A Lifetime of Valentines


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"She's in there," Christine said as she led me to a door. "Make it quick. We don't want her to be late to her own wedding." I wasn't sure if she was kidding. I didn't want to know.

I hesitated and Christine opened the door for me. She all but pushed me into the room. I nearly stumbled.

It wasn't hard to find Maddie. The room was probably her father's study. She was standing in the middle, next to a table and looking at me. I couldn't quite make myself meet her gaze. She looked incredible and I had to swallow before I could speak.

"Hello Maddie," I said tentatively.

"Hello John," she replied as I finally looked into her eyes. Suddenly all my fears were gone. I smiled.

"I thought you were already married," I said, my voice calmer.

"I'm about to be," she replied.

"No, you're not," I replied confidently.

"Yes I am," she insisted. "I have the dress and everything."

"Everything but the right man."

"Bernie's a good man," she said softly, no longer looking at me.

"Maybe," I shrugged, not wanting to argue. "But that doesn't make him the right one."

"I love him," Maddie insisted. My chest tightened momentarily, but I pressed on.

"Yes, but are you in love with him?" I asked.

"You and I barely know each other!" she snapped, changing the subject. I smiled.

"I know you well enough to know I love you."

"You're crazy!" she cried.

"Maddie, argue all you want," I smiled. "But I know you love me too. I can feel it when you look at me. You were my first Valentine and I want you to be my last." We both fell silent for a few moments, watching each other.

"You still owe me that chess game," she said softly.

"I know," I said. "Marry me and we'll play as many games as you like."

"No, I want to play now," she said, shocking me.

"Now?" I asked. Maddie didn't bother to answer. She simply pulled out a chess set from under the table and started setting it up.

"If you win, I'll break it off with Bernie and marry you," she said. "If I win, you disappear from my life forever."

"You're serious?" I asked in disbelief. Again, she didn't answer. Instead, Maddie sat at the table in her wedding dress and made the first move.

I sat opposite her and shook my head as I took my turn. I heard the door open once while we were playing, but didn't bother to look up. The game was too important. The problem was that I was clearly overmatched. Maddie's defense had improved a lot since the last time we played.

I knew there was no way I was going to win half way through the game, but I refused to give up, hoping for a miracle. The door opened again, but this time someone entered.

"Madeline, what in God's name are you doing?" a man who had to be her father asked.

"Trying to decide who to marry," she replied, making another move.

"Who to marry?" her father asked in disbelief. "Bernie is out there waiting for you!"

"And John is in here playing chess," Maddie said, and then added in introduction. "John, this is my father."

"Hello," I said, not looking up from the table. "Pardon my rudeness, but Maddie is beating me badly and a lot depends on this game." There was silence for a moment and then Maddie's father spoke.

"Good luck son," he said and left the room. Mike must have been right about Maddie's father. He didn't like Bernie.

The door burst open a few moments later. In walked a woman who looked like an older version of Maddie. Needless to say, she was not happy. Maddie's father followed her.

"Madeline! You stop this instant!" she cried. "You can't be serious!"

"Mother, you're distracting me," Maddie frowned.

"You can't decide who to marry based off of a chess game!"

"I'm not," she replied. "Playing helps me think."

"Come to any conclusions?" I asked nervously, feeling my hope rekindle. Madeline stood.

"Two actually," she said. "First, you're a poor chess player."

"I'll get better," I promised.

"I should hope so!" she snorted.

"And?" her father asked.

"Stop this foolishness," her mother put in. "We have guests waiting!"

I wasn't quite holding my breath as I watched Maddie's face for a sign. She was expressionless. I knew she'd made up her mind, but she wasn't giving any hints. Maddie next words were the most important of my life.

"And," she finally smiled, knocking over her king. "I'd like to be the one that teaches you."

"You're surrendering a chess game?" her father asked in amazement. "I've never seen you do that before!"

"My heart's not in it," she replied. I remained frozen for a moment longer, and then suddenly I was standing and Maddie was in my arms.

"Oh my," her mother groaned. "What am I going to tell the guests? They're expecting a wedding."

"I'm willing if you are," I smiled down at Maddie.

"Absolutely not!" she cried. "It would be totally crass for me to break up with Bernie on our wedding day and marry you! We have to wait at least a year after this fiasco."

"Well then," I shrugged at Maddie's mom. "Tell them to come back next year."

"Think of it this way dear," Maddie's father put in. "Neither one of us much cared for Bernie anyway."

