A Life Altering Experience


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She screamed so loud that stars flashed behind her eyes. She half expected Greg to come running out of the bathroom to ask her what was wrong. She couldn't have known that he was still in the throes of his self-induced orgasm with his head under the spray of the water. He couldn't hear a thing besides the water rushing over his head. The idea of it was enough to get her fingers flying yet again, however.

When he didn't fly through the door she was disappointed. Not enough to stop her selfish ministrations on her wet sex, but enough to slow it down in the hopes that he'd see her when he did finally exit the bathroom. She wanted so badly for him to see her. Her eyes shut as she imagined her big brother's hard cock sliding in and out of cunt at a slow and steady rhythm, their tongues dancing, and holding his warm, strong body to her.

Her fingers plunged deep inside her pussy. Her palm rubbed hard against her clit. Rachel's eyes shot open as she heard the shower cut off. Redoubling her efforts she tried to work herself to another orgasm so that her brother would hear her, or at least see her as he passed her room. He couldn't avoid it if he tried.

Her fingers smacked against her sloppy wet sex as she heard the bathroom door shut. If only he'd look in her room. She was so close she could taste it. Her eyes wanted to shut so badly as she felt it begin to build, but as she watched she saw her brother dash past her open door without even a second glance.

Rachel's eyes squeezed shut in frustration, but her fingers kept working. As she heard his bedroom door slam shut in the distance she came again. It wasn't very satisfying, but it was enough to sleep on. She knew she'd get him tonight even if it meant skipping the party.

For a while both brother and sister were quiet as they slept. Their dreams were oddly similar. Scenes of incestuous love filled their heads as they tossed and turned in separate rooms. It was Rachel who awoke first at a little after four in the afternoon. She was glad she did. She had a lot of things to do or all her dreams would be for naught.

When Greg finally awoke an hour and a half later and left his room he found what at first he took to be an empty house. He quickly found out he was only half-right. The house may have been empty, but the pool wasn't. He scratched his head and looked out the sliding glass door before deciding to go find out what was going on.

"What are you doing?" he said as walked to the edge of the pool as Rachel stood on the ladder expectantly.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Rachel responded as she climbed out of the pool and stood before her brother, dripping wet. Greg was slow to answer as he took a second to take in the sight of his sister's nearly nude body before stopping himself and looking in her face. He saw a knowing smile on that pretty face that made him wonder. The words that came from behind that smile took away his wonder and replaced it with a moment of fear as his sister asked bluntly if he liked what he saw.

"What… I… what are you talking about?" he sputtered, instinctively taking a step back.

"Hush," Rachel responded as she stepped up to him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before stepping away and grabbing her towel, "You need to lighten up, big brother. You're so wound up. You need to learn to just let go and stop worrying about stupid shit."

Greg was too stunned to even move as Rachel spoke. The fact that his sister just kissed him was slow to sink into his still drowsy mind. He literally had to shake his head before he could make an effort to talk, but stopped as he noticed his sister lying down with her back to the sky on the towel she had laid out poolside. Rachel didn't even give him a chance to speak before she started again.

"Don't just stand there. You don't want me to burn, do you?" She pointed at the suntan lotion only a few inches from his feet. He looked at her, and then back at the lotion before he finally regained enough control to speak.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the party instead of working on your tan?" he inquired as he tried his best to avoid staring at her perfect ass and keep his attention focused on her still smiling face.

"Do we really have to go to the party?" Rachel asked, raising herself up on her forearms.

"What?" Greg replied in an incredulous tone. "I thought you were the one who really wanted to go?"

"I changed my mind. I'm allowed to do that, you know. Man, my back is getting warm. Why don't you put some lotion on it?"

"Rachel…" Greg started but was quickly interrupted.

"Please?" she pleaded in her best 'little girl raising her legs and putting her hands under her chin while pouting' look. "I'll be your best friend."

"Fine!" Greg exclaimed, throwing up his hands in defeat before picking up the bottle. His sister giggled and returned to a prone position with her arms under her head. She knew the opportunity to touch her bare skin was something he simply couldn't pass up.

