A Lost Bet Ch. 02


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"Frank, you take the back bedroom. I'll take the master bedroom off to the left. Jo, you get the front bedroom. Hustle up and let's get everything inside before it gets too much colder," said Tom.

We hustled. We really only had to take in our ski equipment and bags (their luggage and my shopping bags). There wasn't any food in the house so one of the guys was going to have to go shopping.

"I'm going to run out and grab us some food for the week," offered Tom. "That will give you two time to explore the place and get started with...whatever it is Frank has in mind." And with a wink and a nod, Tom took off.

Frank smiled as he looked at me. "Jo, we are going to have some real fun with you this week. You can fight it if you want, but if you just relax and accept the week for what it is, you might actually end up enjoying yourself, alright?"

"Yeah Frank. What-e-ver" I responded cynically.

"Fine, be like that. Just know that the activities are about to begin. Go sit down on the sofa. I'll join you in a minute." Frank then disappeared with his bags into the back bedroom. I carried mine into the front bedroom, then skulked my way back to the sofa. I really didn't want to know what Frank had planned but it really didn't matter. I already knew that I was in for a very different kind of week.

After about 30 minutes of watching TV and waiting, Frank finally emerged from his bedroom with a bag in hand. "Here Jo. These are some of the things that I brought from home for you. Now it's not everything, because I wanted to keep a few things as surprises. But what you will find in the bag are a few different outfits...some for wearing in public, some for here in the house. Believe it or not, you do have some flexibility in choosing what to wear...at least until either I or Tom ask you to put on something else. Also, during our time up here, you will be asked to perform various...tasks. If you refuse, there will be consequences. I need you to understand that."

"So basically, I'm your slave for the week." I retorted.

"Slave is such a harsh word Jo," Frank said. "Honestly, you can leave whenever you want. We don't want you to feel totally trapped."

"Of course, if you leave, you'll leave wearing only the clothes on your back," Tom added as he set down the groceries. "It's probably a mile or so to the nearest cabin, and it gets pretty dark and pretty cold up here at night. And I think I actually heard some reports about mountain lions roaming around. Basically, I wouldn't recommend it."

"Fine, fine," I grumbled. "Let's just get on with it."

"Jo, Jo? What's the rush? We've got all week long to play. Think of this as a vacation," Frank said. "It's a whole week where you can do whatever you want or whatever you're told to do without fear of judgment and without worrying about what would happen if anybody finds out. The only people in the area that know you are sitting in this room, and even though we took advantage of you (yes, we can admit that), we're not out to hurt you. Just try to have a good time over the next few days."

"Yeah Jo," added Tom. "Outside of times like this, you know we'll still treat you the way we always have. No big deal."

"You guys can stop trying to convince me because it's not going to work. But that doesn't matter does it? We're here now. You're getting what you want. So, what is it you want me to do first?" My attitude just continued to be sour even though the guys were being semi-nice to me. I couldn't help feeling cheated though. This just wasn't right...

"Well Jo," said Frank, "the first thing is to get you out of those clothes. I mean, you look cute and all, but I'd like to see you in something a little sexier."

"And what would that be?"

"Why don't you go in your bedroom and find out. The outfit is the top one in the bag."

"Fine," I huffed as I carried my bag into my room to change.

Once I got into my room, I opened the bag to find a black garter belt and stockings, a black thong and bustier, the heels with the ankle straps, and a long, royal blue Chinese-style dress. Even I had to admit that the dress was beautiful. As I changed, I heard muffled voices coming from the other room, but I paid them no mind, figuring that I'd find out what the guys were talking about once I got out there. Putting on the garter belt and stockings first reminded me of the first time 3 months ago. That same silky feeling was there, but this time I allowed myself to feel the soft rustle of my legs brushing against each other. I still stubbornly refused to get into the act, but I couldn't help but acknowledge what I was feeling...I guess it was a little "naughty." I quickly put on the panties and bustier. The next step was the heels. Once I slid them on and had adjusted the straps, I stood up and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. From the neck down, I could kind of pass for a woman, albeit one that was not as curvaceous as the models on TV. Still, my figure was good enough that I would have approached me in a club. "I guess the clothes can go a long way in making the girl," I thought. Finally, I pulled on the dress. It reached almost to my ankles with a long slit up the side. I knew that when I sat down or as I walked, the guys would be able to see the tops of my stockings and the attached garters. But this was what they wanted. I stepped out of the bedroom to find the guys chatting in the kitchen. Something didn't feel right, but I approached them anyway.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat and both guys turned to look at me.

