A Hickerman Party Ch. 02


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“You’ve got that right, although as I told you before all future parties you attend are $200 a couple.”

“Oh my gosh!” Angel exclaims pulling her hands to her mouth.

“Yeah, that’s a lot, but for us anyway…” he glances towards Ann, “it has been more than worth it. However, even with that amount of contributions, I’m sure Hickerman contributes much more. These kinds of decorations and slot machines, etc., don’t come cheap.”

“No, I don’t imagine so.” Bill acknowledges.

“Slurp… slurp… ummm… ummm… slurp…” continues over the PA system as the MC moves from one contestant to another, placing the mic right down where the action is. From the background very softly they can all hear, “Auuugh!... Oh, yeah!...” Then very loudly as the MC turns around, shoving the mic into the face of the man being sucked off by Rita, “Ooooh!... Hell, yeah!... Augh… Aaauuugh…”

All heads from the group swivel to watch as the man thrusts his cock down her throat, her head in his hands. After about five or six more thrusts, Rita wrenches herself free from his grasp, grabs her glass, spits the spunk into it, rises to her feet and with her arms above her head spins around a few times in a victory dance, singing, “Bring on the next one!”

The hostess pulls the next fellow in line up the stairs and into position. Rita is on her knees immediately, frantically sucking him down. Bill turns back to Jim and asks, “Where do all these young kids come from. The hostesses and others that seem to be – I don’t know – I guess you would call them a staff? Are they members also, or what?”

“Well, most of them are members’ kids and their kids’ friends – mostly college students. I think most of them work just for tips and the fun.” Jim explains.

“Well, I’ve got a tip for ours.” Bill nudges Angel with his elbow and she snickers.

“Must be an inside joke.” Jim perceives.

“Yeah, kind of.” Bill acknowledges. “What about the floor show earlier and these girls up here. Is this hired entertainment or put on by members?”

“Well, these girls here are all members. Any time we have competitions it is always between members. Marlene is Mr. Browning’s wife, from Browning Tool and Die. Then Pat Gibbs, well she is Mr. Hickerman’s travel secretary. So, I’ve been told.

“We’ve met Nancy.” Angel breaks in. “How does that work out?”

“I’ve never seen Pat with him or with anyone else for that matter. I mean she fucks around as much as anyone else, but I’ve never seen her here with someone as a date or anything. So maybe Ms. Hickerman doesn’t know any thing about her. Or, maybe she does. In either case, it is kind of an unwritten rule that members don’t talk or gossip about one another’s – what do you want to call it – carnal habits, for better of more exact description.

“Anyway, Taneka – I don’t know anything about her. We have several black couples. There’s the Herberts.” He points across the room at a couple lounging together and watching the show a couple of tables away. “And the Warrens, over there. Let’s see – the Jeffersons – yes, I know.” He put up his hand to hold back the obvious comment. “Anyway, I don’t see them. But, Taneka – I don’t even know her last name – I’ve never seen her with anyone that you could call her partner or significant other.”

The slurping and the appreciative moaning continues over the PA as the MC goes from couple to couple sucking up all the lascivious sounds.

“And then there is Rita Garza. You know that woman is one hot tamale. Excuse the pun. They talked about her the first night she was here, like they are talking about you and Angel. She’s Ted Garza’s wife. He owns all the Auto Ones.

“As far as the earlier show, Hickerman’s daughter runs a casting agency in downtown. She puts all that together. This is really a family affair” He laughed at his own pun. “So, what else do you want to know?”

Before anyone could answer, the MC is holding the mic in the face of another guy erupting into the mouth of Taneka. “Aaaahhhh, yes, girl!.... Augh!... Augh!... Augh!...” he keeps moaning, until Taneka pulls off and empties her mouth into her glass.

As soon as Taneka is down on her next victim, Angel turns asking, “What about disease?”

“Good question and that is one of things you must agree to, if you plan to get initiated and come to anymore parties. All members must give blood and urine samples on the Monday before the next party and promise to abstain from any recreational sex until the night of the party. So we feel 99.9% safe.”

“Yeah, but what about the initiates – we haven’t taken any tests.” Angel argues.

“No?” Jim comes right back with a knowing smile on his face. “Bill, didn’t you get called in to give blood and urine samples earlier this week?”