"Thank you," Rachel said as her brother got down on his knees beside her. "You're the best brother ever." Greg just grunted in response as he stared at the beautiful sight before him; Rachel's long, firm legs, small, delicate feet with perfect toes, and her aforementioned ass and smooth back. He was glad she couldn't see his crotch in her position because he was already getting hard.

Being a considerate big brother Greg made sure to squirt the lotion onto his hands instead of just squirting it directly on her back. He paused before finally reaching to touch his sister's soft body. It was like a religious experience. It always was no matter how many times he did it, but that kiss still played on his mind, as did the sultry sigh that came from his sister when he finally laid his hands on her.

"That feels nice," Rachel said in relaxed voice as Greg rubbed the lotion into her back. It was almost a massage instead of just a simple application of lotion. Greg's eagerness to feel her body showed. His motions were slow and deliberate. He was almost shaking as his fingers moved to the back of her bikini top. What he wouldn't give to see up close what they kept covered.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Rachel apologized before reaching back and untying the string that held the top in place. She then fulfilled her brother's unspoken wish by sitting up and tossing it aside, giving him a quick glimpse of her small but perfect breasts. He actually gasped before he protested her actions despite himself.

"What the hell are you doing?" he questioned in a loud whisper as disbelief overtook him. Rachel just giggled.

"What?" she said, feigning surprise at his shocked tone as she rolled over on her side and propped herself up on one elbow. She was giving Greg the view he wanted. She giggled again as his eyes averted from the display a little too slowly for someone who didn't want to see what he was seeing.

"Jesus, Rachel," Greg said as he tried his best not to look. "Cover yourself up! I don't want to see those. We have neighbors."

"Oh, shut up," she said nonchalantly. "We have a privacy fence all around us. No one can see a thing and, besides, they're just boobs. Don't you like boobs, Greg?" She was beginning to have fun teasing him like this. Still, she hoped it wouldn't end with just teasing.

"Of course I do, but not my sister's," Greg said as he stood up and turned towards the pool, looking around as if to verify that indeed no one was looking.

"Why?" Rachel rolled onto her back again and propped herself up on her elbows. "Don't you think they're nice?"

Greg couldn't believe he was hearing what he thought he was hearing. Did his sister just ask him if he liked her breasts? Why would she even ask him that? She couldn't be asking because…

"What?" Greg asked, finally turning back to look at his sister. When he did his eyes instantly fell upon her exposed body. He almost turned back, but he found he couldn't. His guilt told him he should, but his lust told his guilt to be silent. It didn't listen. Not that it mattered. His lust was getting stronger by the second.

"I asked you if you thought my boobs were nice," Rachel calmly repeated as if it were the most natural question in the world for a sister to be asking her brother. Greg's gaze finally lifted from his sister's chest to her face. This couldn't be happening.

"I… I…" Greg stuttered. His eyes were shifting between his sister's face and her breasts, occasionally wandering down farther. He had no idea how to even begin answering that question. Was this some kind of trap? Did Rachel know about his wicked thoughts and just wanted him to reveal himself for some reason, or could she want him too? The same thoughts repeated over and over again in a seemingly endless repetition. He was caught in a loop he couldn't escape on his own. Luckily his little sister was there to help him.

"It's a simple question, Greg," Rachel announced as she got up and walked towards her brother. "Do you think my breasts are pretty?" Her hands reached out for his and he didn't resist. He was too busy staring at the mounds of flesh in question. His brain was useless to him. "Maybe you need to touch them, hmm?" As his sister brought his hands up to her breasts Greg's heart skipped a beat and sweat began to form on his brow, but he didn't resist. He couldn't if he wanted to.

As Greg's hands cupped her breasts Rachel let out a sigh. His hands were warm and so strong. They felt perfect touching her skin. It was like they were made just for the purpose. Greg was still in shock and was unable to do anything more then cup them, but it still felt wonderful.

When Rachel released her grip on her brother's hands it was like she'd flipped a switch. He no longer simply cupped them. He squeezed them gently, caressed them, and allowed his thumbs to stroke the quickly hardening nipples as Rachel breathed deeply and contentedly.

"I'll take that as a yes." Rachel placed her arms on Greg's shoulders and pulled herself up to kiss him. Greg was caught unawares, still focused on his sister's breasts, but as he saw her face drawing closer he panicked. Suddenly he pushed her away and took a step back.

