A Little Respect


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"Quiet," he growled back. "You do not order me, girl."

I felt his claw like fingers dig into me and I yelped in pain. He knew just when I wanted him to be rough with me and when to be gentle and coaxing. He amazed me.

He roughly pushed me down, spreading my legs a little wider than they had been before. His fingertips trailed little patterns across my skin, distracting me for a moment as he leant his head in close and ran his tongue slowly between my legs. I bucked but he held me down hard, and instead of licking me again, took most of me in his mouth and began to suck. I could feel his fangs pressing into the short soft curls of hair on my mound as he lapped and sucked at me, my hands scrunching deep into the furs, fingers balling into fists once again.

"Ahh...ahhh," I moaned as he moved a little lower, my aching lips suddenly prized apart by his intruding tongue. It was slow and sensual, teasing and erotic as he circled my tunnel with warm wet licks, thrusting deep inside with rhythmical movements, bringing me almost to the edge.

I wanted to grab him and press him into me but refrained, just, and instead I ventured to run my hand across his back and over his hair, enjoying every lingering second as with a clawed hand either side of my hips he rocked me into his mouth.

I cried out in pleasure. I had never felt this good before, but I wanted it to last and just as I was reaching the moment of release, I felt him pull away. Obviously he felt the same way too. My body was knotted, tense and on edge. I was wet too, and could feel the slipperiness between my legs. He smiled at me, running his tongue across the front of his teeth before pulling away and sliding his body up and over mine so that he sandwiched me between himself and the floor.

As he did so I felt something very hard and rigid run over my stomach, pressed flat between us. I had been nervous to look, but obviously his arousal of me had also had the same effect on him.

I curled my hand down over his back and tried to slip it between us. He obligingly moved onto his side, pulling me with him, allowing me free access to the long firm shaft which strained up at me from between his legs. I tightened my hand round it, the skin soft and a little damp at the end. I began to pull at him, running my other hand over his smooth chest. But I wanted more. I just kept looking at his perfect member, rigid and unsatisfied and without warning plunged my lips over the end, taking him in my mouth. He had not been expecting this either and had to steady himself, but was soon moaning encouraging words to me as I pushed him deep inside my warm mouth.

My tongue flicked the tip of his shaft, circled it and teased it.

"Dirty little wench," he snarled at me, which just made me more lustful to satisfy him.

Little did he know my expertess in such matters, as it was usually the quickest way to get rid of unwanted attention, and I had learnt the art well enough to bring almost any man to his limits in only a few minutes. It was also empowering, to see him at my mercy, giving him the pleasure he wanted, and giving it well. I had free reign over him and went at my task with all gusto, imagining what might come next.

I felt him squeeze my breasts, so I cupped his heavy balls and caressed them, letting his shaft slide from my mouth and across my cheek as I set to work on those instead, nipping at the skin. "Enough, girl," he commanded, pulling my head away, but before he said anything else was kissing me passionately, biting my lip as he slid me over, his hardness skimming over my already engorged lips, the tip sliding past but not entering as he levered his entire weight on top of me. Oh yes. I was good, and he couldn't wait any longer...but neither could I.

"I'm going to take you now. I'm going to part you and claim you and you will let me," he whispered, his rigid hardness between my legs. I opened them wider to accommodate him, but he was teasing me again, brushing over my sensitive skin again and again, but not quite entering me. So I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his back, pushing myself onto him.

"Eagre little wrench," he leered, still holding me back from my pleasure. "Is this what you want?"


He pressed up against my opening and parted me smoothly. I was slick with my own desire for him and it took little work on his part to slide fully inside me, my hungry flesh clamping down around him as he pushed his hips towards me. He moved slowly on top, gliding in and out, coating himself in my juices, his hardness penetrating my yielding, willing flesh as I moaned for him to stop. It was too good.

"You're here for my pleasure and I will have my way with you, girl," he snarled, his lips close to my ear. His body wasn't heavy but it was enough with him lying on top of me to make sure I stayed the willing participant of his affections.

"You are not getting away. You're mine now."

I moaned a little as he thrust harder into me, as if emphasising his words.

"What do you say?" he demanded, his breath on my neck, my eyes straining round to see his fangs close to my sensitive skin.

How did he know this was turning me on?

