A Gilded Cage Ch. 07


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"That sounds very sensible miss, but you must tell me if you grow too weary as you are still supposed to be resting."

"I will sit and read and rest, don't worry."

That was how he found her. She was curled up in an armchair, a light shawl around her shoulders, with her nose in a book. He had not expected her up and about nearly so soon and felt quite relieved.

"You look almost yourself again pet." She jumped, but less than usual, and her face softened to a smile. "I brought you some company - I am told it is the done thing." He brought a hand from behind his back and passed her a small basket. "I thought if you had something to occupy your mind and had a little comfort while I wasn't here..."

She moved the woollen blanket that topped the basket aside and was surprised to hear a soft mew. She reached in and found a small tabby kitten, with big blue eyes and paws that looked far too big for the rest of it.

"It is very kind of you lord." She looked quite touched, and continued: "there were cats in the citadel and I always did like them."

"Good. Would you like to bring him through to my room and join me for supper?"

She set down her book and put the kitten back in his basket, letting him settle into the warm fabric before trying to stand."

"Let me." He took her upper arm very strongly and helped her to her feet.

He settled her in an armchair in his room and lit a fire in the little hearth beside her. The kitten mewed lightly and nuzzled into the folds of the woollen shawl, padding and suckling as he drifted off to sleep.

The general looked weary as he drew up a chair next to her, his laptop on his knees, staring intently at the screen.

"My lord, I know it is hardly my place, but may I help?" This offer was unlikely to do any harm and might at the very least endear her to him and she rather wanted to know what was going on outside the estate. Asking him lots of questions about it was a sure fire way to annoy him but she hoped she could learn a lot from helping with small matters. More than that she thought about what Rogers had said. She wanted to help her people, and could not do that without knowing what was going on.

"Help? What do you mean?"

"I used to help my father with matters of court. Sometimes he would talk about things to me and ask me if I thought any assumptions he was making were reasonable or perhaps ask the character of someone whom I knew better. I wrote his letters sometimes when he was tired and other times he just liked company as he worked."

"I'm not sure there is much you can do for me today, but tomorrow it would be appreciated. I need a thorough grasp of the situation in your country and any local knowledge you could provide would be appreciated." It was odd that she would offer to help him. Was she playing him? Or was she simply attempting to make the best of her life here?

"I will tell you what I can. But lord, you look weary and tense. Are there not other things I might do?" Her eyes strayed down, looking past the laptop.

"As much as I'd love to fuck you, you are hardly recovered. It would cause you nothing but pain and I have no intention of hurting you when you do not deserve it."

"Yes, lord, but there are other places men like to use..." Her lips were gently parted, soft and round and full. What was she playing at? Bugger it, whatever her game he was happy to let her play this one. He set his laptop aside and edged forwards in his chair. She was thinking of the things the man in the truck had said, allowing them to play in her mind. She needed to be at peace with the general while she recovered, and hadn't she been told that this was the surest way to please him?

"That would help. But I won't take it like those brutes in the forest did. Get on your knees." She nervously slid the kitten off her lap into the corner of the chair and, with his help, knelt down in front of him, her aches complaining, but not unbearable. He was going to take her again sooner or later and she would prefer it was on her terms. Looking up she caught the lust in his gaze, but it no longer frightened her.

"Promise you don't have a knife on you this time?"

"I promise lord. I haven't the strength to fight you today, even if I did want to."

"Good girl, you are learning." He stroked her hair as he spoke. "Are you sure you want to pet? I won't make you do anything so soon after..."

"I'm sure. I exist here for your use after all."

"Mmmmm yes my pretty whore you are mine. But I look after my things and have no use for a broken toy. But if you are sure then I suppose I had better teach you how I like it. Not all men want to thrust it down your throat so you can't breathe; I enjoy a woman who knows how to worship my cock."

Aneira placed a hand on each of his thighs, sliding between them and up his legs. She looked up at him to watch how he reacted and saw his lust intensify. He unbuttoned his trousers and slid them off, lifting slightly from the chair to allow her to slide down his pants. His cock sprang free as she did so, standing hard and rigid. She had never paid such attention to it so close up before - the last time she had been between his legs she had been far too nervous - and she struggled to imagine how something so ugly could bring her such pleasure. It was long and thick, the tip emerging as he hardened.

