A Hentai Sago Palm

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A plant with some interesting properties lives in Georgia.
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Although I've been a member here for nearly 20 years, this is my very first contest entry. I have no idea why I decided to enter, I'm not a nudist or an exhibitionist, I have no desire to become one (well... maybe a little), and I've never met anyone who admits to being a nudist or an exhibitionist. So, while embarking on categories that I've never written, I decided to add a couple more, such as Incest and Mature. All characters that engage in sexual activities on this story are eighteen or older and no one in this story is based on an actual human living or dead, all are a creation of my imagination.

This story centers around a plant known in North America as the Japanese Sago Palm, Sago Palm, or occasionally the King Sago, and I've heard Samauri Palm, a botanist will call it Cycas revoluta. It's a really cool looking tropical plant especially if you trim it properly. They're very hardy and need no maintenance other than trimming the branches off every spring. HOWEVER -- this species is 250 million years old, there's very few living species on this planet that have survived that long with as little change as the Sago Palm. It had to survive on a planet full of hungry dinosaurs, so it learned how to defend itself. Be very careful, their fronds (leaves) do have a toxic sting, I have 10 of them and get stung all the time, but as anyone who raises roses knows, it's the price of growing beauty.

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Back in 1972 Dennis Delaney moved from West Virginia to south Georgia before it became fashionable to move south in your later years. Dennis moved because he got a job offer at the St. George, Georgia water plant, so disliking the growing influx of tourists in his hometown of Harpers Ferry WV and the madness of his job in York PA, he and Linda May pulled up stakes and moved south.

The tiny city of St. George is right on the Georgia/Florida state line in a unique place where the normally east/west state line runs north/south following the St. Mary's river as it comes out of the Okefenokee swamp and creates the Georgia Hook, an area where Georgia dips deep into Florida. St. George is the farthest south you can go in Georgia, in fact, straight east of St. George is Jacksonville Florida.

Dennis and his wife Linda May grew up in the West Virginia countryside near Harpers Ferry, children of the great depression, but they learned that the land would provide and that's how their families survived. Then came World War 2 and after a quick wedding Dennis marched off to war. He returned four years later, a changed man; built up in some ways, shattered in others, but still Dennis, and Linda May cried with relief that Her Man was home.

After a period of readjustment Dennis and Linda May settled into a happy life in nearby York Pennsylvania. They spent most of their time in York but returned to visit home and kin in Harpers Ferry almost every weekend. Eventually the area was building up so much that when the opportunity arose in St. George they spoke about it, prayed over it, then returned to the deep rural life they love, this time in the "Southest" part of Georgia. Although there were no mountains, they were back in the country, but they weren't far from the city of Jacksonville, and the best part -- no more winters!

Dennis and Linda May bought a rambling ranch home on a large spread of land just outside of St. George, a tiny community of 3 churches, one gas station, one five and dime, one restaurant, and one stop sign. Darnell's Five and Dime was a small general store with basic items, and it also had a soda fountain and ice cream, and as always, The Boys. The Boys were, and still are, fellows from the local area who gather most every day to "jaw." Nothing makes a hot, humid north South Georgia summer day go by like conversation over a cold soda or maybe a snow cone with good friends.

That's where Dennis met Yoshi Nakamura, a local character. Yoshi is a retired schoolteacher and a funny guy with an infectious sense of humor, he and his wife Chima moved here to teach at the county high school, Yoshi teaching biology and sociology, and Chima teaching math and psychology. The property they bought has an actual greenhouse which the Nakamuras put to great use and now that they're retired, they spend most of their waking hours in the greenhouse. Yoshi and Dennis both have a deep fondness for gardening and Dennis would like nothing better than to develop a Japanese style garden on the small island in his pond and Yoshi was brimming full of ideas. It was a match made in heaven and he and Dennis became friends.

Yoshi's passion was a tropical plant from the south of Japan called the Sago Palm, sometimes called the Samurai Palm. The Sago Palm is a beautiful plant but it's not actually a palm though it looks like one. The Sago Palm has a crown of palm like fronds with sword shaped leaves that grow in two parallel lines off a central stem. The female Sago can grow up to 15 feet tall while the male grows to 8 feet tall. In the spring the male plant grows a huge phallic shaped cone that produces pollen while the female plants grow a truly ugly flower that produces seeds. The cone and the flower are normally gone by summer. Both sexes will grow nodules at their base which sprout fronds. These nodules are called pups and can be cut off the trunk with a well-placed chop from a shovel, then planted and will form roots creating a new sago.