"Yes," I drawled through feelings of ecstasy. "Yes, my Lord."

"Good girl," he uttered as I felt his entire shaft enter me, out groins locked together as he pressed himself hard down on top of me.

"My slave knows her place. Well that's good."

"My place will always be beneath you...my Lord."

His slick leer broadened and I felt him grip my arms incredibly hard.

"Well, that decision is entirely up to me," he replied, and before I knew what was happening he had hauled me over so that he was now lying on his back and I was on top of him, straddling his body, with him still inside me.

He pulled my hands down and placed them on his shoulders.

"I'm all yours."

The roles suddenly reversed I wasn't quite sure what to do. Now I was on top and looking down at him, his long hair curling under his head like a pillow. He helped me a little by pushing his hips up and I uttered a little exclamation, the sensation entirely different now that I was in this new position.

Lifting my body I began to get myself into a slow and steady rhythm, rocking backwards and forwards on his body, finding I had total control over how much of him I allowed inside me, and how quickly. He closed his eyes and moaned when I really took my time, sliding myself right off of him before piercing myself with his hardness, from tip to base, squeezing my muscles tingly around him. His hands roved freely across my body, grasping my breasts and teasing my nipples.

A little less intimidated I began to enjoy my power, riding him a little harder and faster- aggressively. He seemed to like it and I was enjoying it more than I had thought I would.

"Are you liking that?"

"Yes," I moaned.

"Yes what?" he snarled.

I eyed him with measured defiance, "Just yes."

Suddenly his arms snaked up and pulled my down flat on top of him, sharply and roughly, almost knocking the wind from me.

"Know your place," he growled, taking my face in his hand and tilting my neck up ever so slightly.

He pushed me over so he was once again on top, pressing hard inside me, his hips working at a rhythm which made me want to cry out in pleasured abandon, his body crushing us together. My neck was bared to him and I felt him lick me then mouth wet sharp kisses along my throat. We kissed and his fangs were painfully hard as I ran my hungry tongue over them.

"Do you wish to be mine?" he asked between kisses. "Always...forever...mine...?"

"Yes, my Lord," I breathed.

He watched me closely for a second, almost as if trying to gaze deep into my soul to make sure it wasn't just the passion talking- the heat of the moment blurring my sanity. But it wasn't and my heart screamed out at him to take away the pain of my life; the life in which I had been scarred and wounded so many times. I knew what he was going to do, but I wanted it. I wanted it now and I wasn't afraid.

"I want you to do it."

"I know you do," he drawled, raising his head for a second to look at me. There was a sincerity in his eyes and I trusted him despite knowing what I had just agreed to.

"I won't hurt you," he murmured softly, before without warning he plunged his mouth over my neck and bit hard into my skin, his fangs sliding effortlessly into me.

I cried out, but not in pain, feeling my hot blood run into his mouth, a small dribble escaping down my neck. The feeling was incredibly strange, but he hadn't lied, I was not uncomfortable in anyway way and it was more pleasurable than painful. Maybe by being a willing donor I was allowed my own version of his ecstasy.

Suddenly I felt a surge of something run through my body- adrenalin- as I gripped him tighter, running my fingers through his hair, his head bent in towards my own. His arms held me tightly, firmly and with every beat of my heart I could feel my blood pumping into him, a part of me flowing inside of him. We were both joined in a way that was now inseparable, my body on fire with his heat as he forcefully drank from me, his hips thrusting hard as I moaned in sheer abandon and lust.

He drew his bloodstained lips away from me and gasped, his eyes blazing, fangs bared. His fingers held my cheek as he ran his tongue across the wound in my neck, licking away the bloody marks. I felt light headed and faint but still I was alight with his passionate lovemaking. He said nothing but looked down into my face, tenderly kissing my lips, crushing me to him.

I could taste the blood on his lips and in his mouth -my blood- and I felt aroused. I began to lick his lips and he laughed in that thick, wonderful voice, guiding my head towards his own neck.

"It's time you drank," he ordered, scratching a line across his skin with his sharp claw like nails.

I greedily pressed my face to him, licking and suckling the teasing dribble marks. There was barely enough to satisfy this new hunger that had awoken in the pit of my stomach, crying out from the very core of my being. But I quenched the thirst with what I could, feeling the cool wet liquid coarse down my throat.