"What the hell are we doing?" Greg questioned. He stared at his hands as if they were diseased.

"Greg…" Rachel started, but stopped as her brother ran into the house. Cursing herself under her breath she ran after him. He was too fast for her. By the time she got inside he'd already run to his room and slammed the door shut.

Stomping hard she cursed again and then headed towards her brother's door, hoping he didn't lock it. Luckily he hadn't, but she knocked anyway before she opened it to find her brother madly jerking off on his bed. It was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. She'd just given her brother the one thing she knew he really wanted and he had rejected her to do what? Jerk off?

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Greg?" she yelled, her hands on her hips as she stood above her brother. Greg shook with surprise. He didn't even know she was in the room until that moment.

"What… what are you doing in here?" Greg challenged as he pulled the blanket over his waist in shame, "Get out of here!"

"No," Rachel said firmly "I'm not going anywhere until you answer my fucking question. What is wrong with you, Greg? I know you want me and I just showed you that I want you, but here you are jerking off in your room, probably thinking of me. What the fuck, Greg? Isn't the real me good enough for you? Are you retarded or something?"

Rachel was so angry. She couldn't help it. Didn't he know how hard it was for her to put it all out on the line like that? She stopped yelling and turned away, covering her face as the anger gave way to sobbing.

Suddenly Greg realized what a fool he'd been. Not only had he almost thrown away his dream, he'd also deeply hurt his sister. He'd let fear guide his decisions for so long he'd almost let it ruin his chance to share with his sister the true depth of his love for her. The sight of her crying was just too much to bear. Fuck fear, fuck society, he loved his sister and she loved him. That was all that mattered.

He got up from his bed and nearly tripped over his pants, but shed them easily enough before placing his hand on Rachel's shoulder and turned her towards him. "I'm so sorry, Rachel," he said before kissing her tear stained cheeks "I'm so stupid." He kissed her again on her other cheek as he repeated his apology over and over.

"It's okay, Greg," Rachel finally replied. One arm found its way around her brother's strong back while the other touched his strong cheek. Greg stopped kissing her cheeks. Their eyes met in a gaze for what seemed like a short eternity before Rachel spoke again. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Greg responded in a husky whisper.

"Greg?" Rachel's voice was so quiet her brother had a hard time hearing her despite their closeness.

"Yes, Rachel?" The volume of his voice matched hers.

"Make love to me," It was not a request and it required no answer that could be put into words. Greg knew this and acted accordingly; kissing his little sister with a passion he had never thought himself capable of before. Rachel accepted his kiss instantly. Her mouth opened and his tongue slipped against hers.

Their hands moved freely over each other's bodies as they kissed. Neither could believe how good it felt to finally touch in such an intimate manner. Greg loved the softness of his sister's bottom, the feel of her crack underneath the thin, damp cloth of her bikini. Rachel was more than a little pleased at the feel of her brother's hard cock pressed against her stomach. She could hardly wait to find out what it felt like to have it inside of her.

"God," Greg said, breaking the kiss and looking into his sister's eyes. "You're so beautiful. I want to taste every inch of your body." His lips returned to Rachel's and they kissed again. Greg's hands found their way to the strings that held his sister's bikini bottom in place. A quick tug from behind caused the fabric to roughly rub against Rachel's aroused sex, making her whimper sweetly. He then removed them.

"I want to taste you, baby sister," Greg revealed as he broke the kiss once more and gently pushed Rachel onto his bed. "I want to taste every inch of your body." He pushed her again to make her lay down before crawling on top, returning to her mouth for a brief moment before beginning his trek down her thin, beautiful body.

Rachel was speechless, reduced to just panting heavily as her arousal quickly built. She had been so dominant, so in control only a few moments ago, but now she only wanted to see where her brother would take her. So far he was taking her exactly where she wanted to go.

His kisses were slow, but desperately passionate. Rachel whimpered as he sucked gently on her neck then bit on her shoulder a little too hard. Still it felt wonderful. Her hands stroked his strong neck and soft hair.

Rachel nearly screamed when Greg's mouth found its way to her already hard nipples to suck and nibble on them. Her body reacted by squirming uncontrollably under Greg's delicious assault. It felt like she could almost come just from his suckling. She knew that part of it was from the taboo nature of what they were doing, but there was something more. She was already certain that this was going to be the best sexual experience of her young life and her brother hadn't even touched her sex yet.

