A Love Story: Quentin and Kiana


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Quentin frowned. "OK, well I disagree with you leaving me, but I can respect what you want. Now, Ms. Storm., let's find an apartment that I will approve of."

Kiana gasped; she angered him somehow. "Quent..." He placed his fingers on her lips. Then he explained.

"Kiana, you are right. I have to let you go for a little while. It's hard for me because I see you as..." He could not tell her yet. She was not ready. However, he knew he had to give his mate time to grow.

"I remember promising to take care of you. If you move out, you might find a guy you like better." He added.

Kiana smiled, "Quentin, there is no one better than you. You are my best friend." She kissed his cheek. Quentin smiled, and spent the day helping her find a place.

Living on her own was exhilarating. She spent as much time in Quentin's home as she did her own. When she found the small apartment at first, Quentin asked her to give him a few days. She found it strange that his friend Snake came in for a visit.

That was not all. It seemed as if the two men interviewed everyone that lived in the building. Her first night in her new apartment was torturing. Quentin stopped by and stayed for the longest time and as much as she loved company, she wanted him to go home. Eventually he did leave but he called her twice before she finally slept.

The next few weeks went by uneventfully. One night, Quentin had a nightmare. At one in the morning, he was at her apartment checking on her. Kiana opened the door and knew immediately that he was upset. She ushered him inside. Quentin would not stop touching her.

"Quentin, I'm fine." Kiana whispered.

"The dream, the men found you and you screamed for me. I couldn't get to you. I couldn't protect you. I have to protect you, Kiana. I can't fail you." Quentin whispered, holding her close.

He shook. She needed to comfort him, reassure him. "I'm safe. It's OK. Calm down."

He let go and looked at her. She stole his breath, even with her hair in disarray, her face make up free, she was beautiful, and she was his. His wolf was furious that he let her move from the house they live in. When he had the nightmare, his animal was on edge.

Kiana sighed, no man has the right the look that good so this early in the morning. The two sat on the small sofa in her apartment. Kiana made coffee as he sat. They dream coffee and Quentin watched her. He wanted her back at home with him.

Soon Kiana needed sleep. Quentin yawned. "Go to bed, I'll sleep here." Kiana laughed. "No, come to bed. It's big enough?" Kiana chuckled.

Quentin knew he should refuse. Sleeping in bed with her was a bad idea. His wolf thought it was a great idea. He was ready, willing, and more than ready. Quentin crawled in with her and held her and soon they both slept.

The next few hours, Kiana actually rested. She knew it was because Quentin stayed over. The next morning, he took her out for breakfast, and then have her a ride to work. She now worked at the recruitment center. As a part-time worker, she was only required to work three days a week.

Quentin dropped her off and told her he'd pick her up. Kiana smiled and thanks her friend and went about her day. Her day ended and Quentin had not made or yet, so she takes with some other women that worked in the same building. All three women were curious about Quentin. Kiana didn't like it and was about to tell them he was taken when he walked up. Placing his hand on her waist, Quentin sent a message. Kiana was the only woman he was interested in.

He did not drive her home, but went to his house. He wanted to make dinner for them. Of course Kiana helped.

"You know, Quentin, Bobby asked me out. I was wondering..." She paused when he broke a glass in his hand.

"Don't! Don't tell me about other men. I will never say that you should go out with them." Quentin murmured. He was agitated, something different. Kiana took a step back. Quentin subjugated his beast.

Kiana paused. "You know, the women asked me about you today. I think they might have crushes on you."

Quentin smiled and her heart skipped a beat, "I don't want them. I have my eye on someone else."

Kiana gasped. Quentin smiled and then made dinner. For the next few weeks, Kiana and Quentin were together all of the time. They spent so much time together, that he almost convinced her to move back in with him. However, Kiana wanted to be independent so as tempting as it was, she stayed at her apartment.

A few months Later

"Kiana, she had the baby. It's a boy: eight pounds, five ounces, twenty two inches long. He is perfect. I had to call you first." Oman told his sister-in-law."

Kiana leaped from her bed. She had moved from the hospital and into a small efficiency apartment near the treatment center. Although she was no longer an in-house patient, she still reported in periodically for checkups.

Her doctor was impressed with how well she recovered. He encouraged her to visit and talk with Mia often. Now Kiana had to go back. She had to check on her baby sister and meet her nephew. She hang up from Oman and instinctively, she called Quentin. He answered on the first ring.