I coughed, and almost gagged, my body suddenly repulsed by what I was doing, but he held me tightly and encouraged me softly, stroking my long hair and holding me tight.

"Bite me," he urged slickly. "Go on..."

"I can't," I murmured. "I'm not like you."

"Oh no?" He asked pressing a thumb against my lips, parting them, and pressed his finger against my teeth.

I gasped. I hadn't even felt it happen, felt myself change, but I tasted the bitter twang of blood in my mouth where he had just cut himself on my fangs.

"I...I can't be..."

"I bit you and you have tasted my blood. You're going to be like me now..."

There was dull throbbing all across my body. It caught me completely unaware and I felt my entire being shudder and burn. Something was happening me, something I had no control over.

"Drink," he ordered and I obliged immediately, biting him hard, passionately, feeling my fangs slide into him as I hungrily sucked at his skin.

"Argh!" I moaned between mouthfuls as he began to work at me once more as I hung clamped to his neck, his thrusting hardness long and satisfying.

I felt so consumed by him, utterly possessed in every way as my heartbeat which had been hard in my chest slowed and slowed. There was nothing painful about this death though, it seemed more like a passing, through a threshold to something new and wonderful. I clung onto him, my fingers sinking deep into his skin as I pulled my mouth away from him and cried out, sobbing in pleasured moans.

I felt my head drawn towards his own and kissed him feverishly, the sweet blood which still lingered in my mouth, shared, as we entwined tongues, nipping at each other with our sharp eyeteeth.

My body alight, I wanted this feeling to last forever, but I was building so high, I knew there would be a release soon. He was tense too, beneath me, his thrusts brining me to the cusp of consciousness, plunge after plunge of shuddering pleasure. And then I screamed.

I broke away from the kiss and screamed, my body wracked with shuddering pulses of emotion, lust, love; together an exquisite pain- my climax. I clenched around him, drawing him deeper and deeper into me. The sensation made him flinch before I felt him shudder and release into me, both still grinding hard against each other, solid and brutal in our lovemaking. Desperate. Needy.

He cried out as wave after wave of pleasure shook him and I was carried along too, my body responding and sending me into another shuddering plateau. He raised his head and gasped, the light reflecting down his beautiful fangs. I probed my tongue over my own and felt myself shiver. I liked the new feeling, it made me feel empowered and I snarled at him, grabbing him behind the back and thrusting my body onto his. He snarled back and without warning bit me again just above my breast, my heaving chest in his face.

I screamed, my body consumed by pleasured feelings as he satisfied himself within me until he could hardly move, the look on his face being one of sheer satisfaction.

"Ehhh," I murmured, his thrusts slowing now- just a slow rocking over my tingling skin. He sucked at me a little, licking the wound, already healed, and he slowed some more, his hands caressing my chest and the sides of my legs.

I was exhausted and just lay there, satisfied. I could hardly move.

"You were good," he murmured, and I just about managed a smile.

"So were you...my Lord."

"Hmmm," he replied, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips, once again the tang of blood filling my senses. "I always am."

I lay beneath him, my body aching. Then finally I felt him slide out of me, his shaft cool and spent, my insides still hot and very wet. He cradled my head in the niche of his shoulder and hugged me to him, our bodies still pressed close together. I was amazed at how nice it felt as he pulled a fur over us and we nestled down into the unconventional bed of ours.


He smiled down at the young vampire he had just sired and wiped the remainder of his blood from my lips, like a mother would a messy child.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Good," I replied, still drowsy from loss of blood.

"Would you do it again?"

I nodded.

"I'm pleased," he replied, kissing me softly on the forehead. "Because if you're staying, there will be a lot more of it."

"I'd like to stay now, very much...my Lord."

"Even if you couldn't call me that any more?"

I looked at him quizzically.

"This estate needs a Lady to run it and my staff are tired of me getting all those finer details completely and utterly wrong. You would made an ideal mistress of the house - not a servant. That's what I really want you for...why I wanted you to stay. Would you consider my request?"

I smiled and snuggled up against him. Why had I never slept with a vampire before? Normally I was lucky if my previous partners had stayed the night. This was almost a full on marriage proposal.