In the spring of each year the fronds on the Sago die, and new fronds will sprout from the top. When newly sprouted, these fronds are soft and silky in texture, but eventually they harden, and the leaves become parallel rows of vicious little swords. The Sago Palm is sometimes called the Samurai Palm because each of those spikey leaves are as sharp as a Samurai's katana.

Yoshi was trying to develop a strain of Sago whose fronds would remain soft to the touch all year long. He did come up with several varieties, unfortunately they remained identical in appearance, and he never found one that remained soft; however, he did develop a variety that had some interesting properties, and he dubbed those the Hentai Sago Palm.

With Yoshi's help Dennis and Linda May's island was soon transformed with pathways, gardens, and a fountain that fed a stream which trickled into the pond. The island is reached by a peninsula that ends ten feet short of the island. To reach the island Dennis built an arched bridge from the peninsula to the island painted a beautiful scarlet red and on the island side of the bridge Dennis built a torii, the traditional Japanese gateway which symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred. Dennis and Linda May didn't consider their island garden sacred, but they did think it was pretty.

To mark the "completion" of the garden (even though no garden is ever actually complete) Yoshi presented Dennis and Linda May with a good sized example of his prettiest strain, the Hentai Sago Palm. "Enjoy my baby," grinned Yoshi as he gave Dennis the palm, "And don't let her prick you, if you know what I mean," and he winked at Dennis. Dennis thought that was a bit odd, Sagos are spikey and getting stuck with their sword like leaves is a common occurrence. Also, the Sago secrets a toxic substance, while not fatal to a human, it does make the sting a little more painful. "Is this variety more poisonous than the others?" Dennis asked. Sago Palms can be fatal to dogs, and their labs were the loves of their lives.

"No, not at all, but there may be a kind of a... a reaction on your skin," Yoshi was all grins showing that he was up to something. In the end a gate was put on the bridge to the island so their chocolate labs Hestia and Nyx wouldn't get near the Hentai Sago Palm.

When working with or near a Sago getting a prick is guaranteed and sure enough, Dennis got a prick. It's a shame he never really pressed Yoshi what "Hentai" means, he did ask once, and Yoshi said "Oh, it kind of means eechi," (it's pronounced eh-chi), Dennis thought he said "itchy" and left it at that. Eechi is how the Japanese pronounce the letter H, which stands for Hentai. Yoshi was being playful; at best he was being circular. It's like asking what "Confused" means and you get the answer, "Disoriented." Ok, what does "Disoriented" mean? And the answer given is "It means "Confused."

In Japanese culture eechi and hentai are two variations of the same theme, and that theme is porn. You can safely consider eechi anime (cartoons) and manga (comic books) to be the equivalent of an R rating for nudity, and most of the time it's playful nudity. Meanwhile Hentai is a good old fashion X rating for graphic sex. And while Japanese women are mostly petite with sweet teacup shaped breasts maybe hitting a B cup, in eechi and hentai the women depicted look like Dolly Parton in zero G. It's also said that no matter how successful the eechi anime or manga artist is, they probably still live at home with mom and dad. However, the word Hentai, no matter in what context it's used, meant one thing: Pervert.

One afternoon Dennis got stabbed pretty good by the Hentai Sago, those little sword shaped leaves are stiff, long, and very pointy. The puncture hurt, but it didn't bleed, the ache went away quickly, and Dennis went back to work pulling weeds, the bane of gardeners. Eventually Linda May came out with a tall cool glass of sweet tea and found Dennis working on the island. When she got over there, she found Dennis working completely in the nude! "Dennis Jefferson Delaney! What on God's green earth has gotten into you! You don't have the common sense the good lord gave a dead mule!"

"What are you carrying on about woman?"

"YOU! You're out here nekkid as the day you were born! An' you're acting like it's no big thing!"

"Naked? What are you talking about..." then he looked down at himself, "Holeeee Cow!" He didn't notice that at some point he had taken off all his clothes and folded them up neatly and placed them on his old Radio Flyer wagon that he uses to haul around his gardening tools.