"Wow Jo. You look very sexy in that dress. Very...sensual," said Tom.

"Yeah. I'm definitely impressed," added Frank. "That wasn't a bad choice, now was it? Come on, you can admit it."

"I'll give you that Frank. It's a nice dress."

"Good, I'm glad you like it. Please, come and join us."

As I walked over to them, Frank said "turn around. I want you to face the wall and close your eyes." I did as instructed but started feeling apprehensive.

"What are you doing Frank?" I asked.

Then I felt my wrists being pulled behind me, and leather straps being bound around them.

"What? You're just going to try and repeat last time?"

"Shhhh..." Frank hushed me. "Keep your eyes closed. As a matter of fact, Tom, hand me that handkerchief." Tom handed it to him, and he quickly blindfolded me.

"Alright Jo. Time for you to choose. Would you like to have DP...WS...or NC?" Frank asked.

"Could you at least explain what those things are?"

"Nope. Make your choice."

I thought for a minute, considering my situation. 'I guess DP could be Double Penetration so I'm not going to choose that. But what else could it be? And WS, that's got to be some kind of Water Sport. NC...I don't know. Crap. Which one do I choose?' My mind was racing as I tried to predict my fate for the night.

"Time's up Jo," said Tom. "What's it gonna be?"

"Umm...WS...no, wait...NC."

"Is that your final answer?" Frank joked.

"Yes, NC." I responded.

"Okay. Tom, please help Jo out...of the dress first of all. I hate to see it go, but I'm sure we'll find a way to get her back into it soon enough." Tom did as he was asked.

"What next Frank?" He asked.

"Now, please grab item number 1 from the table and help Jo into it."

I was standing there, in my underwear waiting for Tom to act. First, he took off the blindfold. Then he told me to keep my eyes closed. Then, I felt a silken hood being placed over my head, only it was tight and form-fitting. I started to speak, but Tom forced my mouth shut. I heard a zipping sound and felt my head encased in silk. I tried to open my eyes, but there was nothing to see. It was black and I was sightless. I tried to speak, but the mask came up under my chin and allowed no jaw movement. I could mumble and moan, but that was it.

I felt hands on my legs, spreading them apart when all of a sudden I heard two quick clicks. I tried to move my legs, but felt them stuck almost in place by what could only be a spreader bar.

"Tom, please grab item number 2 from the table." I heard Tom moving around then I felt him close to me. He moved my panties aside while he grabbed my penis. "Just so you know," he whispered, "one thing that NC means is No Climaxing." Then, I felt him affix some kind of device to my penis and balls. I wasn't sure what it was, but he'd made the items intent clear.

"Oh, one more thing Jo," said Frank. "NC also means Nipple Clamps." And I felt Frank pulling my nipples out of the bustier. He massaged them, even licked them to try and get them aroused. As they began to respond to his ministrations, I felt a pinch on my right nipple. I gasped...as much as I could gasp through the mask. Then, I felt a similar pinch on my left nipple. But it was the tug at the end that caught me by surprise.

"Those are just some light weights we attached. No more than a few ounces, but that should be just enough to keep you aware of them." Frank spoke as I felt him caressing my ass, running his hands all around, before probing with a finger. Just because I want you to get the full effect...and be ready for later...here's one more 'toy' for you." Then I felt him press what felt like a small ball...correction, a string of small balls into my ass. The string must have been 10-12 balls in length. I could still feel one outside my ass, but pressed up against it, while the others shifted inside me with every small shift.

The last thing they did was lean me over the sofa for support. I felt them lift my wrists (which were still bound together) and tie them to something. Whatever it was, I was forced to stay bent over.

"You know Frank, that's a beautiful sight we've got there. What are the plans?" asked Tom.