"I'll take the silence as a yes," he replied, tracing the outline of my body with his hands. I bit him playfully and he pretended I hurt him, but then a wash of worry crossed my face. I couldn't kill anyone. I wasn't like that. How could I ever be a vampire? I looked panicked as hundreds of awful thoughts bombarded my already tender mind.

"You still think I'm a bloodthirsty monster?" he asked, hurt in his voice.

"Well...I...but you must drink and I..."

"Do not believe your people's stories," he sighed. "Those who have lost their lives here are only those who would try to bring an end to my own. These lands are hostile and I am not the only one of my kind here. While I cannot speak for others, I personally take great care not to take any more human life than I must. But enough of that, there are many ways round what we must do, and you are always more than welcome to come to me for absolutely anything you should require."

I knew what he meant as his eyebrow raised at the end, but he had put me at my ease.

"I don't really even have servants," he muttered, almost embarrassed. "My staff do serve me, but there is nothing keeping them here and they are treated well, as it just seems so much easier to employ those who are willing to work and are happy to do it. Being a servant of kinds yourself, I knew instantly that you would understand them and be a good and kind mistress."

"I'll do my best," I replied.

"And you will never have to go back to that awful tavern again. Unless you want to...and you would be the one having the drink."

I smiled. I liked the sound of that.

"Now for sleep," he said. "Tomorrow I will show you your estate, My Lady."

"Caroline," I said, "That's my name."

"Aenerin..." he replied, and there had been yet another intimate exchange.

Gathering me in his arms, we entwined ourselves together and closed our eyes, my hand softly brushing my neck and chest, but no trace of the bites could be felt. All that remained was the slightly longer than normal feel to my teeth, and the strength that I could feel growing inside me. I squeezed my new lover tightly. By taking it, he had given me a new life.

I kissed his neck sleepily.

Yes, I thought to myself, no one would dare hurt me or order me around now.

Well, not unless it was night time and I had specifically asked his Lordship for a repeat performance of the evening he seduced a now more than willing tavern wench. Then I certainly wouldn't mind taking orders.

"Sleep, girl," I heard his mind snap at me, then laugh softly, tenderly.

"Yes, my Lord..."

Finally I had found a little respect.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I absolutely adored this ❤❤❤❤

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I was wondering when a vampire-story would leave a pleasant feeling in my heart. Thanx. I needed that.


rogue120rogue120over 10 years ago

Loved it!! Thank you!!

aphrodite_unboundaphrodite_unboundalmost 12 years ago

I don't usually read vampire erotica, but this was rather good. I must admit, though, I don't really understand his motivation... why is he so nice? how can he propose so quickly? is it something he usually does or out of character? Otherwise, I enjoyed it a lot!

little_piggylittle_piggyabout 13 years ago
great beginning

I really like this couple so far :)

Nightstar1Nightstar1over 14 years ago
please keep writing!

loved it! please keep posting new chapters!

PenceysSecretPenceysSecretalmost 17 years ago
Very Nice

I appreciate a well written story like this, and find so few authors to be so capable as you have shown yourself to be. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Very dreamy... I love it !!

This story leaves very much, for one to wonder, as the eyes drench in the words and be taken into the fantasy realm this holds. I love the story... although I would of like to have read how the young girl had been mistreated and found her way onto his property... but that is what gives the reader the thought process of wondering how such an event must of happen for it to lead up to the point of being captured by this mysterious handsome man of the night, with looks to kill. Bravo, to a great job done !! Looking foreword to being transport back to the fantasy land again, by your great imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
love it!!

i love vampite stories. specally nes that turn out like this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
O_o;; Fantastical

It was...most awesome.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Take it from someone who reads romance and vampire stories all the time. This was an amazing story, it was both really hot and very sweet at the same time. You may well have a future in writing paranormal romance. I loved it, thanks for making my night

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

wonderfully written; i doubt anyone can do much better!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

WOW!! I'm still trying to catch my breath :) BRAVO I could read this all day lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Bravo! Encore! More! More! That was great. Very touching, sexy, and cute. Strange how a story with a vampire could be described as "touching" or "cute." Ah, well. Keep up the good work.

wudelfinwudelfinover 18 years ago

grab my attention nicely. like the character is there more? *bats eyes*

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