Over the last few months, he and Kiana had developed a true friendship. He spent so much time with her and she was always at his guest. He tried to convince her to give up the apartment and just move in with him. Kiana always refused. Not for some ridiculous moral reason but because she wanted to be on her won first.

"Quentin, hey she had the baby. Oman called." Kiana stated excitedly.

"Congratulations Aunt Kiana, we can head there in the morning. I need to call in first, OK."

"Quentin, I can drive. You have to work. I just wanted to tell you about the baby." Kiana explained.

Quentin smiled, "There is no way I will let you go there without me. Some guys might get ideas. And forget that you're taken."

Kiana laughed, "What if I want to go out with someone there. I do have a life, right?"

Quentin exhaled and replied, "I don't share. Remember when we drove to Kilbert and met my brothers. He told you I never learned. I still don't. So beautiful I'll drive you. Besides I have to make sure they give this boy a strong name, a manly name. Mia was talking about naming him Arson. I don't like that." He teased. Kiana laughed.

"Babe, be ready around nine. We'll go then." Quentin concluded and then they hang up.

Kiana was so happy for Mia. She could not wait to see her and the baby. The next morning, they drove to the hospital, and Kiana went straight to Mia's room. She entered the room and gasped. Mia was holding her son, and it was a beautiful sight.

"Hey, big sis, you made it. Come here. I want you to meet someone." Mia called to her.

Tentatively, Kiana moved to stand beside her sister and meet her nephew. "This is Kajika Oman Storm. I named him for father." She whispered. Kiana let the tears fall. She leaned over and kissed her sisters brow. Oman and Quentin just watched the women interact.

"I will tell her tonight that she is mine. I have hinted, but she thinks I am not serious. I will reveal to her my true nature, and ask her to join with me." Quentin told Oman.

"Really, where?" Oman asked.

"I'm not sure, but it will be soon." Quentin answered.

Kajika began to fret and Oman stepped forward to hold his son. Within an hour the room was overflowing with guest. Oman took a moment and escorted Quentin and Kiana to their home. He did not place their bags because he suspected that after today, they would not have separate rooms.

Oman was headed back to the hospital when Quentin took Kiana's hand. "Kiana, can I talk to you? I must tell you something. Come outside with me."

It was a strange request, but she trusted Quentin. So she joined him.

He walked her into the garden where they had some privacy. Kiana could tell that he was nervous. "I have to tell you something, but I don't know how." He whispered.

Her heart stopped. "Are you married?"

He shook his head, "No."

"Gay?" she asked, really worrying now. He can't be gay. He's all I ever wanted.

"No! of course not." He laughed.

"Um a criminal? But you were special ops..." Kiana went on and on.

Quentin just blurted out his secret. "Baby, I'm a werewolf."

Kiana froze, "What?"

She knew it. The man was too perfect. He was insane. Kiana stood to leave when he began to undress. "I know you don't believe me, so I'll show you."

"Quentin, stop undressing. Why are you doing this? If you don't want to be friends with me, then." She forgot what she was about to say. He was completely nude and absolute perfection. Tall, broad shouldered, a square jaw, Quentin was everything she ever dreamed of.

"Watch me." He whispered and then his body contorted. Within a few seconds, Kiana faced the biggest Gray wolf she had ever seen. She looked in the eyes of the wolf and knew Quentin was there. He shifted back, and she sat. He redressed and was ready for her to ... For her to what? She did not scream and run; maybe, just maybe he stood a chance.

"Kiana, I know this might freak you out, but..." She interrupted him.

"I love you Quentin. You are everything I ever wanted, and I know you deserve better. You shared your secret with me, and now I must show you." Kiana stood and removed her top. Quentin did not utter a sound as he saw the scars that covered her torso and chest. He grew angry knowing that those bastards took pleasure in carving her beautiful skin. He walked to her and traced her scars, leaning forward he kissed each one. Kiana gasped when his lips touched her skin.

"Kiana, you are perfect and knowing what you survived to come back to me makes me love you even more. You are mine, Kiana. You are the one woman the Gods created for me. I am asking you to mate with me. Become one with me and have a family with me." He asked.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, as she uttered, "I don't think I can have children, Quentin. I cannot give you a fam..."