Linda May stormed off in a huff yelling, "You can get your own sweet tea! I never in all my days..." and she headed off back to the house.

Dennis wracked his brain trying to remember when he took his clothes off, he did remember them seeming to rub a lot. That was so weird! Then he tried to put his clothes back on, but they didn't feel right, his skin was too sensitive. The clothes didn't hurt, they just rubbed too much. Since he was naked anyhow, he decided to take a dip in the pond, after working in the hot sun it felt cool and refreshing and kind of sexy, like the time he went skinny dipping in the Shenandoah river with Bobbie Jane McGillicuddy one hot August night.

The next day he went to visit the boys at Darnell's Five and Dime. He went to Yoshi who was saying goodbye to his friends. "Where are you going Yoshi?" asked Dennis.

Yoshi shrugged, "Moving to Indiana, our daughter is having a baby and her husband just got a remote assignment to Korea. Chima and I are going back to help with the baby coming and all."

"I understand," said Dennis, but in truth he really didn't. He and Linda May weren't blessed with kids, so they spent their 20's and 30's watching their friends raise their kids, spending their free time alone with each other. "Hey, Yoshi, an odd thing happened the other day..."

Yoshi didn't let him get the rest of the sentence out, "Did you get poked by that Hentai Sago?"

"Yes, I did, why?"

Yoshi grinned, "Just make sure that Linda May doesn't get poked by that thing, you never know what might happen!" and with that Yoshi headed north to his daughter and future grandchildren.

Life is a funny thing, considered Dennis. Thirty years ago, young Private Delaney was island hopping in the south pacific, following the orders of Doug McArthur, protecting Australia from invasion, and looking to gun down Yoshi's countrymen in the jungles of New Guinea. Now his best friend is Japanese, and oddly, while Dennis was fighting the Japanese in the pacific, Yoshi was also in the US Army, a member of the 8th Air Force's intelligence unit analyzing targets for our bombers in Germany. Dennis sighed; Sergeant Delaney is certainly going to miss Captain Nakamura.

A couple of weeks later, Dennis was on their island setting flagstone for a walkway he was installing when Linda May came out to inspect his work. It was a beautiful South Georgia/North Florida day, not too hot, not too humid, the songbirds were singing their little heads off. Dennis decided to see what Yoshi had implied, and he plucked a single sword off the Hentai Sago and tucked it between two fingers and positioned himself so Linda May would end up close to the Sago. "How is it going dear?" she asked.

Dennis turned and grabbed her leg sticking her with the Sago sword between his fingers and cried out, "Careful darling! You could have gotten stuck by that thing."

"I think I did," said Linda May, "look, see? That's where it got me."

Dennis couldn't really see a mark, but he said, "Maybe you should go put some Bactine on that." He knew that Linda May was a believer in the near mystical healing powers of Bactine spray.

"I think I will, sure you won't miss me?"

"If I do, I'll come hunt you down," he said and went back to work. About 30 minutes later he looked over toward the house and even though it was a good distance away, he could swear that Linda May was sunning herself in the nude! He pulled a sword off the Hentai Sago and stuck himself before he started walking back to the house. He crossed over the bridge and got a better view of the house and sure enough, he could see that she had spread out a towel on the deck and was sunning herself face down like she was at a nude beach, a place she would never go.

By the time Dennis got to the house, he was carrying his clothes and wearing only his sneakers and his straw hat. Sure enough, there she was, naked as the day she was born. It wasn't anything weird or kinky, they were married, on their own sun deck and they just weren't wearing any clothes, nothing wrong with that. They were safe from being seen, the neighbors would have to have Telescopic X-Ray Vision to see through the trees between their houses, but still, that was his girl laying there which made it even more sexy. He knew every inch of Linda May's body and had for over thirty years, and he loved every moment of it. But he's never seen her naked outdoors but one thing he knows for sure, she doesn't appreciate the burning rays of the South Georgia sun.

The sun in the deep south can be brutal, much more intense than folk from the north were used to, even if by North you mean West Virginia. Dennis broke out the Coppertone, Linda May always bought that brand because of the "Sassy little dog" on their advertisements and began to spread the cool soothing lotion on his wife. "What are you doing Dennis?" she sounded a bit grouchy that she was being disturbed but she didn't push him away, which she's been doing lately. Fifty years old and still fit, Dennis loved this woman with all his heart, but she's been growing cold over the years, and since moving south she's just gotten worse.