“Yeah, but that was for some new life insurance policy the company is getting for all of us.” Bill argues.

“Yeah, that is what you thought. And Angel did you give any samples this week?”

“Well, yes, but that was a random drug check. They do that all the time.”

“Do they usually take blood for a drug test?”

“No – but they told me they had a new test.” Angel returns, her forehead all furrowed in consternation.

“Hickerman has his ways and means to make everything work out. It’s really surprising sometimes.” Jim concedes, smiling that smug smile as if it were all his doing.

“Well, what if I had decided to bring my wife instead of Angel.” Bill supposes.

“I’ll bet… if you go ask her… if she got tested during the week, she’ll tell you she did.”

“That’s consoling.” Angel breaths a sigh of relief not directed towards anyone in particular. “That has been my greatest concern. That and the idea that the initiation might involve sex with other people I don’t even know.”

“Good, that brings up the next point.” Jim rubs his hands together as a sign of things moving along in the direction he wants them to go. Looking at Bill and then deliberately at Angel, he begins to ask, “So – based on what you have seen and now that we have resolved the question on disease…. Oh – by the way – the initiation will not require you to have sexual intercourse with anyone else.” Again looking at both of them in turn, he

asks, “Are you two prepared to be initiated?”

“Can you tell us any more about what is involved with the initiation?” Bill asks tentatively.

“Sure. All the initiates will be tied down to a bed and blind folded.” Ann shivers noticeably with anticipation at the thought, attracting everyone’s attention. Jim continues, “Each member of the club will then come by to initiate….”

“But, no sexual intercourse. Right?” Angel tries to confirm.

“I can promise you, that you will not be made to have intercourse against your will. Upon completion of the initiation your hands will be released and you will go into a half hour competition with the other initiates. The competition is different each time, but does not involve interaction with anyone else but your partner.

“Any other questions?” After a long silent pause as Jim looks back and forth at each of them, he asks again, “Are you ready to be initiated?”

Bill looks over at Angel. She looks back, not giving any sign of approval or non-approval. Finally, Bill asks her, “Well, what do you think?”

“What ever you say.” Angel maintains her poker face.

“Well, I’m game, if you are.”

“Good!” She lets out what sounds like a sigh of relief. “Let’s do it.” She smiles, leans over and gives Bill a big wet, passionate kiss.

“Alright, then!” Jim exclaims. After the kiss, he brings out a clipboard and hands it to Bill, saying, “We need both of you to sign this contract. In signing it, you agree not to divulge any information about what goes on here to anyone. That you will not discuss with anyone outside these confines, including members, anything pertaining to the club. That you agree to adhere to the rules attached as a means to maintain good decorum between club members. And that you will submit and pay for blood and urine samples on the Monday prior to the next party you wish to attend. Administrative procedures for this and RSVPing are in the attached rules pamphlet.

Bill signs and quickly passes it on to Angel, who signs as quickly and like Bill, without reading the contract or rules.

Jim and Ann stand up, both reaching to shake hands and congratulate their counterpart. Ann and Angel hug. Angel feels the metal rings cool against her breasts, causing her to shudder a little. Then exchanging partners, Ann throws her arms around Bill’s neck, kissing him full on the lips. Breaking the kiss, she whispers in his ear, “Wouldn’t you like to get me all stretch out on the rack and have your way with me?”

Bill just shakes his head in disbelief.

Jim has Angel in a bear hug as well. Letting loose with one hand he takes the liberty of grabbing one of her breasts and whispered, “Have you ever been tied up and had your body ravaged?”

“As a matter of fact, we have done that a time or two.” Angel confides.

“Then you really do need to come down stairs. We need some new blood down there.” He throws his head back and laughs. “Congratulations on your decision to join us. I hope to get to know you a whole lot better.

The four ladies keep taking guy after guy. Sucking cock after cock as fast as they can.

After each guy cums, they spit the spunk into their glass; while the MC continues to walk around between the couples insuring the hall is filled with the sounds of fellatio and men getting off.