"Well, now we start her up, have something to eat, then relax a little before bedtime. After all, we've got a full day of skiing ahead of us."

All of a sudden, everything in my ass starting buzzing and it turned out that the balls were actually mini vibrators. They hummed and purred in my ass and I started to get excited, even though I didn't want to. That's when I felt the pain in my dick. I grunted and squealed in protest and discomfort.

"I told you Jo. No cumming." Tom laughed.

I had never been so uncomfortable. They must have left me there for an hour while they ate and talked. I never managed to get used to the vibrating beads because every time I did, the beads shifted positions. Or, as if that weren't enough, Tom or Frank would come by and pull on them, causing them to shift locations and sending new sensations running through my ass.

Finally, they finished eating or doing whatever it was they were doing and they turned to focus their attention on me. I felt their hands on my ass and head, caressing me and pinching me and teasing me in different ways. My moans and protests were lost in the mask. I still couldn't see anything, but I felt hands pulling at it. I heard the zipper being undone, and then slowly, the mask was lifted off my head and my hands were released from their ceiling hook.

"Ooh," was all I could manage to say as I reveled in the ability to once again speak and see.

"Doing alright there Jo?" asked Tom with a grin on his face.

"Please, let me up. I'm stiff and sore and my ass hurts." I begged and pleaded with them. "haven't you guys had enough fun for the evening?"

"Not even close Jo," said Frank. "Not even close." And with that, he started to deliver a few hard smacks to my ass.

"Ow...ow...ooh...stop...oh God...stop...ow...ooh...no...stop..." With each smack, I cried out. It didn't help that some of his smacks came right on the vibrating beads hanging from my ass.

"Aw, Jo. Are you not enjoying yourself?" laughed Tom.

"Please...not so hard."

"Don't worry," said Frank. "It's almost time for the real fun."

And with that, he slowly pulled the vibrating beads out of my ass. He pulled at such an agonizingly slow pace that my legs literally started shaking as each bead passed through my sphincter.

"Tom, come on over and undo Jo's right leg while I take care of her left leg."

As they untied my legs from the bar, I tried to raise myself up into a standing position.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're coming down here now," Frank said as he pulled me down to the floor. He pulled me onto my knees, then spun me around to face him. "Come on Jo, you know what I want."

"Please don't make me do that Frank," I pleaded with tears in my eyes. "Can't I just have a break for tonight?"

"Not yet Jo. Soon, but not now." And with those words he pulled my head down until it was at crotch level. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. He placed it on my lips and said "open wide." Slowly, he forced his dick into my mouth and began to force me to give him a blowjob. I wasn't able to move my head as much because, being in the kneeling position and not having my arms to support myself, I was extremely off-balance. While Frank was fucking my mouth, he held on to my shoulders for support. Tom decided to help out by kneeling behind me and holding my hands, pulling them back and taking some of the strain off of Frank.

I heard a zip behind me and knew what was next. I tried to look up at Frank with pleading in my eyes, but to no avail. I felt Tom begin to push himself into my ass, then I felt him change position. "That's a good one Tom. I hadn't thought of that position," Frank said. I felt Tom kind of stand up behind me and push down into my ass. I felt a different kind of pressure as he pushed in. But I had a hard time focusing solely on the feeling in my ass because Frank was sliding himself farther and farther down my throat. The minutes dragged on, and in my head, I couldn't help but remember the last time...the first time they had done this to me. I felt powerless to do anything other than wait for it to end. Minute after minute, they pushed and pulled, until I heard them grunting with effort and anticipation as they came...Frank down my throat and Tom deep in my ass.

"Swallow Jo. Swallow it all." And I was forced to because Frank wouldn't remove his cock from my mouth until whatever was in there was gone. I swallowed the sticky, salty mix and tried not to gag. "That's a good girl," Frank said. Then he pulled his cock out of my mouth and placed it back in his pants before closing up.

I felt Tom softening, then heard the soft, subtle "pop" when he slid out of my ass. Slowly, he lowered me by my arms onto the floor. I could feel his cum leaking out of my ass and running down my balls onto the floor. I lay there feeling used and trying not to cry, when Tom came close and started to release the bonds on my balls and cock.