Time and disappointment play cruel jokes on a woman's libido, and every time Linda May miscarried, it was another blow to her womanhood. All she wanted to do was raise a child with Dennis and in the end the best she could do was to teach other people's children at the local school. How can a woman enjoy sex when the ultimate result is failure and sorrow? She should be surrounded by a herd of grandchildren teaching them what her grandmother taught her, but instead they're alone with a pair of dogs. She's down here, a thousand miles away from family wondering why her sisters were so blessed with their children and she was so... baren. The word baren would bring bitter tears to her eyes and echo coldly in her heart whenever she was asked how many children she's had.

Dennis continued to rub lotion on her milk white skin, enjoying the feel of her body under his hand. He can't remember if the last time he saw her naked outside was in daylight, but it was worth the wait. "Mmm, what are you doing Dennis?" She sounded more agreeable.

"I'm carin' for my little girl," he said as he began to rub some lotion on her feet, so small but still as darling as they were years ago when they went wading in Stoker's Creek looking for craw-dads.

Long suppressed sensations sizzled through her body just from having her feet rubbed and she gasped and cried, "Oh God! What are you doing to me?" Then as he worked his way up her legs and rubbed the lotion on the inside of her thighs, erotic lightning shot through her. His hands have never felt like this before, what was going on? And why was she naked? She rolled over on her back, her large breasts exposed to the sun for the first time in decades, she opened her eyes and saw that look on his face and smiled. "You have no idea what you're doing to me..." she purred. She hasn't felt like this in years. It was like her body was telling her to forget the past and enjoy the right now.

Dennis knew exactly what he was doing to her, he knew how sensitive to gentle touch the skin gets once the modified toxin of the Hentai Sago sets in, and his slippery hands sliding gently up and down her body were inflaming nerve endings that she had long forgotten about. Her large breasts rolled around on her chest as he rubbed the lotion into her sensitive skin, and she sighed "Ohhh Denny!"

Dennis hasn't heard her call him Denny in years. With a grin he moved between her legs and bent over her breasts. He wrapped his hands around one large breast and suckled her nipple, the smell of the suntan lotion filling his nostrils. He had almost forgotten the joy of arousing this woman, feeling her writhe beneath him, feeling her nipple harden on his tongue.

Linda May rolled her head side to side groaning in delight, her nipples were so sensitive! They've never been like this before, and her clit was tingling madly. There's no way she'll get any sleep tonight if this keeps up. Her Denny was playing her body like a fine instrument, and she was loving every touch, every lick, every kiss. She ran her hands over his back, his super sensitive skin was igniting passions he hadn't felt since they were teenagers tussling around in the back seat of his dad's Chevy. Not being able to take it anymore she reached for his cock and found it hard and throbbing. Linda May almost cried because she needed Dennis so badly. She tugged his cock and guided him to her. "Denny, please!" she gasped, "I need you in me... I need you in my... pussy!"

She whispered the word pussy very quietly, testing her ability to say it, but Dennis heard her loud and clear and let her guide him into her pussy like she used to do years ago when she welcomed her man home from war. Soon her buttery soft walls closed around him, and they began to move together like they did when they were young, before the long work hours and sorrowful disappointments began to take their toll and cause aches that set up house permanently in their souls. He pushed his cock into her over and over, fucking like they did in the old days, first with gentle affection, then with total abandon. He looked in her eyes and saw a fire in them that he hadn't seen in decades. She brought her knees up, opening herself to him completely, allowing him to plunge even deeper. She grasped his head, her eyes literally spinning with desire, and she softly whispered, "Fuck me Dennis Delaney, fuck me hard!"

Dennis was truly shocked; he had never heard Linda May speak anything that could be considered off color, she never swore, and she just begged him to fuck her? He was never one to deny her anything and he began fucking his darling wife as hard as he could. She responded with a gasp and a bear hug, her legs wrapped around his hips, her ankles locked together, and she held on for dear life as her husband of over 30 years fucked her like he did as a young sergeant just home from WWII. He came with a roar, filling her with his seed, spurting into her over and over and she quickly followed with the happiest orgasm of her fifty years.