Bill and Angel return to their couch and curl up together to watch in the remainder of the show. Angel as always, quickly finds Bill’s cock and commences with a slow, long stroking action, while he finds and plays with her breasts. Angel turns her head to his ear and kisses it, then whispers, “Every inch of my flesh is burning to feel your touch, every part of my very being wants you in every way I can have you. I want to feel you penetrate me in each and every way that you can. I love the way your hands feel against my skin, your mouth against mine, your tongue deep inside me as we kiss like we have never kissed before. I want you to take me in ways that make me feel as though I am the only reason you are alive, the only thing you think about all day and long into the night, the only thing that keeps you breathing and wanting to be alive. When you kiss me… when you touch me… that's how you make me feel. You make me feel as though you are the only thing keeping me alive and that you are the reason for my very being, the reason I continue to exist. I am, because you make me feel so alive when I am with you – so hot that I can barely stand to leave you at the end of our day.”

“Sweetie, I feel the same way. I want you all the time. I need to hear you cumming and begging for more. I love the way you completely give yourself to me. So, I have no choice, I must please you. And the more you are pleased the more satisfied I become.” In saying so, he begins to crawl down her body and sucks in the nipple of her left breast.

She grabs him by the head and rocks him back in forth over her breast, moaning, “Oh God. Yes, Bill. You do please me…. Oh, yes…. Ummmm…. This feels so good. I wish we had weekends together,… ummm, yes… just the two of us, with nothing to worry about and nothing else to think about except how much satisfaction we can bring to ourselves,… how many times you can make me cum when you eat my hot pussy and when you fuck me with your gorgeous hard cock. I want to see how many times you can stroke that cock into me before you cum so hard you do pass out and I am forced to revive you with my kisses and reassuring words. How many times I can make you cum in a weekend and how long I can keep you hard. I would revive your cock with my kisses and my tongue, wanting it hard again as much or more than you do. Wanting to feel it as it forces its' way deep inside me, rubbing against that oh-so-tender spot inside me, that drives me wild and makes me beg you to fuck me harder and deeper. That's what I want more than anything, you fucking me in a way that makes me beg for more.”

Letting go of her breast, Bill looks up at her and smiles, saying, “I think I can provide a little of what you need.” as he sticks out his tongue and wiggles it. With it still wiggling, he bends down and touches it to her hard nipple. Angel moans, her entire body tensing up immediately and she grabs for his head, but he ducks, dragging his tongue down along her belly. He hesitates at her belly button and pulls up her skirt. Then ducking below it, he sinks his tongue immediately between the swollen lips of her pussy. Wiggling it, he quickly finds her clit.

As soon as his tongue touches her hard little love bud, the electric shock caused by the contact, shoots through her whole body. She arches her back and thrusts her cunt hard into his face. Her eyelids close tightly over her eyes and her face contorts sharply in response to the impulses shooting through her body, while from deep in her throat she lets out a deep moan of satisfaction.

Moving to kneel between her legs, Bill wraps his arms under her thighs and around her hips as his hands dance lightly on her belly, providing additional sensual stimulation. Angel rests her thighs on his shoulders, throwing her legs over his back and crossing them at the ankles. She digs her heels into his back trying to draw him even tighter into her undulating pussy. She is in heat, the climax already welling up inside her. Her hands rub through his hair on the back of his head and they try desperately to pull him even closer. Every muscle in her body and every thought in her mind are concentrating on one and only one thing, getting as much pressure as she can on her throbbing clit. She is literally fucking his face, thrusting her hips two or three inches off the couch at an ever-increasing pace.

The MC keeps the microphone down close to where the action is, continuing to pick up and broadcast the slurping sounds and soft moanings of women, hot to please these men. In the background, one can hear the subject of one of the ladies manipulations, moaning and encouraging her on, “Suck it baby. You give such good head. I’m almost there. That’s it!... That’s it!... Suck it, baby!... Faster!... Harder!... Come on!... Faster!... Oh, yes!... Faster…. Almost… Yes!...Auuuuuuugh!... Oh, Yeeeeah!... Oh, God!... Yes… Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh yeah!”

Bill feels her desperation and knows her climax is very close. He loves it when she is like this, knowing that her every thought is on his tongue and getting off. For him this is just as satisfying as climaxing himself and certainly much more gratifying.

He holds on tight to stay with her undulations, his tongue thrusting and wiggling all over her clit as fast as he can make it move. He twists his head back and forth and in a circular motion, pressing it as hard as he can into her pussy.

Angel is right on the edge of her climax. It is almost there, but not quite. She thrusts and thrusts into his face, trying desperately to pull him tighter and thrust even faster.