He kissed her. "Love, I'm were wolf. When we mate, you will inherit my wolf gene. The wolf gene is strong, and it will heal you. And even if it doesn't, all I need is you. Besides, Mia and Oman will have more we can be the cool Aunt and Uncle."

"Wait, your family?" Kiana asked.

Quentin chuckled, "Wolves, and if my cousin leers at you again, I'm beating his ass again."

"Can I tell Mia? Unless, you have to remain secret, I want to tell her. I just got her back and..." Kiana whispered.

"Oman knows, and I have already asked the pack here for asylum for us. We can join them if this is where you want to live." Quentin explained.

Kiana smiled, "A wedding, I don't need a big one. How will..." she asked and Quentin had to hold her close then.

"We can mate whenever you are ready. Mating for wolves is about loving each other and marking your mate. I will make love to you and as we climax, I'll bite you, leaving my mark. You will bite me once your wolf asserts herself marking me for all time."Quentin explained.

Quentin," she whispered. He lifted her and carried her inside. Within second they lay together writhing in ecstasy in the bed. Kiana touched him, and his skin tingled. She was so shy, so sweet, and all his. Soon he could bear no more. He needed to claim his woman, mark his mate. Quentin mounted her carefully, not wanting to hurt her and buried his turgid member in her warn sheath. Both groaned, because the feeling was indescribable. Quentin paused. Kiana was so perfect.

She tensed and he asked her to look at him. He was her mate, her lover. He would never hurt her. She relaxed and he began to move. Slowly they danced the dance of levers. Years of pain, fear, and humiliation was washed away as Quentin , her Quentin loved her.

"Oh God, Quentin, I need... I need..." she gasped.

"Cum for me Kiana, cum with me." He pleaded. His words shoved her over the edge, her pussy contracted and his wolf surged forth, biting her claiming his mate. Then he held her as her body shook through the most powerful orgasm.

Soon she calmed down and asked, "Am I a wolf now? Am I like you?"

"Yes, my love. You are now a wolf. Your wolf should wake soon. She will be ready to claim what's hers. So let's rest." He explained. Kiana fell asleep in his arms.

A few hours later, Quentin woke when Oman came home. He walked out of the bedroom wearing a knowing grin. Oman smiled, "It's about time. Welcome to the family brother." Quentin laughed. "Not quite yet, but by morning I will be." He went back to bed.

Kiana woke up to a mewling sound. She realized it was her. He's ours. I need to mark him a voice inside of her head said.

He's sleeping. Let's let him. she answered. But her wolf was not listening. She woke her mate and Quentin smiled.

His bitch was in heat and ready for him. "Ah, Little bitch, you want me, then take me." He teased.

Kiana laughed as she straddled her made, impaling herself on to him. She rode him slowly but steadily, and soon her wolf rose, she gave up control and the wolf laid full claim on her male. Quentin was reduced to screams and pleading before his female decided to reward him by allowing him to feel her bite. His wolf roared and body quaked. Soon they both slept. The next morning, Kiana was up early and ready to go to the hospital.

She and Quentin walked into Mia's room and Mia noticed the change in them instantly. "You've mated. It's about time."

Oman and Kiana were shocked. Quentin was speechless. "Wait, you knew?" Oman asked.

"Yes, I knew. He fought for her when she gave up. His animal protected Kiana from those awful men, and he got her out of that place. I knew the first time they came here and I have been waiting for this day to come." Kiana hugged her sister. "I'm so happy for you."

"I'm not human anymore, Mia." Kiana explained.

Mia smiled, "Kiana, you are alive. That's all I prayed for. The Gods answered my prayer and gave me a handsome new brother as well. Now you two need to work on giving me some nieces and nephews." She teased. Kiana was pensive, then she laughed.

"Let me hold my nephew." She demanded. As she held her nephew she spoke words from her heart, "Kajika, you are my heart. I will always be here for you." She kissed his brow and he frowned.

Quentin loved watching her hold the baby. He prayed that someday soon, they'd be welcoming their own little one.


Quentin knew that they did not need a ceremony, but he wanted one for Kiana. She deserved as real wedding, and he would give her one.

"Hey, Oman, let's get out of here for a moment. I need to ask you something." Quentin stated.

Kiana looked at him, slightly concerned. "He smiled and moved to her side to kiss her quickly. "Listen ,you need a moment with your sister and nephew. We'll be back in a few minutes." He explained.