"There is that," her mother smiled, relaxing for the first time.

"Now you tell me!" Maddie cried, causing everyone to laugh.


"Hand me a tissue," Elli said, using her fingers to wipe away her tears. "That was so romantic!"

"I guess it was," I smiled, looking down at my wife lovingly.

"Did you get married the next year?"

"To the day," I replied.

"How was the wedding?" she asked.

"Rainy, cold and damp," I laughed. "But the night was very enjoyable!"

"I'm sure," Elli laughed, and then stood and added, "Oh well, I really should go check on some of my other patients now."

"Thanks for listening," I smiled.

"No, thank you for sharing your story!" she insisted. "It's not many people who find their true love and spent almost fifty years together."

"I know," I sighed. "But what I wouldn't do for a one more year!"

She gave my shoulder a squeeze in understanding before walking to the door. She turned back just before she left, smiled knowingly and said, "I'll check in on you later. For now, why not spend some time remembering your wedding night?"


"What a perfect wedding!" I said as I placed Maddie on the ground after carrying her through the threshold of our new house.

"Perfect?" she asked in disbelief. "It rained the entire day! I'm soaked!"

"Just a little bad weather," I shrugged.

"Please!" Maddie groaned. "I don't know whose side of the family was worse. I thought your uncle Fred was going to hit your uncle Jerry at one point!"

"It wouldn't be the first time a fight broke out at one of my family weddings," I shrugged.

"And my aunt Eloise was so drunk she hit on every guy on your side of the family!"

"Not just the guys!" I laughed.

"Please tell me you're joking?" Maddie begged. I just shrugged and she groaned.

"Our parents looked happy despite it all," I offered.

"They were just glad to finally get us married off!" Maddie retorted. "They want grandchildren!"

"Speaking of that..." I grinned. Maddie smiled for the first time since we entered our house.

"Tire of waiting?" she asked.

"I can't believe you made me wait until we were married!" I replied. "It's not like we're kids or anything. A whole year wasted! Think about what fun we could have had!"

"I'm not that kind of a girl!" Maddie retorted.

"I know, I know," I sighed, and then grinned slightly and added, "You know, I never much liked Bernie, but I started feeling bad for him about three months into our engagement. How the heck did you two date so long and nothing happen?"

"I never said nothing happened," Maddie teased back. "But I'm still a virgin."

"Doesn't a woman officially become a spinster if she's twenty-five and still a virgin?" I asked, not willing to lose this contest so easily.

"Keep it up mister," Maddie frowned. "And you'll be awfully lonely on your wedding night!"

"Not going to happen!" I laughed, pulling Maddie into a kiss. She fought me at first, but then melted into my arms.

"It was a nice wedding, wasn't it? Despite everything?" she asked, her head resting on my shoulder.

"Yes, it was," I answered seriously, but then smiled and added, "But then again, the world could have ended right after you said 'I do' and it still would have been a nice wedding."

"You are a rather lucky fellow, aren't you?" Maddie joked.

"That's what your mother keeps telling me," I sighed. "Over and over again!"

"She likes you," Maddie smiled, hugging me tight.

"What's not to like?" I joked. "Besides, after Bernie I could have been an unemployed momma's boy and your parents would have liked me!"

"He wasn't that bad!" Maddie insisted, but she laughed too.

"You look beautiful in your wedding dress," I said, attempt to change the subject, but I couldn't help adding, "It's much better than last year's!" Maddie groaned and I quickly added, "Sorry. I couldn't help myself."

"Try," my new wife sighed.

"I don't want to talk about Bernie or the past anymore," I said. "It's our wedding night and there are better things to do."

"Hey, I'm not the one who keeps bringing them up," she shrugged.

"Well, you can't blame a guy for gloating," I smiled. "I did win after all."

"Are you done yet?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I suppose," I replied.

I led Maddie into the dining room and poured the wine I put there earlier in the day. It was one of her favorites. We then moved to the living room where I put on some music. Maddie smiled when she heard.

"Dean Martin," she said. "Your favorite."

"We can listen to Bing or Franky if you want?" I offered.

"No," she replied, still smiling. "I like Deano too."

We started dancing slowly. Occasionally, I leaned down and kiss my new wife. Maddie looked amazing. Hell! She was amazing!

"So, now that we're married..." I hinted when the album ended. Maddie smiled nervously.

"Turn it over and pour us another glass of wine," she said. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes."