"Someone has woken up, and who can blame the fellow." He chuckled and caressed her, drawing her in closer. "I think you had better kiss him to say hello." A funny request she thought but she did so, gently placing her lips on the very tip and kissing. He felt warm and the skin was smooth beneath her lips. He gave a moan and ran a hand through her hair so she continued.

"Use your tongue. Explore every inch and see what feels good for me. I want you to know my body as well as I do. Take your time." As he said this, her tongue found the little cord of skin on the underside of the tip and flicked across. He let out an involuntary groan and tightened his grip on her hair. "Mmmhh there is good, I like you there." She stayed for a few seconds before running her tongue down his shaft in long, sloppy licks.

Her eyes fell on the little sacks of skin beneath and she considered them for a moment before bending down further to kiss one. "I like you even better there, suck, not to hard, and be careful with your teeth!" She brought her lips to the wrinkled skin, cupping them lightly in her hand, and sucked on each in turn, rolling them between her lips.

"Oh that is something" he purred. "But slow down, I'll be done in no time if you carry on like that. Take me into your mouth, pet. Not too deep, your throat must be sore still and I won't try that tonight. Here, give me your hand." She raised her right from his thigh as she wrapped her soft, plump lips around his tip. He took her hand and placed it at the base of his cock, and she wrapped her fingers round. "A little tighter than that, ahhh, mm god that's it. Move your hand and your mouth along and suck my cock."

She could see that there was a real art to this and it would definitely take some practice. She worked her tongue along the tip of his cock as he had liked and sucked, bobbing her head into his lap, guided, but not pushed, by the hand in her hair.

He sat back to watch her work. Heavens this felt good. She was hardly a practiced whore but that hot wet mouth so hungry for him, such a dextrous tongue, and an innocent, anxious look as her eyes met his, wanting to know if she was doing well.

"You look even more beautiful with me between your lips. Keep going, my pet, you feel incredible. Take my balls in your other hand. "He groaned again and rolled his hips a little. With his hand in her hair he guided her deeper and with faster movements but did not push too deep. He knew she wouldn't be able to maintain this much longer so made no effort to hold back the floods of cum when they came. Her little look of shock was delicious but she swallowed what she could, her tongue still at work as she sucked his balls dry. That was the release he had craved and he closed his eyes, feeling warm and spent.

When he opened them a minute later she was still kneeling there, looking up at him, a dribble of cum at the corner of that pretty mouth. He wiped it away with a finger and then offered it to her. To his surprise she needed no instruction and licked before sucking his finger clean.

"Did that help, lord?"

"Immensely, pretty dove." He rested her head against his thigh and stroked her hair for a while, unwilling to move and dislodge the warm glow, but his rumbling stomach was becoming a distraction. "Would you join me for supper or have I fed you enough?" There was a glint in his eyes but far softer than his usual cruelty. Was he making a joke?

"Thank you, but I am not quite full yet, I would certainly appreciate supper."

"Not full yet? I'd love to sate your appetite further. Do you want me to?"

She considered for a moment. "I wish that I were able, but I'm afraid I may need a few more days." The thought of him inside her excited her despite all that had happened and she already felt a warmth and wetness growing. This reaction to him confused her, but she no longer thought of it as her body betraying her - she thought that enjoying him was far the best course of action. She was sure she ought to be repulsed by all thoughts of men and sex, and felt guilty, dirty even, for wanting it, but this was different, she was offering, she was giving herself on her terms.

"No, I wouldn't risk it, however much I want to. I was told to wait a week for you to heal physically, though you are showing yourself to be far more mentally robust than anyone might have expected." He stood and redressed, fiddling with his phone to order dinner. "You are turning out to have been well worth the effort in breaking the rebellion out of you." This made her wince slightly. He had broken her. She had no energy to fight him and didn't see what could be gained. Surely she should have had the courage to fight him for longer, to make things difficult for the man who had destroyed her home. She told herself that she would resist when she could.