Bill feels her frustration and releases one arm from around her hip. Pulling his hand underneath, he works it up under his chin and slides two fingers into her dripping pussy. He turns his hand so the pads on his fingers are facing up, allowing him to drag them along the roof of her vagina. He thrusts them in and drags them out again, trying to find that spot that will trigger her orgasm.

The mic is thrust into the face of yet another man about to cum on the stage. “Suck it bitch!... Come on whore… Suck my cock… Suck it!... Suck it!... Suck it!... Oh, yes!... I’m cum…cum… Cumming!... Oh, baby, yeah…. Oh! YEAAAAAAH!... Oh, yeah!... Oh, yeah!... oh, yeah….”

The combination of his lustful tongue, her thrusting, his fingers up her pussy and the sounds of sex from the stage finally gets Angel over the top and she screams her own response to an incredible orgasm, “Oooh!... Oooh!... Ooooh! My God!...” she moans her delight as the first waves of an intense orgasm wash over her body. The spasms rock her, from deep inside her pussy all the way out to the very tips of her toes and fingers. Her head rocks from side to side with each spasm. She thrusts with such intensity into his mouth that she brings her hips and his face a good half foot into the air.

Bill quickly pulls his fingers free and desperately grasps around her hips again trying to hang with her. His tongue wiggles relentlessly back and forth across her clitoris. The sensations are so intense that Angel can only moan and gasp in inaudible sounds of bliss. Her fingers clasp and unclasp in his hair with each spasm. When clasped she pulls his head even tighter into her pussy, relishing in the pure pleasure of one spasm after the other.

Bill is in his element, feeling almost as much satisfaction from her reaction to his manipulations as he would if their roles were reversed. He licks and licks as fast and with as much force as he can, stopping every so often to suck the little nub in between his lips, rolling it back and forth. His only desire now is to keep her orgasm going as long as he can, to get her off to points that she has never been before, asking himself,How can I make her orgasm even more powerful, more powerful than it has ever been before. How can I send her to some nirvana that is indescribable?

He has brought her to this plateau before and knows that soon the intensity will be so extreme, she will no longer be able to stand it. In the past, she has always asked him, begged him, to stop and fuck her. Tonight he wants to take her to yet another level, hopefully somewhere she has never been before.

Angel continues to respond, gasping and moaning, her back still arched off the couch. Each spasm is as strong as the last, ripping through her body causing her to flip her head to the other side of her body and thrust her hips into his mouth. Other than that, she has no control over any other part of her body. She tries to use her thighs and heels to pull him in even tighter, but they do not respond to her call.My, God… I can’t stand much more. She thinks between spasms.I know he wants me to go further… I just don’t think I can…I need his cock… I want his cock now… Oh, God…I want him to fuck me.

Suddenly, the spasms are cumming quicker, short intense almost like electric like shocks, causing her to gasp with each one. Her pussy and sphincter muscles contract almost painfully and her nipples swell until they hurt. Her whole body tingles, but nothing like the area around her clit, which feels like it is almost on fire.My, God…What’s happening…Stop… Oh, God…Stop…Stop… She screams inside, trying to make her thoughts audible, but she just cannot seem to turn her screams into understandable words.

Physically, however, she can express her desire for him to stop. She squeezes her thighs around his head and rocks her body back and forth trying to dislodge him. Her hands are still clenching and unclenching in rhythm with the new rapid spasms, but instead of pulling him tighter into her pussy, she tries desperately to push him away. Finally the spasms relax slightly, although the tingling is just as intense, but now she is able to replace some of her gasps with intelligible, albeit cryptic, words; “Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Stop!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Please!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Stop!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Fuck!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Fuck!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Need!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Cock!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Oooh!... Fuck!... Oooh!... Oooh!...”

Now that her gasping has become a little louder, some of the members from the surrounding tables are taking notice; many stand and begin to gather around.

Determined to reach his goal, Bill grasps her thighs even tighter, fighting against her attempts to dislodge him. His tongue wiggles and wiggles across her clit as she bucks against him. Her body twitches as if in a seizure as she pounds his shoulders and head with her fists. Then throwing her arms behind her, over her head, she grasps the material of the couch and attempts to pull herself free, while at the same time using her feet to push off his back and shoulders.