar on her living face was almost completely invisible now, though I would have cared for her no matter what.

"Ready to go?" I asked aloud. Holly smiled and nodded behind me, and Chloe gave me a pat on the leg before stepping out.

Holly remained in her seat as we opened the door beside her, Chloe at my side. Only two of us would be entering the terminal, and only one would be boarding the plane. I wanted to give Holly a chance to say goodbye before leaving her new friend behind.

"I'm really going to miss you," Chloe said as she leaned in for a hug. "Both of you."

"I'm going to miss you as well," Holly replied, holding tight. "Thank you, so much, for everything you've done!"

"You're welcome, sweetie! And don't worry, I have a feeling I'll be seeing you in person long before next Christmas. Not to mention all the photos my brother is going to send me, right Elliot?"

I nodded. "I'll have things figured out before you know it."

"Good." With that, Chloe let go and took a step back. I leaned in and opened the shiny new case, giving Holly one last kiss before she transformed.

I looked around to make sure nobody was watching, giving her a nod once I was certain no one would notice. In the blink of an eye she became her porcelain self, the red dress replaced with a miniature version of her winter outfit. Her dress was packed neatly away with the rest of her luggage. I carefully placed her inside the case and gave the warm ceramic another kiss before sealing the lid. I'd have to pay for the extra carry-on, but keeping her close was well worth the price.

Chloe shut the doors behind me and helped me with the rest of my luggage. I said my final goodbyes to my sister, enjoying an extra-long hug before shooing her away. She had a date with Melissa that evening and I didn't want to keep her waiting. I waved her goodbye before going to check my luggage and find the waiting area.

Later, as I sat comfortably in my seat, staring out at the passing countryside below, I couldn't help but imagine my future with Holly. San Francisco was only the beginning, and there was still so much more for us to experience together. I closed my eyes and smiled as I imagined the years to come. "Merry Christmas," I whispered to myself.

Merry indeed.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I’ve really enjoyed reading your story about Holly, and I really appreciate your work. I also am hoping that you’ll be doing more stories about Elliot and Holly and the things that they might be upto in San Francisco. Thanks again for your story it’s really a good tale. D.

MickieTheCat260MickieTheCat26011 months ago

Sweet happily ever after story.

texlootexlooabout 1 year ago

How does a story about a magical sex doll manage to be so heartwarming and festive? This is a unique take on a very old premise. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it. Thank you so much!

LargoKittLargoKittover 1 year ago
A fine Christmas read

I suppose the best thing about the story is that I found myself skipping over the sex scenes in order to find out more about the couple, and the story. Of course, it is the perfect male fantasy of a gorgeous woman who wants to please him in every way and enjoys learning from his wise tutelage. I'm curious about two elements that added sort of 'background' tension. Holly is clearly an 'anything goes' woman, so you *could* have veered the story into a 'learning experience' with Chloe; but you didn't go that way. And you have the character of Aunt Liz, but you keep her strictly in the background. Fun for another day?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Beautiful, well told, and perfectly logical. Especially once you add that Christmas magic! Thank you!

UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

What a great story, fantastic.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 2 years ago

Very Sweet und Romantique!

11/10 X-Mas Tree Cakes!!!!!

majorshanemajorshaneover 2 years ago

I’m on page 5 and loving this story, the thought that keeps passing through my head is: what happens when he gives the doll to his cousin? What happens if he doesn’t give her the doll and gives her something else, what’s his sister going to say? Can’t wait to find out!!!

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