"No, none of that thought now." She was sure the bastard could read her mind. "If you tried to fight me now I'd destroy you. I'd lock you in with unrelenting noise and light - since you liked that so much last time. Half an hour nearly broke your mind, but I'd put you away for days." He twisted his fingers through her hair and lifted head to look at him. "While you are dutiful and submissive you will be allowed freedoms and comforts, and you may keep your mind your own. Do not forget that it can be broken as easily as your body."

"No lord, I am sorry. I will be good."

"I know you will, pet." He smiled and rested her head back against his thigh, playing with her hair as he read from his phone.

She didn't doubt for a moment that he would do it. For the moment it suited him to have her sane and well, but he only needed to keep her. He was warm and kind while she submitted to his will. There was no question in her mind that he could destroy her utterly and still keep everything he needed from her, so she resolved not to push him on the matter and nuzzled into the soft wool of his trousers. Fighting him now would gain nothing and perhaps lose everything. She resolved to bide her time.

The kitten woke up and looked gingerly over the vast cliff that was the edge of the chair. With a soft thump and a blur of silver and grey, the little thing landed without much grace but seemed pleased with its bravery.

"Puss," she cooed and made delicate chirping sounds like those of birds in hedgerows. "Come here puss."

"A pretty pussy for my pretty pussy to play with" he chuckled, but let go of her hair so she could fetch the animal. Kitten's eyes found the draw strings dangling at the edge of her nightgown and followed their movements intently with large blue eyes, tensing its muscles and crouching, ready to spring, but was startled by the knock on the door and dashed under the armchair to hide. "He really is yours, pet. You used to do that if I frightened you."

They ate at table, Aneira keeping half an eye on the kitten now strolling round on the hearth rug and rubbing the side of his head on all of the furniture legs. "I'm trusting you to keep the thing in line. If he claws my furniture of proves difficult to litter train he can live in the kitchens with the others and hunt for his supper."

"Yes lord, I think he is young enough to learn and he appears to have a good temperament."

"I know. Horses, slaves, and now cats - it seems I have an eye for picking those that turn out exceptionally well."

She found his comparison of her treatment to breaking in a horse immensely distasteful but had no intention of angering him so sought to divert his mind instead. "Lord," she hesitated. "Lord may I ask you something?"

"Yes, but not too many questions, I am tired this evening."

"Yes lord. Those men who... the men who took me, what has happened to them?"

He snorted a humourless laugh. "They'll never trouble a woman again. They had what the vet will do to your little kitten when he's a bit older, only nobody troubled anesthetising them. Isn't that what you wanted to do to me that morning? It seemed fitting." Her look of horror must have been obvious. "Pet, they were mercenaries. They were paid to kill you but thought they would have themselves a little sport first. They are beneath your pity." Then in a more business-like manner: "they are being held while my people extract what they know. They may be released once they are nothing but broken shells of men and it is certain that they can do no more harm in the world."

"You intend to allow them life in an apparent gesture of mercy only to have them serve as symbols of your power and a warning to others?"

His eyes narrowed. She was alarmingly astute. He had never thought of her as stupid but it surprised him. Then again she had grown up at court so he should have guessed. "Yes, in a way. But it is more for the attention of their masters than the public."

"Yes lord, I think I understand. Thank you."

The butler arrived to clear the table and brought a saucer of milk for Kitten.

"Put it on the hearth stone so that it can be washed if anything spills."

"Yes sir. I used lambing milk as it is softer on his little stomach."

"Very good, I'm sure." He gave Aneira a hand out of her chair as usual and set to work as she fussed over Kitten. After a few hours his eyes began to sting and the words on the screen no longer made sense. Looking over he saw Aneira and Kitten curled up on the armchair and both fast asleep. He was loath to wake her but it couldn't be helped and he wanted to feel her body against his that night.

"Pet," he whispered softly. "Time for bed pretty dove." She stirred, smiling up at him, and passed the kitten from her lap which he placed at the foot of the bed before helping her up.