Twenty minutes later I had just finished my third glass of wine when she finally reentered the room. I was a little annoyed that she took so long, but I forgot all about it the moment I saw her. She glowed! I swear she did!

Maddie was wearing a full-length negligee. It was thin enough for me to really appreciate her curves without really showing me anything. Her hair was down now, the way I liked it. Her soft brown eyes met mine and she smiled. Maddie visibly relaxed as she saw my reaction. I didn't try and hide it.

"You're staring," she said.

"Get used to it. I'll be doing a lot of it if you're going to wear things like that!"

"You like it?" Maddie asked.

"I like what's under it," I replied honestly. Maddie blushed, but also smiled.

"Don't you think it's time we go to bed?" she asked.

"I thought you'd never ask!" I answered, taking her hand and making my way toward our bedroom.

I sat on edge of the bed. Maddie stood in front of me. I reached up and pushed the negligee off her shoulders. It fell to the floor, leaving my wife naked in front of my eyes for the first time.

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world," I said, meeting her eyes. "I love you!"

"Will you feel the same way when I'm old and wrinkled?" Maddie asked with a smile.

"I'll always feel this way," I promised. "You're what I've been waiting for my whole life. I'm never going to stop loving you!"

"Show me," Maddie said, her eyes sparkling with desire. I took her into my arms and pulled her down onto the bed. I started kissing her lips and slowly made my way down to her neck. I felt Maddie tense when I moved lower, but she didn't stop me.

Maddie gasped when she felt my breath against her nipples. I watched them harden before tasting them for the first time. Maddie moaned softly. My new wife didn't so much relax after that as lose the nervous tension. It was replaced with another type of tension, one far more enjoyable. Still, I think she was surprised when I continued to make my way even lower.

"John..." she began, but I cut her off.

"Shh," I said, reaching up and placing two of my fingers against her lips to silence her. "Trust me."

She kissed my fingers and pulled them away from her lips. "Always," she promised.

I took my time, but it wasn't long before I was resting my head against one of her thighs and enjoying the sight before me. My breath was hitting her center and it returned a scent that caused every nerve ending I had to react. Maddie was more than a little uncomfortable, but she trusted me and I wanted desperately to show her that she could.

I leaned forward, pushed my nose and mouth through her soft strawberry blond down and tasted my new wife for the first time. She tensed momentarily and then sighed contently. I continued until I could feel her desire grow.

"John!" she cried. "I need you!"

"I'm right here," I said as I moved up her body and hugged her tight. My hardness found her center. I pushed deep and Maddie gasped out. So did I. We found a natural rhythm that felt like it was ours alone.

My sense of time faded as our passion built to a crescendo. I kissed Maddie and lost myself in her. All five senses fired as my body overloaded. Maddie's eyes snapped open and locked with mine as our passion broke.

I'm not sure how long we lay there afterward. It didn't matter. It was one of the most perfect moments of my life. I knew I'd remember it forever.

"John, that was..." Maddie began, but couldn't find the words to finish her thought.

"I know," I said as Maddie nestled into me. "It was well worth the wait."

"If I'd known it was like this..." my new wife began, but she stopped herself and blushed.

"Don't worry," I smiled. "We have the rest of our life to make up for lost time!"

"Promise?" she asked.

"Do you want to start right now?" I laughed.

"Can we?" she asked, looking into my eyes. I smiled and nodded.


"I love you, Maddie," I smiled as came out of my reverie. I looked down at my wife. "You still the most beautiful woman in the world."

I stood and adjusted her pillows. I took my time, making sure they were just the way she liked them. Afterward, I sat back in my chair and suddenly felt very tired.

"I'm right here if you need me Maddie," I said. "But I'm going to take a little nap if you don't mind."

Maddie didn't answer. I hadn't expected her to. I patted her hand, smiled at her and closed my eyes.


"John, I'm going off shift," I heard Elli say as she gently shook me awake. "I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye." I opened my eyes and she looked oddly familiar for a moment, but the feeling quickly faded.

"I'm glad," I said as I sat up and stretched. My old bones ached, but I felt better than I had in months. "I wanted you to know that talking to you about Maddie has helped. Thank you."

"It was my pleasure," she smiled, and then grew serious and asked, "Are you going to be okay?"

"In time," I said. "Probably."

"I have a little while before I have to leave," the nurse said. "Why don't you tell me about some of your other Valentine Days with Maggie?"

"What's to tell?" I shrugged. "We shared forty-nine of them after we were married. I tried to make them all good memories, but didn't always succeed."