The two men stepped out. Oman asked him what was going on, and Quentin explained that he wanted to allow Kiana the chance to have a traditional ceremony. She deserved it.

Oman smiled, "Chief Joe would be honored to perform the ceremony Quentin. But see if that is something Kiana wants. She might be happy simply being joined."

Quentin liked his new brother. Oman was compassionate and wise. The two men returned as a wave of visitors came in. Soon, the Graves arrived with Bria taking over the role as grandma. Oman and Mia looked at each other as they watched their family members adore their son. They were grateful.

Quentin needed a moment alone with his new mate. Oman explained that in their tribe, the male would come to the female and ask her to become his other half. Often he'd pick a place where they could be alone and soon after he would announce their union. Then Chief Joe would speak and the women would then arrange the ceremony.

Quentin liked it. So after staying at the hospital, he and Kiana walked to a secluded area in the small town. He faced her and said the words, "Kiana, marry me?"

She gasped. "Wait, I thought..."

Quentin stopped her. "I want a ceremony. I want my family, your family, your friends from England, our extended family here to share our day with us. I want them to see that I am the luckiest man alive."

Kiana smiled and said, "Yes!"

They returned where everyone had gathered and Quentin announced that they would marry. Chief Joe stood and smiled. He happily gave his blessing. Kiana called Agatha and Tumey. The women were so happy for her and planned to attend.

It did not take long to plan the wedding. In less than four weeks, they were having a ceremony. Quentin had spoken with Ja'Mal and was granted permission for his family to attend. They were arriving tonight and the ceremony was the next morning. He and Logan from the pack were meeting them at the airport.

Kiana had one more thing to do. She never mentioned this to her mate, her sister, or anyone else. Quentin felt her become sad, and he knew she was thinking about her time being captive. He sent. Babe, no one will ever hurt you again.

Quentin, I need to go someplace. I gave my words to a friend and I must keep that promise. Kiana sent. All she had to do was ask, and as far as her mate was concerned it was done.

The two talked with Oman and Mia. The next day, Quentin and Kiana drove to a small town called Bearsden, MS.

Kiana had spoken with Ms. Davis the day before. She had to face this woman. She gave her comrade her word. The Davis family was not wealthy and she could see that losing Eboni was a hard blow for them. Kiana cried and she relayed Eboni's message. She told them that throughout their entire ordeal that Eboni's faith never wavered.

She did not tell them all of the gruesome details, for they knew. But she had to tell them of their daughter's love for them. Mrs. Brown and her husband hugged her and the family thanked her. She and Quentin stayed and had lunch with them. It was a simple lunch and Quentin left there with a new found respect for his mate and her comrade.

They returned to Mia's and Oman and stayed overnight. Soon they returned home and began to make arrangements to move near Mia and Oman.

The ceremony was beautiful and Kiana and Quentin pledged their love to each other for all eternity. The humans that were in attendance sighed at the beautiful sentiments, but the wolves knew those words were true and meant for a life time.

Ryelle had gone home, but Ja'Mal knew his mother was worried about his uncle. He didn't like it. From what Ryelle had told him, she had been disowned. She owed her father nothing. But Ja'Mal knew his mother would want to go back and see her father at some point. He'd talk with Logan, and when she decided to go, she and Logan were not going alone. Ja'Mal sighed as Kerri's arms circled his waist. For right now, everyone was content, happy. All was well.


So ends the tale. I am in the process of writing Brett and Isla's story. I hope to have finished it by the end of next month. Brett and Isla' story will be the final story in this series. I certainly hoped you enjoyed reading about Quentin and Kiana.

It is self-edited. So please don't freak out over mistakes. Please vote and leave your thoughts.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

OK, I love your stories but they need editing as soon as possible; serious editing. Also, they are a little simplistic; the editing should help on this front. I hope you are not offended by this comment.


thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago
another great story

I love how the stories dovetail into one another ......I love the sentimental style to your writing and I am a big fan of the happy ending .

Stephen J

Squirt65Squirt65over 9 years ago
Self editing???

Please. If Your going to self edit, please take Your time and proof read. I love Your stories but all the mistakes take away from the story.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 9 years ago

Loved it...I enjoy reading your stories.

MySecretSideMySecretSideover 9 years ago

I was glad to see that her sister came back. I would have loved to know more about what she suffered. It was still a good story. Hats off to you Iread.

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