"You are wearing too much for my tastes, I will keep you warm. Strip for me and let me see you. I want to see how you are recovering." Her fingers fumbled at her collar before she let the nightgown fall and stepped out of it. She stood naked in front of him, covered in yellowing bruises, but he still thought her a thing of beauty. His eyes swept down from pink nipples, past the flowing lines of waist and hips to those long, perfectly sculpted legs. "Perfect" he murmured, stepping towards her and kissing her forehead. He ran his fingers over the ugly mark and fell to his knees. With hand still exploring her breasts and waist he laid a gentle kiss in the centre of her bare pubic mound.

"Those who hired the men that did this will scream for weeks for every moment inside you that they stole from me." He looked up, lust and longing mixed with anger and frustration. "You are mine, I want you, and I cannot have you." He growled and she ran her fingers through his thick black hair, comforting him as best she could.

"Lord, who ordered it? Who benefits from my death?"

"Shrewd again. The combination of considerable resources but used incompetently leaves a short list but cui bono leaves only one." As he lifted her by the waist and carried her to bed she thought, but it didn't take long. Her value was in her titles and possessions and anything else was secondary to that. If she died without an heir they would pass to the emperor.

"The emperor, lord? The little boy did this?" He had set her down in the bed and looked down at her with his shirt half off.

"He is no longer a boy. And he fears me."

"But why lord? You are no threat to him?"

"Enough for tonight. Got to sleep girl." That was that then, she thought, there was no point in pushing the matter. Once settled in bed he pulled her body close to his so that she slept with her head on his chest and limbs splayed across him. Kitten padded up to the head of the bed but gave up on trying to get between them, curling up on her pillow instead.

His hand clenched on her shoulder and she could feel him hardening against her leg. "God it is agony to have you like this and not be inside you." Aneira said nothing, but moved her thigh against his stiffening rod and caressed his chest. "If you tease me girl I might lose my self-control." His voice was stern but he was smiling down at her and held her close as she drifted back to sleep.


She woke to find him already gone. Kitten was gone too but a moment of looking around found him sniffing at the ashes in the hearth, well camouflaged on the hearthstone. Beth the nurse had been waiting for her.

"Morning miss, you looked so peaceful I didn't dare wake you."

"Thank you. But I fear that you may not be needed much today, I feel rather improved."

"It is my last day here miss, but I'd like to check on you and see that everything is as it should be. May I?"

"Yes, of course." Aneira drew back the covers, quite forgetting that she was entirely naked and quickly clutched them back. Beth smiled consolingly.

"I wouldn't worry, I've seen enough that I'm not looking at you and it makes it easier for me to check what I need to.

"I'm sorry, of course." How stupid she felt for such pointless modesty. It hadn't been too long ago that he had paraded her naked in front of rooms full of soldiers or parties full of socialites. What did it matter if a nurse, who had examined her quite intimately the previous morning, saw a few inches more of bare flesh? Beth examined her as she had before and seemed content.

"I think that is me done for now miss. If you get any problems your lord knows how to contact us, but for now I'm happy with it all." She turned to leave but called back just as she reached the door. "If you any have any troubles that aren't physical, May will help. She likes you." With that she left but was soon replaced by May who helped her wash, dress and brought breakfast.

"Master said I was to ensure you dressed today as he will have guests for lunch. What is it you'd prefer? It is getting a little chilly for the lightest of your dresses, might I suggest one of these?" Aneira chose a heavy dove grey satin, with a structured bodice scattered with embroidery in black and silver thread.

"Word at court is that he has been ensnared by a fairy queen but in this you're all queen and not at all fairy." A fairy queen? Well she had certainly had worse said about her but she was curious now.

"Do they say much else about me?"

"Oh yes miss." May clearly loved to gossip and was thoroughly enjoying the opportunity. "They say you have a mournful beauty not like the women here. That's where the idea of your being a fairy comes from miss. They say he saw you in the woods of your home and had to possess you and that you mourn for the loss."

"Not entirely untrue."

"Oh no miss, it is a little softened though. Some are nastier though. That Sophie, spiteful woman, she says you have used fairy magic to capture one of the most desirable men in the empire. She wanted him for himself of course, but he never wanted anything more than what she had between her legs." May was forgetting herself as she brushed Aneira's hair but her stories were interesting so she made no attempt to stop her.