"The year after our Elizabeth died was the worst," I continued. "We were both in so much pain that we didn't celebrate."

"What did you do?" Elli asked, sounding honestly interested.

"Our oldest Kyle just finished college the year before. He was smart enough to realize it wouldn't be a good day. He took his younger brother Danny out," I sighed. "Maddie and I lay in bed and spent most of it sobbing into each other's arms."

"You loved your daughter very much," Elli smiled sadly.

"I don't think either one of us ever got over her loss," I replied honestly.

"Tell me more about the good memories," she suddenly prompted. I nodded in agreement.

"I already mentioned that Maddie liked to tell me she was pregnant on Valentine's Day. Those three years were great. So were the years our sons graduated college. There were plenty of others related to our kids, but truthfully many of our best Valentine's Day memories had nothing to do with anything more special than the fact that Maddie and I were in love and had each other."

"That's beautiful," Elli smiled warmly.

"I'm going to miss her so much!" I cried, surprised at how quickly my control slipped. "I already do!"

"I know," Elli said softly. "But you have to let her go. I think she's holding on because of you."

"I can't live without her!" I cried.

"Sure you can," Elli replied gently. "It won't be easy, but one day you'll see her again. But first you have to say goodbye and let her rest."

"I love her so much! I can't say goodbye."

"It's your decision," the nurse said sadly, squeezing my shoulder and leaving the room.

I remained silently sitting and staring at Maddie. I was locked in my memories for a long time. I thought about what Elli said and somewhere deep down I knew she was right. Maddie was hanging on for me. I had to let her go. Yet, I still couldn't bring myself to say goodbye.

I fell asleep without realizing it. I dreamed about Maddie and our life together. I dreamed about the possibility of us meeting each other again in the next life. I wasn't the most religious person, but I wanted desperately to believe I'd see her again.

I woke up slowly. Nothing had changed in the room. My wife of forty-nine years still lay in the hospital bed waiting for me to release her so that she could die and find peace. It wasn't easily, but I finally came to the only decision I could make.

I leaned forward over my wife. I kissed her lips gently. This time I didn't bother to wipe the tears that struck her face.

"Maddie, it's okay," I whispered hoarsely. "You can go now. I'll always love you, but I'll be okay until it's time for us to be together again."

Maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed to me that Maddie smiled one last time before she gasped and stopped breathing. I kissed her forehead and sat back.

Alarms starting going off and a nurse I didn't recognize rushed in and started moving toward Maddie. I grabbed the woman's arm.

"She's gone," I said, tears once again falling, but oddly I felt calm. The woman looked at me strangely before pulling free and doing what nurses do in this situation. I didn't bother to pay attention. My Maddie was in a better place.

The room started getting crowded as more nurses and a doctor rushed in. It was time to go. I glanced around the room one more time. I didn't bother looking at Maddie's body. There was no point. I already said goodbye. Besides, what made my wife Maddie was gone.

What I did look at was the roses I brought with me earlier. Someone had arranged them. I frowned and looked closer. My heart skipped a beat. Whoever had fixed the flowers did it exactly the way I remember my Maddie doing it for years.

"Happy Anniversary Maddie," I smiled sadly.

"Pardon?" one of the nurses asked with a frown.

"Just saying goodbye," I replied. She nodded uncomfortably. I ignored her and focused on the flowers.

"Happy Valentine's Day my first and last love. I'll see you again."

I could almost hear her answer.

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gofakyusefgofakyusefabout 1 month ago

I hate it when someone chops onions around me while I'm reading. (5-star story, mate, and I don't give those out easily.)

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

baad... grammar!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He tells that he was a soldier in the Korean War, but a child in the Second World War? That is chronologically puzzling me, since there were just five years between these two wars.

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker6 months ago

💯👍🤷😕😥😢góod story... Lost mine at home... Long illness.. painful one... Góod story... 🤷🙋🙋✝️🛐

Richard1940Richard19407 months ago

Who was Elli? Played such a vital part in the story yet we know nothing about her. Very moving, Deserves more than 5*. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

More than solid, more than 5. So much of depth in the story

EoRaptor013EoRaptor01310 months ago

Acck! Who is Elli? I was sure she was Elizabeth's ghost, helping her father through this trial. The the story ended.

BTW, great story well written. ¹

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Touching, loving, adorable & such a piece of art. Can't put it in words how much it moved me. You deserve much more than 5 for this. Such a emotionally fulfilling love story❤️

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