Greg moved slowly between her breasts, trying to stay true to his promise. First he kissed and licked one small mound, and then kissed his way down the valley between before patiently working his way back the other one. It was a loving, torturous process that was driving Rachel wild.

The more Rachel wiggled and moaned, the more effort Greg put into his sweet attentions. His body begged him to give in to his own desires for pleasure, but he refused to give in. His cock was so hard it hurt and every time it rubbed against his sister's body it made him shiver with lust. It took all of his willpower to stop himself from acting selfishly. This was not an ordinary girl. This was the girl he had always wanted, but had thought he could never have. He had to let her know how he grateful he was for this chance.

Reluctantly he left his sister's breasts to kiss his way down her perfectly flat stomach. He could smell Rachel's arousal. He groaned as he kissed her stomach and imagined what she would taste like. Rachel groaned as well, anticipating the feel of his mouth on her pussy. When his tongue traced around the perimeter of her belly button she groaned again. He was so close.

But as Greg neared his sister's beautiful sex and spread her legs wide with his strong hands his kisses seemed to miss the mark. Instead of kissing his sister's mound he centered his attentions on the soft thighs. It felt so good, but Rachel was going mad with arousal. The gentle teasing was maddening. Why didn't he just make her come?

"Please," Rachel groaned in protest, her eyes filled with need as she caught her brother's gaze. "Please eat me. Make me come."

Greg hushed her by slowly kissing his way up her leg. Rachel continued to groan as her brother's kisses moved closer. When he kissed her behind the knee it amazed her how good it felt. No one had ever put this much effort into seducing her. Not her male lover, nor her female lovers. No one had ever been this patient.

When Greg's mouth reached her feet she was again amazed. She suddenly realized how much she had missed by not taking this path sooner. Greg was teaching her things she never even knew about her own body. He sucked her toes into his mouth and Rachel's back arched on its own accord.

"What are you doing to me?" Rachel asked as her hands found their way to her breasts. "You make me feel so good."

Greg switched, eventually working his back down his sister's other leg. He made sure that his mouth never left her skin except to whisper encouraging words. He loved the taste of her sweat. He could only imagine how good her pussy would taste, but he would find out soon enough.

Kissing down her thigh, he was almost there. Rachel knew it and she stared at her brother, knowing that he made her feel better then she had ever felt before. When his mouth finally made contact with the slippery lips, his suspicions were instantly confirmed.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Rachel screamed as Greg's tongue penetrated her folds and his fingers found their way to her clit. Her hips bucked wildly until Greg brought his other hand to rest on her stomach to hold his sister down. Rachel's own hands were still busy on her breasts as her brother's tongue licked away at her center.

It was simply amazing how good her brother felt between her thighs. His tongue and fingers seemed to be everywhere at once. He switched effortlessly between licking his sister's pussy and rubbing her clit to fingering her pussy and gently sucking on her clit. Rachel could already feel the pressure building inside.

"I'm going to come," Rachel panted urgently, "Oh, God! You're making me come!" She repeated it like a chant until at last she did come. Lights flashed and the only sound she heard was a low hum. It was the most intense she ever felt. The wrongness of the situation, the patience of Greg's efforts, the skill and the love they shared between them all added to the sensation.

Her body was rigid as Greg continued to lap at her sex. His sister's juices coated his face. Her scent filled his nostrils. Seeing his sister come had been the single most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. As his tongue continued to taste her swollen lips and clit he did his best to make sure he'd see it again.

Rachel screamed again when her second orgasm hit her almost as soon as her last one had subsided. Her skin was flushed and coated in sweat as she lost contact with the real world for a brief moment and blacked out, her body going limp and collapsing onto her brother's bed. Greg had to chuckle to himself. He'd never done that before. When Rachel awoke moments later to her brother kissing her forehead she smiled at him dreamily. Greg smiled back before kissing his sister's sweet lips, sharing the aftertaste of her succulent pussy. Rachel could feel her brother's stiff cock pressing against her thigh. The desire to return the favor he'd just given her was too much. She had to taste him as he had tasted her.