"Ooohhh..." I moaned as I regained my freedom. "Thank you Tom."

"Sure Jo. Believe it or not, Frank and I actually want you to cum...just not all the time."

Frank came back to loosen the bonds on my arms, setting me entirely free. Unlike the last time, he started to massage my arms and wrists and back for me. I was shocked by the outpouring of kindness from the men who had just finished using me.

"What are you doing Frank?"

"Well, we're pretty much done for the night. I know we could do more with you...to you, but we've got a whole week ahead to play," he said. "Besides, if we're going to ski tomorrow, you'll need a little rest. If you look further into the bag that I gave you earlier, you'll find a couple of nighties, shorts and camisoles, and tampons. Use them, and have a good night. I'll leave your 'apparel instructions' under your door in the morning, alright?"

"Okay Frank. G'night...and g'night Tom," I said as I rose to my feet and stumbled to the bathroom to clean up. Once in the bathroom, I took a shower in order to get cleaned up, inside and out. After stepping out of the shower, I toweled off and put on a robe that I found in the bathroom. As I crossed the hall into my bedroom, I found one of the cotton nighties Frank told me about, as well as some cotton panties to wear. I decided to use one of the tampons, just in case. But as I crawled into bed, feeling exhausted and emotionally drained and hoping for blissful unconsciousness, I couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the week would bring.

To be continued...

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SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawa9 months ago

@amarasfantasy nice start (parts 01 and 02) but too brutal for me where Tom and Frank raped Jo. I don't like being forced by beating, tying or using force for sex (this is probably my own childhood experience - beating, tying, rape, blackmail, brute force). Probably at the beginning I would also be afraid to change into women's underwear or clothes in front of my friends or pretending to be a girl, but now it's pure pleasure, joy for me. I wouldn't need a bet, but you've developed the plot of this story-story wonderfully. I am already waiting with great interest and great impatience for the next adventures and experiences that will happen to Jo, Tom, Frank. 🧒🏻👧🏻💋🍦👅🧑🏻👱🏻‍♂️.

ps. Sorry for grammatical errors and inaccuracies, but I don't speak English.

SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 👩🏻❤️👩🏻‍🦳.

@amarasfantasy niezły początek (cz.01 i 02), choć dla Mnie jest zbyt brutalny gdzie Tom i Frank zgwałcili Jo. Nie podoba Mi się zmuszanie po przez bicie, wiązanie czy używanie siły do seksu (to pewnie jest moje własne doświadczenie jakie przeżyłem/am w dzieciństwie - bicie, wiązanie, gwałt, szantaż, wymuszanie brutalne). Pewnie na początku też bym się obawiał/a przebierać w damską bieliznę czy ciuszki przy znajomych czy udawania dziewczyny ale teraz jest to dla Mnie sama przyjemność, radość. Nie potrzebował/a bym zakładu ale wspaniale rozwinąłeś fabułę tej historii-opowiadania. Już z wielkim zainteresowaniem i bardzo dużą niecierpliwością czekam na kolejne przygody i doświadczenia jakie zdarzą się Jo, Tomowi, Frankowi. 🧒🏻👧🏻💋🍦👅🧑🏻👱🏻‍♂️.

ps. Przepraszam za błędy i niedokładności językowe ale nie znam języka angielskiego.

SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 👩🏻❤️👩🏻‍🦳.

awyldsideawyldside10 months ago

Well, I think after being raped and ass fuck all night as soon as you released me, I would’ve shit that gel all over the floor, grab the nearest thing and bashed him in the head and then tied him up. Fuck him.

But since Jo was so stupid to go back when I got to the cabin and they wanted to rape me again I’d bite that dick off and it all ends.

atlanta1864atlanta1864over 11 years ago
loveit wish I had lost the bet

wonderful story...could I lose the next bet...mmmmmmmmmm

CyrinoCyrinoover 16 years ago

Why dont they make movies of this same scenario? Or does anyone know of any like this? Great story, keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Love Ski Stories

I can't wait for the installment. I love stories with girls in boots and mini skirts. I hope they bought Jo a wig and some boobs. She will be hot on the dance floor. I wonder how far Jo will be made to go?

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